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发表于 2013-1-5 10:56:03
作者: Rainer Maria Rilke
副标题: A Complete New Translation with Commentary (Studies in German Literature Linguistics and Culture)
isbn: 1571133801
书名: Rainer Maria Rilke's Book of Hours
页数: 240
定价: USD 75.00
出版社: Camden House
装帧: Hardcover
出版年: 2008-04-01
Rainer Maria Rilke's Book of Hours的评论
1. 图书还未发售时,书名上赫然标榜“A New Translation With Commentary”;
2. 图书今年4月如期发售时,在Amazon.com上看到封面,那是东正教的教堂,那是俄罗斯,便深信译者十分了解这部Stundenbuch。
托海燕辛苦购买,经中国海关可敬的工作人员不认识外语还要冒着失职会被处罚的危险勇敢地开包“依法查验”然后胡乱堆回包里“重封”(幸亏此书是精装本),阅读后,却很不是滋味。译者Susan Ranson说里尔克的这本诗集是“the first book I bought in my youthful "gap summer" in Germany, decades later still has a hold on me”,Susan Ranson进而对自己的严格韵译表达了原则: Rhythm and Metre;Chronological Development of Metre in The Book of Hours;Rhythm;Assonance, Alliteration, Repetition;Context and Ambiguity。从这个角度,大致翻看译诗,还是可以看出斯人用心良苦。然而,就像译者自己也知道“Germany is naturally more sonorous than English, and Rilke calls up all its reasonance to weight his verse with intense music”一样,译者在邯郸学步、削足适履之后,恐怕其表现出的英语也不再成其为英语了。比如P.109页译文“She is womanly in your eyes, like Ruth / and Naomi's bond with Ruth, this my soul”句,Rilke的德语原文是“Und meine Seele ist ein Weib vor dir. / Und ist wie der Na雖i Schnur, wie Ruth”。里尔克用简朴的语言来转述旧约路得的故事,用“meine Seele”(我的灵魂)来表达自己诗化路得记的终极取向“Ich bin Ruth, die Magd”(我是路得,你的婢女)。里尔克的德语原文在其须臾不离身侧的Luther圣经译本里的表述是“Es war aber vmb die zeit / das die Gersten erndte angieng / da Naemi vnd jr Schnur Ruth die Moabitin widerkamen / vom Moabiter land gen Bethlehem.”于是,请看诗中的“der Na雖i Schnur”与Luther的“Naemi vnd jr Schnur Ruth”,再看Susan Ranson的“Naomi's bond with Ruth”。请恕Dasha的英语很烂,怎么也读不通这“bond”,因此找来KJV对照此句:“So Naomi returned, and Ruth the Moabitess, her daughter in law, with her, which returned out of the country of Moab: and they came to Bethlehem in the beginning of barley harvest”(拿俄米和她儿妇摩押女子路得,从摩押地回来到伯利恒,正是动手割大麦的时候),也就是说,“Schnur”=“daughter in law”=“儿妇”被Susan Ranson转化成“bond with”。此前Dasha手中有Annemarie S. Kidder的全译本(http://www.douban.com/subject/2285416/),很不满意,但此时不妨再看看Kidder的翻译:“And my soul is like a woman to you. / She is Naomi's band that ties to Ruth.”唉,Dasha还是无法满意,这位Kidder译成了“band”,与“bond”差不多。为什么呢?两位英语人士的译法如出一辙。Dasha疑神疑鬼之际,翻看Duden-Oxford的德英词典,于是明白了:
(Bindfaden) piece of string; (Kordel) piece of cord; (Zeltschnur) guy [rope]; (für Marionette, Drachen usw.) string; eine Schnur um ein Paket binden tie string round a parcel; Perlen auf eine Schnur aufziehen string pearls;
Schnur, die; -, -en [mhd. snu(or), ahd. snur(a), H. u.] (veraltet, noch landsch.): Schwiegertochter.
(傻按:Schwiegertochter=daughter-in-law=儿媳妇、儿妇。搞笑的是,这位Kidder弄不懂这个德语词儿“Schnur”,竟然产生了伟大的思想:“The soul that is immersed in love for God is like the 'band' that ties Ruth to Naomi, her mother-in-law.”(P.222)拜托,认真查一下词典或者翻看一下德语圣经行不行)
不能因一个小小失误就全盘否定了译者,我们继续看Susan Ranson这首译诗:“By day she walks heaping you sheaf on sheaf, / your humblest maid, wanting to do well”(Sie geht bei Tag um deiner Garben Hauf / wie eine Magd, die tiefe Dienste tut),此句,Dasha也就不再费力德英圣经援引了,路得去到“波阿斯那块田里”干的是“在收割的人身后拾取麦穗”,然后“就把所拾取的带进城去给婆婆看,又把她吃饱了所剩的给了婆婆。”也就是说,路得是到别人的田里为自己和婆婆干私活,到了Susan Ranson的译笔下则成了“想(为你)做好份内工作的你的婢女”。唉,唉,看来,随着科技的昌明,英语人士也很多不读圣经了。我们哀叹中国传统文化失去了传承,看来西洋人士也要做同样哀叹。
写这些,是因为Dasha上个月中旬答应一位不懂德语但喜欢里尔克的网友要第一时间将此书的阅读心得传达给他。此时,Dasha的感慨还是,盲目轻信其他语种译本与轻信汉译本一样危险。Dasha此刻正在研读的此次海燕邮来的另一种里尔克诗歌英译“Das Marien-Leben”(http://www.google.com/books?id=EoBcAAAAMAAJ),英国人Stephen Spender爵士在前言中明确表示“to make of the translation a poem of my own, in the only manner I use”,因此,这样的英译本已经不再是里尔克的里尔克,而是Spender爵士的里尔克。那种苦于不通德语试图从英译本方向进入里尔克的幻想,结局也就是在英语阅读能力足够的前提下最多进入“Spender爵士的里尔克”。 |
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