热搜: 超星 读书 找书
楼主: macauor


发表于 2008-2-29 23:59:00 | 显示全部楼层
On a planet of the immense Universe lived a machine-type species so-called "Transformer". They developed into two sides: One advocated justice and peace, while the other took improbity and atrocity. An endless war had been waged between the two sides for hundreds of years and the energy sources were almost exhausted on the planet. Therefore, the head of the noble determined to lead his community to search for a new homeland of the Universe, unfortunately, followed by the evil. In a fierce battle, the spaceshipes crashed into the Earth by accident. Several hundred years passed and the central system is triggered again due to a volcano breaking out. They are re-assembled in forms of cars or aerocrafts, respectively. Subsequently, the war takes place on the Earth again.

Dear macauor
Your translation is much better than mine. Only, in this way, try to learn from you and also, reach for bonus fund

On a planet of the immense Universe lived a machine-type species so-called "Transformer"(Transformers). They developed into two sides: One advocated justice and peace, while(The pattern is “one …, the other”, therefore, “while” had better be taken away) the other took improbity and atrocity(We more often say “committed improbity and atrocities”). An endless war had been waged between the two sides (“wage” is an instant verb and to make it more appropriate, we’d better start another sentence here by adding: The war lasted) for hundreds of years and the energy sources were almost exhausted on the planet. Therefore, the head of the noble determined to lead his community to search for a new homeland of (not possessed by the Universe, “of” can be changed into “in”) the Universe, unfortunately, (It was “the whole camp” that were followed, so we add “they were”)followed by the evil. In a fierce battle, the spaceshipes (spaceships) crashed into(on/ upon) the Earth by accident. Several hundred years (The tense is now changed from the past to the present, “has” is needed here.) passed and the central system is triggered again due to a volcano breaking out (Maybe not “break out a volcano” but “an erupting volcano”). They are re-assembled in forms of cars or aerocrafts, respectively. Subsequently, the war takes place (Could “take place” be changed into “begin, break out, come, erupt, start”?) on the Earth again.

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发表于 2008-3-1 00:04:00 | 显示全部楼层
1. Universe, Earth 是不是要大写 U, E 并且要加 the. 在翻译的时候我也特意查了字典,只要加the就可能了,并不一定要大写。

2. 感觉翻译的时候时态很容易搞混,我在最后贴上来之后,还发现两处时态不对的地方。

3. “机器生命体”,觉得mathc-type species比较好一些,machine life有点中国英语的味道。

4. "崇尚",大家用advocate, emphasize的较多,觉得用advocate比较好,emphasize有点没有表达全部意思。

  advocate v  拥护; 提倡; 支持   emphasize v. 强调; 着重; 加强

  adore v  热爱; 爱慕; 敬爱; 崇敬; 敬仰, (这个单词主要指对人,所以觉得用在这里不合适).

5. “邪恶首领却尾随而至”,这句话似乎应该补充一些内容,否则好象和下一句在意思上有些连不上。

  follow, come along, trail, track 这些单词好象都只有“尾随”而没有“而至”的意思。


  秋水小柯 - dog v 紧随, 紧跟, 尾随(某人)

  rwzhhflying - tailgate

  白马西北驰 - hard on sb's heels 紧跟某人

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发表于 2008-3-1 09:51:03 | 显示全部楼层
hound 这个我觉得更好
be on sb's trail

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发表于 2008-3-1 13:19:41 | 显示全部楼层
引用第16楼磁铁于2008-02-29 17:46发表的 :

不是让你瞎夸,要勇敢挑错,像tycoon 和fjfzjm 一样


...there was( were) a kind of robots named BXJG on one planet. Different evolving broke them up ...
可能不太正确,因为there be 用单数或复数应由kind是单数还是复数来决定(而非robot/robots),因此用there was 并没有问题,有问题的是后面的broke obj. up...,从前后文来判断,obj.应为“the kind of robots”,因此obj.为单数it而非them.
...there was a kind of robots named "Transformer" on one planet. Different evolving broke it up ...
关于... All forms of the energy on the planet...一句
参照语法资料定冠词之用法,译为All forms of energies on the planet...更好。
ps. 出于与1同样的原因,正如tycoon兄指出,上面一句紧接的be当用were而非was(由form/forms决定而非energy/energies)
All forms of energies on the planet were ...

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-1 13:48:15 | 显示全部楼层
引用第23楼tobeme2于2008-03-01 13:19发表的 :


1。there be 句型,我记得be 单复数形式决定于紧跟后面的名词的单复数,比如:
There is a boy and two girls...

There are two girls and a boy...
2。on one planet 应该为 on a planet, 第一次提及又不特指要用a, one 是强调数量不这样用。
3。All forms of the energy 这里的能源也不特指,所以应该用 All forms of energies

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4545 该用户已被删除
发表于 2008-3-1 14:45:26 | 显示全部楼层
An endless war,In a fierce battle the spaceships crashed两处应是增译,原汉语无
had been waged between the two sides,其被动语态恐有误,战争本身是双方之间进行的,“被引起”难以讲通
Unfortunately, they were followed,“不幸的”与上下文逻辑不符
, respectively. Subsequently,逗号的连续使用与英语行文习惯不符

双方是用part还是side,主电脑是用main system还是central computer,汽车的形态是用cars还是automobiles,大家可以讨论。
用star还是planet,星球大战就是star wars,这是我的理解,不知合适否。
从译文评分角度上:关联词的使用,长句的使用,都是加分项。亮点词汇有:exhaust,wage, dogged,hard on their heels,crash, seek ,trigger,activate,等等。

回tobeme2, All forms of energies on the planet were ...,这句话中的forms of是否可以直接去掉
回fenglove2008, bilateral battleship双方战舰,其中bilateral的运用是不合适的,且宜用warship或 battleship而非spaceship。

使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-3-1 15:11:38 | 显示全部楼层
1 就是翻译中介词的使用问题
2 就是翻译中对有些动词的选择不准

不才 我来说下:
(1 介词的选择

1. at表示地点:
I shall wait for you at the station.
He lives at 115 Zhongshan Road.
2. in表示地点:
He lives in Shanghai.
I met him at the post-office.
I’m now working in the post-office.
(3). on表示地点,一般指与面或线接触,意为“在……上;在……旁”。如:
The picture was hanging on the wall.
New York is on the Hudson River.

所以 On the planet 应该比in the planet 来得 正宗!

(2 对于一篇文章的翻译 我认为只要你对文章的动词进行了正确的翻译 那么你已经成功了一大半了
我对本文的动词进行了选择 大家看看!


split up (into)
1. 使分裂;使分开,使分成若干部分 2. 平分,分担 3. [传说]分散,分裂,裂开 → split

exhaust 1. (从容器中)排光(空气、气体等) 2. 耗尽,花光,用光,用完 3. 倒空;(把…的内容)抽空,抽完,汲干 4. 使成真空

determined 1. 已下决心的,有决心的,决意的,已决定了的 2. 坚决的,坚定的,果断的,断然的,毅然决然的
decide 1. 解决,裁决,判决(竞争、争端) 2. 下决心,决意,决定 3. 使决定,使决断,使下决心 4. 抉择,决定;判定;决心;判决

lead 1. 引导;领导 2. 带路 3. 引向 4. 牵引 5. 引;领;疏导 6. 开导;劝导 7. 使;促使 8. 率领;带头;尤指走在(游行队伍等的)前头 9. 率领;带头;尤指领导(一个单位);指挥(一支部队的军事行动等)

search 1. 搜寻,搜查 2. 对…搜身 3. 细看,详察;探查,探究 4. 仔细检查(笔迹、记录等) 5. 找出,发现(通常与out连用) 6. (风等)穿过,刺透 7. 使(火力)向纵深展开 8. 寻找,进行搜查 9. 探究;调查 10. 仔细检查;调查;探索 11. 搜寻,搜查
seek 1. 寻找 2. 寻求,求助于 3. 征求,探求;求取 4. 请求 5. 追求,企求 6. 试图(接不定式) 7. 探测 8. 搜寻;寻找;追求,探求 9. 求助于(to)

tag along
tag tag behind

crash 1. (发出猛烈声音地)碰撞落下,跌落,倒下;(车、船等)猛撞;坠落

transform 1. 使变化;使变形;使改观 2. 改革;使改变(性质、机能等)

carry out
1. 进行(到底),开展,实行,贯彻,执行(计划、指示等),落实 2. [化学]完成,实现

ok 只要你使用对了动词 那么你的文章也就 不会差到那里去了! ;)

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发表于 2008-3-1 15:17:45 | 显示全部楼层

1. 创新。斑竹macauor, 搞了《变形金刚》翻译, 接下来又贴出大家创作的作品续搞一个《变形金刚》翻译评论,这样外语区不但学习了“译”,而且练习了“改”,提升了活动的互动、品味和“活动后”。譬如, “……在演化中分成了崇尚正义和平及残暴成性的两派” 仅仅“正邪双方”的译思突出一个original:
a.  Two sects evolved from them
b.  Split into two factions
c.  are defferentiated into two fractions
d.  evolved into two groups
e.  broke them up into two camps
f.  changed into two party
g.  divided into two parties
h.  gradually divided into two opponent parties
i.  were divided into two camps
j.  evolved into two factions
k.  came into being two clans
大家对于“他们在演化中分成了崇尚正义和平及残暴成性的两派”的处理,大体上是翻译“先分成两派”在先,再用或从句或分词短语加以修饰,达到简洁清晰的效果。其中“秋水小柯”直接译成“… named Transformers, including heroic autobots and evil decepticons.”是可以的但好像不能强调正邪相对的双方,而“acadecd”用的是意译“As time goes by, the noble Autobots were betrayed by Decepticons leaded by Megatron.”看过此片的书友都会心一笑。
2. 机巧。macauor斑竹说“英语翻译是不是应该多用联结词,甚至要补上一些缺失的意思,使英语表达完整,符合逻辑!”书友的翻译作了肯定的回答。对于“数百年后,因火山爆发而重新启动的主电脑,分别依照汽车和飞行器的形象改造双方”,大家所用的pattern, structure,值得学习(归纳整理了重复、类似的pattern)
   A. With the main computer restarted because of …
   B. because of the volcanic eruptions then …
   C. Unfortunately their electro-hearts were activated by…. So …
   D. the host computer re- starting because of …, respectively reformation according to…
   E. the main computer was activated by …, and …
   F. the host computer was re-started due to …. And as a result, …
   G. because of …, their main computer start and designed …
   H. the main computer reboot as a result of the volcano eruption, and …
   I. they were awaked again by …
   J. the figures of the two factions were reformed according to …, which started again caused by

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发表于 2008-3-1 15:40:00 | 显示全部楼层
引用第20楼涂于德于2008-02-29 23:59发表的 :

Dear macauor
Your translation is much better than mine. Only, in this way, try to learn from you and also, reach for bonus fund


Soryy, Dear 涂
你对macauor的修改基本上都是错误的。but I still appriciate your effort.

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发表于 2008-3-1 15:48:59 | 显示全部楼层
"1。one...the other 我记得是两个独立的句子,我用while连接两个独立句子表示转则关系。
2。"crashed into"用"into"表示一个动作而且撞倒了地面以下,强调"里面"的味道,"crash on"用"on"觉得是个静态的意思,而且是表示"表面"的味道。"


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发表于 2008-3-1 16:03:03 | 显示全部楼层
There lived a kind of machine life called transformers on a star in the faraway end of the universe. During the long course of gradual changing, they were(were 应该删除) divided into two camps, the group (one) emphasizing (不恰当,用in favor of 或许好些) justice and peace and the one (,) notorious for sickening cruelty. They carried on wars for several hundred years, almost exhausting all forms of energy from the star. The former went to look for the new home in the endless cosmos, while (用however 恰当些) the latter followed close, which caused unexpected crashes on the earth of both groups' battleships (次句有点冗长,不合理). Another hundreds of years passed, and people found accidentally the host computer was re-started due to the volcano explosion(explosion不恰当,应为outbreak or eruption) . And as a result, both sides were reformed ( reform 不恰当,应为transform) according to the image of the automobile and aircraft respectively. Bloody war broke out again on the earth …


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发表于 2008-3-1 19:37:47 | 显示全部楼层
引用第28楼tycoon于2008-03-01 15:40发表的 :

Soryy (Sorry), Dear 涂
你对macauor的修改基本上都是错误的。but I still appriciate(appreciate) your effort (efforts).
or it's better to say "Your efforts are much appreciated".

What I have said may not necessarily be correct, and I only want to learn from dear friends:
Dear macauor
Your translation is much better than mine. Only, in this way, try to learn from you and also, reach for bonus fund

For example,
"crashed into"用"into"表示一个动作而且撞倒了地面以下,强调"里面"的味道
The two sides fought on the earth, so "on/ upon the earth" is preferred, which is not "dynamic" enough though.
There lived a kind of machine life called transformers on a star in the faraway end of the universe. During the long course of gradual changing, they were(were 应该删除) divided into two camps, the group (one) emphasizing (不恰当,用in favor of 或许好些) justice and peace and the one (,) notorious for sickening cruelty. They carried on wars for several hundred years, almost exhausting all forms of energy from the star. The former went to look for the new home in the endless cosmos, while (用however 恰当些) the latter followed close, which caused unexpected crashes on the earth of both groups' battleships (次句有点冗长,不合理). Another hundreds of years passed, and people found accidentally the host computer was re-started due to the volcano explosion(explosion不恰当,应为outbreak or eruption) . And as a result, both sides were reformed ( reform 不恰当,应为transform) according to the image of the automobile and aircraft respectively. Bloody war broke out again on the earth …
Not all my revision, though.

"应为outbreak or eruption" had better changed into "the volcanic eruption".

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发表于 2008-3-1 21:20:26 | 显示全部楼层
其实Dear涂于德先生的作品已经非常优秀,I am really grateful for your work.

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发表于 2008-3-2 01:43:29 | 显示全部楼层
There are robots called transformers lived on the planet far away in the sapce. As time goes by, the noble Autobots were betrayed by Decepticons leaded by Megatron. The war between the noble Autobots and the devious Decepticons had last for hundreds of years. The war almost cost all of the energy in the planet. The leader of the Autobots wanted to find their new home, but Megatron blasted off and eventually tracked them to the planet of Earth .They both drop into the earth. Hundreds of years later, they were awaked again by the breaking out of the volcano. The war has began in the earth……

there [are] -> were robots called transformers [lived]->living, 或者去掉 ... in the [sapce]->typo, space也不对,是太空空间的意思,感觉比较局部。这里应该是universe.
As time goes by -> as time went by
The war ... had [last] -> lasted for hundreds of years.
The war almost cost all of the energy in the planet. cost不准确 应该是used up或者exhaust/deplete/drain
eventually tracked them to the [planet of Earth] 地球可以说the planet earth, of 多余了
They both drop into the earth. drop只是落到地上 并没有坠毁的意思 应该用crash/wreck等
they were awaked again by the breaking out of the volcano. 这里they感觉是说autobots和megatron。但实际上是飞船的电脑主机。the volcano -> a volcano, 不知道具体哪个火山
The war has began in the earth. has began -> began / has begun.
有些意思也没翻译出来。比如最后是重新点燃。可以改成continue on the earth。主机分别依照汽车和飞行器的形象改造双方也没翻

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发表于 2008-3-3 09:29:19 | 显示全部楼层
Plot summary for Transformers
A long time ago, far away on(3) the planet (1)of Cybertron, a war was being waged between the noble Autobots (led by the wise Optimus Prime) and the devious Decepticons (commanded by the dreaded Megatron) for control over the Allspark, a mystical talisman that would grant unlimited power to whoever possessed it. The Autobots managed to smuggle the Allspark off the planet, but Megatron blasted off in search of it. He eventually tracked it to the planet of Earth (circa 1850), but his reckless desire for power sent him right into the Arctic Ocean, and the sheer cold forced him into a paralyzed state. His body was later found by Captain Archibald Witwicky, and before going into a comatose state Megatron used the last of his energy to engrave a map, showing the location of the Allspark, into the Captain's glasses, and send a transmission to Cybertron. He is then carted away by the Captain's ship. A century later(2), Sam Witwicky, nicknamed Spike by his friends, buys his first car. To his shock, he discovers it to be Bumblebee, an Autobot in disguise who is to protect Spike, as he bears the Captain's glasses and the map carved on them. But Bumblebee is not the only Transformer to have arrived on Earth - in the desert of Qatar, the Decepticons Blackout and Scorponok attack a U.S. military base, causing the Pentagon to send their special Sector Seven agents to capture all "specimens of this alien race," and Spike and his girlfriend Mikaela find themselves in the middle of a grand battle between the Autobots and the Decepticons, stretching from Hoover Dam all the way to Los Angeles. Meanwhile, within the depths of Hoover Dam, the cryogenically stored form of Megatron awakens... Written by Sivaji IMDBoss - Corrected By C.N.L.

1、 8楼网友讨论的star跟planet
2、 跟网友的hundreds of years,呵呵,century用的也好。
3、 恩,原版的是用的on,比in要好点,26楼有说。

High-school student Sam Witwicky buys his first car, who is actually the Autobot Bumblebee. Bumblebee defends Sam and his girlfriend Mikaela Banes from the Decepticon Barricade, before the other Autobots arrive on Earth. They are searching for the Allspark, and the war on Earth heats up as the Decepticons attack a United States military base in Qatar. Sam and Mikaela are taken by the top-secret agency Sector 7 to help stop the Decepticons, but when they learn the agency also intends to destroy the Autobots, they formulate their own plan to save the world. Written by BRUTICUS!

When the father of the teenager Sam Witwicky gives an old Camaro to him, he has a chance to give a ride to his schoolmate Mikaela Banes and participate of an ancient war of robots on planet Earth. His car is actually the Autobot Bumblebee, leaded by Optimus Prime, and they are in war against the evil Deceptions, leaded by Megatron. Both races are seeking the cube Allspark with opposite intentions: the Autobots intend to protect the human beings, while the Deceptions want to destroy them. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

When teenager Sam Witwicky (LaBeouf) buys his first car, what he doesn't know, is that it's actually an alien robot. This isn't the only alien to arrive on Earth. Optimus Prime (Cullen) and a fellow group of transforming robots have arrived in search of the AllSpark. But, Optimus Prime and his Autobots aren't the only aliens to appear. Megatron (Weaving) and the Decepticons are also searching for the AllSpark, and it would do anything to get it, even if it means destroying the city. Written by Film_Fan

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发表于 2008-3-3 13:24:13 | 显示全部楼层

[原文]In a planet far away in the universe lives a kind of machine-being, named Transformers, which evolved into two groups—one advocates of justice and peace and another of atrocity and inhumanity. A war was being waged between the two groups for hundreds of years, and all energy was exhausted in the planet. The chief of the noble group decided to lead his followers seeking the new homeland in the universe, but the devious chief trailed behind, and the warships of the two crashed into the Earth accidentally. Hundreds of years after, mainframe was restarted in a volcanic eruption, the two groups was reconstructed into the appearances of automobiles and aircrafts respectively. Again, the war was broke out in the Earth… …

吸取大家的精华修改自己的翻译, 请大家指正

[修改]In a remote planet in the immense universe, lives a machine-type species, Transformers, which splitted into two opposed sides during their evolution — one advocates of justice and peace and another of brutality and atrocity. A war was being waged between the two groups for hundreds of years, and all energy in the planet was almost exhausted by the war.

Then the noble chief decided to lead his followers seeking for new homeland in the universe, but the devious chief hounded behind, and accidentally their warships crashed into the Earth in a fierce fighting. Hundreds of years after, the mainframe (central computor) was restarted by a volcanic eruption, the two sides was transformed into the appearances of automobiles and aircrafts. Again, the war breaks out in the Earth… …

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发表于 2008-3-3 19:10:34 | 显示全部楼层

in the far far (有这样连法吗?感觉套用了long long ago,有点不伦不类)galaxy, on a distant planet, organic machine lifes(一个物种,是否应该单数?) named as(多余) "transformer" exist(词态错). in the evolution of history(history和evolution倒过来好些), they are(多余) defferentiated into two fractions, one concerning(advocated) justice and peace and the other concerning brutal(应为名词,可用cruel). hundreas(Hundreds) of war between them exausted the resourses of this barrent planet. the(The) leader who led(多余) stands for justice led people to find a new home in the infinite universe. but the evil has followed them. warship(复数) of both side(复数) crashed on the planet which calls earth. hundreds(Hundreds)years later, the volcanic eruption rebooted the main computer. transformation of both side into image of automobile and aircraft was executed. and so the war started(exploded更贴切) again....

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发表于 2008-3-3 21:23:34 | 显示全部楼层



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发表于 2008-3-8 11:02:01 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2008-3-8 15:25:04 | 显示全部楼层
哈哈 今天找了变形金刚的英文专业翻译的词汇!当时写的时候直接是随意的写,所以今天写上来大家看下!有些东西真是不错 哦!

汽车人 Autobots               heroic Autobots
霸天虎 Decepticons            evil Decepticons

再说下电影里的开头 我认为很经典

With the All spark gone,
we can not return life to our planet.
And faith has yielded it's reward.
A new world to call home.
We live among it's people now,
hiding in plane sight.
But watching over them in secret.


I have witnessed their
capacity for courage.
And though we are worlds apart,
like us, there's more to them than meets the eye.

I am Optimus Prime, and I send
this message to any surviving Autobots
taking refuge among the stars.

We are here...
We are waiting...


Transformer Something evil's watching over you 某个时刻 邪恶已经笼罩你
Comin' from the sky above 在你头顶的天空降临
And there's nothing you can do 你却无能为力
Prepare to strike 惟有准备战斗
There'll be no place to run 没有地方逃避
When your caught within the grip 除非你被捕获
Of the evil Unicron 被那邪恶的宇宙大帝
Transformers 变形金刚

Transformers 变形金刚
Robots in Disguise 超凡的机械体
Strong enough to break the bravest heart 敌人如此强大 足以击溃最勇敢的心
So we have to pull together 因此我们必须团结一致——一起
We can't stay worlds apart 我们无法生存在破碎的宇宙里
To stand divided we will surely fall 分裂必然导致灭亡
Until our darkest hour 直到光明降临
When the light will save us all 照亮我们最黑暗的世纪
Transformers 变形金刚
More than meets the eye 超越视觉
Transformers 变形金刚
Robots in Disguise 超凡的机械体
Transformers 变形金刚
Autobots wage their Battle 汽车人为之奋战
To destroy the evil forces 打击邪恶势力的——
Of the Decepticons 霸天虎
Transformers 变形金刚
Transformers 变形金刚
It's judgment day and now we've made our stand 面对末日审判,我们表明立场
And now the powers of darkness 现在黑暗的势力
Have been driven from our land 已被赶出故土家园
The battle's over but the war has just begun 一场战斗结束了 但整个战争才刚刚开始
And this way it will remain 命运就是这样的方式 并且没有止息
till the day when all are one 直到实现那一天,当所有的一切,万众一心……
Transformers 变形金刚
Transformers 变形金刚
Transformers 变形金刚
Transformers 变形金刚
More than meets the eye 超越视觉……
Transformers 变形金刚

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