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[【立法评述】] yifei 专供:外文法律书籍系列(请勿回帖)

 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-7 09:14:03 | 显示全部楼层

How Open Is the Future?: Economic, Social & Cultural Scenarios Inspired by Free & Open-Source Software (Crosstalks)
By Marleen Wynants, Jan Cornelis


Publisher:  ASP-VUB Press
Number Of Pages:  534
Publication Date:  2008-04-01
ISBN-10 / ASIN:  9054873787
ISBN-13 / EAN:  9789054873785
Binding:  Paperback


Book Description:

With the rise of the internet and the growing concern over intellectual property, this study provides an open, constructive platform for a wide range of lawyers, artists, journalists, and activists to discuss their views on the future of free and open-source software. By exchanging both complementary and conflicting opinions, the contributors look ahead to the evolution, prospects, and issues of sharing knowledge and ideas through technology.


 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-9 18:44:52 | 显示全部楼层
http://rapidshare.com/files/9791 ... rate_Disclosure.pdf

Following the Money: The Enron Failure and the State of Corporate Disclosure
By Michael Bromwich, Robert E. Litan, Alfred Wagenhofer


Publisher:  American Enterprise Institute Press
Number Of Pages:  126
Publication Date:  2003-03-01
ISBN-10 / ASIN:  0815708904
ISBN-13 / EAN:  9780815708902
Binding:  Hardcover


Book Description:

A few years ago, Americans held out their systems of corporate governance and financial disclosure as models to be emulated by the rest of the world. But in late 2001 U.S. policymakers and corporate leaders found themselves facing the largest corporate accounting scandals in American history. The spectacular collapses of Enron and Worldcom—as well as the discovery of accounting irregularities at other large U.S. companies—seemed to call into question the efficacy of the entire system of corporate governance in the United States.

In response, Congress quickly enacted a comprehensive package of reform measures in what has come to be known as the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. The New York Stock Exchange and the NASDAQ followed by making fundamental changes to their listing requirements. The private sector acted as well. Accounting firms—watching in horror as one of their largest, Arthur Andersen, collapsed after a criminal conviction for document shredding—tightened their auditing procedures. Stock analysts and ratings agencies, hit hard by a series of disclosures about their failings, changed their practices as well.

Will these reforms be enough? Are some counterproductive? Are other shortcomings in the disclosure system still in need of correction?

These are among the questions that George Benston, Michael Bromwich, Robert E. Litan, and Alfred Wagenhofer address in Following the Money. While the authors agree that the U.S. system of corporate disclosure and governance is in need of change, they are concerned that policymakers may be overreacting in some areas and taking actions in others that may prove to be ineffective or even counterproductive.

Using the Enron case as a point of departure, the authors argue that the major problem lies not in the accounting and auditing standards themselves, but in the system of enforcing those standards. Rather than attempting to craft a single set of accounting and reporting standards for all companies throughout the world, the authors advise policymakers to allow competition between the two major sets of standards: Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and International Financial Reporting Standards.

The authors also believe that the corporate disclosure system needs to be updated to reflect changes in the underlying economy. In particular, they recommend new forms of disclosure for a variety of nonfinancial indicators to better enable investors and analysts to ascertain the source and nature of intangible assets. They also urge policymakers to exploit the advantages of the Internet by encouraging more frequent financial disclosures in a form that will make them more widely accessible and more easily used.


 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-9 18:46:13 | 显示全部楼层
http://rapidshare.com/files/9791 ... Source_Software.pdf

Government Policy Toward Open Source Software
By Aei-Brookings Joint Center for Regulatory Studies, Robert William Hahn


Publisher:  American Enterprise Institute Press
Number Of Pages:  114
Publication Date:  2003-01
ISBN-10 / ASIN:  0815733933
ISBN-13 / EAN:  9780815733935
Binding:  Paperback


Book Description:

Can open source software—software that is usually available without charge and that individuals are free to modify—survive against the fierce competition of proprietary software, such as Microsoft Windows? Should the government intervene on its behalf? This book addresses a host of issues raised by the rapid growth of open source software, including government subsidies for research and development, government procurement policy, and patent and copyright policy. Contributors offer diverse perspectives on a phenomenon that has become a lightning rod for controversy in the field of information technology.


 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-9 18:47:44 | 显示全部楼层
http://rapidshare.com/files/9791 ... s_of_Regulation.pdf

In Defense of The Economic Analysis of Regulation
By Robert W. Hahn


Publisher:  AEI Press
Number Of Pages:  117
Publication Date:  2005-04-25
ISBN-10 / ASIN:  0844771864
ISBN-13 / EAN:  9780844771861
Binding:  Paperback


Book Description:

This monograph addresses the analytical concerns raised by critics of the economic analysis of regulation.


 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-9 18:48:58 | 显示全部楼层
http://rapidshare.com/files/9791 ... educe_Mortality.pdf

Do Federal Regulations Reduce Mortality?
By Robert W. Hahn


Publisher:  AEI Press
Number Of Pages:  43
Publication Date:  2000-01
ISBN-10 / ASIN:  0844771538
ISBN-13 / EAN:  9780844771533
Binding:  Paperback


Book Description:

This monograph assesses how the adverse health implications associated with regulatory costs can affect mortality risk by considering a broad group of federal regulations.


 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-9 18:50:13 | 显示全部楼层
http://rapidshare.com/files/9791 ... al_Property_Law.pdf

The Political Economy of Intellectual Property Law
By William M. Landes, Richard A. Posner


Publisher:  American Enterprise Institute Press
Number Of Pages:  42
Publication Date:  2004-06
ISBN-10 / ASIN:  0844771767
ISBN-13 / EAN:  9780844771762
Binding:  Paperback


Book Description:

Intellectual property rights have undergone a significant expansion over the last half century, particularly since the Copyright Act of 1976. In The Political Economy of Intellectual Property Law, William M. Landes and Richard A. Posner (AEI Press; July 1, 2004) attempt to explain this expansion of intellectual property rights, and how it could have coincided with the deregulation movement.

Should intellectual property be thought of as a form of regulation? Why did the movement for greater protection of intellectual property coincide with the deregulation movement?

Landes and Posner apply public-choice theory to the growth and character of intellectual property protection over the last half-century. The authors argue that public-choice theory alone cannot explain the coincidence of the deregulation movement and the rapid growth of intellectual property protection. Political forces and ideological currents associated with the deregulation movement, combined with interest-group pressures, best explain the increases in intellectual property protection since 1976.

The authors urge caution in equating intellectual property rights to physical property rights. They counsel skeptics of government to hesitate before extending a presumption of efficiency to a process by which government grants rights to exclude competition.


 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-9 18:51:27 | 显示全部楼层
http://rapidshare.com/files/9791 ... ies_What_s_Next.pdf

Deregulation of Network Industries: What's Next?
By Sam Peltzman, Clifford Winston


Publisher:  American Enterprise Institute Press
Number Of Pages:  176
Publication Date:  2000-08
ISBN-10 / ASIN:  0815770030
ISBN-13 / EAN:  9780815770039
Binding:  Paperback


Book Description:

This volume assesses the state of deregulation in the major U.S. network industries: airlines, railroads, telecommunications, and electricity. Each chapter identifies the central policy issues that have arisen in each industry as it undergoes its transformation to a deregulated environment. The authors reveal the flaws of remaining regulations and make the case for faster and more comprehensive deregulation.

Contributors include Robert Crandall (Brookings), Curtis Grimm (University of Maryland), Jerry Hausman (MIT), Paul Joskow (MIT), and Steven Morrison (Northeastern).


 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-9 18:52:33 | 显示全部楼层
http://rapidshare.com/files/9791 ... ough_Litigation.pdf

Regulation through Litigation
By W. Kip Viscusi


Publisher:  AEI Press
Number Of Pages:  369
Publication Date:  2002-09-01
ISBN-10 / ASIN:  081570609X
ISBN-13 / EAN:  9780815706090
Binding:  Paperback


Book Description:

The contributors to this volume shed light on regulation through litigation in case studies involving tobacco, guns, lead paint, breast implants, and health maintenance organizations.



 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-9 18:53:41 | 显示全部楼层
http://rapidshare.com/files/9792 ... ning_The_Balance.pd


Financial Privacy, Consumer Prosperity, and the Public Good
By Robert E. Litan, Michael Staten, Peter J. Wallison


Publisher:  American Enterprise Institute Press
Number Of Pages:  36
Publication Date:  2003-07
ISBN-10 / ASIN:  0815713177
ISBN-13 / EAN:  9780815713173
Binding:  Paperback


Book Description:

American consumers have become accustomed to obtaining instant credit. The process requires that credit bureaus have easy access to sensitive financial information about individuals, compiled largely without their consent. This report examines the debate surrounding the role of the states in regulating these credit bureaus, especially in light of expiring amendments to the Fair Credit Reporting Act, which have allowed bureaus to continue these practices, exempting them from state laws that might obstruct them.

How this controversy is resolved will have an important bearing on credit markets and financial privacy in the future. The authors make the case for continued federal preemption of the states in this area. Without it, the authors argue, the consumer credit system has developed in the United States would be put in jeopardy.


 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-9 18:54:55 | 显示全部楼层
http://rapidshare.com/files/9792 ... nd_Increasing_Marke

Deregulating Property-Liability Insurance: Restoring Competition and Increasing Market Efficiency (AEI-Brookings Joint Center for Regulatory Studies)
By Aei-Brookings Joint Center for Regulatory Studies, J. David Cummins


Publisher:  American Enterprise Institute Press
Number Of Pages:  216
Publication Date:  2002-07
ISBN-10 / ASIN:  0815702434
ISBN-13 / EAN:  9780815702436
Binding:  Paperback


 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-9 18:57:09 | 显示全部楼层
http://rapidshare.com/files/9796 ... gulatory_Reform.pdf

An Agenda for Federal Regulatory Reform
By Robert W. Crandall


Publisher:  American Enterprise Institute Press
Number Of Pages:  27
Publication Date:  1997-06
ISBN-10 / ASIN:  084477104X
ISBN-13 / EAN:  9780844771045
Binding:  Paperback


Book Description:

The authors of this primer believe that the current approach to federal regulation urgently needs repair. Not only are current expenditures mandated by regulation large, but a substantial share of those expenditures is ineffective. As a result, more intelligent policies could achieve the same social goals at much less cost or more ambitious goals at the same cost. Federal regulation has grown dramatically in recent decades, whether considered absolutely, as a relative share of the U.S. economy, or as a relative share of the output of the federal government.


 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-10 08:45:03 | 显示全部楼层

TREATISE OF THE LAWS OF NATURE (Natural Law and Enlightenment Classics)


Publisher:  Liberty Fund Inc.
Number Of Pages:  1029
Publication Date:  2005-03-15
ISBN-10 / ASIN:  0865974721
ISBN-13 / EAN:  9780865974722
Binding:  Hardcover


发表于 2008-3-10 20:43:51 | 显示全部楼层


 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-11 19:03:39 | 显示全部楼层
http://rapidshare.com/files/9858 ... panion_to_Hayek.rar

The Cambridge Companion to Hayek (Cambridge Companions to Philosophy)
By Edward Feser


Publisher:  Cambridge University Press
Number Of Pages:  360
Publication Date:  2006-12-25
ISBN-10 / ASIN:  0521849772
ISBN-13 / EAN:  9780521849777
Binding:  Hardcover


Book Description:

F.A. Hayek (1899-1992) was among the most important economists and political philosophers of the twentieth century. He is widely regarded as the principal intellectual force behind the triumph of global capitalism, an 'anti-Marx' who did more than any other recent thinker to elucidate the theoretical foundations of the free market economy. His account of the role played by market prices in transmitting economic knowledge constituted a devastating critique of the socialist ideal of central economic planning, and his famous book The Road to Serfdom was a prophetic statement of the dangers which socialism posed to a free and open society. He also made significant contributions to fields as diverse as the philosophy of law, the theory of complex systems, and cognitive science. The essays in this volume, by an international team of contributors, provide a critical introduction to all aspects of Hayek's thought.


 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-17 17:07:49 | 显示全部楼层




Essentials of Corporate Fraud (Essentials Series)
By Tracy Coenen


Publisher:  Wiley
Number Of Pages:  207
Publication Date:  2008-03-14
ISBN-10 / ASIN:  047019412X
ISBN-13 / EAN:  9780470194126
Binding:  Paperback


Book Description:

Essentials of Corporate Fraud

Full of valuable tips, techniques, illustrative real-world examples, exhibits, and best practices, this handy and concise paperback will help you stay up to date on the newest thinking, strategies, developments, and technologies in corporate fraud.

"Tracy Coenen's Essentials of Corporate Fraud is the perfect primer for executives and managers about this serious issue. Very well written."
—Joseph T. Wells, CFE, CPA, founder and Chairman, Association of Certified Fraud Examiners

"Accountants, attorneys, businesspeople, HR folks, and consultants can all learn from Tracy Coenen's expertise and easy-to-understand style. Want to make more money and make your life easier? Then READ THIS BOOK."
—Gary Zeune, CPA, founder, The Pros & The Cons

Essentials of Corporate Fraud will challenge your concept of corporate fraud, providing an introductory look at fraud and the kinds of fraud that can occur in various areas of a company. Topics covered include:

People Who Commit Fraud

Fraud Detection and Investigation

Red Flags of Fraud

Fraud Prevention

Asset Misappropriation, Bribery, and Corruption

Best Practices in Fraud Management

Financial Statement Fraud

The Future of Fraud

There is much work to be done by companies that want to reduce opportunities for fraud. Author and fraud expert Tracy Coenen presents an insider's look at corporate fraud and equips you with real-world guidance for each stage, from detection and investigation, to prevention and warning signs, to educating employees in implementing policies and procedures specifically designed to prevent fraud.


 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-17 17:13:21 | 显示全部楼层


Law and Economics (Routledge Advanced Texts in Economics & Finance)
By Wolfgang Weigel


Publisher:  Routledge
Number Of Pages:  256
Publication Date:  2008-06-11
ISBN-10 / ASIN:  0415401054
ISBN-13 / EAN:  9780415401050
Binding:  Paperback


Book Description:

This book constitutes an excellent short introduction to the burgeoning subdiscipline of law and economics.

Using non-technical language and using only basic mathematics, the book deals concisely with the main methodological questions but still covers a wide range of topics, with greater emphasis on public law and important sections on labour law, business and regulatory impact analysis.

The book should be of great use to lawyers and other jurists, economists and students of law, as well as economics practitioners and academics who need an interesting and user-friendly introduction to law and economics.


 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-18 17:47:49 | 显示全部楼层

The Rule of Rules: Morality, Rules, and the Dilemmas of Law
By Larry Alexander, Emily Sherwin, Larry Alexander


Publisher:  Duke University Press
Number Of Pages:  279
Publication Date:  2001-08
ISBN-10 / ASIN:  0822327368
ISBN-13 / EAN:  9780822327363
Binding:  Hardcover


Book Description:

Rules perform a moral function by restating moral principles in concrete terms, so as to reduce the uncertainty, error, and controversy that result when individuals follow their own unconstrained moral judgment. Although reason dictates that we must follow rules to avoid destructive error and controversy, rules—and hence laws—are imperfect, and reason also dictates that we ought not follow them when we believe they produce the wrong result in a particular case. In The Rule of Rules Larry Alexander and Emily Sherwin examine this dilemma.
Once the importance of this moral and practical conflict is acknowledged, the authors argue, authoritative rules become the central problems of jurisprudence. The inevitable gap between rules and background morality cannot be bridged, they claim, although many contemporary jurisprudential schools of thought are misguided attempts to do so. Alexander and Sherwin work through this dilemma, which lies at the heart of such ongoing jurisprudential controversies as how judges should reason in deciding cases, what effect should be given to legal precedent, and what status, if any, should be accorded to “legal principles.” In the end, their rigorous discussion sheds light on such topics as the nature of interpretation, the ancient dispute among legal theorists over natural law versus positivism, the obligation to obey law, constitutionalism, and the relation between law and coercion.
Those interested in jurisprudence, legal theory, and political philosophy will benefit from the edifying discussion in The Rule of Rules.


 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-18 17:49:31 | 显示全部楼层


Employment Law and Occupational Health: A Practical Handbook
By Joan Lewis, Greta Thornbory


Publisher:  Wiley-Blackwell
Number Of Pages:  216
Publication Date:  2006-10-20
ISBN-10 / ASIN:  1405149728
ISBN-13 / EAN:  9781405149723
Binding:  Paperback


Book Description:

Employment law and occupational health: a practical handbook provides an essential guide to best practice for all occupational health practitioners. This readable guide to the law will help to ensure both business success and respect for individual employment rights. The cost of sickness absence can present major costs and business management problems to employers and safeguarding health is therefore vital to every individual and to all employers.


 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-19 13:29:06 | 显示全部楼层

The FIDIC Forms of Contract
By Nael G. Bunni


Publisher:  Wiley-Blackwell
Number Of Pages:  872
Publication Date:  2005-06-24
ISBN-10 / ASIN:  1405120312
ISBN-13 / EAN:  9781405120319
Binding:  Hardcover


Book Description:

In September 1999, FIDIC introduced its new Suite of Contracts, which included a “new” Red, Yellow, Silver and Green forms of contract. The “new” Red Book was intended to replace the 1992 fourth edition of the Red Book, with the ambition that its use would cease with time. This ambition has not materialised and is unlikely to do so in the future.

Despite the importance of the 1999 Forms, there has been very little published on the new concepts adopted in them and how they interact with the previous forms. This important work considers these aspects together with the many developments affecting the fourth edition of the Red Book that have taken place since 1997, when the second edition of this book was published, and relates them to key contracting issues. It is written by a chartered engineer, conciliator and international arbitrator with wide experience in the use of the FIDIC Forms and in the various dispute resolution mechanisms specified in them.

Important features of this book include:

· background and concepts of the various forms of contract;

· a detailed comparison of the wording of the1999 three main forms, which although similar in nature; it nevertheless significantly differs in certain areas where the three forms diverge due to their intended purpose;

· analysis of the rights and obligations of the parties involved in the contract and the allocation of risks concerned;

· a range of ‘decision tree’ charts, analysing the main features of the 1992 Red Book, including risks, indemnities and insurances, claims and counterclaims, variations, procedure for claims, programme and delay, suspension, payments and certificates, dispute resolution mechanisms, and dispute boards;

· a much enlarged discussion of the meaning of “claim” and “dispute” and the types of claim with a discussion of the Notice provision in the 1999 forms of contract for the submittal of claims by a contractor and by an employer;

· the FIDIC scheme of indemnities and insurance requirements; and the methods of dispute resolution provided by the various forms of contract; and

· five new chapters in this third edition, the first four chapters deal with each of the 1999 forms and the fifth chapter is confined to the topic of Dispute Boards.


 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-20 09:11:20 | 显示全部楼层

Women, Work and Inequality: Challenge of Equal Pay in a Deregulated Labour Market
By Jeanne Gregory, Rosemary Sales, Ariane Hegewisch


Publisher:  Palgrave Macmillan
Number Of Pages:  240
Publication Date:  1999-04-30
ISBN-10 / ASIN:  0333721020
ISBN-13 / EAN:  9780333721025
Binding:  Hardcover


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