本书真实介绍了胡适这位中国近现代著名学者和思想家的家世、求学、治学的主要经历 与学术成就,其中有不少胡适脱口而成的警言妙语,给人深刻的启迪。本书初版,即在海内 外引起了重视,被称为是研究和了解胡适其人其事具有“实用价值”的“名人自传”,又是 一部“最浅近、最适合青年读者需要的、胡适自撰的胡适入门书”。?
autobiography of hu shi by oral account??
Mr. hu shi is a famous scholar and thi n ker in chinese contemporary and modern history.this book authentically introduce s hu shi’s family history,his experience in pursuing his studies and academic ac hievements.among them,there are a lot of his epigrams and witticisms,which are v ery inspiring and enlightening.since its first edition,this book has been paid a ttention to home and overseas.it can be called a “celebrity autobiography” full of “practical value” to studying and unde r standing hu shi.it is also an introducti on to hu shi,which is the simplest and m ost suitable to young readers.