发表于 2012-9-16 10:55:30
引用第33楼xcaogu于2012-09-15 20:55发表的 :
1 二战几乎是日本唯一称霸的机会,但错过了,再也没有了。今后他只能在中美等大国之间选主子而已。韩国比日本差,两国争宠难免有些矛盾。小国只能选择依附于谁,那几乎是宿命。
2 美国人最多是笑话你们东亚罢了,我相信跟美国没关系的事,他更乐于旁观,否则当年怎么不审判日本天皇呢。我的态度是,日本爱道歉不道歉决不强求,将来中国比美国强大了,给不给他道歉的机会还两说呢。中国这些年也没少要求日本道歉吧,结果呢?
3 文化产业什么都是浮云,那得你经济实力提高了之后才行。你看追星有哈韩、哈日、哈美欧的,但你见过几个哈非洲的,或者哈越南、印度的?其实非洲音乐,越南美女,印度歌曲什么的都挺好看的。中国工业现在什么水平你就没个直观的印象么?前面我发的那个视频,你看看日本企业感受到的压力,那是几年前拍摄的了。再举个简单的例子,有人想把苹果生产线搬回美国去,但做不到了,或者做到成本会极大。
I am happy that this Japanese-American Security Pact has been concluded this afternoon on the heels of the signing of a Japanese peace treaty this morning.
That treaty gives Japan the key for re-entering the community of nations as a sovereign equal. This pact insures the security of the unarmed and defenceless Japan.
It has always been my conviction that Japan, once she regains liberty and independence, must assume full responsibility of safeguarding that liberty and independence. Unfortunately, we are as yet utterly unprepared for self-defence. We are very glad, therefore, that America, realizing that security of Japan means the security of the Pacific and of the world, consented to provide us the necessary protection by retaining her armed forces in and around Japan temporarily after peace so as to ward off the menace of Communist aggression which is sweeping on at this very moment close to our shores.
Restored to independence, the Japanese people will recover self-confidence as well as pride and patriotism. Our nation is now inspired with fresh vigour and zeal to shoulder their proper share in the responsibilities for the collective security of the Far East. I wish to assure the American delegates here that the government and people of Japan will cooperate gladly and wholeheartedly in the implementation of this pact. |