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[[学习策略]] “英语课堂游戏”专帖(请勿跟贴,谢谢!)

 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-7 08:19:57 | 显示全部楼层
40. Extreme Situations

Level: Medium to Difficult

The point of this activity is to make difficult questions involving choosing a course of action in extreme situations.Usually This situations will involve feelings, prejudices, ethics,,etc.

Examples 1:

You are on a deserted island. There is a motor boat and you are the only one who knows how to drive it. It is up to you to decide which people of the following people you are going to take with you in the boat. There is space for only you and 3 more people.

Here they are:

a prostitute
a drug addict
a dying old man
a doctor convicted of malpractice
a child pornographer
a convicted criminal
(Note: You should adjust the list to suit the students in your class. Delete some if you find them offensive. Add others that you think would generate good discussion.)

Example 2:

You find a wallet with $50,000 and the ID of its owner. That money is exactly the amount of money you need to cover the expenses of a delicate operation for your daughter. She needs that operation to survive. What would you do with the money?

And you can create new extreme questions to challenge students to speak.

Submitted by Pablo Ortega Juez portegaj63$$$hotmail.com

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-8 01:13:04 | 显示全部楼层
41. Find Parts of Speech of Words in a Sentence

Level: Any Level

Prepaire cards with parts of speech. Give these to your students.

Write the sentences on the board.

Ask your studnets to find parts of speech of words in the sentences.

You can divide the class into teams to make the games more fun.

Example: Your sentence:
pronoun  verb  preposition  noun   noun

Submitted by: Nguyen Nhu

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-8 01:14:22 | 显示全部楼层
42. Find Someone Who ...

Level: Any Level

Get some questions from:
Conversation Questions for the ESL/EFL Classroom

Write some of them on the board and ask students to talk to each others as follows:

Find someone who...
..has already finished his/her Christmas shopping?

After a given amount of time, have the students tell the rest of the class who they found.

Submitted by Juan Silva

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-8 20:18:09 | 显示全部楼层
43. Finding the Best Person for the Job

Level: Any Level

The idea of this activity is to review or learn personality adjectives.

Tell the students that they are the owners of a cafe and they have to choose a new waiter/waitress from a list of four applicants for the job.

The teacher's preparation involves thinking of four personality adjectives for each applicant.Give the applicants a name and a colour. One applicant should be ideal for the job, two neutral and the other totally useless. After this the teacher writes each adjective on a separate card using a different colour pen for each applicant. Four applicants,four colours,sixteen adjectives altogether.

The next step is to arrive at work early before the students and hide the cards in sixteen different places around the classroom.

When the class starts, you explain the activity by telling the students their aim is to decide which applicant is best for the job.There are four applicants, each with their own colour and a total of sixteen words. The pair that finds all the words and chooses the best applicant first are the winners. But first they have to find the cards!

Pair the students off. Student A stays put while student B searches for the hidden words. When a word is found B must read it, (without alerting the other searchers )return to A and quietly say the word.A writes the word, keeping words of the same colour together. If B forgets the word or the correct spelling,he /she has to return to the word. A and B should swap roles after a number of words have been found.

At the end of the activity stick all the words on the board, in their colour groups,under the correct name. All the students can then discuss why the applicants are/are not suitable for the job.

The job could be changed depending on what sort of adjectives you would like to focus on as could the number and dificulty of the adjectives.

Submitted by Colin Guest

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-8 20:20:17 | 显示全部楼层
44. Flip a Card

Level: Any Level

Rationale: Students develop vocabulary and, at higher levels, practise proper word order by forming sentences.

Materials: Standard deck of playing cards.

Method: For each card from ace to king, assign two letters of the alphabet, and write these on the board. Assigning letters can be done at random, but it is logical to have some sort of order, e.g.:

A  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  J  Q  K
A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J   K  L  M
N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W   X  Y  Z

For beginners: Flip a card. The student must think of a word beginning with one of the letters that card represents. If, for example, the card is a 3, the student must say a word beginning with C or P. Variation: The word must fit a category, e.g. animals, occupations, etc.

For higher beginners and intermediate: Flip a certain number of cards-say, seven. Each student must write down a sentence using words beginning with the given letters, in order. If the teacher so wishes, the students can work in small groups. Students then read their sentences aloud.

For advanced: Taking turns with each card flipped, students orally form grammatically and syntactically correct sentences. For example:
   Cards: A, Q, K, Q, K, 6, 8, 7, 5, 4, 4, 10, 2, K, 2, 2, 8, 9, A, 7.
   Sample sentence: A lovely monkey laughed merrily, for his green
   elephant drank quickly while orange zebras brought over hungry,
   intelligent, naughty giraffes.

Submitted by Stephen MacDonald

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-9 00:36:27 | 显示全部楼层
45. Fly Swat

Level: Any Level

Divide your class into 2 groups.

Choose 2 ss. and ask them to go to the back part of the classroom and turn back.

Display on the blackboard 20 vocabulary words and over 10 of them paste "flies" made of cardboard paper with a piece of velcro on them.

Give both ss. a fly swatter with the other side of velcro on them.

The objective on the game is that you will say a word and ss. will turn back and run to "fly swat" the word that has the bug over it. The ss. who "kills" the fly has to spell the word and then he will score a point for his team.

With the fly swatter and the velcro flies, you can invent many different games. Try it!!!

I e worked with 4, 5 and 6 graders and they love this game.

Submitted by Guillermo Flores Grajales

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-9 00:37:24 | 显示全部楼层
46. Fold-over Stories

Level: Any Level

This is an old favorite. Give each student a sheet of blank paper. Write the following words on the board in a vertical line: WHO, WHAT, HOW, WHERE, WHEN, WHY. Explain that everyone will be writing a sentence story. Write an example on the board, explain, asking for suggestions.

Tell them to write someone's name at the top of their paper, i.e., their own, a classmate's, the teacher's, a famous person that everyone knows; fold the paper over once so no one can see it, then pass the paper to the person on their right.

Write on the received paper what the subject did (suggest funny or outrageous actions), fold it over and pass it on to the right.

Continue to write one line, how they did it (adverbs), fold and pass; where-pass; when-pass; and last of all, why (because...) and pass it one more time.

Have the students unfold their stories, and read them silently. Help anyone who cannot read what the others wrote, or doesn't understand.

Ask one student at a time to read "their" story aloud, or turn the stories in for the teacher to read. Funny!

Submitted by: Vicki Konzen

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-10 00:26:10 | 显示全部楼层
47. Four-Letter Words

Level: Any Level

This game has nothing to do with offensive words.I play it just for fun and the students like it a lot.You will be amazed to see how many different words can be generated from a single word!

1.-The teacher writes a four-letter word (not a bad word but word made up four letters)on the board.

For example:

The teacher writes on the board: TIME

2.-Students will take turns generating words from the first one.The idea is to change only one letter but generate a miningful word.


3.-Any letter can be change.Only one at a time, but not on the same place consecutively.Example:

STUDENT2.- LIME (Wrong you should change any other letter but not on the same place consecutively).


The teacher has to limit the time the students take to write the words (may be 20 seconds). The students score a point for each meaningful word they write. If a student takes too much time he loses his turn. Finally the student who makes more points is the winner.

Submitted by Pablo Ortega Juez portegaj63$$$hotmail.com

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-10 00:27:03 | 显示全部楼层
48. Getting to Know a Little More about Your Classmates

Level: Any Level

The teacher gives every student a piece of paper on which they write a sentence about their personal life. This sentence can be about school, family, music, friends, the last vacation, etc. For example "I went to the beach last vacation" or "I always study for my exams" or "I have two brothers" etc. When they finish writing their sentences they fold the paper and give it to the teacher.

It is very important to tell students before writing the sentence that the information they are going to write is "a secret" and not to show it to their classmates. If they have a question about something, they should ask it to you instead of a classmate. Tell students to write their names on the papers.

After collecting all the papers, ask the students to write the numbers from one to 10 (or 20, depending on the number of students you have in that moment in the classroom) in their notebooks. After that, the teacher reads the sentences in random order (without saying the name of the student), and the students write the names of the people they think wrote sentences.

After reading all the sentences, say the question number and read the sentence again for each piece of paper and ask the students to name who they thought wrote it.

Then tell the students the name from the student who wrote that sentence. Students should write (C) for correct guesses and (I) for incorrect guesses.

This is one way for studnets to start knowing a little more about their classmates.

Submitted by: Lic. Carmen Martinez

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-11 12:33:05 | 显示全部楼层
49. Getting To Know You

Level: Medium to Difficult

-for larger classes

1. Give each student an idex card
2. Have the students pair up and write the name of their partner on their card.Give them five or six questions that they must ask each other such as:
-Where were you born?
-What is your favorite color and why?
-What did you dream last night?
3. Make sure that they write down the answers to these questions on their card. When they are done, have them each choose a new partner.
4. They will then tell their new partner about their old partner based on the questions answered. Each person will record this information on the other side on the index card (the index card is only to help them remember everything).
5. Once they have finished, they each stand up in front of the class and tell everyone what they learned about one of their classmates.

-this helps them to develop their communication skills and helps them get comfortable with speaking and interacting with all the students in the class

Submitted by Melanie Dutton

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-11 12:34:16 | 显示全部楼层
50. Good Morning Balls

Level: Any Level

You have three different coloured balls, (they should be very light weight, samll balls).
Get the class to make a circle.
Then give three people a ball.
Red Ball - Good Morning
Green Ball- How are you?
Blue Ball - Fine thank you and you?
The class members pass or gently throw the balls and the person who receives them says the meaning of the balls.

This is fun and gets the class going first thing in the morning.

Submitted by Robyn Cooper-Pollard

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-12 00:23:29 | 显示全部楼层
51. Group Dialogue

Level: Any Level

Following a simple warm-up where each person must say a word associated with the word mentioned by the person before him or her, I have them repeat the same procedure but with complete sentences, as if it were a discussion between two people. For example: student 1, "Hi how are you Joe?"; student 2, "Oh pretty good Sue. How about you?"; student 3, " Well, not so good."; student 4, " Why not?", etc. The dialogue must procede in such a way that the last person concludes the discussion and they bid each other goodbye. You never know where the conversation will lead and it's excellent for listening, even without a point system!

Submitted by Tim Morgan

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-12 00:24:12 | 显示全部楼层
52. Guess the Letter on Your Back

Level: Easy

This game is used to practice the alphabet. Divide students into groups and ask them to stand in line and give the students in the front of the line a piece of chalk to write on the blackboard. Then write with your finger a letter on the back of the students at the end of the line. They must do the same with the student in front of him/her and so on. The students with the chalk try to guess the letter and write any word that begins with that letter on the board.

Submitted by: Raquel Fiol

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-13 00:07:43 | 显示全部楼层
53. Guess the Object

Level: Any Level

The teacher prepares cutout pictures that are pasted or taped to index cards. One student selects a card and must describe it in English until another student can guess the object. This is very much like "20 Questions" but instead of the challenge being to ask questions, the bonus is on the cardholder to verbalize the description.

The teacher should be careful to select pictures that reflect the vocabulary level of the students. Simple objects, like "baby", "door" or "car" are good for beginners. Later on, more complicated pictures that suggest actions, scenes and relationships could be used, like: "mother bathing child".

Submitted by Betsy Walker

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-13 00:08:36 | 显示全部楼层
54. Guessing the Word from a Drawing

Level: Any Level

Ask one student to be in front of the class. Give him/her a word that can not be seen by other students.

He/she will draw (on the blackboard) a picture expressing the concept of the word.

The rest of the class have to guess the word.

If you are keeping score, the one who drew the picture gets the point if the class can guess the word.

Submitted by: Nguyen Nhu

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-14 08:48:43 | 显示全部楼层
55. Hangman

Level: Any Level

Divide the class into two teams. On the blackboard, draw spaces for the number of letters in a word. Have the players guess letters in the word alternating between the teams. If a letter in the word is guessed correctly, the teacher writes it into the correct space. If a letter is guessed which is not in the word, the teacher draws part of the man being hanged. The team which can guess the word first receives a point, then start the game over.

Submitted by Charles Kelly

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-14 08:49:52 | 显示全部楼层
56. Headmaster Game

Level: Medium to Difficult

Have each student take out a piece of paper and their dictionary. Write on the board:

You are the new headmaster of this school. You have two years to make this the perfect school. You can have as much money as you want, but you must spend it all in 2 years.
What changes would you make immediately?
What changes must be gradual?
What would you do to make it a better school?
What changes would you make?
Be specific. For example, don't say hire better teachers. You must say how you would find better teachers or what kind of teachers you would hire. Also, remember you must think like a headmaster, not like a student! Making school easy and letting the students do no exams or homework will not make parents happy!
Give the students 15 minutes to work alone. Then put them in groups of 3-5 with a leader to organize their thoughts. Each group's leader will give its "report" to the other students during the following class period.

If your students have a small vocabulary you can help them out by listing on the blackboard areas of discussion: teachers, buildings, classrooms, activities, dorms, lunchrooms,curriculum, sports, playground, library, bathrooms,schedules,music, art,etc.

This is a great activity for all ages. We always run out of time!

Submitted by: Victoria Throop

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-15 02:03:07 | 显示全部楼层
57. Human Bingo - Getting to Know You Activity

Level: Any Level

Have the students divide an 8.5" x 11" paper into 9 squares (two vertical lines / two horizontal lines. The middle square is the "free" space. Next, put a list of 5 questions on the board (these can vary in difficulty). For example:

What is your name?
Where are you from?
How long have you been in the USA?
What is the strangest thing you have eaten here?
(they make a question)

The students must then interview 8 different people in the class to fill in the bingo page. Each square on the paper represents one person's answers. When they have written all the answers from one person, they go on to someone else until all of the boxes on the paper are filled. When everyone has finished, the teacher uses the class list to call off names. For example, if the teacher says, "Who has Rodrigo?", the students who interviewed Rodrigo would then provide the answers he gave to the bingo questions.

It's a fun game that gets students speaking right away. It usually takes a while to complete.

Submitted by: Rachel Scheiner

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-15 02:04:10 | 显示全部楼层
58. Intonation Fun

Level: Medium

Use this activity to underline the importance of intonation when your students, as they often do, talk like robots. Basically, get them to say the words in quotation marks in the contexts that follow.

to a friend
to a friend you haven't seen for 3 years
to a neighbour that you don't like
to a 6 month old baby
to someone you have just found doing something they shouldn't
to someone on the phone when you're not sure if they are still on the other end

to a member of your family as they are going through the boarding gate at the airport
to someone who has been annoying you
to a child starting his very first day at school

'How are you?'
to someone you haven't seen for 20 years
to someone who has recently lost a member of the family
to someone who didn't sleep in their own bed last night

'I never go to pubs'
by a person that totally disapproves of drinking alcohol to someone who often goes to pubs
as a response to someone who has told you they sometimes go to pubs
said before: '卋ut I quite like discos.'

'What have you done?'
to someone who claims to have fixed your television only that now it's worse than before
to someone who is scolding you for not doing anything when you suspect the same about them.
to someone who has just done something very bad and which has serious consequences

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-16 09:35:03 | 显示全部楼层
59. Invitation to an Annual Dinner

Level: Any Level

Pre-activity: The teacher should have taught students about prepositions.

Activity:In pairs, students are required to write a dialogue of about 12-15 exchanges based on an invitation card given by the teacher.

Sample invitation card:


DATE: 24 JUNE 2001
TIME: 7.30 AM

Allow about half an hour to prepare the text and about 3 minutes to present it in class. Ask students to be as creative as possible.

Students get to practice prepositions as well as Wh-questions. I find that my students enjoying themselves while pretending to invite their friends to the annual dinner.

Submitted by Kaarthiyainy Supramaniam, MARA University of Technology

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