发表于 2009-3-14 11:28:14
休斯敦市长比尔·怀特宣布,将3月14日定为“火箭精神日”,以此纪念火箭队创NBA联盟21世纪最长连胜纪录(20连胜),并号召全体市民向他们学习…… 休斯敦火箭队近期战绩喜人,连战连胜的他们已经成为NBA最炙手可热的球队之一。《火箭官网》今日报道,为了表彰火箭全队出色的工作,以及发扬他们奋发向上的精神,休斯敦市长贝尔·怀特正式确定3月14日为“火箭精神日”,谨此纪念火箭队20连胜。
目前火箭队已经取得20连胜,追平了密尔沃基雄鹿队在1970-71赛季创造的NBA历史第二长连胜纪录,仅次于1971-72赛季洛杉矶湖人队创造的33连胜纪录。与此同时,这次20连胜也是NBA联盟进入21世纪后最长的一次连胜纪录,为了纪念这次辉煌成就,休斯敦市长怀特今天宣布3月14日为“Houston Rockets Spirit Day”,暨“火箭精神日”。
Spirit Day
Houston mayor declares March 14 as 'Houston Rockets Spirit Day'
HOUSTON -- During their historic run into the NBA record books, the Rockets have created a buzz in the city of Houston.
On Friday, the talk will become a little more visible around town.
Houston Mayor Bill White has declared that Friday, March 14 will be "Houston Rockets Spirit Day" and is encouraging all Houstonians to wear their "rowdy" red in support of the home team.
The Rockets became the third team in NBA history to win 20 consecutive games with a win over Atlanta on Wednesday.
With a win over the Charlotte Bobcats on Friday, Houston would own the second-longest winning streak in league history. The Los Angeles Lakers hold the current record, taking 33 in a row during the 1971-72 season.
"The team is playing great ball, despite some adversity, and watching them has been both exciting and inspiring," White said in a statement. "We've been enjoying the ride by the Rockets' red glare and we all want to be behind the team and wish them well as they go into a big basketball weekend and push into the playoffs in a dramatic way."
http://www.nba.com/rockets/news/ ... ch_1-262631-34.html
点评:做任何事情都需要有奋发向上的精神! |