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发表于 2007-9-10 09:44:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



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发表于 2007-9-10 11:48:21 | 显示全部楼层

I graduated from capital medical university in 2000, and my major is clinical medical.

People always say that University life are brilliant days in one’s life, and people would not forget those days forever. But unfortunately, there is not any deep impress to me when I was in the university. Maybe because in those years, most students in my university were just from Beijng, and all the students include me would be back home every weekend. Thus the campus would become very quiet when Friday came. And it is so different from the university life that I ever imaged that I even think it is just a high school continuing.

And the 2nd reason that I have no much feeling on my university is that, we, clinical medical students always lived and studied in that campus for 2 and a half year. And then we should transfer to the different hospitals to learn the rest courses and clinical practical skills for another 2 year and a half.

Though the re is no deep impress of my university in my mind, I feel very glad that I make many good friends there. And these friends I think would be my whole life treasure. When we graduated, we were not very sad as other university students; we have no feelings that we would not meet each other, for we are all in Beijing and easy to take part in all kinds of party including anniversary party, wedding party etc. We are all busy now, but if anyone needs help, a phone call will call up all of us. That is friendship indeed.

This is my university life. Maybe it is not much splendid than others, but I still feel it is ok. I have pities there and I get big treasure there. That is enough, isn’t it? The real life should be filled with pities.

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发表于 2007-9-10 17:17:52 | 显示全部楼层

I major in English language and literature at a provincial "normal" university. My university is "normal" in that, on the one hand, it is in common with a lot of other universities here in China, on the other hand, it is by convention to name a university whose students will enter the teaching profession after graduation. Sometimes teachers and students make a joke out of this name, saying that we are doomed to be “normal”. It has a large campus, enrolling more and more students. In my view, it expands so rapidly that it almost cannot accommodate so many students and at the same time keep the educational quality. Yeah, the campus is really very large. It boasts the biggest library building of all the mainland university, while the amount of the books in the library is only
average. I have to search for books elsewhere, thus I come into Readfree.net.

Now I have stayed here for more than two years. I find that I am gradually attracted by the life here. It is so free to be a student. The campus is far from downtown and quiet. No one will foray into your private space, provided that you limit your behavior in an acceptable scope. The campus is so large that there is always something new for exploring. The camphor trees are evergreen. Peach, plum, even apricot can be found in the woods along the hills. In sunny days, birds circle over the green field. The small pond in front of the library is well stocked with fish. Students read aloud beside the pond and throw bread crumbs to feed the fishes. The campus is beside a lake which has a name very romantic, Emerald Lake.

As for my major, I chose it just for the fun of it. I studied in a medical college after graduating from high school, according to my parent’s arrangement. Thereafter, I was enlisted in the army, serving as a physician at a military hospital. I was released after I had served there for almost ten years. I wanted to do something which I was interested in. Then I chose to study English literature. In 2005 I managed to pass the entrance examination for Post-graduate education, and became a student again. I enjoy the life of reading, thinking and writing. But I found what I must do according to so called academic standard was very different from all that I imagined before entering this domain. Will I be a scholar? That seems to be out of my initial expectation. Now that I chose it, I must persist. Anyway, one who can do what he enjoys is happy.

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发表于 2007-9-10 19:59:13 | 显示全部楼层
  I am a graduate student of East China University of Science and Technology ,ECUST for short,Located in Shanghai, as one of the top 100 universities in China for the national "211 Project". My lovely school was founded in 1952,and initially named East China Institute of Chemical Technology,the renaming of the University as the East China University of Science and Technology in 1993,over70, 000 students have graduated from ECUST since it was founded,
    The graduate school of ECUST was approved by the Ministry of Education of China In June 2000,the university now has 53 specialties for undergraduate studies,and then became one of the first twenty-two universities under the Self-admission Reform Program in China.Now I am at the School of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering,and my major was industrial catalysis belong to Research institute of industrial catalysis,which also belongs to National Engineering Research Center for Nanotechnology and Key Lab for Advanced Materials of Ministry of Education of China.My Research Orientation is Novel Catalysis Materials and Technology under the director : Prof. Dr. Yanglong GUO,With luck, my research gains financial support from the Major State National Basic Research Program of China.
    In conclusion,I love my campus as well as my major,for it is fast-known that catalysis is equal to 99% chemistry.Not only there are much more orientationes for your deeply research,but also it is more suit for your bright future.At last,thanks for your kind reading and welcome to join us!

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发表于 2007-9-10 20:24:45 | 显示全部楼层

It's the first time that I took part in the activity holding in this forum.
I was graduated in a medical college.Actually I didn't like this major very much when I was in high school.The college located in the southwest of sichuan province,and it's just one street away from my home.
It didn't have big compus,and the students there was just over two or three thousand when I came to school.The main major was clinical medicine and medical imageology.The best one is medical imageology,being famous in the sichuan province,even in nationwide.
But my major was clinical medicine which is not very famous,and I supposed to be a doctor when I graduated.from the very beginning I didn't love this professional.But I had no choice.And it turned out to be a nightmare.It’s really very hard to be a medical stuednt.You should have some many courses,and the text books was always too many pages.And there always have some many strange medical term.
Anyway,I past three and a half hard years in school.Then I went to a hospital to be a medical intern.
I thought it might be a little funny to be a intern in the hospital,because you learned so many dieases in class and finally you could see some ones in the real world.But the result was I definitely realize that I was not suitable to be a doctor.I hated the smell in the hospital,I couldn't bare there was always some one died when I was on duty.Basically I didn't know how to be a doctor,I didn't know how to deal with some many patients when I knew I couldn't cure them entirly.
So when I have a chance to stay at school and be a teacher,I am very happy.
Now five years past,I am still grateful that I made an right decision.When I am with my students,I can tell them how to study,I can make friends with them,I can help them when they are in trouble.Most important,they trust me,believe me and like me.
It’s really a good feeling.

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发表于 2007-9-10 20:46:31 | 显示全部楼层
I am a graduate student of Southeast University.To get my doctor's degree, I choose Southeast University and the university choose me too. Our university is seated in nanjing, a famous city in the history of china.My major is management science & engineering, including many research directions. For example,economic,adminastration management,supply chain management,finance managent and so on.

  I devote myself to supply chain management and like it very much.Before I went to Southeast University, my major is management science &engineering too. And my study direction is SCM.namely,logistics management. In the beginning, I studied agricultural logistics,then, I devoted myself to industrial engineering and industrial logistics.

    At present, I read papers about reverse logistics about electronic and electronical product reverse logistics.Especially optimization and simulation of alogistics system.Welcome to comunicate with me,we can learn from each other.Now I study in economic management institution of Southeast University.I believe my dream will come true in the future. So my blog's name is myfuture

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发表于 2007-9-10 23:10:28 | 显示全部楼层
I graduated from East China University of Science and Technology in March 2007. At that time I got my Master Degree in major of Signal & Information Processing.My solid academic background can bring me more in-depth understanding of Signal Processing system.Now I work as an engineer in an institute to do science research.Although having left the university, I go back there frequently.I love the uiversity! She not only taught me knowledge, but also made me mature. I learn basic knowledge of Communication and Applied Electronics Technology.These knowledge gives me lots of help in work.
ECUST is an famous uiversity in chemical technology, it's original name is East China
Institue of Chemical Technology.Today, ECUST has become a multi-disciplinary national key university including science, engineering, agriculture, medicine, law, business, administration and humanities. Tomorrow, ECUST will be an internationally preeminent, brilliantly characteristic, multi-disciplinary and research-oriented first-class university. I hope the object will be realized as soon as possible!

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发表于 2007-9-11 04:27:27 | 显示全部楼层
This is my second time to attend the activity in this forum.
I am graduated from Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. Lots of people like calling its shortway, SUFE.  My major for bachelor degree is Public Administration. It is a new branch of public economics, which studies about the public affairs, goverment regulation, reallocation of resource and so on.
I have great change from my major for bachelor degree to Master degree. Now I am studying in the Orebro University in Sweden as an international master student. My major for master degree is economics and econometrics, which deal with numbers and analysis. Orebro University is just a small and not so famous university in the world even in Sweden. But it is very good on statistics. Sweden has very strict rules to be a professor. There are four professors on statistics in this university. It is a big number in Sweden.
The average age in the university of Sweden is around 28. This is a big difference with China. It is due to that students in univesities in Sweden almost work for some years before they go to the university. This problem likes the two sides of a coin. The students get lots of duties after working and married. To the other hand, they have good experience that will help them to master knowledge well. Sometimes you cannot find the balance point between the experience and study.

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发表于 2007-9-11 10:49:39 | 显示全部楼层

I graduated from Beijing Jiaotong University, and my major is applied mathematics.

Beijing Jiaotong University, a national key university of China, is a very old university at the age of 111, located at Xizhimenwai of Beijing. In July 1994, BJTU was selected as one of the first universities in the National 211 Project. Before April 2000, it was Northern Jiaotong University. In April 2000, Beijing Electrical Power College was merged into Northern Jiaotong University, and Northern Jiaotong University was renamed as Beijing Jiaotong University. From then on, it is directly under the administration of the Ministry of Education.

The best majors in Beijing Jiaotong University are Communication, Transportation and Logistics. There are many advanced researchers in these fields. There are also serveral national key laboratories such as optical communication etc.

The canteens in Beijing Jiaotong University are famous for their cheap and delicious food among universities in Beijing. Many students of other universities admire students in Beijing Jiaotong University because they think we can have good meals everyday.

My major, applied mathematics, is a very interesting major. For example, a branch of it studies biological law. How to control population is one topic of it. Too many people is a big burden to the earth. Of course, the quality of the people is also an important issue. Another branch of applied mathematics is mathematical finance. Stochastic optimal control is one of its issues. It treats problems in stochastic financial environment.

Uncertainty is inherent in most real-world systems including financial environment. Stochastic optimal control problems in financing, reinsurance, consumption and securities option are the preference in my research work. Optimal Financing, for example, is a very interesting problem in mathematical finance. Financing for example is an important task for decision makers in enterprise management. Optimal control problems in financing are well worth studying. Any corporation which is determined to expand swiftly will face shortage of money, which inevitably necessitates financing. In most cases, it cannot meet the needs of money for a corporation only to retain part or all of the corporation's earnings and the corporation must turn to raising the required external equity financing. I am studying this kind of stochastic optimal control models and will solve some financial problems in practical environment and ultimately help to make decisions in enterprise management.

I love my university and my major.

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发表于 2007-9-11 11:02:02 | 显示全部楼层
Two years ago I graduated from Southwest Agriculture University. My major is aquaculture. I grew in countryside when I was a child. I like country life and dream to become a farmer has a big cattle, and a big orchard so I can drink milk and eat many delicious fruit everyday. Also I like fishing, and look forward to become rich by raise fish, and dream to change the poor status of my home. So befroe the entrance test for college I decided to chosed a agricultural college. Indeed I found a speciality named aquaculture namely fishery. I was so glad that I was martriculated by the Southwest Agriculture Univesity.
    I learned much knowledge about biology and skill to raise fish in college. We learned zoology, biochemistry, hydrobiology, physiology, fish pathology, etc. After learned the courses we knew there are so many kinds of micro plants and animals in pond water and fish also breathe oxygen just as terricolous animals. Also wo learned how to reproduce fish artifically and how to raise baby fish.
    I was very happy in our university. There are 27 classmates in our class. We came from all corners of the land, such as Sichuan, Hubei, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Tianjin,

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发表于 2007-9-11 11:50:37 | 显示全部楼层
macauor, good job...

Many Thanks!

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发表于 2007-9-11 12:53:03 | 显示全部楼层
well, actually I'm not sure which is MY college.
You know, I graduated from one and worked for another - for a few years.
Then I became a graduate student in a third whilst I still hold a post in the second.

So, a student as a teacher, or a teacher as a student?
Both a little, I guess. Who else don't?
We all learn things from others and others might learn something this or something that from us.
We take and we give.

This is our life!
Our life styles may change, our residences may change... Things change.
But what is not to change?
We communicate, we remember, we make friends, we cherish our hopes...
We have tommorow.

There is path leading us from there to here, and to somewhere - we not yet knew.
Sometimes we have to look back, sometimes to look forward.
We look into our history.

So do I.
And I love the three colleges all.
There're lots of reasons OR there is no reason.

I entered a normal university and was meant to be a high school physics teacher where I met my first love.
This ended both bad and good. I wasted a lot of time amusing myself that half of my courses almost barely passed.
I graduated with my girl leaving me alone, and took the job offered by a new assembled applied physics department.

I got the job and found myself totally an idiot hardly knew a thing about my work, both in theory and experimental fileds.
With such an uncertainty about my ability, I seeked all kinds of help at my work place.
I listened my collegue's courses for over three times before I performed my own,
I stayed in the lab until very late in the night...
My collegues all take me as an industrious man, while I understand they're both right and not, and I deciced to work that hard as always.

Then I transitioned into a third phase where I'm now in - Studying as a graduate student and giving courses as a teacher.
This is smoehow an unmanageable situation for me. Most of all, time.
I'm short of time - to prepare the courses and to read the literature. Truely I feel aweful about this.

At times, I also bewilder my not-too-distant future.
We all do. Don't we? And we keep going on...

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发表于 2007-9-11 13:59:31 | 显示全部楼层
                       Dream Back to My University
     I graduated from my mother university--Fujian Normal Unversity about 15 years ago, and I majored in English Education. I've gone through joy and sorrow on this magic and spellbound land.
    My university is located in the capital city of Fujian Province. It's a key institution of higher learning in Fujian with a century-old history and a glorious tradition. Due to highly qualified teaching staffs and fine facilities for teaching and research and a top listed library out of the normal universities throughout China as well as good academic atmosphere, the University has made outstanding improvements in many fields, especially in its contribution to the country's Education Reform. Known as the province's cradle of teachers, it has raised and cultivated hundreds of thousand preparatory teachers , who have made great contributions to the country's educational course for they take the positions of teachers after they leave school. I still remember on a rainy grey day , a very sad song " Good luck to your journey " flying over the campus, we said goodbye to one another at the school gate, gloomy and lost and reluctant and sick at heart. But, just at the same gate, fours years before we had met with one another coming from all directions. I believe everything in the world is cause and effect, and acquaintance is a kind of fate or destiny.
    I have never thought of I may become a teacher some day, even though I had many career plans after I started to become acknowledged with the world. Completely out of my expectation and by chance, I was enrolled and accepted by the Teachers' Unversity and I took English Education as my major. Personally it's a very tiring and boring course, like the Applied Lingustics and Methods of Teaching English. I still remember we were required to sing a song " The more we get together" at Mr.Wu's class before being introduced into the tedious and gloomy world of teaching thoeries even though Mr Wu was then the province's top researcher of English teaching method. I even regret for not having completely finished reading a single original works of English literature. But all the aboved wouldn't stain my good image of the university life, colorful, meaningful, exciting, or even crazy. How should I forget my virgin love and the cute and tender girlfriend? How should I forget all my classmates went boating merrily on the west lake at weekends ? How should I forget happy and warm parties for my roomates? How should I forget a rescue movement to save a depressed and disappointed girl classmate who nearly commited suicide. How should I forget.......? That's too much!
   I cherish all this beautiful memory and I wish tonight i would dream back to my university.


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发表于 2007-9-11 15:05:57 | 显示全部楼层
I graduated from wuhan university of science and technology in 2007 where i have studied 7 years , and my major is automatization.

When i studied in senior high school, my teacher told me that if i become a academician,i will have a wonderful time , so i longing my campus life in my mind after that.

I will never forget the first day in our shcool ,my parent come along with me to my university , i was so exciting, feel novelty to everything in campus, but after my parent come back , i sat in my bedchamber alone , i feel so bad , this is my first time leave home , and the second day is my seventeen's birthday.

After sever weeks i adapt to my campus life slowly, i will not feel alone , and i can back home if i will every weekend. But
the times i back home become more and more sparsity, because in campus i feel more freedom , in campus i can paly with my schoolmates, and do anything if i will, i can sleep in bedchamber when other in class , but in the end of this season, i pay for what i do, i fail to through the examination of mathematics , you must know that when i come to university , my mathematics grade is A.

In the 2nd season i feel press, i know that i'll get nothing if i go on like last season, so i try my best to study , not only the course in the 2nd season but also the 1st season. Finally in the end of this season , i get bursary ,and i feel harvest.

Now i graduated form university , the 7 years campus life let me know that if you want to get you must pay out first, this is the wealth will benifit to me in all my life.

My name is jason,this is my university story!

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发表于 2007-9-11 16:08:59 | 显示全部楼层
感谢macauor版主, 这个锻炼写作的好机会可是不能错过哦,呵呵。
I came to Seoul National University in August 1st. It locates at Guanyue Mountain. I gradually feel the campus is very big as time passes. When you wander around it, you may be tired for you have to climb hillside all the way. But you may be in good mood because that some magpies go across the lawn slowly or cute squirrels quickly crawl on the lane. You can have the sense that you are mixed together with the nature. The air is so fresh and clean that you wouldn’t be worried about the dirty of bench aside the path and could sit down on it to have a rest for a moment.

I major in pharmaceutical analysis. I have already received my Master degree at home. My major is an applied science. It mainly does study on the analysis methods and instruments. For example, if you have succeeded in analyzing the drug with a new method or convenient method you can publish one article with high factor of influence. Nowadays, the quantitation and separation of some proteins drugs are more and more easy and convenient as the advanced analysis instruments are developed rapidly. As the saying goes that nothing is impossible to a willing heart.

As a doctorate student, I have to select the research orientation by myself. I have already stayed here for one month. Everyday, I read original papers in my field so that I can grasp the latest research trends and figure out my own study subject independently. Now, I am beginning to conceive my own research plan so that I can turn in it to my supervisor as soon as possible. He will give approval if he considers that my plan is original and feasible to a doctorate student. By the way, I think I am lucky for I applied the scholarship successfully before I arrived here. I don’t need to worry about the expensive tuition.

That’s all.

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发表于 2007-9-11 16:46:31 | 显示全部楼层

I graduated from Xinyang Teacher's College, and my major is mathematics.

Xinyang Teacher's College, a provincial normal university of Henan Province, was founded in 1974, located in the west of the city of Xinyang, a city in the south of Henan Province.

My university is famous for its scenery. The scenery in it is extremely beautiful. The main body of it is located on a small mountain. During the day, you can hear birds singing around now and then, and you can also smell the scent of flowers all year long. Every morning many students are reading among the trees and flowers. When you enter the campus, you will feel that you were entering a beautiful park.

Teaching is very interesting and teacher is my favourite career. Education needs many good teachers and is vitally important for the future of our country. When I was a student of a normal university, I devoted myself to the practising teaching all year long. I learned teaching skills, Mandarin, handwring and writing with a chalk. I have been a teacher for dozens of years. I'm sure that I will go on being a teacher until I retire.

My major is mathematics. On the one hand, mathematics is kind of natural beauty. It has many incredible laws which show the laws of nature. It is very important for many other subjects. On the other hand, however, It is a difficult subject for many students because it is very abstract. To help students master mathematics knowledge and methods easily, I do my best to explain them as clear as I can and have developed a series of characteristic teaching methods. Most of the students are for my teaching, and I am pleased with it.

Teaching has given me lots of fun. I am always enjoying being a teacher and improving teaching skills.

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发表于 2007-9-11 21:03:37 | 显示全部楼层
My college and my major

    I have graduated from Jia Ying college of Higher Education, whose old name is Jia Ying Da Xue college, which has had ninety-four years history for teaching. Jia Ying college is located in Meizhou city Guangdong province, and the Meizhou city was then called Jia Ying canton during Qing dynasty, thus the Jia Ying college’s name come from. In march 2003, Jia Ying Da Xue college was united with Jia Ying Institute of Education to be a new college called now Jia Ying College of Higher Education, and the name is used to now. In my college there are many great teachers who do his best on the teacher’s station. The environment of our college is full of green plants which make a beautiful campus. My college is not famous, but in my heart it is the best.

    My major is Computer Science and Technology. Our department is called Department of Computer Science and Technology, which is established in 1998, and the department is named Department of Computer Science then, and it is just form 2000 when the Department was renamed the Department of Computer Science and Technology. The major what I have studied on is to teach student to know the principle about computer, and to teach student how to design some hardware of computer and computer program. The process of learning is very hard, but what we have got is so much, because getting out from college we can do many things using what we have learned in our college. To study on the major is very hard, but what we have learned is very useful and worthy.

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发表于 2007-9-11 23:28:47 | 显示全部楼层
I am very happy to take part in the activity holding in this forum.
I was graduated in SUMS in 2001. But it had changed its name now. Actually I didn't like this major very much when I was in high school.The college located in the Guanzhou.It didn't have big compus,and the students there was just over four or five thousand when I came to school.But it was very famous.At that time,I was quite happy.I am still missing that time.After working very hard at hospital for several years,I went to school again.But the college is not so famous.It named Guandong Medical College,the former Zhanjiang Branch of the Sun Yatsen Medical College .Now has two campuses,one in Zhangjiang,and the other in Dongguan.The main major was clinical medicine .The best one is Dermatology and Venerology,which is my major. I wanted to be a good doctor to help the patients when I had not graduated.But now I didn't love this professional.I had no choice. It is very diffical to get a job.It is a nightmare.And now it is the time for me to find a job again.I feel very depressed.I feel nothing to how beautiful the campus it is.

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发表于 2007-9-12 08:32:27 | 显示全部楼层
I graduated from HeBei medical university in 2004, and my major is anatherisiatic medical.
  My university is beautiful in HeBei Province,was founded in 1956,located in ShiJiaZhuang, a city  in the HeBei Province.
  My university is important in HeBei province. The university have a plent of medical job .when I is a students ,I know that if theuniversity has not a lot of good teachers,it is not a good university.My  university have many good teachers.they are good at taeching in school and learning.
  My university is beautiful place. I live in my university about 5 years. I has learned a lot of medical kills and knowledge .on the same time ,I enjoy my university .most of the students are studying in my university.most of the teachers are teaching in my university.I am inversitied in living in my university. There are 5 or 6 medical universities in He Bei provine .On the same time , myuniversity is the best medical university . I would devoted to learning and teaching in medicine.

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发表于 2007-9-12 12:47:12 | 显示全部楼层

Many thanks!

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