热搜: 超星 读书 找书
楼主: macauor


发表于 2007-9-12 13:32:42 | 显示全部楼层
Hello everyone! In fact, in the yesterday i want to write something about my School, but i really don't know how to begin to write that. In this morning, suddenly i had some inspiration, then i write down this .
  My name is liben-liu, 20-year-old, now i study in the Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology, majoring in computer .Ok after this simple self-introduction, I entered today'topic "my schools and professional".
  In fact, my hometown is in Henan not in Shaanxi, maybe it is God's willing i come here in Xi'an to study .My schools seems not so big, but I think everyone can feel the family's feeling here. Yeah I love my school,and thanks god let me here ! Ok let's talk about my professional, my professional is computer technology, Do you konw why i choose this as my professional , maybe because i like tv-game when i was a boy. So finally i choose the computer as my professional!
In the end, I would like to say that I love my school, I love my profession,and thank God i can do something i like!


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发表于 2007-9-12 13:46:38 | 显示全部楼层
I graduated from Henan university, majoring in English language and literature. The university has a long history of more than one hundred years. The foreign language departmetment is very well-known in the foreign studies circle. Many professors and teachers are known to language researchers. For example, do you know an American-born professor, Shirley Wood. She is a very kind and genteel lady. She came to China with parents since those revolutionary years. Do you the professor Liu Bingshan who specializee in Shakespeare studies. He took almost ten years to distant from the outside world to compile the Shakespeare dictionary. What a great undertaking he had held.
From time to time I still recall those glorious and joyous years in the university. The romantic relationship with a girl classmate has never forgotten though it lasted for a short time. During that period of time I felt emotionally engaged and occupied and every day seemed fresh and exiting to me. Equally fascinating is the friendship established among classmates of common interests. How I wish for a chance to experience the life again.

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发表于 2007-9-12 16:42:58 | 显示全部楼层

An episode of me: undergraduate years

   When asked, “where did you spend the best time of your youth”, most people would agree that it was on campus. College days always remind us of lovely ponds, straight evergreens, quiet reading rooms, devoted pals and perhaps sweet love.

   My Alma mater is a normal university—cradle for would-be teachers. As with other normal universities elsewhere in China, the number of female students is quite out of proportion with that of males, esp. in schools or departments of Liberal Arts, like History, Chinese Language, and Foreign Languages and Cultures. I’m an English major. In our class, there were 6 boys but 28 girls. A joke floating around in our department was that even the most ordinary male students would certainly outshine extraordinary females for they were “national treasure” in the department.

   I would never buy such a treasure vs. trash story for gender is biologically determined while success should be gained through hard work and continuous effort. During my college years, I spent most of the time attending courses and lectures and studying on my own. Interestingly, I was labeled as model student by some of my classmates who could not understand why I hadn’t felt bored with such a routine life, dorm-canteen-classroom/ library. In fact, I was not the one abided by curriculum. Pouring just 30% of energy into school work, i.e. textbooks, exams, things like that, I pursued what seemed to me more important things. More often than not I read extensively with the hope to explore the unknown and realize who I am. And I found reading and contemplation brought me inner peace and pure joy. Now from a retrospective view, I believe all was worth doing.

   Basically, I belong to the type of shy, self-conscious person; nevertheless, I did make some intimate friends during the four college years. Xiaoling, Jiajia, Yanzi were the new friends I made at university. At first, it was the similar background and dialect that grouped and glued us in the big new pond. As time went by, we developed a strong relationship. Xiaoling is our eldest caring sister. Jiajia is easygoing and Yanzi outgoing. Though with different personalities, we could always found the common ground. We were willing to see strength and weakness in one another and ready to share laughter and tears together. The four of us hang around so often that we were given the nickname “the gang of four”. Quarrels, however, did happen sometimes with complaints and anger and refusal to speak to the other followed, but the “cold war” never lasted three days because a mutual friend would expectantly served as a mediator encouraging make-up. Still remember? We were “gang” members.

   Some author said memory was more powerful than life; psychologists said people tended to retain good memories while discard bad ones. I believed to some extent memory is part of us. What can’t be erased is a former me that is maintaining and nourishing the existing me.


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发表于 2007-9-12 17:32:17 | 显示全部楼层
        I major in English. I study in a Normal College, which is only one part of our big university. Our university is a comprehensive one, lying beside the beautiful lake, covers an area of 3200 mu , with a total investment of 640 million yuan. It has picturesque scenery, modern facilities and cultivated atmosphere. The special-style buildings, well-designed gardens and the particular layout makes it a bright window of education in the ancient city. It has most up-to-date network system, closed circuit TV system, broadcasting system, communication system and security system. It has computer teaching classrooms, phonetics laboratories, physics, chemistry and biology laboratories, a multifunction hall, music classrooms, art classrooms, psychology consulting classrooms, labor technique classrooms, multimedia classrooms. It also has a magnificent gymnasium with an investment of 18 million.
         I feel lucky studying here in this university! With the development of nearly 10 decades, our university has formed a set of theories in education and management.The teaching and administrative staffs are all selected and designated by the headquarters of our university. Under the same leadership of the group, it applies the same management mode to operate and opens various teaching activities. In recent years, with good working environment and scientific management, our university is taking “the lasting construction project of excellent teachers”. Over one hundred people are awarded as the excellent teachers in different levels. Nearly half a hundred persons obtained the awards in the teaching contests. Our coaching teacher Mr Huang is one of those who got honorary titles! He has a special way to make his lessons lovely and enjoyable. I, continuously encouraged by him, have got First Prize Scholarship for two years. He has validly promoted our individual excellency by three big experiments, including flexible management, and individual appropriate education! We really have learnt a lot from our teachers, not only the way to study, but how to be a good person as well!

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发表于 2007-9-12 19:00:10 | 显示全部楼层
       When we started school at university at the first setout . the play cs was fashionable . as people asked us the university which we came from ,we used to say that we studied at cs university.


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发表于 2007-9-12 21:37:40 | 显示全部楼层
I graduated from chemical Engineering school of Bingjing in 1999.My profession is a machine to give or get an electric shock integral whole to turn
It is located Jinging Home of Confucious and MENcious.It is a new school .The facilites of the
library and gymnasium are not coruplete.So we felt dready every day.But there are many colldges near.We go to those colleges playing after school .And we also make many friends. We were
very disappointecl when came to school .My classmates were not studying hard including me.
After our first term ,we went to a company to do our field work,But we all couid not understand
simply drawing. We felt so shamed When leaders gave us a scolding. We studied hard. the second term,and when we got scholarship.We do many interesting things after school such as      playing bastetball and speech contest.Many classmates found good job after graduation.
  This is my college life Live some monotones, but I lead still more substantial.

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发表于 2007-9-12 22:05:53 | 显示全部楼层
I am studying in Zigong Shuguang senior middle school.The State Key school is the best senior middle school in Zigong.In my opinion the campus afforestation is very well. I want to study in Sichuan University in the future.
Next year, I will go to study at university, but I don’t know how to adapt myself to university life. I hear many freshmen are at a loss what to do when they are at university. They can’t take care of themselves in their everyday life, feeling lonely and homesick. Clothes, money or mobile phones are sometimes gone. And because of different climates and food, they often feel sick. Some even rent rooms outside the campus. Could you tell me how to deal with these problems so that I will be able to suit the university life in the future?

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发表于 2007-9-12 23:47:06 | 显示全部楼层
I graduated from East China Nomal University, which is one of the most famous normal university in China. Located in busy road in Putuo district, Shanghai, ECNU is very peace and beautiful. Especially, when you enter ecnu from the front gate, the green phoniex tree cathing your fisrt eye make you forget all the noise and bother in summer. In autum, the leaves of phoniex tree goes golden, walking in a lovely day along the main road or sitting under a tree to reading book is so lovey. This is my favorite leisure activity. ECNU is also close to ChangFen Park. It is a good place to jogging and do excersise. It is said no any charge for enter before 6.30am. when you are worring about how to treat your friends from other city, rowing a boat is a good idea in Changfeng Park. You can spend one afternoon there.

I don't know how strong ECNU is in academic, but I know education science school in ECNU is a good school, which ranks at least three or four in China which also has some famouse educaiton reasearchers, such as Ququan Zhong. My subject is educational inforamtion technology, it is still a new term for many person, althought the department was founded in 1985. Educational technology means enhancing or improving teaching and learning both in informal and formal context with technology. With the envolution of techonolgy, the focus of this subjet is also changing. At the begining, it focus on slider, projecter, radio and movie. students at that time have to learning how to set up a tv, making educaiton TV program, photograph. Now it puts more attantion on ICT ( Inforamtion and commnication technology),such as compter and internet. E-learning and Mobile leanring are very hot at present. The future job for students could be in school or in some company. It depends on what you like and how well you learn. I enjoy this subject. If you had chose it , I hope you also like it. If you still have not chose, why don't try? Good luck.

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发表于 2007-9-13 00:18:07 | 显示全部楼层
感谢macauor斑竹, 这个锻炼的机会不容错过呀

I graduated from the Shandong University in 1998, majored in English. Though I since have been doing those English-related jobs all along, like translating, international credit trading, and so on, I seldom have the chance to write in English and it now seems rather awkward for me. But at least it is worth trying.

Shandong University, founded in 1901, is one of the most well known universities in the Shandong Province. Some people even have the idea that there are only two famous universities here, one is the Shandong University, and another is the Qingdao Ocean University, the only Ocean University in China. Located in the beautiful “Spring city”, Jinan, the University has a first class faculty, standard teaching system, and profound culture and academic heritage, because of its long history and its brilliant scholars such as Liang Shiqiu, Zhang Jian, Pan Chengdong, etc. Years before the former Shandong Industrial University and the former Shandong Medical University has merged into the university, and now its scale has been greatly enlarged. Shandong University graduates in 2006 alone, it is said, are more than 14000.

The foreign language college owns diligent and genius staff and makes impressive teaching efforts. The professors include white-hair scholars and energetic middle-aged teachers. Different in research styles and teaching methods, they all are the best friends to the students. In 2000, the department became qualified to grant Ph.D. degrees. Many foreign visit scholars also have brought fresh academic ideas to this prosperous field. Only one word to remember: you should adapt yourself to the teachers’ methods, not vice versa.

In those days, I once found myself semi-conscious in the quiet and peaceful “small woods”; found myself absorbed in the powerful and voluminous lectures; and found myself indulged in the athlete competitions with my roommates. Yeah, youth is great. And youth in university, I will never ever forget.

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发表于 2007-9-13 13:39:44 | 显示全部楼层



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发表于 2007-9-13 13:41:52 | 显示全部楼层
I graduated from Shenyang pharmaceutical university this year and my major is pharmaceutics. To achieve my master degree, I lived the most substantial life in these three years.

Shenyang pharmaceutical university is one of most famous comprehensive pharmaceutical universities in China, which is ranked in the top 3 in the field of pharmaceutical researches in China. It has established friendly corporations with many countries and many academic exchanges are carried out every year. Pharmaceutics dose mainly study on the formulation, design, preparation and presentation of dosage forms based on the theory of the physical, chemical and biological sciences. Many regarded pharmaceutics as unworthy of being called a science ago, since the formulation to some extent depended on experience indeed. Nowadays, however, pharmaceutics has been divided into some intimate subsets, and moreover, several technologies and elements were introduced into this area, such as molecules, microscopy, crystals and chromatography, which promote the understanding and even enable the prediction of the properties and behavior of materials, formulations and medicines. I am a great believer in that pharmaceutics is becoming more and more professional and flourishing.

In the field of pharmacy, the Shenyang pharmacy graduators have the high reputation for their high technique and dedicated spirits. All students are sincere and warm. I have got a lot help from my senior fellow apprentices, not only in work but also in life. They never hesitated to point out my mistake, because they know that frank criticism is the best help. All students develop themselves in balance. Many activities are organized every year, ranging from academic to recreational, such as academic reports, speech contests, sports meeting, singing and dancing groups, etc.

The university life is the best preparation for stepping into the real society. I have trained in my lovely university and I am ready for the challenge in my future life. I am always proud of being a member of Shenyang pharmaceutical university.

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发表于 2007-9-13 14:03:57 | 显示全部楼层

迎接新学期  介绍自己的学校

    Harbin Institute of Technology  --  HIT

   HIT was founded in 1920 as a small technical school and now, 83 years later, has developed into a large multi-disciplinary nationally renowned university with science, engineering and research as its core. Since 1954, HIT has repeatedly been designated as one of China’s leading institutions of higher education and as such has received significant financial support and investment from the Central Government. HIT is also one of the national “211 Project“ universities. This project targets 100 institutions of higher education to receive preferential support for development into world-class universities in the 21st century.

   We believe one of the most important elements in maintaining our high academic standards is our faculty. HIT employs a great number of scholars well known domestically and internationally. Currently, there are 2,885 faculty members, including 18 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Science and/or the Chinese Academy of Engineering, 444 doctoral supervisors, 629 professors and 1, 112 associate professors.

   HIT has been bold and innovative in its scientific research and has consistently undertaken large-scale and highly sophisticated national projects. Because of this, the funding for research increases yearly. In 2002 , research funding from the government, industry, and business sectors reached 567 million yuan (US $68million ). Hi-tech research projects include China’s first simulation computer; the first intelligent chess-playing computer; the first arc-welding robots; the first radar with a world-class advanced system; the first CMOS chip IC card of our own independent design; the first giant computer-aided real-time 3-Dimage constructing system; the first microcomputer-operated fiber twiner and the first large-scale tank head forming machine. Most notable is the “large-scale ground simulation system vacuum container”, a nationally important scientific program, which only took three years to complete. And finally, a new mini-satellite being developed domestically is to be launched soon.

   HIT is famous for its original style of schooling:” Being strict in qualifications for graduates; making every endeavor in education students”. Our graduates have been warmly welcomed by employers throughout China; more than 100,000 graduates have stepped into society and many have moved up to high-ranking managerial positions and worked as specialists in the fields of science and technology, education, national defense, and economics. A number of graduates have become leaders of the CPC and assumed government positions at different levels, generals of the Republic, academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering.

   HIT students study humanities and social sciences along with their basic engineering and science courses for a strong comprehensive base. They go on to learn scientific research methods and laboratory skills with enhance their creativity and innovative abilities. When our students graduate from HIT, they are equipped with strong theoretical knowledge and the ability for practical applications.

   Today , all the faculty , students and staff of HIT, with full confidence , are dedicating their concerted efforts to advance bravely towards the goal of building HIT into a well-known world-class university.


Details are referred to the website:http://en.hit.edu.cn/about/overall.htm


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发表于 2007-9-13 14:43:12 | 显示全部楼层
Haha... first, I must say I am extremely happy can participate in this activity, saying about our own university campus and our own specialty.
  I already graduated from university for more than a year, I graduated in the xi'an JiaoTong University , my specialty was chemistry, after graduation i also engaged in the chemistry works, first let me tell you about my university, my university had 110 years history, 110 years ago,Jiaotong University held high the banner of " Saving China byIndustry" And shouldered the heavy task of " StrengtheningChina and Chinese People" " Seeking PracticalKnowledge" And " Doing Practical Businesses" Andtrained many outstanding talents of a few generations. therefore i am so happy to study in this school . And my specialty is chemistry, possibly because I like the nature since i my childhood . Perhaps you think that chemistry is only piles of chemicals, but I must say if you have not contacted chemistry, you will never know what these drugs can bring you!
  Thanks God can let me study in this world famous and high level university.

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发表于 2007-9-13 15:26:55 | 显示全部楼层
It’s a shame that the seven years’ campus life is drawing to a close, just be reluctant to leave. Every nook and cranny of the place is full of memories.
“Seeking truth from facts and applying knowledge to the service of the nation”, the mission of the university, resounds in my ears. This is a dynamic, young and comprehensive university. Deng Xiaoping autographed the name. Looking around, the familiar classroom buildings, the broad lawn, the new playground... all aren’t without the help of so many patriotic overseas Chinese, a considerable donations and generous support throughout its establishment and development.
It’s time for me to leave the campus, so suddenly, before I can conceive. Everything goes on as if its just a dream, and when I open my eyes, all have come to an end.
  Looking around, I see the familar faces, with free hearts, as well as grieves. Realizing some of us may departure for ever, the girls begin to cry, taking others into their arms.
  I used to think its unecessary to cry, as it rather a behavior of affectation, but for the time of being , its rather a difficulty for me to control my tears, I try hard to keep them back, but fail to do so. Quitely, I turn round, and wipe my eyes.
  I have tried to have a heart of stone, in order to protect me form getting hurt. But its so weak that it can easily break up by departure.
  It's a sad night, and it's a crazy night. we go dancing, sang together, and even get drunk.
  For one more time, I look arond my lovely classmates, hoping that I can keep their visages into my mind, for ever they are.

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发表于 2007-9-13 16:00:52 | 显示全部楼层
My name is Yang fan. I am 24 years old and male. In 2004, I entered Xi’an Jiaotong University and graduated in 2007 with a master’s degree in computer science. Since then I have been working as a computer programmer in a Shanghai Company.
  Influenced by my father, I’ve been interested in civil engineering since I was quite young. Besides, I like sports and architecture very much. Of course I do admit that I have some shortcomings. I can be shy when speaking in the presence of large crowds of people. Sometimes I am hesitant in making quick decisions. But I’m sure I will be able to overcome them. I work in the new company not very long, I believe a whole new working environment will surely provide better chances for me to build up future career and personal characters. Also, on occasion, I had a romantic encounter with readfree garden, and had been getting numerous materials, which is much more surprised with me, I acquainted several nice friend on line. it is readfree make me more bright and active. Thank you.

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