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[[小语种资源]] 第二十三期论坛英语辩论活动(1个威望)

发表于 2006-8-18 16:11:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



辩论题目: 中国足球会越来越好

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发表于 2006-8-19 18:21:18 | 显示全部楼层
Will the Chinese football perform better and better? I feel pessimistic about it from my point of view as follows:
    Firstly, in China we still are in lack of the football culture compared with the European countries or south-African countries like Brazil, Argentina, etc. You know certain cultures are not developed in one day. In another word we are still inadequate for proper basis of its development. Everyone knows that football does not only involve skills or strength or intelligence and something more about it. Table tennis is a typical example of illustrating the point. Table tennis is very popular among the Chinese people and it not only shows great talent of the Chinese people at the little ball also their understanding of the ball. So we have to say we need to be patient because we were in inborn shortage.
    Secondly and technically, non-native coaches can work its wonders? The facts show it is not all purpose medicine for all. Maybe our native coaches are better because they know more about their culture and people. The key question is people. Are coaches qualified and these player are really professionally skillful and a love for football. If they all have one thing in their mind: money. you know the result  of the group of money motivated.
   Still there are other factors such as system, education.

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发表于 2006-8-20 09:02:14 | 显示全部楼层
Chinese football Still have a long way to go. Personally,I think there are several resons.
   Firstly,the average capacity of Chinese players is low though some of them are extremely outstanding. Only four of the national players are in or are going to the five super football leagues in Europe, other one are all in the national soccer league which are at its first step of its beginning.

    Then, they also are short of good coaches. The team is always directed by Chinese but not the one who is worldwide famous. Before 2000, the team is often changing its Chinese coaches. Then Boar Milutinovic came to China to direct the team. With his help Chinese football team get into World cup firstly. So a high-quality coach can play an important role in one team.

    Additionally, Chinese Football Association has some problems in management.  There are many inside stories in it. Some bad news is always around the team. For example, last year, there are more than three players in the team were reported to wench. All of the bad news deeply detracted the vigor of them.Compared with the national football team of China, Korea and Japanese teams have done much better. Their players in the super league are more than Chinese.Their coaches are always superstars in the Coach-wide. And also their managements are stricter.

    In conclusion, Chinese team should solute the problems as soon as possible. Otherwise, the team will not be a great team.

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发表于 2006-8-20 11:26:30 | 显示全部楼层
The topic is whether Chinese football sports get better or not. My answer is no based on the current situations.The present Chinese football sports is not professional, although the Chinese Football Association announced so. Many problems frequently occurred, which indicated that this kind of sports was not immature. The following factors can prove that.

Firstly, as Mr. Xshzhou said, "Chinese Football Association (CFA) has some problems in management." I think this factor is critical. The whole system consists of players, teams, judges, coaches and Chinese Football Association. Untill now,  CFA do not establish a professional guideline. This guideline includes player training, game restraints and the pole of CFA. If there is no good administrators, the whole system will be ill. Hence, the critical measures is CFA administration.

Seconaly, as Mr. tycoon mentioned, " in China we still are in lack of the football culture...". This culture is related to our fans and football clubs. Chinese fans and football clubs do not develop a healthy envirenment for football sports in China. As we can see, some fans are not calm. Although Chinese football sports badly behave, they still are devoted to the sports. (Of course, I don't deny they love out mother country). On the other hand, the clubs are not professionally carried out.

Lastly, many fans always admit that our player and coaches are not qualified, compared to those in European or South-African countries. This factor is true. Our athelets are lack of not only personal capacity, but also technique. They should develop the above aspects and the latter is extremely important. However, these improvements mainly depond on the administration and cultures.

In a word, China still has a long way in football sports. The administration, culture, athelet training shoud be improved in the future.

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发表于 2006-8-20 16:01:25 | 显示全部楼层
we all experienced  the days that  our football team was defeated  and it brought us so long upset. Will the Chinese football team give us any surprise to us one day?
I think  our team  must be long way to match the European football teams. First of all our basement are weak .We lack of the football culture. Compared with the talbe tennis, football are not so popular. Second  we do not have the worldwild  ball game star,  our athelets are lack of technique, mostly  when they are in team. Third some  athelets pay more attention to their own honor  than his team.
Some measurement had already put into use, sending our athelets aboard or invited a foreign famous coach, but we had not saw  large changes in our  football game  by now. When the 2008  Olympic games come near , shoud our football team give us a fresh aspect ?

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 楼主| 发表于 2006-8-20 16:09:32 | 显示全部楼层
引用第4楼wqh07922006-08-20 16:01发表的“”:
we all experienced  the days that  our football team was defeated  and it brought us so long upset. Will the Chinese football team give us any surprise to us one day?
I think  our team  must be long way to match the European football teams. First of all our basement are weak .We lack of the football culture. Compared with the talbe tennis, football are not so popular. Second  we do not have the worldwild  ball game star,  our athelets are lack of technique, mostly  when they are in team. Third some  athelets pay more attention to their own honor  than his team.
Some measurement had already put into use, sending our athelets aboard or invited a foreign famous coach, but we had not saw  large changes in our  football game  by now. When the 2008  Olympic games come near , shoud our football team give us a fresh aspect ?


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发表于 2006-8-20 22:27:32 | 显示全部楼层
Well, from the past performance of Chinese Football Team and the current sporting system that China Football Association applys, I don't think that China Football can get better within two or three decades.

Football is one kind of team sports.  And it is also very much different from many othe type team sports. If you study well about the history of World Cup.  You can find all the world cup winners have same charterastics.  It need a combination of every aspect to become a success. Not just a superstar, or a perfect coach, or a  strategy....etc.,  any of these is needed and very important but none of them could lead to success without a best combination.

In individual saports, China seems do better. for instance, China performs well in gymnastics, diving…ping-pong…um…badminton etc..

However, when it comes to a group of people actually cooperating to meet a common objective, Soccer? Basketball?  ... more problem occur to us.

There is one sole exception to this ,  that is the World #1 ranked China women’s volleyball team.  

These tell us that Chinese women are just better at all that cooperation and creativity stuff than Chinese men? looks so, but why?

Team sports require the afore-mentioned spirit of cooperation in meeting a common goal.  Individuals who are selfish in achieving their own goals at the expense of others will not excel in a team.  A team needs - to put it broadly - organizational skills, everyone must be “kicking in the same direction”. Chinese can work together to get stuff done, but only under strong centralised leadership.
But for a team, strong centralised leadership (i.e. the coach) is not enough. Team sports require creativity from the individuals involved, in order to make use of that leadership on the field.  Individuals who are nurtured and educated to follow authority blindly without exercising their own judgment or developing creative thinking cannot make a great team. And that creativity must be brought into play with quick decision making.

Obviously, our Chinese Football team do not have all these required aspects. The current state as I see is more business oriented than professional sport development consideration.  The major problem to solve is that we must establesh a correct system as a platform for the footall sport before it develops. Did we see that? No.  Even if we have a good system established., It will still need long period to become mature and achieve to a strong stage.  It is imposible  to  get to any success over night or within just a few years.

In my opinion, it may need to take Chinese Footall another 10-20 years at least to realize ourselves better to find a suitable system to establish.  Before having a right sporting system,  I don't expect China football team perform better.  Chinese team could win one or two match by luck or something, but it will be too early to say that China footaball have made a key improvement.

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发表于 2006-8-20 23:42:34 | 显示全部楼层
I am always an optimist about what will happen in the future. As for football in China, I am an optimist too. Anyway, there are the followings which make me full of the confidence.
First, we now have so many qualified football players. Some of them are invited to play the world, which will promote the followers, especially the next generation to imporve their skills at all levels. As we all know, footballers are sprung up in recent days in China. Second, the vestment in football are more increased in the recent years than in the past. Money can not do all things, but it is so important in doings. With the rapid development of China's economy, we are enriched and we have surplus to entertain. Football playing is the popular sports and the demand of a great deal of people to join in and satisfy. In this way, the public is the support of reopening the market of football playing. Third, the world needs football in China to be prosperous. It is the big opportunity for the world to communicate with China, not only for football culture, but for the full scale of aspects in China. Fourth, the peaceful world provides the opportunity for China to reinforce the entertainment, of course including football. The world has already taken China as the great important part of it in the harmonious century, therefore, it is the time for China to contribute for the peaceful universe.
Briefly, in China football will meet its prime ages in the very near future. We are looking forward the day's coming!

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发表于 2006-8-21 11:11:07 | 显示全部楼层
When I have seen the topic, I feel I am daydreaming. Chinese football will be better? I do not think so, and I do not have hope for it.

With the development of football  profession, our football union is not becoming better, but worse. A lot of football players who have been star players are not playing as struggling as before. When they were in junior union of football, they always made a dream of being a star plyer, or a good player at least. And they were making great efforts to make their dreams to come true. They were doing all they can do at that time. And they were making us feel their push-and-go. But after they have been main players in a football club, they have changed their way of working. Why? because they do not care about their career, and they are not afraid of having no football to play. They pay little attention to their professions yet. What they care about is their money or  their figures. When they are famous at home, they begin to pay no attention to their fans. So, abusing or beating a cleaner has come true. Why can they do these? They are famous men in China.

By far, we only came to world cup once. Our frofessional players even can not defeat some amateurs fo some countries. They even can obtain more money than them ,and eat better food and so on. Why they always lose game? I think it is their attitude. They do not care about the result because they can obtain their money whether winning the game or not. They are our star football players. I think we should do something for him, such as giving them some  smelly eggs. They do not deserve our respect.

All in all, I have been hopeless for them. If our football association does not take some measures to resovle this serious problem, our footbal will be worse.

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 楼主| 发表于 2006-8-21 20:48:37 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2006-8-22 04:55:41 | 显示全部楼层
Chinese football will not get better in near future, Though it is expected by millions of fans and investigated in with billions of Yuans. There are three major reasons for the downfall of chinese football.

The first reason is the young players being cultivated is becoming fewer and fewer. Football games' great profit makes people congested in the game fields. Couches, players, clubs, and even fans are never chinchy to give their capital, vigor, wisdom and time to the games, but no one would like to shed a little attention to the cultivating of young players who are sopposed to take over the torch soon, and with this faultage of outstanding players in ages, Chinese football cause will have a hard time soon too.

The second reason lays in the lack of morality. This society today is full of the worship to money, and a lot of people would exchange anything with money, even against the laws. Then clubs, players and judges collude to cheat for wealth. They cheat the fans, the sponsers, the government and even cheat each other among themselves. You can never rely on corrupted people to take great efforts on their cause and get great achievement. With these people, the hope for Chinese football's bright future becomes even dimer.

It's not over yet, Government's outrageous interference to the football is lethal. The xxx bureau's management against Market rules and it's greedy pursuing for economic benifit from this industry give a deadly blow to the frail Chinese football. Under bureaucracy management and being squeezed for the benifit which should be one circle of the market chain, Chinese football cause is hopeless and dying, just a matter of time.

I love football games and really hope China has a great team from the bottom of my heart, but before the three reasons are changed, I can only accept that Chinese football will be depressing and wretched for many years.

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发表于 2006-8-23 12:42:12 | 显示全部楼层
My idea is there is a long distance road for china football,because of Chinese football players and team spirit.

Why doesn’t China have excellent football players? It’s seemingly unreasonable as China has a population of 1.3 billion. There should be excellent football players excelling. A survey shows that there are only 50,000 football lovers practicing football at least two times a week. That explains why. How can we produce excellent athletes with so few players. There must be football geniuses but who can explore them and how can they know that they are geniuses. A listener said:"There are some in my class. But our head-teacher 'killed' them." I still remember when I was in senior middle school, once the boys played football or basketball, our head-teacher would reprimanded them and forced them to study. In a word, entrance examination counts.

Unfortunately, the football circle becomes the innocent lamb---the goal of all the arrows from all the sides. Millions misunderstand them and criticize them. Actually, it has no relation to the football circle.

To the point, the nature of this problem is a problem of society. It involves in so many relevant problems including the institution system. No department pays much attention to it.  Actually, it’s also very hard. The enthusiasm of the football fans is killed by the institution system, their parents and teachers. The pressure from all sides presses us to put all our efforts and energy to study. So to speak, the entrance examination for colleges dominates students’ everything.

Experts have already realized that there is something wrong with the institution system. But we can do nothing about it as we can’t find a proper mechanism to replace the contemporary system. So to speak, we still need it now.

I think we don’t have the corresponding environment. There are many universities classified in China. Every year, millions of high school students cross the only bridge-----the entrance examination with the purpose of entering high-quality universities. Even though it’s not their first wish, they have to live up to their parents’ expectation.

Virtually, the standard of the universities have been released a lot with the decades past. More and more students can go to university now while it’s really difficult for the counterparts in the past. We are improving, however, the way is zigzagging.

As to the situation of China’s football, it won’t change in a relatively long time. Don’t cry for it.

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 楼主| 发表于 2006-8-23 12:50:31 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2006-8-24 08:12:49 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2006-8-24 08:25:35 | 显示全部楼层
Various feelings are interweaving in the heart when I see the topic about china football. I hardly can express them in clear words.
First, I feel somehow depressed. In terms of skills, we are blow average capacity. There is still a long way to go before we can become competitive in Asia, not to say in the world. This situation mainly results from two factors. Though china has a long history of culture in the world that of the football playing is far less. So the soil of football needs to be fertile. Another reason comes from professional coach. Professional training is in urgent need.  High-quality coach can play an important role in one team.
Additionally, I also feel exciting. Domestic team of Football fans is no smaller than that of other countries. They are still showing their passion to the game though they cannot cheer for their own team. Spirit is to some extent the most important. China football team is not inferior to any other in terms of back support.
Chinese Football Association should improve the management. Negative sstories are coming now and then from it, which deeply detracted the vigor of the team. Compared with the national football team of China, Korea and Japanese teams have done much better. A strict and suitable management is the life of a group.


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 楼主| 发表于 2006-8-25 12:08:41 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2006-8-25 12:58:11 | 显示全部楼层
The Chinese soccer prospect is uncertain

Chinese soccer athlete were very rich but the result of contest is tiny, I frequently suspected so much money The boards pay out them to use is not their own money, some administrative authorities official behaviors truly also confirmed this spot, besides country words drivehead, is the number Not many people business serves with the benefit induction after each place government, enters this turbid water in a hurry, then evacuates is the evident proof in abundance.

China's soccer athletes after the so-called market (the Earth people all knew that absolutely cannot be simple calls by the market, Chinese soccer association this profession The association likely is keeps aloof, makes one be able not but to crawl in the place yamen. Its officials full face serious, is severe, in all seriousness face, now partner However sees unexpectedly the conditioned reflex some to want to vomit), the skill in ball games has not enhanced how many, the temperament to is surges upward along with the wage surges wave upon wave. Armor A, center ultra (this "ultra" character let person be straight goose flesh) not to need to say, including the national sports team members who was select carefully, looked like resembles is a crowd The question youth's collection, kicks a ball plays rough, does not have methodicalness not to say that, frequently serves with to opposite party player certainly kills the technique, shoddy and is barbaric. By specialized movement Troop's investment training, after all the people offer unexpectedly the company violates a regulation all or the primary level, said lets person hard to speak up.

The Chinese soccer classical scene is: No matter is the infrigement or by the infrigement sends after the matter, can straight neatly flush the referee to go, the finger refers straightly, the interrogation expression usually gangs up on the referee on the difference. The training, the athlete generally all have the so forth performance, Some so-called big signs like in-situ standing or slowly a step, both hands forking between the waist Stretches out a finger, the direction is threatening the referee, the staff or the fan. Certainly The Chinese soccer referee inferior assigns a penalty the level also to let the person blush, in addition trains gambling which, the referee, the team member involves together to turn on the water the scandal harassment mood, thought The Ido brand is difficult!

Regarding soccer association's performance, is really disappointing. But we still were longing for regarding the Chinese soccer that, I believed, the Chinese soccer eventually is can be good I thought that, is pursuing is beautiful!

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发表于 2006-8-25 20:58:25 | 显示全部楼层
I do not like the football game and I do not know what's going on with chinese football teams. However, games are games, football players are football players, what they need to do is just to be professional players and try their best to play the game. If they love playing football, that is all the matters.

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发表于 2006-8-26 11:02:24 | 显示全部楼层
Where is the future of Chinese football? Better or worse ?
Now, I want to say some ideas about Chinese football. At the first place, I am a Chinese, and I expect our country football term can go better and better. But we can not ignore the facts that  the level of Chinese football, of course to Chinese male football, is far under the levels of other countries such as England, Argentina, France, Italy, et..
Many factors can find out the facts, but I think the following are the main factors. On the one hand, no rule and no circle, Chinese football management system is diseased, in this system football is developed slowly. On the other hand, the sources of football term numbers often only is limited in the cities, in fact, there are many good children with good resistance and inherence in Chinese countrysides, they like football as well as the cities’s. A football term is only composed of 23 peoples, but our country has 16,0000,0000 population. So we can find some better children to accept training form these people coming form countryside.
In a word, if we have a good football management system and many good children with good resistance and inherence. I believe the future of Chinese male football should be better.

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发表于 2006-8-27 09:01:11 | 显示全部楼层
Chinese soccer's futrue

Soccer sport is very popular overall the world,there are millions people who very like soccer sport,specially in china.Though it is liked by millions of fans and earning in billions of Yuans,i think,Chinese football will not get better in the future.There are many reasons following which make me accept the bad future of chinese scoccer.

Firstly,compared with thesouth-African countries or European countries as Brazil, france,england,german, etc,China is in lack of the soccer culture.In those thesouth-African countries or European countries ,soccer has been gone deep into their daily life;In those thesouth-African countries or European countries,soccer has been their spirit culture.But ,this is not in china.

Secondly,the lack of morality is also a reason that make Chinese soccer's futrue gloomy.Many players and coachs has exchanged their soccer right with money and other things,even violate laws.With these people, the hope for Chinese football's bright future becomes even dimer.

Moreover,the rules of soccer is not well.The rules of soccer is as called "chinese feature rules",I think,which is not suit to chinese soccer's development in future.

In a word,  I am hopeless for chinese soccer.China still has a long way in soccer sports.

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