发表于 2006-2-5 22:25:06
引用第22楼travis于2006-02-05 08:39发表的“”:
这两地政府之廉洁程度都是很有名的.而它们又确实不是民主选举出来的.港督是英国委派的,新加坡就不用说了,父业子承啊... 香港, 据说其廉洁始自"廉政公署"的建立. 虽然, 港督不是市民选出来的, 但是, 不要忘了, 委派港督的是英国政府(一个实行民主法治的国度). 土人以为这种廉洁可以从某种程度上讲是英国民主体制的延伸带来的.
新加波:土人到更相信它是人治的典范. 或者说, 是从人治逐渐转向法治. 土人前面提过, 英明的管理者懂得用法来统治/管理. 因为, 任何的组织(包括国家)要保持其生存的活力都不能忽视其成员的权利. 这种权利只有在对少数人绝对权力的制衡的前提下才可能实现."对少数人绝对权力的制衡"指的就是在民主和平等观念基础上的法治.
rule of law is not necessarily the Equailty; the same, the Equality is not necessarily the Rule of Law. However, if there is not the rule of law, the Equality wonnot has the chance to be. the same, if there is not democracy, there is not the guarantee for individual. or the basic individual right, human rights. if there is not the human rights, why should we need the rule of law? therefore, the core of the rule of law in modern society is human rights or individual rights. it is the spirit of the rule of law. the rule of democracy wonnot guarantee the human rights too, because the democracy can make the anything if there is not the limits by the existing rules of law. Hilter was elected by the procedure of democracy too, however, the consequence is the WWII. the rule of law doesnnot necessarily lead to the good, it may lead to the bad too. however, there is not another way can limits the absolute power and cast the care to humaness until now. the more the absolute power is limited, the more space the human rights would have. when the individual really feel we are the same, it would be the ultimate goal the rule of law are pursuing 土人不想把话题扯得太远. human rights 的核心应该是政治权利. 而民主与平等正是这种权利的表现. 你举二战里法西斯的例子. 可不要忘记, 第三帝国早以脱离了民主体制的束缚, 成为一个专治体制. 有关为什么希特勒可以在如此大的程度上实现其个人的梦想与冲动以及何以德国的民主制度没能制止这场浩劫发生, 有很多历史及社会背景在里面. 这方面的书太多了, 还是换个场合讨论比较好. 土人的解释是当一个政治强人出现在一个民主法治制度不甚健全完善的历史格局里, 法治有可能被强奸成'人治'. |