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[音乐歌曲♡] 音乐  歌曲外文:天籁之音WalkinginTheAir(各版本下载)

发表于 2005-9-18 22:35:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Walking in The Air原是英国动画《THE Snowman》里的插曲,Howard blake 作词编曲。Peter Auty原唱, 从八十年代至今翻唱改编无数

we're walking in the air.
we're floating in the moonlight sky,
the people far below are sleeping as we fly,
i'm holding very tonight,
i'm riding in the midnight blue,
i'm finding i can fly so high with you on across the world,
the villages go by like dreams,
the rivers and the hills,
the forests and streams,
children gaze open-mouthed take by surprise,
nobody down below believes their eyes,
we're surfing in the air,
we'remming in the frozen sky,
we're drifting over icy mountains floating by suddenly swooping low on an ocean deep,
rousing up a mighty monster from his sleep,
we're walking in the air,
we're dancing in the midnight sky and everyone who sees greets us as we fly

我们漫步在云端, 沐浴在月光下, 远方的人们在我们脚下沉睡, 我紧握着今晚, 在蓝色的夜空中疾驰, 原来我们能飞得这么高, 穿过这世界, 村庄象梦境, 河流和山川, 森林和溪流, 小孩张着嘴凝视, 惊叹不已, 我们在天空中遨游, 划过冰冷的空气, 穿梭在冻结的山峰之间, 猛扑向深深的海洋, 唤醒沉睡的怪物, 我们漫步在云端, 我们在月光下跳舞, 每个人都向我们问候

Peter Auty彼得奧提版下载

Chloe Agnew夏绿蒂版下载

Vienna Boy's Choir维也纳儿童合唱团版下载 ... 05615220843_855.mp3

George Winston乔治温斯顿钢琴下载

Nightwish 夜愿版下载

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