后来美军在德国的医院又传出一个更震惊的消息:\"U.S. Military Personnel who died in German hospitals or en route to German hospitals have been 6,210 as of 1 January, 2005.\" 就是说,在德国医院中或是送去医院途中死亡的美军人员,在半年前就已经达到6210人。而这似乎也呼应了年初的一个传闻,即美军除了刻意隐瞒死亡人数以外,也故意不将在伊拉克境外死亡的美军计算入“在伊拉克阵亡人数”内(美国人也会玩文字游戏,偷换概念?)。如果这个传闻为真,就可以知道将近8000美军(1748+6210)已经在伊拉克战争中阵亡,而这个数字与官方公布的16000重伤(注意是重伤,不致丧失战斗力的轻伤一般不报告)人数似乎更为吻合!
I am an american soldier here and don't want to be. Yesterday, in Abu Gharib prison, we got hit by iraqies and had twenty four of us (24) died and forty seven (47) injured. My government has been hiding the true number of our casulty since the begining. We the american soldiers know that there are thirteen thousands of us (died) and forty nine (49) thousand injured and thirty three thousands (33) of the injured were bad enough to be forced out of the military and cripled for the rest of their lives. if only i could get my hands on bush or rumsfeld.
Steve from abugarib。 04.04.2005
最后,让我们以一个反战组织的反战宣传标语来作为判断阵亡数字的一个辅助材料:don't forget about green card soldiers in the U.S. military whose deaths do not have to be reported。 意即:不要忘记那些仅持有永久居留权(绿卡)的美军士兵们,他们的死不一定会被报告。