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[资源推荐]The English Learner`s Guide to Chinglish 中式英语之鉴

 楼主| 发表于 2005-7-15 10:31:13 | 显示全部楼层
351. 人和动物不同,是有理性的。
[误] Man, different from animals, is a rational being.
[正] Man, different from other animals, is a rational being.

注:我们平常所说的“动物”是狭义的,不包括人,而且把人称作动物无异于在骂人。但英语的 animal 却是广义的,包括人,所以上面的句子应该加 other 才严谨、正确。

352. 那天晚上,这男子喝得烂醉如泥,连回家的路都找不着了。
[误] That night, the man was as drunk as mud and even lost his way home.
[正] That night, the man was as drunk as a fiddler and even lost his way home.


353. 这农民还上诉,简直是以卵击石。
[误] Lodging an appeal, the farmer is no less than hurling an egg against a rock.
[正] Lodging an appeal, the farmer is no less than kicking against the pricks.

注:prick 指“(赶牲畜用的)刺棒”。牲畜挨了打,气得踢那根用来打它的刺棒,这不是明显的自讨苦吃吗?kick against the pricks 来自《圣经》故事,可算是历史悠久,而且与我们的“以卵击石”有异曲同工之妙。

354. 天网恢恢,逃逸了两年之久的罪犯终于落网了。
[误] The web of God is so broad that the criminal who had been away for as long as two years was finally caught.
[正] The mills of God grind slowly and the criminal who had been away for as long as two years was finally caught.


355. 天完全黑了,可怜的姑娘掩面而泣,不知道去哪里寻找走失的妹妹。
[误] It was completely dark, and the poor girl cried with her face covered, not knowing where to find her lost sister.
[正] It was completely dark, and the poor girl put the finger in her eyes, not knowing where to find her lost sister.

注:“掩面而泣”在英语中有一个固定表达,即 put the finger in one's eyes。它来自莎翁的创造,后来又在许多童谣中被引述,广为流传,并成为习惯用语。

356. 你不必担心,他是个知道分寸的人。
[误] You can rest assured. He is a man who knows inches and metres.
[正] You can rest assured. He is a man who knows his distance.

注:“分寸”二字在中文里是指“说话或做事的恰当限度”,它译成英文时不可直译。know one's distance 出自莎士比亚的《终成眷属》,而且准确表达了原文的含义。

357. 在这里工作多年,她算是个了解内幕的人,因此告诉了我们许多鲜为人知的故事。
[误] Having worked here for many years, she is one of those who know what goes on behind the scenes, and is able to tell us a lot of things which are unknown to most people.
[正] Having worked here for many years, she is one of those who know the ropes, and is able to tell us a lot of things which are unknown to most people.

注:“内幕”翻译成 what goes on behind the scenes 固然没错,但 know the ropes 更简洁。我们还可以用 know the inside stories 表示相同的意思。

358. 叫他卷铺盖走人吧!
[误] Ask him to roll his quilt and go!
[正] Give him the sack!

注:“卷铺盖走人”和 give sb. the sack 都是“解雇”的意思,即“炒某人的鱿鱼”,而且这两个表达在各自的文化背景中都十分形象。sack 指“袋子”,它表示“解雇”源于17世纪,而且来自法文。属口语用法。

359. 他们的目光相遇了,两人从此坠入了爱河。
[误] Their eyesight met, and they fell in love with each other ever since.
[正] Their eyes met, and they fell in love with each other ever since.

注:“目光”不能用 eyesight 表达,因为 eyesight 只能指“视力”,如:If you eat a lot of fish, you can have good eyesight(多吃鱼会使你的视力好)。而 eye 不仅表示“视力”,还可以指“眼光”。如:a good eye for distance(能看很远的好视力)和 She met his eye across the room(隔着房间,她与他的目光相遇了)。

360. 自古以来人们就知道“伴君如伴虎”。
[误] people have known that accompanying kings is just like accompanying tigers even since the ancient times.
[正] People have known that kings and bears often worry their keepers even since the ancient times.


361. 左腿中弹以后,这位勇敢的士兵明白,在获救之前他只能咬紧牙关默默忍受了。
[误] Being shot in the left leg, the brave soldier knew that he had to bite his teeth silently before getting rescued.
[正] Being shot in the left leg, the brave soldier knew that he had to bite the bullet silently before getting rescued.

注:我们用“咬紧牙关”来表达忍受痛苦,而英语中却用“咬住子弹”(bite the bullet)。据说它源于以前战场上条件艰苦,连麻约都没有,接受手术的士兵只有靠咬住子弹来使自己不至于疼得叫出声来。这一说法虽然惨烈了一点,但却具有极强的感染力。

362. 你以为会凭空写出文章吗?你不能做无米之炊,所以还是先去搜集资料吧。
[误] Do you think you could write something out of nothing? You cannot make a meal without rice. So gather some information first!
[正] Do you think you could write something out of nothing? You cannot make bricks without straw. So gather some information first!


363. 她以前是个传统的中国女孩,可出国一年以后,也已经变成了一个地道的美国人。
[误] She was a traditional Chinese girl before, but after one year abroad, she has become a real American.
[正] She was a traditional Chinese girl before, but after one year abroad, she has become as American as apple pie.

注:“苹果馅饼”是典型的美国食品,用它来表达“地道的美国式”是再合适不过了。需要提醒大家注意的是,这里的 apple pie 虽用单数,但前面却不加冠词,又如:It's as easy as pie(这太容易了)。另外,这里不能用 a real American,因为她毕竟不是美国人。但可以将 real 换成 typical。

364. 这个问题对我们来说虽然困难,但对一个数学专业的学生却易如反掌。
[误] The question, though difficult for us, is as easy as turning over his palm for a mathematics major.
[正] The question, though difficult for us, is as easy as winking for a mathematics major.


365. 虽然是双胞胎,但这两兄弟的性格却截然不同。
[误] Though the two brothers are twins, their dispositions are quite different.
[正] Though the two brothers are twins, their dispositons are as like as chalk and cheese.

注:虽然是“不同”,但却不用 different,而是用 alike(相同的)。chalk 和 cheese 形似而实不同,这看似矛盾的措辞用在这里倒能产生令人难忘的效果。

366. 在商场混迹多年,这人十分有钱,但却是个铁公鸡。
[误] Being in business for so many years, he has made a lot of money, but he is as mean as an iron cock.
[正] Being in business for so many years, he has made a lot of money, but he is as mean as a louse.

注:louse 指“虱子”或“寄生虫”。这种不生物什么都要从别人身上索取,用它来比喻吝啬也是十分贴切的。

367. 叔叔给他带来了令他惊喜的礼物---一双崭新的皮鞋。
[误] His uncle has brought him a surprising gift---a pair of completely new shoes.
[正] His uncle has brought him a pleasantly surprising gift---a pair of brand new shoes.

注:surprising 只能表达“令人吃惊的”,所以要忠实体现原文意思需要在前面加 pleasantly;“崭新”的地道说法是 brand new。

368. 病人坐在里排的桌前吃饭,大粒的汗从额上滚下,夹袄也贴住了脊心,两块肩胛骨高高凸出,印成一个阳文的“八”字。
[误] The patient was sitting at the table by the wall, eating. Beads of sweat stood out on his forehead, his lined jacket was sticking to his spine, and his shoulder blades stuck out so sharply, an "eight" seemed stamped there.
[正] The patient was sitting at the table by the wall, eating. Beads of sweat stood out on his forehead, his lined jacket was sticking to his spine, and his shoulder blades stuck out so sharply, an inverted V seemed stamped there.

注:第一句其实翻译得不错,就是“八”字的英文表达不妥。要知道汉字的书写与英文完全不同,若译成 eight 英国人是不懂的。an inverted V(一个反的英文字母V)就化腐朽为神奇了。

369. 这位老农大概有三四个孩子,而且他们现在都长大成人,可以在地里干活了。
[误] The old farmer has about three or four children, who have now grown up and are able to work in the fields.
[正] The old farmer has three or four children, who have now grown up and are able to work in the fields.

注:汉语可以说“大约有三四个孩子”,但翻译成英语却不行。因为 about 后面不能接约数,而应该接确定的数目。即:要么去掉 about,只用 three or four;要么用 about,但后面接 three 等具体的数字。

370. 每个周末,玛丽都会陪年迈的祖父去看电影。
[误] Every weekend, Mary would accompany her old grandfather to go to the cinema.
[正] Every weekend, Mary would accompany her old grandfather to the cinema.

注:accompany 常被翻译成“陪同”,所以人们在翻译“陪某人看电影”时,会很自然地用 accompany sb. to go to the cinema。其实,查英英词典你就会发现,accompany 的意思不是 together with,而是 go togethr with。所以上述情况中其后的 to go 明显是多余的。

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 楼主| 发表于 2005-7-15 10:31:36 | 显示全部楼层
371. 他又犯了一个拼写错误。
[误] He made another spelling mistake again.
[正] He made another spelling mistake.

注:another spelling mistake 就有“又犯”的意思,所以句中的 again 应该删去。不能因为汉语中有一个“又”字就在英语句子中加 again。

372. 学生们被告知,任何人都不得把这些书籍带出阅览室。
[误] The students were told that anyone was not allowed to take the books out of the reading room.
[正] The students were told that nobody / no one was allowed to take the books out of the reading room.

注:anybody 作主语时,谓语部分使用否定词不符合英语的习惯,应将 anybody 改为 nobody,并将否定词 not 删去。又如:你喜欢的食物没有一种是适合我吃的(Nothing you like agrees with me)。

373. 这是莎士比亚十四行诗的主要特点之一。
[误] This is one of the main characters of Shakespeare's sonnets.
[正] This is one of the main characteristics of Sharkespeare's sonnets.

注:character 是表示某一事物的总体特征(the combination of qualities which make a thing different from others),而 characteristic 则表示事物的具体特征。由此说来,一个事物只有一个 character,但却可以有多个 characteristic。所以在上面的例句中,one of the main characters 是错误的,应该改成 one of the main characteristics。又如:A person's character is always formed in his early years(一个人的性格通常在小时候养成);Carelessness is one of his characteristics(粗心是他的一个特点)。

374. 他在艺术界有极高的地位。
[误] He has occupied a prominent position in the art circle.
[正] He has occupied a prominent position in art circles.

注:circle 表示“......界”时习惯用复数形式,而且前面多不加定冠词,如:cultural/academic/theatrical/business circles(文化/学术/戏剧/商界)。

375. 大赛在即,每个动力员都在努力训练,以期刷新自己以前的纪录。
[误] The game is at hand and every athlete is training hard to improve their previous records.
[正] The game is at hand and every athlete is training hard to improve on their previous records.

注:improve 指“改善,提高”,如 improve one's language ability(提高某人的语言能力)。在英国人看来,以前的纪录(previous records)是既成事实,不可能再加以改变(improve)了,所以应该在 improve 后面加上介词 on,以表示创造新的、更高的纪录。

376. 不要再费口舌了。
[误] Don't waste your words again.
[正] Save your breath.

注:save one's breath 有时也被说成 save one's energy,它对应的中文还可以是“白费力气”。你知道“白费心思”用英语怎么说吗?是 bother one's head for nothing。

377. 这个看上去很忠实的保姆实际上是一个惯愉。凯文一家真是引狼入室了。
[误] This seemingly honest baby-sitter is actually a habitual thief. The Kevin's do lead the wolf into the house.
[正] This seemingly honest baby-sitter is actually a habitual thief. The Kevin's do put the cat among the pigeons.

注:put the cat among the pigeons 的字面意思是“将猫放进鸽子笼”。可以想象,那样的话笼子里一定不得安宁。它与“引狼入室”有异曲同工之妙,而且更地道,更易于西方人理解。

378. 在院足球队里叱咤风云的威廉到了校队却只能坐冷板凳。
[误] William, who was so popular in the department team, is given a cold bench in the university team.
[正] William, who was so popular in the department team, is given a cold shoulder in the university team.

注:give sb. a/the cold shoulder 的字面意思是“给某人一个冷肩膀”。当不看重某人和对其冷淡的时候,人们往往会把身体转过去,用背或肩膀对着他。这与“坐冷板凳”的意思相同,而且比直译地道多了。

379. 经过一夜的围捕,警察终于把罪犯逼到了死胡同。
[误] After a night's pursuing, the police finally forced the criminal to a dead alley.
[正] After a night's pursuing, the police finally forced the criminal to a blind alley.

注:“死胡同”的英文表述是 blind alley 或 dead end。

380. 如果你爷爷看到你今天的所作所为,他一定会死不瞑目的。
[误] If your grandpa could see what you're doing now, he wouldn't have closed his eyes when he died.
[正] If your grandpa could see what you're doing now, he would turn over in his grave.

注:“死不瞑目”的意思是“死时尚存遗憾”或“灵魂得不到安息”。若将其直译出来西方人很可能感到费解,所以建议采取意译的方式。除了上面的译法,还可以用 die with everlasting regret 或 die discontent 等。

381. 为了配合治疗,大夫不得不撒了个善意的谎,说病情并不严重。
[误] For better treatment, the doctor told him a goodwill lie saying his illness is nothing serious.
[正] For better treatment, the doctodr told him a white lie saying his illness is nothing serious.

注:a white lie 是英语的固定搭配,指“善意的谎言”。

382. 最近许多女孩都鬼迷心窍似的一心只想嫁个外国人。
[误] Nowadays, many girls seem to be bewitched by ghosts and they are determined to marry foreigners.
[正] Nowadays, many girls seem to have a bee in their bonnets and they are determined to marry foreigners.

注:have a bee in one's bonnet 的字面意思是“帽子里有只蜜蜂”,但它的真正意思是“想得入了迷”,与“鬼迷心窍”是一个意思。又如:She never stops talking about dieting---she's got a real bee in her bonnet about it(她不停地谈论节食---完全鬼迷心窍了)。

383. 那位顾客同买东西的人讨价还价,嘴皮都磨破了,可那人就是不降价。
[误] The customer bargained with the seller till he had worn out his lips, but the seller didn't change his price.
[正] The customer had worn out his tongue bargaining with the seller, but the seller didn't change his price.

注:中文用“嘴皮”,但 tongue 却更符合英国人的习惯。另外,“保持缄默”的英文是 bite the ongue。

384. 现在,有些子女虽然已经成家,却还住在父母家白吃白喝。
[误] Nowadays, some young people still stay at their parents' home eating and drinking free, even after having their own families.
[正] Nowadays, some young people are still freeloaders at their parents' home, even after having their own families.

注:freeloader 指“利用别人的慷慨占便宜的人”或“寄生虫”,用在这里十分准确和地道。

385. 梅森的辞职对老板来说是正中下怀,他不仅可以除去梅森这个眼中钉,而且还省去了一大笔赔偿费。
[误] Mason's resignation well fit his boss' mind, because he could not only get rid of Mason, a nail in the eye, but also save a large sum of compensation.
[正] Mason's resignation well played into his boss' hands, because he could not only get rid of Mason, a thorn in his flesh, but also save a large sum of compensation.

注:play into one's hands 源于扑克牌游戏,意指打出的牌正是对方想要的,而且多含“中了对方的圈套”之意,因而用在这里十分贴切。“眼中钉”在英语中也有对应的表达,即 a thorn in one's flesh。

386. 昨天晚上我们去看电影了。
[误] We went to the cinema yesterday night.
[正] We went to the cinema last night.
.   We went to the cinema yeserday evening.

注:习惯上可以说 last night 或 yesterday evening,但不能说 yesterday night。但是,我们可以说 yesterday morning/afternoon(昨天早晨/下午),而不说 last morning/afternoon。

387. 你今年多大了?
[误] How old are you this year?
[正] How old are you?

注:汉语中常说“你今年多大年纪?”,但英语却不习惯说 this year,因为事实上没有问“今年/去年/来年多大年纪?”这样的问题的。

388. 这个省的粮食产量逐年增加。
[误] The grain output in this province has increased year after year.
[正] The grain output in this province has increased year by year.

注:year after year(年复一年地)和 year by year(逐年地)的区别在于:后者分别看待年份;而前者集中看待年份(含“年年如此”甚至有“长此以往”之义。)根据原意,应选用 year by year。

389. 让我们响应党的号召,坚持一切正确的东西,反对一切错误的东西。
[误] Let us respond to the Party's call and uphold all the correct and oppose all the wrong.
[正] Let us respond to the Party's call and uphold all that is right and oppose all that is wrong.

注:“一切正确的东西”,不能译成 all the correct,“一切错误的东西”,不能译成 all the wrong,因为这种说法不合乎英语习惯。

390. 这本小说的作者是谁?
[误] Who is the writer of this novel?
[正] Who is the author of this novel?

注:writer 是“作家”,范围比较广;author 是“作者”,指文章、小说、书本的著作者。

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 楼主| 发表于 2005-7-15 10:32:11 | 显示全部楼层
391. 成千上万的人来到这里向战争纪念碑敬献花圈。
[误] Thousands and thousands of people came and laid bouquets at the war memorial.
[正] Thousands and thousands of people came and laid wreaths at the war memorial.

注:wreath 是“花环,花冠,花圈”,可表示纪念死者所用的花圈等,bouquet 指的是“花束”,用于喜庆的场合,如婚礼上新娘所手持者。

392. 昨晚台风袭击上海郊区,许多人受伤了。
[误] Last night a typhoon hit the suburban areas of Shanhai and many people were wounded.
[正] Last night a typhoon hit the suburban areas of Shanhai and many people were injured.

注:wound 指在战争、战斗中“负伤”或用枪弹、炮弹、锐利刀、剑等故意施加的“伤害”。在事故中受到的损伤,如在交通事故,工伤事故和天灾中所受的伤用 injure。

393. 我以前有过一辆大众轿车。
[误] I would have a Volkswagen.
[正] I used to have a Volkswagen.

注:虽然 would 和 used to 都可以表示过去习惯性的动作,但 used to 还可以表示过去的状态,而 would 却不能。

394. 奇怪,鲍勃会在那个转角处出了事。
[误] It is strange that Bob would have an accident at that corner.
[正] It is strange that Bob should have an accident at that corner.

注:在以 it is + 形容词 + that 引导的句子中,用 should + 动词原型表示欣喜、惊奇、忧虑等感情色彩。在这类句型中,只能用 should,不能用 would。如果表示的是过去发生的事,should 后面要用不加 to 的不定式的完成时态。

395. 我宁愿你明天来看我。
[误] I would rather you will come to see me tomorrow.
[正] I would rather you came to see me tomorrow.

注:would rather(也可用 had rather)后面跟从句时,从句中的动词总是用过去式,不管指的是现在或将来发生的动作。

396. “你觉得电影好看吗?”“还可以,但我宁愿去听音乐会。”
[误] Did you enjoy the movie? It was okay, but I would rather went to the concert.
[正] Did you enjoy the movie? It was okay, but I would rather have gone to the concert.

注:would rather do sth. 的过去时是在 would rather 后接 have + 过去分词,表示的是对过去未做之事的向往,或对已做之事的后悔。

397. “请再来点咖啡好吗?”“不,不要了,谢谢。”
[误] Would you like some more coffee? No, I wouldn't like any more.
[正] Would you like some more coffee? No, I don't want any more.

注:would you like...是一种表示客气的询问对方“是否想要(什么)”的口语句型,它只用于第二人称,因此,在回答进,由于说的是自己,就不能再按惯例用 would,而是肯定时用 Yes, please;否定时用“No,I don't want...”。

398. “你喜欢喝下午茶吗?”
[误] "Would you like to have tea in the afternoon?"
[正] "Do you like to have tea in the afternoon?"

注:Would you like to do sth. 这一句型一般用于邀请等,表示一次性的动作。当询问一个习惯的动作时,不能用这一句型,要用 Do you like...?(你喜欢......?)

399. 我们是未来的教师。
[误] We are would-be teachers.
[正] We are future[或 prospective] teachers.

注:would-be teachers 是“希望成为教师的人”,表示主观愿望,有时有贬意,含有“自称而其实不是”的意思。future 或 prospective 并不表示主观愿望,可以指正在培养成为从事某种职业的人。

400. 请不要把烟对着我吹好吗?
[误] Would you please don't blow the smoke right at me?
[正] Would you please not blow the smoke right at me?

注:would you please do ... 是一种很客气的说法,意为“请你...好吗?”其否定式只需在动词前加 not,不加 do,因为 would 已是助动词,不需再加上一个助动词 do。

401. 这是一次很有价值的访问。
[误] It was a worth while visit.
[正] It was a worthwhile visit.

注:worth while 即 worth one's while,意思是“做......是值得的”,其一般句型是 it is worth while doing sth.。worthwhile,即“值得的”之意:a worthwhile experiment(一项值得做的实验)。本句中 worthwhile 作定语修饰 visit,故不能分开写。

402. 那座寺庙值得一看。
[误] The temple is worthwhile visiting.
[正] It is worth while visiting the temple.

注:be worth while doing 意为“值得做、有价值”,但通常用 it 作形式主语,而不用名词作主语。

403. 他有份不错的工作。
[误] She had a very worth while job.
[正] She had a very worthwhile job.

注:表示“值得干的”、“有价值的”意思时,worthwhile 常常放在名词之前作定语。worth while 分写时意思为“值得花时间”、“值得花力气”,不可用作定语,常用作表语。

404. 他值得我们尊重。
[误] He is worthy our respect.
[正] He is worthy of our respect.

注:worthy 后必须跟介词 of 后才能再用名词。这和 worth 不一样。worth 后可以直接跟名词。

405. 这位可敬的人尽了一切可能来帮助城里的穷人。
[误] This worth man did all he could to help the poor of the town.
[正] This worthy man did all he could to help the poor of the town.

注:worth 作形容词时,只能作表语,不能作定语;worthy 则既可以作表语,又可作定语,意为“有价值的,值得的”。

406. 买一套好服装是值得的,因为它比便宜的要耐穿。
[误] It is worth to buy a good suit because it will wear better than a cheap one.
[正] It is worth buying a good suit because it will wear better than a cheap one.

注:在 it is worth buying 的句型中,worth 是形容词,习惯上不跟动词不定式,而跟动名词,或者跟名词或代词。

407. 这本书的确值得一找。
[误] This book is very worth looking for.
[正] This book is well worth looking for.

注:这里的确良 worth 是介词,说“非常值得”、“的确值得”应该用 well worth,不用 very worth。

408. 不管他做什么,你得容忍他。
[误] No matter what he does, you must abide by him.
[正] No matter what he does, you must abide him.

注:abide 作“忍受”、“容忍”解时是及物动词,其后接宾语时不用介词。但 abide 作“遵守(法律、诺言、决定等)”、“坚持(观点等)”解时是不及物动词,后接宾语时要说 abide by。

409. 这孩子具有惊人的记忆力。
[误] The child has a wonderful ability for remembering things.
[正] The child has a wonderful capacity for remembering things.

注:ability 与 capacity 两个词虽然都有“能力”的含义,但用于人时,ability 一般指已表现出来的实际能力;而 capacity 则表示潜在的能力,如接受能力。因此,原句英译应该用 capacity 而不是 ability。

410. 他们的错误能够被改正。
[误] Their mistakes are able to be corrected.
[正] Their mistakes are capable of being corrected.

注:be able to 的主语一般是物,表示某人有做某事的能力。capable 的主语可以是人,也可以是物,表示有达到一般要求的能力。本句主语是 mistakes,故须用 capable。

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2005-7-15 10:32:31 | 显示全部楼层
411. 我们应该摒弃旧习俗,创新风尚。
[误] We should cancel outmoded customs and establish new ones.
[正] We should abolish outmoded caustoms and establish new ones.

注:cancel 和 abolish 都有“除去”之意,均可作及物动词,但含义不相同。abolish 意为“废除、革除”,往往用于规章制度、政治、法律、风俗和社会组织等方面。cancel 有“取消、使丧失效力”之意,如证书、义务、契约、约会、假期等的“取消或废止”。

412. 1977年前后,我在农场工作。
[误] About in 1977 I worked on a state farm.
[正] Around 1977 I worked on a state farm.

注:表示1977年前后,可用 around 1977 或 in 1977 or thereabouts,而不说 about in 1977。about in 后不能跟具体的年份或日期。

413. 我们正要动身,天下起雨来。
[误] We were just about to start, when it rained.
[正] We were about to start, when it rained.

注:be about to...表示“即将要......”,just 在此显得多余。

414. 那男孩大约八九岁。
[误] The boy was about eight or nine years old.
[正] The boy was eight or nine years old.

注:about 意为“大约”,three or four o'clock(三点或四点/三四点钟);eight or nine years old 也是表示“大约”的时间,因此再用 about 就重复了。

415. 他不至于做卑鄙和欺骗的事情。
[误] He is beyond meanness and deceit.
[正] He is above meanness and deceit.

注:above 常指因某种缘故而“不做,不屑,不至于”。如:Do you think you're above criticism?(你认为你不至于受批评吗?)如要表示超过范畴、能力、控制等意思,则常用 beyond。

416. 他从海外来。他居住加拿大。
[误] He came from abroad. He lives in Canada.
[正] He came from overseas. He lives in Canada.

注:abroad 和 overseas 的区别:abroad 强调“到/从其他国家去/来”;overseas 则表示“从海外来”。

417. 他在吗?---不在。
[误] ---Is he in? ---No, he is absent.
[正] ---Is he in? ---No, he is out/not in.

注:absent 通常表示“缺席”,如果表示“不在”,一般用 not in 或 out。

418. 那个男孩对新的知识吸收很快。
[误] The boy absorbs in new knowledge quickly.
[正] The boy absorbs new knowledge quickly.
[正] The boy absorbs into new knowledge quickly.
[正] The boy takes in new knowledge quickly.

注:absorb(吸收)是及物动词,可以直接跟宾语,absorb in 的意思是“吸引,专心于”,absorb into 才是“吸收”,另外 take in 也表示“吸收”。

419. 你是在寻找住处吧?
[误] Are you looking for an accommodation?
[正] Are you looking for accommodation?

注:accommodation 是个不可数名词,但在美国英语中常用复数,不过,无论英国英语还是美国英语,accommadation 前都不可加不定冠词 an。这个词的意思是“a place to live”,指的是“(住宿用的)套房,旅馆房间,住房等”。
motel accommodations
The city has excellent hotel accommodations.
He's coming up here next week. I want to see about accommadations.
He wired the hotel accommadations directly by calling the Overland Park Ramada at 1-800-2 Ramada.

420. 经理由一位秘书陪同。
[误] The manager was accompanied with a secretary.
[正] The manager was accompanied by a secretary.

注:accompany 作“陪同”解时,通常用 be accompanied by 的结构。而 be accompanied with 则常指“(两事物)伴随而来”。另外,be accompanied on/at,表示“由......伴奏”。
421. 他是自愿参加的。
[误] He participated out of his own accord.
[正] He participated of his own accord.

注:accord 作名词用时,意思是“符合”,“一致”。of one's own accord 的意思是“自愿地、主动地”。误句在 of his own accord 的前面加上 out 一词是多余的。

422. 依我看,房租太贵。
[误] According to me, the rent's too high.
[正] In my opinion, the rent's too high.

注:“按照我的意见”或“根据我的看法”应译成 in my opinion。但在转述别人的意见或看法时就可以用 according to 这个短语。例如:according to the news report(根据新闻报导),according to reliable sources(根据可靠消息来源)。

(To be continued)

使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-7-24 17:25:38 | 显示全部楼层
so good,thanks!

使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-7-29 16:15:50 | 显示全部楼层

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theyeti 该用户已被删除
发表于 2005-12-7 16:10:37 | 显示全部楼层
Thanks Hyde, for introducing the wonderful work SDJ has compiled on the subject of Chinglish.  You action of following proper academic protocol of citing the source and the name of the author is highly commendable. Few people on the web care to follow this basic courtesy.  One must be considerate to the author who must have spent hundreds of hours looking for materials, putting them in order, making annotations, and/or writing new materials.

  As the chief moderator of the Rainlane Treasure Island English Corner, I would like to invited people to visit our Learning Exchange http://www.rainlane.com/list.asp?boardid=11 , The Workshop http://www.rainlane.com/list.asp?boardid=8,
Featured Articles http://www.rainlane.com/list.asp?boardid=26, and The
Community Loung (English only please) http://www.rainlane.com/list.asp?boardid=27

where you will find many similar English learning materials that are written, compiled, or edited by our members.  They are posted for the benefit of everyone.  We are not a commercial operation, this is not a commercial advertisement.  Feel free to make use of the materials we have accumuated (written by ourselves, or collected, compiled,  edited, and annotated) However, one must be considerate of the huge number of hours these people put into completing their work.  So any reprinting should be accompanied by the proper citing of the source and name of author. Thank you.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-12-7 21:05:13 | 显示全部楼层
thanks for sharing......
anyway,if you put all this material together in word form,I'd be very appreciate

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发表于 2005-12-8 20:46:11 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2010-5-9 22:09:44 | 显示全部楼层

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