全国人民代表大会 (简称 全国人大) National People's Congress (NPC)
全国人大代表deputy to the National People's Congress
全国人民代表大会主席团 the NPC Presidium
全国人民代表大会常务委员会 the NPC Standing Committee
全国人民代表大会常务委员会办公厅the general offices of the NPC Standing Committee
九届全国人大五次会议 the Fifth Session of the Ninth NPC
中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会 (简称 全国政协)National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC)
中国政协委员 member of the National Committee of CPPCC
中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会常务委员会 Standing committee of the National Committee of the CPPCC
小组讨论panel discussions/group discussions
政府工作报告government's work report
宪法修正案amendments to the Constitution
新闻发布会press conference
全体会议plenary meeting
弱势群体 disadvantaged groups (对弱势群体给予特殊的就业援助。--Special employment assistance should be given to members of disadvantaged groups.)
西电东送 transmission of electricity from the western to the eastern region
加快经济结构调整 accelerate economic restructuring
购买力 purchasing power
城镇社会保障体系 urban social security system
下岗职工基本生活费subsistence allowances for laid-off workers