热搜: 超星 读书 找书
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发表于 2005-5-20 16:03:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

            by  montana

1 清晨呓语Things you say in the morning.
Teacher: What’s wrong with you?
William: I’m not myself today.
“I’m not myself”这句话是什么意思呢?我都不是我自己了?那么我是什么呢?看来这句话不能光从字面上来理解。那么它是什么意思呢?让我们来打个比方吧:你昨天晚上失眠了,第二天上课,无论老师问你什么你都不知道,那么老师会很生气地问你:” What’s wrong with you?” 那么最好地借口就是:”I am not myself today”“我今天状态不佳” “I am not myself”句子看起来很简单,但要掌握其真正的意思,还需要更多的和朋友在设想的情景下练一练。

Hogan: William! We gotta go! It’s burning down!(烧的精光了)指没有时间剩余。
William: Don’t bother me!
有人喜欢在早晨睡懒觉,这时如果家人叫你起床,你还可以可怜巴巴的说:“Please give me five more minutes.”请让我在多睡五分钟好吗? 这是一种很有礼貌的说法,当然了,如果你很生气别人打扰了你的美梦,你就很有可能恶狠狠地说:”Don’t bother me!””别烦我了”,这有点像北京话:“别理我,烦着呢!” “bother”是”打扰比人,给别人添麻烦的意思,想寻求别人的帮助,你可以这样说:” Sorry to bother you, but can you help me with this?”打扰一下,能麻烦您帮我个忙吗?

(Sleeping on a bed of nails)a bed of nails 是指钉子床,来自印度的魔术师或者瑜珈师的一种表演刀具,如果在这种床睡一晚的话,你的睡眠肯定是terrible了。
Hogan: How did you sleep?
William: Not good at all.
早晨起来,看到你的朋友气色不太好,你可以这样问候他:“How did you sleep?”你昨晚睡的怎么样啊? 如果对方确实是因为没睡好,导致脸色看起来很差的话,就会说:“Terrible”糟透了!或者说:”I didn’t sleep well last night”,我昨晚没睡好!睡眠不足的原因有很多,有可能是由于工作,学习上的压力太大导致失眠,“失眠“在英文理叫做“insomnia”,也有可能你白天睡的太多,导致晚上无法入睡,那么别人会指责你:”You overslept”或者说”You slept too long today.”你今天睡觉睡的太多了。

Culture note: 文化背景
In this episode we are talking about things you say in the morning. What kind of person are you? Are you a morning person or are you not a morning person. For example, my father is a morning person. He loves to get up in the morning, with lots of energy and he says, “Good morning, world!” My mother, on the other hand, is not a morning person. In the morning, she always says, “don’t bother me! Give me five more minutes.” So you really don’t want to talk to her then. But many people, before they can wake up completely, they like to have a big cup of coffee. Then, and only then, should you ask, “How did you sleep?” you got that?

2. 厕所外的呐喊 Bathroom Commands
(Hogan is trying to pick up a girl) pick up由于对某人有好感而想结识某人
Hogan: So, Can I buy you a drink?
William: Hey! Hogan! Don’t hog my girlfriend!!!
“Don’t hog the bath room”是“别占着洗手间”的意思。洗手间有很多种用途,除了解决生理需要以外,有的人还喜欢在里面看书,唱歌,照镜子玩儿。那么如果这时有人等不及了想去洗手间时,他就得运足丹田之气,隔着门对着洗手间里面的那位大喉一声:”Don’t hog the bathroom”,里面的人一听:哇!这么强的语气,那多半是憋的够呛了,自己还是别磨蹭了,赶紧出来吧。瞧!问题解决了。不仅如此,这个句型还可以套用在任何情况下---“Don’t hog my book! Don’t hog my bike!” “别没完没了的占着我的……!”
Hogs usually eat a lot, so gradually hog meant to take more than your share. Hog还有一个鲜为人知的“野猪”的意思,那种贪吃,贪用的人是不是和“hog”有一定的共性呀!

(on the podium讲台, getting hugs from the women)
Hogan: Hey! Don’t hog the hugs!!
在上句讲到的”Don’t hog the bathroom” “bathroom”是洗手间的意思。另外在美语中, shower也表示洗手间,那么这两者有什么区别呢?bathroom是指带浴盆的洗手间,而shower是指淋浴。但通常来讲,都是泛指洗手间的意思。另外值得注意的是,千万别把hog和 hug混为一谈, hog在口语中是很常见的,表示自私的占有,用在这里则是催促对方,别占着什么东西不放,而hug的意思是拥抱,比如很久不见面的朋友偶然相遇,是不是要互相拥抱,拥抱呢?”give me a hug.”

William: Got outta here! There won’t be any hot water left!
Hogan: But I have a big date tonight with a hottie!!
William: OK, just save me some hot mater!
Hogan(2 hours later): OK, I’m done.
当你兴冲冲地到达约会地点,却发现你的女友正在和一个不识趣的家伙聊天,那个家伙喋喋不休,让你插不了嘴。那么你要做的就是大吼一声:“Don’t hog my girlfriend! Get outta here!”“别缠着我的女朋友,走开!”于是那个家伙就灰溜溜的溜走了。怎么样,是不是觉得很过瘾呀。“Get outta here!” 这句话很有效,用途也很广泛。比如说有人和你开玩笑,你不想理他,就可以说:”Get outta here!” 一边凉快去。当你不相信别人说的话时,也可以说这句,怎么样,试试吧。

Culture note
Will you get out of the bathroom already, please? This is a private bathroom. But if you are in the West you need to use a public restroom, and if you look on the sides of the streets for it, you won’t find it. Because all of the public restrooms are inside shops, stores and restaurants. In fact, they have signs that tell you “ public restrooms”. They want you to sue it. It is a free service for you, their valued customer.
That’s right “mianfei”. In fact, these bathrooms are usually clean, almost always have toilet paper and some of them, especially in universities and schools, have poetry on the walls. It’s not high quality poetry, but still it’s quite interesting. In facet if my friend doesn’t get out of the bathroom soon, I think I’m gonna have to go use a public bathroom

3. 请客吃饭 Going out to eat.
William: Wow! I’m really full.
Hogan: Me too. That was delicious. Waiter!
William: Oh, I’ll treat you.
Hogan: In that case, I’ll have some more cakes!
中国是个礼仪之邦,但凡老外来到中国后,都会被好客的中国人请去吃饭。“ I will treat you”就是我请客的意思。可千万不能理解成“我要对付你”。我们都知道,外国人在金钱方面是分得很清楚。你付你的帐,我付我的。也就是我们所说的”go dutch”了。但这句话已经有些过时了。现在他们常说:” Separate checks”,就是分别买单的意思,也就是你吃了多少就付多少钱。另外一种说法是:” Split the bill”,这样的话,吃的多的就占便宜了,因为这句话意味着平摊帐单!

William: I’m famished!(非常饿)
Hogan: Me too. It’s my treat. What’re you in the mood for?
William: I think I want some elephant ears!
请客吃饭,不管你的目的是贪生意还是和女友约会,最终的目的是让人家高兴。那么你就要问人家” What are you in the mood for?” “你想吃什么?””mood”有心情,心绪的意思。但在这句中,”be in the mood for”是一个固定用法,意思是“你想吃什么”。这句话在不同的情况下有不同的理解。比如经过电影院时别人问你:” Are you in the mood for a movie?”就是你想看场电影吗?同样“for”后面可以加上各类活动:dancing, shopping, smoking?但千万不要说成” Are you in the mood?”这样会让人误解哟!

(Monster truck drives over the other cars) truck:在西方国家,人们经常驾驶这种大型的汽车来参加竞赛,看看哪辆车压碎汽车数量最多,跑得最远。Monster
Hogan: Who’s gonna drive? The traffic is horrible.
William: I’ll drive my monster truck.
Hogan: Great idea.
谁来开车呀?美国人如果要结伴去吃饭,他们会在去之前决定一下由谁来开车。狡猾的美国人所隐含的意思就是:谁来付油费?gonna是典型的美国口语的表达方式,表示将要发生的事情。美国是一个非常讲究效率的民族,他们在说话的时候经常会把几个词合并起来说,going to 变成了一个词,gonna,同样want to变成了wanna,试试看,是不是说起来快多了?还有一个句子也表示同样的意思:”Who’s driving?”

Culture note:
Who’s treating tonight? Actually, in the United States and Canada, many people, when they go out to eat together. They try to split the bill. I don’t mean that they count every single penny, how much each single person owes. But rather they share the cost of the meal together. In contrast, in China, after a shared mea. People feel obliged often to offer to pay for the meal. To the point that some people will even argue, in a friendly way, over who will pick up the bill.
Just as a Chinese person abroad might be confused a bit by the Western method, when a westerner comes to China, he might feel a little confused or even frightened by a friend who always insists on paying the bill. Similarly, when a gentleman and a lady go tout to dine, the man does not have to insist on paying the bill. But rather, sometimes the lady even wants to treat the man.
So sit down with your foreign friends and try to discuss these cultural differences so that meal time will always be a happy time.

It's on me.(我请客。)
It's my treat.(我请客。)
Be my guest.(我请客。)
你还可以说:Let me pay the bill.(我来付帐。)
Let me foot the bill.(让我付帐。)
I want to treat you. (我请你。)
It's on me. 表示我请客。It's on you.表示你请客。如果Waiter送一些免费的小菜,他会说:It's on the house.店老板请客,意思是“免费招待”。It's my treat.我请客,
额外收获: 1、见了treat,别以为它只有“对待”的意思,它还可以表示“款待、招待”,比如你和别人打赌,输了之后,You had to treat her to an ice cream.“你不得不请她吃冰淇淋”。不过款待人,也不一定总是要“吃吃喝喝”,也可以来点高雅的,比如说I'll treat you all to a little piano speciality of my own. 看来“我要请大家听一首我特地自谱的一首钢琴曲”,这种招待客人的方式还真是够水平的。当然treat还有“名词”的身份,表示“请客、做东”,所以如果你想表示“我做东,我请客”,就拍拍胸脯说:It's my treat.

4. Checking and clarifying 打破沙锅问到底
Hogan: I wish I had wings so I could fly, fly away! You know what I mean?
Williama: No I don’t’ know what you mean.
Hogan: I mean I wish I were free to roam the world!
Roam the world= travel around the world. 周游世界
我们在用外语进行交流的时候,经常有听不懂的时候,那么对方就会不停的问你:“Could you say that again?” 你能重复一遍吗?那么为了防止别人总这么无休止的问,,在每说完一句话之后,你都要加一句 ”You know what I mean?”你明白我的意思吗?如果对方听懂了,他们会说” Yes”,如果对方没有听懂,他们会说:”Sorry, I didn’t quite catch that.””对不起,我还是没有完全听明白“。这个时候,你就需要把你刚才说的意思重新表达一遍了。

Williama: * $ & @ #
Hogan: Could you run that by me again?
Williama: You’re stepping on my stomach!
Hogan: Oh, so sorry.
由于别人说话太快或者由于其它问题,你没有听懂他在说什么,你就要问:”Could you ran that by me again?” 你能再说一遍吗?美语是一种很形象的语言,比如说这句话:“run“是在跑的意思,对方说的每一个词在你面前跑过去了,有些词你没有catch到,那么你就得让它们重新跑一遍。”Can you run that by me again?另外一定要记住,在这种情况下,可千万不要不懂装懂,否则对方以为你听懂了,就会继续往下说,到头来发现其实他是在对牛弹琴,这会造成很大的误会。

Dr. Weird: My stomach lacks the required sustenance to continue my current activity.
Hogan: So what you’re trying to say is you’re hungry.
Dr. Weird: you could say that.
当别人对你又说了一遍刚才所说的内容,你心里还是有点不确定,最保险的做法是把对方的话总结重复一遍,你可以说:“So what you’re trying to say is…”那么你的意思是…,经过确认后,出错的可能性就小了。同样的,你还可以说“Do you mean …”你的意思是…吗?或者先重复一下对方的话,然后问他:”Is that what you mean?””你是这个意思吗?看来在交谈,尤其是在讨论什么问题的时候,为了防止出错,需要不断的用这类句子反复确认。看看自己是否全明白了。

Culture note
If you don’t understand, then ask . Many Chinese people, in trying to be very polite. Also end up seeming very shy. When learning a language, this shyness is actually a powerful disadvantage. Many students in the West are strongly encouraged to ask as many questions as possible. So that they will be able to check and clarity everything they hear. And also to make sure they understand everything they’re listening to.
“Excuse me, professor, um, Can you please run that by us again? Although I must say, people are encouraged, they also can still be very shy in the West. I fact even I am shy to from time to time, but I know that in order to learn, you must understand, and so I always say that if you don’t understand, then ask!

5 去哪里happy?
William: Whadja do last night?
Hogan: I went bowling
William: How many strikes did you get?
Hogan: I don’t know! Saw some beautiful women, though.
休息了一个周末,上班时遇到了你的外国朋友,他们会问你:whadja do last night?你昨天晚上做什么来着?你可以说:I went out and had fun with my friends.我昨晚和朋友出去玩了。另外当你和老外交谈的时候,是不是总觉得他们说话不清楚呢?实际上这是因为他们把很多词都连读了,比方说:whadja do last night?实际上是:what did you do last night? 这里的whadja就是what did you的意思。

William: I went to a party last night.
Hogan: Didja have a good time?
William: Nah, Jack Daniel wasn’t there.
Jack Daniel is a common brand of Whisky in the US. Jack Daniel 是美国的一种名牌威士忌酒
老友外出度假,回来后,见面的第一句话你应该说:Didja have a good time? 你玩的好吗?Didja 也是一种非常随意的表达方法,意思是Did you。 当然在正式场合,比如在和你的老板交谈或者在做演讲的时候,你最好吐字清楚的说:Did you,如果假期愉快,对方可能会说:Sure. Did. It was a great trip. 玩的很开心,如果旅行不是那么太尽如人意,你可以抱怨说:Nah, the food was really bad. 没有,吃的不太好。

Hogan:Where wouldja like to go tonight?
Dr. Beard: Let’s go to the bars!
Hogan: Which one first?
Dr. Beard : It doesn’t matter, just somewhere dark and smoky.
和女朋友在一起安排约会,这句话可是非用不可的: Where wouldja like to go tonight? 今晚想去哪里玩?当然了,和女朋友在一起用不着太客气或者紧张,所以你可以用wouldja,就是would you的意思。要知道,在和别人约会这种浪漫的气氛下,说一些温柔而随意的英语是最适合不过了。而在一些比较正式的场合,比如在一家五星级的餐厅里,侍者肯定会这样对你说:Would you like some dessert?你需要一些甜点吗?而不用wouldja,看来说英语时,还要根据不同的场合来选择说话的方式呢!

Culture note:
Whadja do last night? Didja have a good time? Can you understand me? If you can’t, then you have the same problem that I had when I arrived in China. I mean I had already studied book Chinese “NI hao ma, xiexie” but I soon discovered that the Chinese they speak on the street is different than what I learned. I mean I learned to say: Ni chi fan le ma?, but many people on the street say” ni chi le ma?” they’re different. I couldn’t understand. Similarly, in English, when most people talk, they don’t speak perfectly clearly all the time. In fact, if you want to be able to understand everybody, then you must know which words are commonly reduced. Sentences like “Whadja do last night?” “Didja have a good time?” “Where wouldja like to go tonight?” are how I would say things to my family and to my friends, and those are what you will hear when you watch English movies, television, or talk to native speakers. So now because I understand colloquial Chinese. If someone says to me “ni Chi fa le ma” then I can automatically and confidently respond “gang chi guo, ni ne?” you got that?

6. 脱身妙语 Running Late
Hogan: Hey! William, sorry, I’m running late!
William: That’s OK. What’re you doing?
(showing Hogan Polishing the boss’ shoes)
Hogan: Oh! The boss just wants me to wrap up some business before I leave. Wrap up=to finish
你和女朋友约定在6点见面,可是马上就到点了,你的老板还在没完没了地谈事情,那么这时你要做的就是装作有很重要的事情要做,对老板说:” I’m running late 我要迟到了,然后告诉他: I ‘ve got to go now我得赶紧走了。这样你就可以堂而皇之地赴佳人之约了。或者你就可以直接打电话给你的女朋友: I’m running late,然后问她 Can I meet you in half an hour? 半个小时后再见好吗?

William: It’s almost sunrise.
Dracula: Really?? I’ve gotta get outaa here!
William: Hold on!! It’s your turn!
在你脱不开身的情况下,还有一句话也是非常有用的:I’ve gotta get outta here, 我得离开这里了。这个句子中有很多缩写结构, gotta=got to, outta= out of,在美国口语中,为了说话方便,人们常常把几个音节放在一起说,这是美国口语最鲜明得特征。所以下次聚会时,女朋友打来电话要你去接她下班,你不妨对朋友试试这句话:Sorry, I’ve gotta get outta here. My girlfriend’s waiting for me. 对不起,我得走了,我女朋友在等我呢。

Momma: Eat your breakfast.
Hogan: But I hate runny eggs and milk!
Momma: Sit down and eat or I’m gonna slap you silly!
Hogan: But I’ve gotta catch the bus!!
早晨起床以后,妈妈千叮嘱万嘱咐的要你吃早饭,可是看到早餐又是你最不喜欢的牛奶和鸡蛋,你就想找个借口赶紧脱身。有一个理由是:I’ve gotta catch the bus. 我得赶汽车去了。言下之意就是说:Stop nagging me, I don’t want to eat that! I’d rather leave! 得了,别唠叨了,我不想吃这样得早点,还是先走人吧。正如我们前面所说过的,英语也是一种很形象的语言。比如说这个短语 catch the busy,把公共汽车抓住了,也就是说赶上公共汽车了。是不是很形象啊。

Culture note
Sorry, I’m running late again. But if you go to a big Western city, it will look like everyone’s running late. Like they’re trying to make up for lost time. I know some people in the United States who plan their lives to every single minute of the day. These people, if they have free time, they don’t know what to do with it. They’re so used to being busy.
You know, this yarning to be busy can come from a desire to not waste time. This has positive and negative side effects. On the positive side, you get a lot done, you live a full and productive life. On the negative side, you fell more stressed, you feel more fatigued and your life gets worse instead of better. So if you decide to have a full life, to be every busy, don’t forget to plan things correctly. Plan them well so that you’re not running late. Sorry, I gotta go.

7. 与的哥的对话 Taxis
(Hogan is only wearing underwear)
Hogan: Yo!!
William: They're not stopping, Why not?
Hogan: I have no idea.
说到“行”,我们就不可避免地要谈到出租车。在美国尤其在纽约,如果你想招呼一辆出租车,就得说:Yo!,可不是你,我的那个 you.出租车开了过来,当你坐定后,司机通常会问你一句话:Where to? 去哪儿呀。这是出租车司机的常用语。那么你可以回答:I want to go to...你告诉司机你想去的地方。

(Hogan's wearing a robber's mask)
Hogan: Let me out here.
Taxi Driver: Sure thing. May I ask why you are going there?
Hogan: I need to make a large withdrawal!!!
我们都有急着赶时间的时候,这时你可以对司机说:Do you know a faster route to.. 你知道走什么路线能快一点吗?你知道怎么抄近道吗?当司机把你带到你要去的地方,你可以说:Let me out here.让我在这下车吧。于是司机就会停车,让你下车了。这句话还可以说:Drop me off here. 那么中途停车就应该说:Can you make a stop on the way?

Hogan's wearing a top hat
Hogan: What do I owe you?
Taxi Driver: That'll be 50 Yuan.
Hogan: But you said 30.
Taxi Driver: That was before I knew you were loaded!

但是在下车之前,还有一件事情是千万不能忘记的(你忘记,司机也不会忘记),那就是付钱。在美国,最常用的一句话就是: What do I owe you? owe是欠的意思,所以这句话的字面意思就是:我欠你多少钱?实际上是问司机车费是多少。记住这句话常用在支付服务的时候。美国人都有给小腹的习惯,你到了美国不妨也入乡随俗一下。在递过一张整钱以后,说一句:Keep the change,注意这里的change可不是改变的意思了,而是零头的意思。所以这句话就是:不用找了。

Culture Note:
Yo, taxi! But wait a minute! In big cities, there are plenty of bus and subway lines that can take you all around town. Also in big cities, the stores are closer together, so that people can just simply walk wherever they want to go. Both of these things are bad new fro taxi driver.
In the suburbs, although things are farther apart, and also the transportation system is somewhat weaker, people still don't take taxis much. Why? because they usually have and drive their own cars. Nevertheless, if you're in the suburbs with your car and it doesn't work, or if you just want to relax when you're in traffic, then a taxi is the way to go. You got that?

美国的小费 (Tips of tip)
1. 餐厅付小费的时机
在餐厅付小费的情况最多了,在什么样的餐厅吃饭要付小费呢?一般来说,有侍者为你服务,来问你要点什么菜,这种情况是绝对要付小费的。另外如果像是去速食店用餐,像是麦当劳,你是在柜台点完餐后自己到座位上去吃,这种情况就不需给小费,还有一种在美国叫 Food Court, 就是像台湾的美食街,也是拿著拖盘点餐,这种情况也是不用付小费的。
2. 餐厅付小费的多寡.
一般的情况下,午餐要付 10-15% 的小费,晚餐要付 15-20% 的小费,但是如果人数超过五人,老美就一个名词叫 Party Over Five,则你必需付 18% 的小费,否则就算失礼。 (但通常这种情况侍者会特别提醒你,怕你忘了!) 如果小费给少了,表示你对这家餐厅的服务不满意,比如说你觉的菜很难吃,则可以拒付小费,不过这种情形还相当少见。要是服务特别好,或是高级的餐厅 (每客在 30 元以上) 则要付 20% 的小费。一般美国的日米料理都蛮贵的,通常我们都会付 20% 的小费。
3. 餐厅小费的计算方法
由于在美国的东西都含税,所以 15% 到底是以税前或税后来计算呢? 正确的是以税前的总和乘以 15%。像是亚特兰大的税是 7%,所以我的算法通常就是把税乘以二再多一点点当作小费。
4. 在餐厅付小费的方法
有二种最常用的,一种是把现金直接留在桌上,要注意最好不要都是铜板,至少要有一张纸钞。如果没有零钱,则可以用信用卡付小费,方法是在帐单上自已签上小费的数目及总和。例如原来吃了 10 元,税 0.7 小费付 1.5 总共是 12.2 他拿给你的签帐单会是这样:
Sub Total: 10.0
Tax: 0.7
你可以自己在 Tip 那栏写上 1.5 Total 那栏写 12.2 就可以了,不过记得收据留好,因为我朋友就遇到 Tip 被偷改的事情,小心一点总是好。
5. 在旅馆付的小费
在旅馆付小费都是在早上要出门前,在每一床的枕头上放 1 元的纸钞,当然这是一般平价的旅馆,如果是去住高级的旅馆,可多付一些。另外如果有门房帮你提行李上楼,也请记的给小费,一般也都是给一元纸钞。不过美国的人力很贵,一般的旅馆都是自助式,这一元小费也就省下来了。
6. 坐出租车付的小费
我个人都是付 10% 的小费,如果你高兴也可以付 15%,另外如果你要使用到行李箱,而司机帮你搬行李,则要多给一元的小费。通常给小费的方式,你可以跟他说 Keep the change,或是直接拿纸钞给他,说 Thank you very much 就可以了。附带一提的是,美国的出租车通常是打电话叫车的,所以要叫出租车,请翻电话簿。另外有一种常见的交通工具叫 Shuttle,通常是往来机场跟市区之间,想省点钱的朋友可以试试。
7. 理发时付的小费
男孩子理发比较单纯,像我都是付 10-15% 的小费,女生的话,进去帮你拿外套的那个人要付一元的小费,帮你洗头的人要再付一元小费,最后帮你剪发的设计师还要再付 15% 的小费。
8. 其它付小费的时机
在美国有些 Night Club 的卫生间里面会有一个人坐在洗手台的旁边,帮你送毛巾,喷古龙水,这不必说也是在赚小费的,通常行情也是一元。还有一种 Night Club 是专门表演 Table dancing 的, 去这种场所, 别忘了要多带一元的纸钞, 折成长方形, 到时你就知道有什么用了. 在这里你给一元的小费, 通常还可以享有一点特别的服务喔.
附记: 美国的餐厅一般一桌都只有一个服务生,一开始是谁帮你点菜的,待会有什么事就找他,不要像在台湾看到服务生都可以喊,因为你的小费只付给他,所以其它的服务生并没有义务帮你. 像是我刚来不知道,我要节帐时我就随便喊了一个服务生,结果他还是去喊我原来的那个服务生过来跟我算. 总之,这是一种餐厅的习惯,要牢记在心。
小笨霖 5.11

8. 你好,哥儿们 Greeting a friend
(Face is red with anger)
William : Hey, what’s up buddy?
Hogan : My blood pressure!
William : What’s the problem?
Hogan : Well, my landlord just raised the rent 200%.

“Hey! What’s up buddy?” 第一次听到老外对你这么说,你一定会困惑。“buddy”是个什么东西啊?难怪你不懂了。“buddy”在美语中是哥们的意思。在美国,那些关系很好的老朋友之间,经常这么热情地互相打招呼,以显示彼此关系的不一般。所以在称呼别人 buddy的时候,一定要自信,口气一定要cool,要不然听起来会不自然。“What’s up?”的意思和我们经常说的“How's it going?” 的意思一样,都是问候别人过的怎么样。另外表示相同意思的句子还有“How’s everything going?”或者是“How’re you doing?”

William: Hey ,What'cha been doin?
Dr. Weird : Nothing much, just doing some experiments.
William: What’ll happen if I stick my hand in here?
Dr. Weird : No!!

What’cha been doin? 这句话猛地看来仿佛生僻得很,这是英语吗?怎么会如此拼写?原来“What’cha” 和 “doin”是一种美语的拼写方式。意思是“Hey, what have you been doing?” “嘿! 你最近怎么样啊?”看来,正是美国人这种在说话时的连读习惯,造成了我们听力上的困难。如果有人这么向你打招呼,你不大想理他,你可以说:“Same as usual.”或者是“”Nothing special.”如果对方是你的朋友,你可以: “I’ve been really busy recently.”你就尽情地倾吐苦水吧。

Hogan: How ya'been?
Dr. weird: I'm fine. And you?
Hogan: Not good. Today I broke my hand skateboarding.
skateboarding 滑板运动,在美国年轻人当中非常流行。他们穿着口袋裤子,听grunge(重金属音乐的一种)音乐。
Dr. Weird: Cool. teach me sometime.
老朋友或者熟人见了面,除了我们前面介绍的几种打招呼的方法外,还可以说:How ya'been? 意思是说:How have you been? 过的怎么样呀。这句话和前两句的意思相似。那么怎么回答才合适呢?很简单:I'm fine.还不错。或者是:Nothing much.没什么有意思的事儿. How ya'been是我们常说的“美国拼音”。美国拼音忠实地记录了美国人的发音习惯。要想学好美语,了解这些东西是非常有必要的。

culture Note
Hello, how are you? When many people learn English, they learn formal English. This is fine, but it may make you seem a little boring and distant. But, most people don’t speak formally to each other. When you talk, you talk to your friends, your family, your co-workers, and your talk in a relaxed, casual manner. You say things like “Hey, what's up buddy?” or “Hey! What’cha been doin?”These sentences are both common and natural and they make you seem friendly and interesting. If you use them, people will want to talk to you. Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! This is the English you will hear in movies, many movies and if you talk to a native speaker using these sentences, they will feel more relaxed and they will think you are a friendly person who speaks English well. You got that, buddy?

http://www.prism.gatech.edu/~gt7 ... pic/smhellonote.htm

9. 办公室的节奏 In the Office
Hogan: Do I have any message?
Dr. Weird: Yes, your pedicurist called. Pedicurist护脚师,在中国是不常见的职业.

Hogan: What did she say?
Dr. Weird: She wanted to remind you of your appointment.
Do I have any Message? 有什么人留言给我吗?这是一句办公室用语,message并不是指我们常说的写在纸条上的留言,而是专门指电话留言。不要忘了在疑问句中,我们要用any来取代some。一个公司的老板每天要收到很多电话,处理很多事务,所以容易忘事儿。那么他要做的就是时不时的问问自己的秘书,是否有人打过电话留言给他。如果有什么重要人物打来电话,而你又忘了向秘书查询,那么你就会耽误公司的大事情!所以一定不要忘了问你的秘书Do I have any messages?

William: What’s on the schedule for today?
Hogan: Well, we’re all going to sit in a hot tub and drink champagne.
William: Sounds good to me!
What’s on the schedule for today? 这也是一句商务用语,比较适合那些外企白领。意思是说:我们今天有什么日程安排啊?比如说你是一家公司的老板,每天早晨到公司的第一件事就是向你的秘书查询一下你今天的日程安排。这样你对自己今天要做什么就心里有数了。所以你应该问What’s on the schedule for today? Schedule是指时间表,日程表的意思。注意一下这里我们使用的介词是on, on the schedule是一个固定搭配。如果你提前完成了你的任务,那么你还可以说:I’m ahead of schedule.看来,你走在时间的前面了。

William: Has the boss come in yet?
Miss ABC: He’s almost here!
William: Oh! My God!
Has the boss come in yet? 如果在办公室里有人这么问你,那你就需要仔细观察一下这个可疑的家伙了。有可能他有什么重要的事情要找老板,还有另外一种可能性就是这个家伙想偷懒。如果你只是公司某部门的负责人,那么做事情还是谨慎为好。因为你的上面还有你的顶头上司呢!比如说你上班迟到了,或者想打个盹儿,那就一定要弄清楚:Has the boss come in yet? 老板来了吗?他在附近吗?弄清楚他确实不在,你就可以为所欲为了。

Culture note:
Hey! We got some email from you guys. Some of you have written in saying that you’re trying to understand every word I say and it just isn’t working. Well. Let me give you some advice. Don’t try to understand every word. Try to skim for the most important words. Like today’s episode, “ in the office”, if you listen in special situations for some certain words you will understand people’s ideas completely. If you boss walks up and says:… message…, then you know that he wants to check his messages. If a co-worker comes over and says:… schedule…’ then they want to know what’s on the schedule. Or, if you are asleep at your desk, and someone comes up and says: … boss…, then you know the boss is there. So you have to get back to work. And didn’t understand everything, only the most important words. You got that?

10 电话线上的艺术 on the phone
Woman: Hello, this is Tammy, Is Hoang there?
William: He’s sleeping. Can I take a message?
Woman: Sure. Tell him that I found his sock under the couch.,
William: Will do. Bye!

外国人打电话,和我们中国人一样,总是习惯先告诉对方自己的姓名。但是不同的是,当外国人介绍自己的时候,不会像中国人这样说:I’m William,那可就大错特错了。正确地道的说法是:This is William.另外如果你想找Hogan的话,就要问:Is Hogan in? 那个叫Hogan的家伙在不在?若对方不在,接电话的人会问你:Can I take a message? 我能代他留个言吗?message在这里是口信的意思。如果这样说,不论是William还是Hogan都会感激你把信儿捎到了。

Devil: Hello, this is the devil. I’m here to take you to the hell.
Dr. Weired: I’m a little busy. Could I call you back later?
Devil: OK, I guess so. That would be alright.
你正在家里煮饭炒菜,电话铃响了,一个你不太喜欢的人想找你聊天,你这边耐着性子接着电话,那边还担心火上的饭和烤箱里的蛋糕,怎么办?还是试试这句话吧。I’m a little busy. Could I call you back later? 看来如果你不想告诉对方你现在正在忙什么事儿,你可以告诉他一会儿再给他回电话。至于call不call他,就是你自己的事情了。另外再办公室里,如果有人在你忙的不可开交的时候打电话给你,你也可以用这句话让自己喘一口气。但是一定不要忘了告诉对方一个理由。I’m a little busy right now. 然后再告诉对方:Could I call you back later?

Salesman: Would you like to buy our new cleaver? cleaver:切肉刀
Hogan: No, stop bothering me. I’m eating dinner.
Salesman: OK, Thank you for your time.
Hogan: Bye.
在和朋友打电话聊天的时候,常常会因为措辞不当而引起别人的误会。所以当你和朋友聊完天想结束谈话时候,最好说一声:Thank you for your time. 这样既显底礼貌,同时也表明你想挂电话了,从而给了对方充分的心里准备。另外你也可以说: Nice talking to you. 这句话表达的是同样的意思,告诉对方和他们交谈你感到很愉快,当然言下之意就是想要结束谈话了。这里我们用talking而不是 to talk, 这是因为你们已经谈过话了,而to talk则是指你们准备开聊了。想要学好英语,就要在这些细微之处多下功夫。

Culture note:
Hello! Hello! When you’re talking face to face with someone, you get the advantage of hearing what they’re saying and watching them. Being able to see them gives you extra information about their mood and their message. In contrast, the telephone doesn’t give you that extra information. So, in English, when you’re talking on the phone, you have to be every clear and above all , be very polite. If you have a business call or a formal call, then extra politeness will result in reward and respect. You should try to use words like please and thank you, sorry, excuse me, may I and could I. Now, if you’re talking with friends and relatives, then you don’t to be so formal. But if you’re not secure with your English, then extra politeness is always a safe belt.
http://www.prism.gatech.edu/~gt7 ... ic/smteleselect.htm

11 我爱约会 Getting a date
William: Hey, baby, are you doing anything tonight?
Woman: It depends.
William: On what?
Woman: On whether my boyfriend takes me out or not! ( A huge muscular man threatens to punch him out)
Are you doing anything tonight? 今晚你有什么事吗?如果你有幸在酒吧遇到一个令你心动的女孩子,这句话就可以派上大用场了。你需要做的就是走上前和她套近乎,对她说: You look beautiful tonight. 或者谈些别的东西:Do you like this place? 然后找准机会对她说Are you doing anything tonight?需要特别指出的是在说这句话的时候,口气一定要温柔,态度一定要诚恳,这样才能打动女孩子的芳心。不信去试试吧。

Dr. Weird: Hey sweetie pie, are you doing anything tonight?
Woman: No, I don’t have any plans.
Dr. Weird: If you’re not busy tonight, would you like to go out with me?
Woman: Sure, where will you take me?
如果那个女孩子对你也有好感,她可能会告诉你:I don’t have any plans yet.我今晚还没有计划。嗯,真是个聪明的女孩,她在委婉地暗示你也许可以接受你的邀请。那么这个时候,你就要不失时机地对她说:If you’re not busy tonight, would you like to go dancing with me? 如果你今晚不忙地话,愿意和我一起去跳舞吗?如果你语气适当,又赶上女孩子心情不错,你就有可能成功哦!!

Dr. Weird: Hey, hot stuff, are you hitched?
Hot stuff是俚语,是对漂亮女士的称呼。
Are you hitched? 也是俚语,意思相当于:你有男朋友吗?
Woman: No, not at the moment.
Dr. Weird: Really? Cool! Can we get together and go out sometime?
Woman: Only if you promise not to pull out your pet snake.
Can we get together and go out sometime? 不论是约女孩子出来,还是想和好友聚聚,你都可以用这句话来提出你地建议。那么如果对方接受你地建议地话,剩下的就是享受和恋人在一起的美妙时光 或者是朋友们带来的亲密无间的欢乐气氛了!但对女孩子们来说,如果你不想接受这个邀请,你可以直接说:No, thanks. 你也可以说得更委婉些:Sorry. I’ve got plans.如果你觉得对方也不错,但是不巧自己今天没时间的话,你可以这么说:Maybe some other time! 改天怎么样?

Culture note
How do you know who to ask on a date? I mean, in the olden days, it was pretty easy. If a man liked a woman, there were specific things he could do to show interest in her and specific things she could do to show interest in him. Like in some cultures, the man would go to her home and sing a beautiful song. And if she wanted to go on a date, she would sing back to him. Or in other cultures, the man would cut an animal, and give it to her as a present. And if she accepted it, then she wanted to go out. But nowadays, it’s more complicated. You have to listen to what people say, and you have to watch what they do. In order to decide, if you think you’re interesting or boring, some of the things that I have learned in my many many years of experience in dating are things lie: One: smile. Does she smile? Does she laugh? That’s always a good sign. Number two: her eyes. Is she looking at you? Is she looking at someone else? If she’s giving you a soft caring look, then that’s always very very very good to know. And the third thing, also very important, is, are you having fun, are you agreeing, because if you cannot have fun before a date, then you will never ever have fun when you actually go on a date. You got that?

12 约会进行曲 On a date
(Hogan is naked in front of the mirror)
Hogan: Only geniuses can see my new clothes!
A genius usually has high IQ or is exceptionally good at a particular skill. An “idiot savant” is an individual who is a genius in a particular skill, but strikingly deficient in all other skills.天才通常有很高的智商,或者有某项特长。傻瓜专家是一个特例,他在某一方面是一个天才,不过在其它方面却十足的烂。
Dr. Weird: Oh! You look beautiful tonight.
怎样让你和恋人的约会会更加美好,其实是有很多技巧的。当你们在灯光摇曳终准备跳第一个舞蹈的时候,你发现你心爱的女孩今晚特别地美。这时候不要把这种美好地感觉藏在心里。在她的耳边轻轻地说:You look beautiful tonight. 女孩子听了一定会心花怒放地,心里对你的好感徒然增加了不少。beautiful一般是用来形容女孩子的,如果你想对男孩子说这句话,那你最好用handsome来形容他的英俊潇洒。当然了,对于崇尚潮流的年轻人,最好的赞扬无疑是:You look cool.

Miss ABC: I’ve really had a good time today.
William: You did?
Miss ABC: Except for when you throw up on me.
throw up: to vomit 俚语呕吐
你受朋友邀请去参加一个舞会,舞会办的很成功,你玩得很尽兴,于是在临走之前你要对主人说:I really had a good time tonight. 我今天晚上过得很愉快。这样既体现出了你得礼貌,又表达了你对主人得感激之情。同样的,美国人在温馨浪漫的二人幽会结束之前,也经常这么说,温柔于留恋之情就尽在此言中了。如果有人这么对你说 I’ve really had a good time tonight. 你应该说:Me too. 告诉他你今晚也过得很愉快。

Hogan: I’d like to see you again sometime.
Woman: Sure, how about next week?
Hogan: Great.
约会已经进入尾声了,你将女朋友送回家,在告别之前,你应该告诉她:I’d like to see you again sometime. 我希望有机会再见到你。如果她也很喜欢和你在一起,她就会欣然对你说: I’d like that too. 我也希望如此。或者更直接:Sure, How about next week? 当然了,下星期如何?那如果你是女孩子,你并不想再次与这个人约会了,你可以委婉地说:OK, maybe sometime. Why don’t you give e a call? 而最好不要直接拒绝,这样可以给对方留有余地。

Culture Note:
You look marvelous! Do you know that? Of course you do! But not only men can say these things, in fact women can and should also say these things to people. In the West, just like in China, men tend to take the lead in dating. But women are more and more trying to take the lead as well. For example, if two people go out to dinner, one person will usually pay for the other on a date. But it’s not always the man who pays. Or even asking for a date, the women can ask men, and they’re doing it more and more. Besides figuring out who takes the lead, it’s also very important to know where you’re going to do. Westerners, for example, it’s very very popular on a first date to go to a nice romantic cozy dinner for two people. Or they can go to a club that has music, you can listen to the music. That way, if you want, you can talk, or you can just listen and look at each other.
Some men are very romantic and sweet, and they like to five their dates gifts. Things for example, like some nice flowers. Oh, how wonderful plant you have here! Or maybe even something fun like a balloon. But remember, no matter what you give your date, you have to make sure that it’s something that she wants, because if she’s not happy with it, then you’ll be going on a date by yesterday.

13 生活中的每一天 After work/school.
(Miss ABC and Hogan are ready to eat dinner. Dr. Weird wearing fishing outfit)
Miss ABC: How was your day?
Dr. Weird: Not good!! Not a single fish. But lots of worms.
Worms used for fishing are called “nightcrawlers”
Miss ABC: Jeez, what a bummer.
What a bummer means too bad! 意思是太糟糕了。
How was your day? 你今天过得怎么样?通常在你放学或下班回到家里,家人会问你一句,How was your day?因为问的是已经过去的一天,所以这里要说was,而不是is。如果一大早你想和某人打招呼的话,你应该说:How are you today? 如果是中午,你可以说How was your day going?如果你兴致很高,你可以说:Wow! It’s fantastic!然后就此打开话题,和朋友或者家人大谈特谈。反过来,如果你不想多说话,可以回答:Well, nothing interesting就此敷衍过去。

Miss bookworm: How are things at work?
Hogan: Ok, but I have a stomachache from last night’s dinner!
当你的爱人劳累了一天回家后,你还可以这样说:How are things at work?问问他(她)工作怎么样了。同样你也可以这么问,How are things at school?学校怎么样呀?How are things at your office?公司有什么事情发生呀?看来只需要换一下最后的地方名称,就可以有很多种用法了。Things是指一切发生过的事情。比如说你在工作中有什么成就,或者出了什么错了,都可以用things来表达。看来美语是一种很偷懒的一种语言。怎么样?简单吧,回家试一试。

William: You’ll never believe what happened to me today! My boss told me to take a year off.
Dr. Beard: You mean you were fired.
You’ll never believe what happened to me today.这句话的意思是:你绝对想不到今天发生了什么
。这句话可以用在你遇到了特别高兴的事的时候,比如说涨工资了,你就可以对你的家人说:You’ll never believe what happened to me today!这样一说,你的妻子或者丈夫就会be all ears,也就是全神贯注地你讲这件令人兴奋的事。这句话多用来描述惊喜的心情。Happen是发生的意思。但是这个词隐含着某种偶然性的意思。比如说:It happened that she was out yesterday!昨天她碰巧不在家。

Culture Note:
Honey, I’m home! Everyday after work in America, something very important happens in every American family: the family dinner. Around the dinner table every night is the time and place to discuss everything that you would like to talk about with the family. It can be about work, vacation, school, fun and life. If it’s pertinent to someone in the family, then you should discuss it. There are many things you can talk about, for example, it can be an important decision for the family to make; it can be some good news or bad news that you want to share; you want to tell a story about what happened to you that day. But it’s not always fun time at meal time. People can argue a little bit; children can disagree with their parents on the decisions that they’ve made. Arguments during dinner over what people should or should not do can also happen. Sometimes children are even grounded, have their privileges restricted for arguing too much or disagreeing too much. But usually that doesn’t happen, so it’s not a problem. And children can invite their friends over to have dinner with the family and their friends can tell stories about what’s happening to them. You got that?

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