青岛大学附属山东省妇女儿童医院的研究人员在" Science of The Total Environment "期刊上发表了一篇题为" Prevalence and implications of microplastic contaminants in general human seminal fluid:A Raman spectroscopic study "的研究论文。
无独有偶,2024年6月3日,北京大学第三医院的研究人员在" Environmental Science & Technology "期刊上发表了一篇题为" Features,potential invasion pathways,and reproductive health risks of microplastics detected in human uterus "的研究论文。
2024年5月15日,新墨西哥大学的研究人员在" Toxicological Sciences "期刊上发表了一篇题为" Microplastic presence in dog and human testis and its potential association with sperm count and weights of testis and epididymis "的研究论文。