勒卡雷的成名作The Spy Who Came in From the Cold,国内我看到的有3种译法。一种译成《寒风孤谍》,一种译成《柏林谍影》,还有一种是《受冷漠的人》,此外,尚有一种译法《被冷落后复出的间谍》,这是董乐山先生的译法,但董先生没有译全书,只是在介绍勒卡雷的作品时提到这本书。下面稍微做点分析。
The title of this novel has a double meaning. The Spy Who Came in From the Cold refers to Leamas, and Control muses that “…one cannot be out in the cold all the time…”. In fact, this is the paradox of the movie and the ending brilliantly illustrates the themes of the novel. The Spy (Leamas) has the chance to come in from the cold, to go over the wall and go home, probably to retire from his espionage duties. He chooses not to do this. He chooses empathy, to feel something for the murder of his girlfriend, and in so doing comes in from his “cold” life as a spy to become more human.
由此看来,《寒风孤谍》显然是理解错了,这里的cold和“寒冷”毫无关系。《柏林谍影》是自己另外起了个名称,固然也需要巧思,但这种做法的最大缺点,是不懂英文的读者如果要查考原文,很容易被误导,难以查到正确的英文书名。《受冷漠的人》可以说基本理解正确,唯“冷漠”不如“冷落”,另外上文说的double meaning也没有传达出来。董乐山先生的译法意思上是最接近的,尤其值得称道的是加上“复出”,完全符合小说情节,意思更加完整。只是作为书名似乎稍稍长了点,另外那个double meaning同样没有表现出来。
当然了,这句虽然感觉上double meaning的理解是合理的,但也不能说是定论或者是个universally accepted fact。再加上double meaning,也就是双关,实在难译,所以单取其字面的“冷落”意思,也是可取的。如果一定要将双关译出来,就颇费脑筋了。《被冷落的冷面间谍》不知道是否可以?