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[[语言学天地]] [英文歌曲]VA《The Classical Album 2015(白金天碟2015)》[3CD][320/MP3/BD]

发表于 2018-8-3 21:26:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 fjzjky 于 2018-8-3 21:28 编辑

专辑名称:        The Classical Album 2015(白金天碟2015)
  专辑类型:高品质MP3 320Kbps
  发行公司: 环球唱片



V.A. / The Classical Album 2015
台压专辑 / CD

1. Katherine Jenkins - Time To Say Goodbye (Con Te Partiro) 凯瑟琳詹金斯 _ 两度获颁全英古典音乐奖年度专辑得主高唱全球热销1200万张的感人经典
2. Alfie Boe - Bring Him Home 艾飞鲍伊 _ 英国男高音灌唱2010年参与演出的音乐剧「悲惨世界」名曲
3. Ludovico Einaudi – Divenire 鲁多维柯艾奥迪 _ 21世纪串流音乐平台最受欢迎的古典乐作曲家2007年成名作
4. Andrea Bocelli & Bryn Terfel – Pearl Fishers Duet 波伽利与特菲尔 _ 跨界巨星与四座全英古典音乐奖得主合唱比才歌剧「採珠人」的挣扎爱恋名作
5. Russell Watson – You Raise Me Up 罗素华生 _ 英国最畅销古典艺人深情传唱荣登全美抒情榜冠军的秘密花园名曲
6. Andre Rieu – The Blue Danube 安德烈瑞欧 _ 享有圆舞曲之王美誉的小提琴家演绎维也纳新年音乐会上的名曲"蓝色多瑙河"
7. Luciano Pavarotti – Nessun Dorma! 帕华洛帝 _ 传奇男高音最富盛名的普契尼歌剧「杜兰朵」名曲"公主彻夜未眠"演唱版本
8. Hans Zimmer – Now We Are Free (From "Gladiator") 汉斯季默 _ 奥斯卡电影音乐大师勇夺金球奖最佳电影音乐奖的「神鬼战士」主题音乐
9. Kiri Te Kanawa & Katherine Jenkins – The Flower Duet 卡娜娃与凯瑟琳詹金斯 _ 纽西兰女高音与威尔斯跨界美声传颂美丽咏嘆调"花之二重唱"
10. Ludovico Einaudi & Daniel Hope – I Giorni 鲁多维柯艾奥迪与丹尼尔霍普 _ 义大利钢琴/作曲家与五座德国古典音乐奖小提琴家合作英国金榜TOP 40名曲
11. Sol3 Mio – O Sole Mio 我的太阳三重唱 _ 融合男高音、男中音与古典乐背景的纽西兰家族乐团歌咏义大利名曲
12. Pumeza – Thula Baba (Hush, My Baby) 普美莎 _ 担任2014年大英国协运动会开幕典礼演唱的南非歌剧女高音传唱祖鲁催眠曲
13. Rolando Villazon – La Donna E Mobile 费亚松 _ 享誉欧洲歌剧界的墨西哥男高音灌唱歌剧「弄臣」的咏嘆调"善变的女人"
14. Bryn Terfel – Amazing Grace 特菲尔 _ 以华格纳歌剧录音荣获葛莱美奖肯定的威尔斯歌剧演唱家传颂基督教圣乐
15. Placido Domingo – Recondita Armonia 多明哥 _ 传奇男高音詮释普契尼歌剧「托斯卡」中的浪漫名曲
16. Craig Ogden – Fields Of Gold 克雷格奥格登 _ 多张专辑登上英国古典榜冠军的澳洲古典吉他手动人演绎摇滚巨星史汀名作
17. Mike Oldfield – Harbinger 迈克欧菲尔德 _ 2012年伦敦奥运开幕典礼上的音乐魔法师2008年英国古典榜冠军专辑名曲
18. Joseph Calleja – La Vie En Rose 克莱亚 _ 2012年英国留声机杂誌圈选为年度艺人的马尔他男高音传唱法国香颂经典
19. Max Richter & Daniel Hope – Spring 1 麦克斯里奇与丹尼尔霍普 _ 电影「与巴席尔跳华尔滋」德国音乐家与才华洋溢的小提琴家合奏韦瓦第名作「四季」之"春"

1. Gareth Malone & Military Wives – Wherever You Are 马龙与英国军妻合唱团 _ 实境节目选出派驻阿富汗的军眷所组成的合唱团2011年英国圣诞金榜冠军曲
2. Nicola Benedetti – Main Theme From "Schindler’s List" 妮可拉班内迪提 _ 获颁大英帝国官佐勋章的苏格兰小提琴家动人演绎电影「辛德勒的名单」主题乐章
3. Andre Rieu – Als Flotter Geist Medley 安德烈瑞欧 _ 2014年来台巡演的荷兰小提琴家以组曲型式演奏史特劳斯圆舞曲
4. Katherine Jenkins – Abide With Me 凯瑟琳詹金斯 _ 热销800万张专辑的跨界美声女伶虔诚献唱铁达尼号船难的祈祷圣歌
5. Luciano Pavarotti – Mattinata 帕华洛帝 _ 义大利传奇男高音献唱卡鲁索1904年名曲"早晨",向义大利一代歌王致敬
6. Milo? – Libertango 米洛许 _ 英国留声机杂誌盛讚的蒙特内哥罗吉他手詮释探戈音乐大师皮亚佐拉名曲
7. Renee Fleming – You’ll Never Walk Alone 芮妮弗莱明 _ 享有美国美丽歌声头衔的女高音传唱音乐剧「旋转木马」名曲
8. Lang Lang – Liebestraum No.3 郎朗 _ 2014葛莱美颁奖典礼与菲董同台的中国钢琴家演绎李斯特钢琴独奏曲"爱之梦"
9. Pascal Roge – Clair De Lune 帕斯卡罗杰 _ 纽约时报推崇的法国钢琴家演绎德布西1890年著名钢琴组曲中的"月光"
10. BBC Concert Orchestra – Nimrod (Adagio) BBC音乐会管弦乐团 _ 全球五组完整编制的交响乐团之一演奏艾尔加"谜之变奏曲"的慢板乐章
11. Alexander Chapman Campbell – Light Through The Day 亚历山大查普曼坎贝尔 _ 2014年温布顿网球锦标赛转播期间经常播放的英国新世代钢琴家写意乐曲
12. David Garrett – He’s A Pirate (From "Pirates Of The Caribbean") 大卫盖瑞 _ 四座德国回声音乐奖肯定的小提琴巨星绽放电影「神鬼奇航」主题音乐摇滚风
13. Only Men Aloud – O Verona 大声公合唱团 _ BBC竞赛节目「Last Choir Standing」冠军队伍灌录电影「罗密欧+茱丽叶」主题曲
14. The City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra – My Heart Will Go On 布拉格市爱乐乐团 _ 每年超过200场录音伴奏的乐团演绎奥斯卡最佳影片「铁达尼号」主题曲
15. Joseph Calleja – Be My Love 克莱亚 _ 英国卫报评选为本世纪最具潜力的年轻男高音向义大利传奇男高音致敬名曲
16. All Angels – Songbird 天使四重唱 _ 英国跨界美声重唱组合深情詮释佛利伍麦克合唱团1977年抒情小品
17. The City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra – With Or Without You 布拉格市爱乐乐团 _ 担任2013年杜拜跨年盛会演出乐团细腻演绎超级摇滚乐团U2的冠军大作
18. Russell Watson – Nella Fantasia 罗素华生 _ 融合金嗓歌艺与娱乐才华的英国美声巨星演唱电影「教会」音乐改编名曲
19. Katherine Jenkins – Vide Cor Meum 凯瑟琳詹金斯 _ 美声歌后精湛演唱改编自但丁诗集的电影「人魔」主题曲"看透我的心"
20. Zyrah – Assassin’s Creed 季芮乐团 _ 疯电玩的英国酷派美声乐团勇夺iTunes古典榜冠军的电玩「刺客教条」主题曲




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 楼主| 发表于 2018-8-3 21:27:28 | 显示全部楼层
Title Of Album:The Classical Album 2015 (3CD)
Year Of Release: 2014
Label: Decca (UMO)
Genre: Classical music, classical crossover, christmas
Total Time: 03:29:30

Audio CD (24 Nov. 2014)
Number of Discs: 3
Format: Box set
Label: Decca (UMO)

11 of 12 people found the following review helpful
Great collection of its type
By Peter Durward Harris #1 HALL OF FAMETOP 10 REVIEWER on 6 Dec. 2014
As one dedicated classical music fan pointed out, this album features plenty of music that isn't really aimed at such people. It is aimed more at people like me, who like listening to classical music some of the time but aren't necessarily committed fans in the way that he is. Other specialist music styles such as jazz, country and folk have similar challenges - the people in the music business all want a share of the much bigger market for pop and rock - and it's not just the bosses (who would never miss an opportunity to make money) but the singers and musicians too. While this relentless quest for pop and rock listeners has worked against me elsewhere, the same thrust in classical music has worked for me.

So this collection includes tracks by plenty of my favourite classical artists including Katherine Jenkins, Russell Watson, Luciano Pavarotti, Kiri Te Kanawa, Bryn Terfel, Nicola Benedetti and All Angels. The third CD focuses on Christmas music, and it contains a great selection.

Of all the tracks here, I particularly enjoy Renée Fleming's version of You'll never walk alone. I don't support a football club, but I'm guessing that supporters of Liverpool and Celtic would enjoy this too.

I clearly understand why this won't appeal to ted classical music fans, but I love it.

CD 1
01. Time To Say Goodbye - Katherine Jenkins 04:00
02. Bring Him Home - Alfie Boe 03:38
03. Divenire - Ludovico Einaudi 06:41
04. Pearl Fishers Duet - Andrea Bocelli, Bryn Terfel 05:52
05. You Raise Me Up - Russell Watson 04:58
06. The Blue Danube - Andrй Rieu 07:54
07. Nessun Dorma! - Luciano Pavarotti 03:06
08. Now We Are Free - Hanz Zimmer 04:15
09. The Flower Duet - Katherine Jenkins, Kiri Te Kanawa 03:51
10. I Giorni - Daniel Hope 03:20
11. O Sole Mio - Sol3 Mio 02:46
12. Thula Baba (Hush, My Baby) - Pumeza 03:08
13. La Donna И Mobile - Rolando Villazуn 02:02
14. Amazing Grace - Bryn Terfel 03:56
15. "Recondita Armonia" - Plбcido Domingo 02:57
16. Fields Of Gold - Craig Ogden 03:48
17. Harbinger - Mike Oldfield 04:10
18. La Vie En Rose - Joseph Calleja 04:08
19. Spring 1 - Max Richter, Daniel Hope 02:33

CD 2
01. Wherever You Are - Gareth Malone & Military Wives 02:51
02. Main Theme From "Schindler's List" - Nicola Benedetti 03:44
03. Als Flotter Geist - Andrй Rieu 03:49
04. Abide With Me - Katherine Jenkins 04:34
05. Mattinata - Luciano Pavarotti 01:58
06. Libertango - Milos Karadaglic 02:52
07. You'll Never Walk Alone [Carousel] - Renйe Fleming 04:36
08. Liebestraum No.3 In A Flat, S.541 No.3 - Lang Lang 04:44
09. Clair De Lune - Pascal Rogй 05:28
10. Nimrod (Adagio) - Bbc Concert Orchestra, Barry Wordsworth 04:06
11. Light Through The Day - Alexander Chapman Campbell 02:37
12. He's A Pirate ("Pirates Of The Caribbean") - David Garrett 03:02
13. O Verona - Only Men Aloud 02:38
14. My Heart Will Go On - The City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra 03:33
15. Be My Love - Joseph Calleja, Bbc Concert Orchestra, Steven Mercurio 02:59
16. Songbird - All Angels 02:53
17. With Or Without You - The City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra 06:03
18. Nella Fantasia - Russell Watson 04:29
19. Vide Cor Meum - Katherine Jenkins 04:01
20. Assassin's Creed - Zyrah 04:10

CD 3
01. Benjamin Britten - A Hymn to the Virgin (1930, rev. 1934) 03:48
02. Boris Ord - Adam lay ybounden 01:20
03. Cesar Franck - Panis Angelicus 3:20
04. Franz Schubert - Ave Maria, D839 04:13
05. Harold Edwin Darke - In The Bleak Midwinter 03:40
06. Henry John Gauntlett - Once in Royal David's City 05:26
07. Howard Blake - Walking In The Air (Excerpt "Lifecycle"), Op.310 02:55
08. James Lord Pierpont - Jingle Bells 01:35
09. John Francis Wade - Adeste Fideles (O come, all ye faithful) 03:27
10. John Tavener - The Lamb 02:47
11. Leroy Anderson - Sleigh Ride 02:46
12. Peter Cornelius - The Three Kings 02:39
13. Peter Warlock - Bethlehem Down 04:50
14. Ralph Blane - Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas 03:46
15. Traditional (Public Domain) - Auld Lang Syne 03:43
16. Traditional (Public Domain) - Silent Night 04:18
17. Traditional - In dulci jubilo (Gesangbuch von Joseph Klug, 14. Jhdt.) - Arr. Robert Lucas de Pearsall (1795-1856) 03:30
18. Traditional - O Holy Night 04:59]
19. William James Kirkpatrick - "Away In A Manger" - Solo Version 03:27

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