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[【其它】] 《哈利·波特:一段魔法史》 高清

发表于 2017-11-3 23:45:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
《哈利·波特:一段魔法史》 高清

导演: Jude Ho
主演: J·K·罗琳 / Imelda Staunton / 大卫·休里斯 / 马克·威廉姆斯 / 伊文娜·林奇 / 更多...
类型: 纪录片
官方网站: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b09d5n6b
制片国家/地区: 英国
语言: 英语
上映日期: 2017-10-28(英国)
片长: 57分钟
又名: 哈利·波特:魔法的历史

《哈利·波特:一段魔法史》 详细剧情
It's 20 years since J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone first cast its spell on readers across the globe, thanks to the charm, warmth and imagination of its wizarding world. But Rowling's fantastical creation wasn't entirely make-believe…
To mark the 20th anniversary of her book, the BBC presents an enchanting new documentary, uncovering the real life traditions of magic at the heart of Harry Potter.
A thrilling journey through legends, belief and folklore, this film goes behind the scenes with the British Library as they search to tell that story through objects in their collection, in an ambitious new exhibition: Harry Potter: A History Of Magic. J.K. Rowling, who is lending unseen manuscripts, drawings and drafts from her private archives (which will sit alongside treasures from the British Library, as well as original drafts and drawings from Jim Kay) talks about some of the personal items she has lent to the exhibition and gives new insight into her writing, looking at some of the objects from the exhibition that have fired her imagination.
Readings from famous fans playfully recreates some of the best loved spells, potions and magical moments from the books, and, as we follow the process of the exhibition, we discover modern magic's counterparts (from real life wandmakers to Quidditch enthusiasts). In doing so we discover an unexpected relationship between magic, belief and science: from the Anglo-Saxon spells that cure MRSA; to the so-called witches who pioneered contemporary medicine; to the ancient stargazers who first mapped the wonders of the night sky.

《哈利·波特:一段魔法史》 观后感影评
作为一个图书馆专业上过博物馆学和rare books课的HPer,飞去这个展览简直义不容辞,然而……Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone讲母亲去世的那段,我都看哽咽了,我真是老了,听着教授们、韦斯莱爹和Luna念台词各种飙泪,罗琳姨现在能平淡地讲出她的艰难岁月而这平静下面蕴藏着多巨大的悲伤和力量。要追根溯源,魔法历史的展开就是一整段人类史,从蒙昧到科学。只要你选择相信,魔法就是存在的。看个纪录片开头结尾都哭出来也是没谁了。。。比心罗琳~

《哈利·波特:一段魔法史》 高清迅雷下载 / 百度云网盘地址:
链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1o7Xq38I  密码: b94s





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