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东部华侨城位于中国深圳大梅沙,占地近9平方公里,是由华侨城集团斥资35亿元精心打造的世界级度假旅游目的地,是由国家环境保护部和国家旅游局联合授予的首个 “国家生态旅游示范区”。
东部华侨城集两个主题公园、三座旅游小镇、四家度假酒店、两座36洞山地球场、大华兴寺和天麓地产等项目于一体, 处处体现人与自然的和谐共处。
Covering an area of 9 square kilometers at Da Mei Sha of Shenzhen, OCT East is the national ecological tourism demonstration district and the international tourism destination, at an investment of 3.5 billion Yuan by the OCT Group.
It is a combination of two theme parks, three scenic towns, four resort hotels, two 36-hole golf courses, Huaxing Temple and Tianlu mansion etc., to fully display the harmonious coexistence of human and nature.
As the central service center, the ancient tea town is a place to appreciate tea culture, as well as an elegant site for relaxation. Tourists may indulge in tea meal, tea & pastry, tea & drama, or try the local dish and taste some tea liquor. In this way, you get to know in-deep knowledge of tea & zen culture. Alternatively you may enjoy the experience in picking tea leaves, tea making and pottery making by you own at the Tea Art House, the Tea & Liquor House and the Pottery Workshop. |