发表于 2014-3-9 13:11:18
引用第1楼如风一笑于2014-03-09 10:42发表的 :
【《财经》综合报道】“该飞机没有求救信号意味着,飞机要么就是遇到了爆炸性减压,要么就是被引爆装置摧毁了。”美国专门负责空难调查的全国运输安全委员会前董事会成员John Goglia对路透记者表示,他说,整个过程肯定很快,因为没有任何消息或求救信号。他还说“有乘客利用假身份证登机,意味着飞机有极大的发生爆炸的可能性,这是一个很大的危险信号”。
据悉,国际警察机构“国际刑警组织”建有一个全球失踪被窃护照数据库,该数据库录入了166个国家的超过3900万旅客的遗失护照信息,通过该数据库,警察、移民或边境管理人员能够在几秒钟内查到可疑证件,核对护照的真实性。而据意大利警方消息,“被登机”的意大利乘客Luigi Maraldi的护照早在2013年8月1日就曾被录入“国际刑警组织”的失踪被窃护照数据库。但是目前,国际刑警组织没有对此做出任何评论。
(原文:John Goglia, a former board member of the National Transportation Safety Board, the U.S. agency that investigates plane crashes, said the lack of a distress call suggested that the plane either experienced an explosive decompression or was destroyed by an explosive device.It had to be quick because there was no communication," Goglia said.He said the false identities of the two passengers strongly suggested the possibility of a bomb."That's a big red flag," he said.
International police body Interpol maintains a database of more than 39 million travel documents reported lost or stolen by 166 countries, and says on its website that this enables police, immigration or border control officers to check the validity of a suspect document within seconds. No comment was immediately available from the organization.
Italian police said the passport of Luigi Maraldi was reported stolen on August 1, 2013 and was inserted in the Interpol database。)
(编辑:杨新亚) |