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[【文史类】] 说说布雷特尔《现代艺术:1851—1929》的翻译

发表于 2014-2-17 17:50:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
现代艺术:1851—1929 : 资本主义和再现
[美] 理查德·布雷特尔 / 诸葛沂 / 上海人民出版社 / 2013-1 / 89.00元





This history of modern art is dependent by its very nature on those that preceded it.
【This history of modern art就是本书,不烦说成本书阐述的历史,其所依赖的,也没明确限定在理论。】

Julius Meier-Graefe's Modern Art (published in German in 1904, and translated into English in 1908) was the first systematic attempt to place the achievements of French painters in a larger art-historical context that includes all of European art.
朱利斯·迈耶-格拉斐(Julius Meier- Graefe)的《现代艺术》 (Modern Art, 1904年出版于德国,1908年翻译成英文)第一次系统地将法国画家的成就放在包含了全部欧洲艺术的更大的艺术史语境中来研究。
【in German不是in Germany】

When read in conjunction with Paul Signac's landmark book, From Delacroix to Neo-Impressionism (1899), Meier-Graefe's Modern Art lays the theoretical and aesthetic groundwork on which most of the principal achievements of modern artists and their commentators rest.
当与保罗·西涅克(Paul Signac)里程碑式的著作《从德拉克洛瓦到新印象主义》(From Delacroix to Neo-Impressionism,1899)配合起来一同阅读时,我们发觉迈耶-格拉斐将《现代艺术》一书的理论和美学上的根基,建立在现代艺术家及支持他们的评论者所取得的大部分重要成就上。
【看从句的结构,这里应该倒过来,是achievements rest on the groundwork(我不太理解作者的逻辑,难道most of the principal achievements of modern artists都在1899-1904之后?但是句子结构似乎没法作译者那样的理解,而且本句还有个注(原书p218(译本p250) 注2)提到Because of its origins in France, Signac's important text became canonical in the formation of modern aesthetics before the more complex and subtle book of Meier-Graefe.显然也是说现代美学在出书的时候还未成熟)。另外原文看不出来评论者一定是支持现代艺术家的。】

As with virtually all the earliest work on modern art, Meier-Graefe stops at 1900, before the achievements of the first three incredibly inventive decades of the twentieth century.
【这话原作者说得就有点奇怪,人家1904年要出书,当然写不到后面二三十年的事情,但是译者翻得更奇怪,“all the earliest work on modern art”是说的研究现代艺术的最早期著作,而不是Meier-Graefe书里提到的作品。】

Perhap as a result of this, the nineteenth-century history of modern art has most often been separated from its twentieth-century strands in both academic teaching and its literature.
【most often没翻,这算小问题。】


There are troubling problems with 1851 as a starting-point, not the least of which is the fact that many of the keynote characteristics of modernism as defined in this book existed before 1851.
但是,以1851年作为现代艺术的起点也有许多令人烦扰的问题,其中,本书定义的奠定现代主义基调的许多特征, 事实上在1851年之前就已经存在了,这并不是最小的问题。

Indeed, in approaching the work of two great English painters who died before the Crystal Palace exhibition, John Constable (1776- 1837) and J. M. W. Turner (1775- 1851), it becomes clear that virtually anything that could be said about the great unmediated French modernists, Courbet or Cézanne or Claude Monet (1840- 1926), could also be said about them.
实际上, 当我们探索研究于水晶宫展览之前去世的两位杰出的英国画家——约翰·康斯泰勃尔(John Constable, 1776-1837)和J. M. W.透纳(J. M. W. Turner, 1775-1851)——的作品时,就很清楚,对于杰出的开辟者,法国的现代主义者库尔贝、塞尚或克劳德·莫奈( Claude Monet, 1840-1926)的任何评论,都可移用到他们两位身上。
【这里的行文容易让人以为是库尔贝等人对“开辟者”的评论,而实际上评论针对的是库尔贝等人,而且原文并没有“开辟者”——他没有翻译unmediated这个词儿,也许就是“开辟者”之所从来?但这词不可能是这个意思。下面有个词儿“unmediated modernism”,显然是一脉相承的,译者翻作“即刻现代主义”,这个翻法的对错我们下边再看,这里先直接借用来补缺,大概就是“杰出的即刻的法国的现代主义者库尔贝、塞尚或莫奈”吧——其实我觉得译者心里似乎明白原文说的是什么,但怎么转成中文是个问题。】

And it is also true that virtually all the characteristics of what I will call image/modernism existed in European art before modernism.

It was in England with the Industrial Revolution that the physical, economic, social, and technological conditions of modernism first flowered.
【conditions of modernism是造成现代主义的条件,而不是什么“景况”。】

For that reason, unmediated modernism first flowered there, before being interpreted visually in France and then translated into every artistic language of the Euro-global world.
因而, 即刻现代主义(unmediated modernism)也诞生在英国,这要先于法国对它的视觉演绎,以及继而转译而成的欧洲-全球世界的每种艺术语言。
【“unmediated modernism”是作者造的概念,与“image/modernism”对立,unmediated这个词是现代主义常见的词儿,我看的书少,不知道别家怎么翻的,一般总不过是“无媒介、无中介、直接”的意思吧。作者说“Image/modernism is a tradition of art in which the encounter between artist and motif, or between artist and canvas, which is important as a direct relationship for the unmediated modernist, is subjugated to that between the artist and the world of images they cannibalize. This image/modernist makes representation not from the world, but from other representations, creating works in an endless flow of art production that has its own internal mechanisms.”(p106-7),那么我还是看不出unmediated翻译成“即刻”有什么道理。(being)translated into English大概不能翻译成“转译而成的英语”,所以这里“转译而成的艺术语言”也不通。】

Hence, our beginning.


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