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根据ISI数据,2004年生态学刊物Impact Factor前10名

发表于 2005-3-25 16:48:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
根据ISI数据,2004年生态学刊物Impact Factor前10名:
Adv. Ecological Research(9.60)
Trends Ecology/Evolution(7.62)
Ann. Rev. Ecol./System.(5.69)
Ecological Monographs(4.45)
Wildlife Monographs(4.44)
American Naturalist(3.93)
Molecular Ecology(3.44)J.
Evolutionary Biology(3.26)
Adv. Ecological Research(34.20)
Trends Ecology/Evolution(13.72)
Ann. Rev. Ecol./System.(12.81)
Ecological Monographs(10.49)
Adv. Microbial Ecology(8.20)
American Naturalist(7.16)
Journal of Ecology(6.05)
J. Animal Ecology(6.39)
Ann. Rev. Ecol./System.(79.98)
Adv. Ecological Research(69.62)
Ecological Monographs(58.03)
Adv. Microbial Ecology(47.15)
American Naturalist(29.63)
ZBL Bakter./Mikrobio.(23.11)
J. Animal Ecology(21.66)
Trends Ecology/Evolution(19.72)
The above compares the citation impact of journals in a given field as measured over three different time spans. The 1999 impact factor is calculated by taking the number of all current citations to source items published in a journal over the previous two years and dividing by the number of articles published in the journal during the same period—in other words, a ratio between citations and recent citable items published. The rankings in the next two categories show impact over longer time spans, based on figures from the ISI Journal Performance Indicators. In these, total citations to a journal's published papers are divided by the total number of papers that the journal published, producing a citations-per-paper impact score over a five-year period (middle column) and a 19-year period (last column).
以上信息来自于ISI。从中我们可以看到,综述性刊物影响因子比较高,这是可以理解的。如果刨去这些综述性刊物,只看发表原始研究论文的刊物,那么无论怎样排Ecol. Monogr.都是名列第1位。Ecology, American Naturalist, Evolution, 也全都榜上有名。J. Anim. Ecol.出现了两次,也是很不错的。
第一档次:Ecol. Monogr., Ecology, American Naturalist, Evolution,Global Change Biology
第二档次:J. Anim. Ecol., J. Ecol., Ecological Applications, Oikos, Oecologia, J. Evolutionary Biol., Molecular Ecology, Behav. Ecol., Conservation Biology
第三档次:自然是上面未提到的啦,在该档次里比较好的有, Evolutionary Ecology(本来可名列第二档次,但由于原主编和出版公司分裂而元气大伤), Evolutionary Ecology Research(Evol. Ecol.原主编自己重新创办的刊物), Ecol. Letters(刚创刊,很快就会上升),Landscape Ecology等等。

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