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[[考试与证书]] 英语专业四级词汇与语法全真模拟练习与解析

发表于 2011-12-18 21:55:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
英语专业四级词汇与语法全真模拟练习与解析 1

 1.____in the past, at the moment it is a favorite choice for wedding gown.
  A. Unpopular has as white been ? B. White has been as unpopular
  C. Unpopular has been as white ? D. Unpopular as white has been
  2.____for a long time, the fields are all dried up.
  A. There has been no rain ? B. Having no rain
  C. There having been no rain? D. There being no rain
  3. The millions of calculations involved, ____by hand, would have lost all practical value by the time they were finished.
  A. had they been done ? B. they had been done
  C. having been done ? D. they were done
  4. Televisions enable us to see things happen almost at the exact moment____.
  A. which they are happening ? B. they are happening
  C. which they happen ? D. they have happened
  5.____me most was that the young boy who had lost both arms in an accident could handle a pen with his feet.
  A. That amazed B. It amazed? C. Which amazed D. What amazed
  6. Although she wrote a lot of short stories and poems when she was very young, ____she was twenty?five.
  A. her first real success did not come until
  B. her real first success came until not
  C. since her first real success did not come until
  D. not until her first real success
  7. You should know better than____ your little sister at home by herself.
  A. to leave B. leaving C. to have left D. left
  8. As the train will not leave until one hour later, we ____grab a bite at the snack bar.
  A. may well B. just as well ? C. might as well D. as well
  9. She resorted to ____ when she had no money to buy foods for her children.
  A. have stolen B. steal C. stole D. stealing
  10. The boy has admitted to ____ the window while playing football yesterday.
  A. breaking B. having been broken ?C. break D. be breaking
  11. Betty advised me to label our luggage carefully in case it gets ____in transit.
  A. misused B. mishandled C. mistaken D. mislaid
  12.____money, she is quite rich. However, this does not mean that she is happy.
  A. Concerning B. As to ? C. In terms of D. In the light of
  13. A well?written composition ____good choice of words and clear organization among other things.
  A. calls for B. calls on C. calls up D. calls off
  14. It is ____with the customer not to let the shop assistants guess what she really likes and wants until the last moment.
  A. in her honor B. on her honor C. a point of honor D. an honor
  15. This house will probably come on the ____next month.
  A. fair B. market C. shop D. store
  16. George was introduced to ____activities at a young age, when she was hire to act as a lookout for drugdealers.
  A. illegal B. lawful C. faithful D. peaceful
  17. An institution that properly carries the name university is a more comprehensive and complex institution than any other kind of higher education____.
  A. settlement B. establishment C. costruction D. structure
  18. People’s status in society is frequently ____by how much they own.
  A. measured B. examined C. tested D. questioned
  19. Jack is so ____to his appearance that he never has his clothes pressed.
  A. adverse B. anonymous C. indifferent D. casual
  20. There is an increasing ____to make movies describing violence.
  A. strength B. direction C. tradition D. trend
  21. Outside my office window there is a fire ____ on the right.
  A. escape B. ladder C. steps D. stairs
  22. I ____with the Browns during my stay in New York City.
  A. put in B. put down C. put on D. put up
  23. Operations which left patients ____ and in need of long periods of discovery time now leave them feeling relaxed and comfortable.
  A. exhausted B. unhealthy C. upset D. fearful
  24. Farmers are allowed to grow small gardens of their own and they sell their vegetables ____ the black market.
  A. on B. at C. in D. for
  25. The electric fan does not work because of the ____of service.
  A. pause B. break C. interruption D. breakdown
  1. D) 【句意】虽然白色过去不受欢迎,但目前它是婚纱的首选颜色。
  【难点】as是连词,引导让步状语从句时,往往使用半倒装形式。又如:Beautiful as she is, she is foolish.

  2. C) 【句意】由于长时间无雨,田野变得十分干燥。
  【难点】该句的前半部分是There be结构,完成式独立结构形式,这与时间状语for a long time相吻合。

  3. A) 【句意】数百万次计算如果用手工操作,那么,到计算结束的时候,就将失去其全部实际意义。
  4. B) 【句意】电视使我们能够在事情发生的那一瞬间就看到它们是如何发生的。
  5. D) 【句意】最令我惊讶的是,这个在车祸中失去双臂的小男孩能够用脚使用钢笔。
  6. A) 【句意】虽然她很小的时候就写了很多短篇小说和诗歌,但她直到25岁才迎来第一次真正的成功。
  【难点】这是一个练习not until结构的句子。
  7. A) 【句意】你应该知道,不该把你小妹妹一个人留在家里。
  【难点】to know better than to do sth.是一个常见的表示责备的句型,意为“应该知道不该做某事”。
  8. C) 【句意】既然火车一个小时以后才开,我们不妨到快餐店吃口东西。
  【难点】might as well后接动词原形,意为“不妨,何不”。
  9. D) 【句意】当她没钱为孩子买吃的东西时,她开始偷。
  【难点】resort to意为:求助于,其中to是介词,后接动名词。
  10. A) 【句意】那个男孩承认在昨天踢足球的时候打破了窗子。
  【难点】admit to中的to是介词,后接名词或动名词。
  11. D) 【句意】贝蒂建议我把我们的行李认真地贴上标签以免运输中放错位置。
  12. C) 【句意】就钱而言,她很富裕。然而这并不意味着她幸福。
  【难点】in terms of意为“从……方面来说”;concerning意为“关于”;as to也是“关于;至于”;in the light of 意为“鉴于,由于”。
  13. A) 【句意】一篇好文章,除其它因素外,还要求选词优美,组织清晰。
  【难点】call for意为“要求,需要”;call on意为“号召,请求”;call up意为“使人想起” ;call off意为“取消,停止做”。
  14. C) 【句意】对于顾客来说,直到最后时刻才让售货员猜出她真正喜欢什么,真正想买什么,这是一个涉及面子的问题。
  【难点】a point of honor意为“涉及名誉的事情”;in one’s honor意为“为某人的荣誉”; on one’s honor意为“以名誉担保”;an honor意为“光荣的人或事”。
  15. B)【句意】这座房子可能下月上市。
  【难点】on the market意为“上市,出售”; fair意为“集市;庙会;交易会”;shop是“商店”;store是“储存;仓库”。
  16. A) 【句意】很小的时候,乔治被介绍参与了非法活动,他受雇为毒贩子放哨。
  【难点】illegal 意为“不合法的,非法的”;lawful 意为“依法的,守定的”;faithful意为“忠实的,守信的”;peaceful 意为“平静的;安宁的”。
  17. B) 【句意】能称得上大学称号的机构是一个比其他种类高等教育机构都更复杂更综合的机构。
  【难点】establishment 意为“企业,设施(公司,学校,医院,教会等)”;settlement 意为“定居点;殖民地”;construction意为“建造;建筑物”;structure是“结构,构造”。
  18. A) 【句意】人的社会地位常常由他们拥有的财富的多少来衡量。
  【难点】measure 意为“估量,衡量”;examine 意为“检查;仔细观察”;test意为“试验,测试”;question意为“询问,审问”。
  19. C) 【句意】杰克从不注意自己的外表,衣服从来不烫。
  【难点】indifferent意为“漠不关心的”; adverse意为“不利的,反对的”;anonymous 意为“匿名的”; casual意为“非正式的,不拘礼节的”。
  20. D) 【句意】暴力片的拍摄大有上升趋势。

  【难点】trend意为“倾向,趋势”;strength意为“力量,实力”;direction意为“方向”;tradition 意为“传统”。
  21. A) 【句意】我办公室的窗外右侧有一个救生楼梯。
  【难点】fire escape 意为“防火安全楼梯(位于楼房的外侧面)”;ladder意为“梯子”;steps意为“台阶”;stairs意为“楼梯”,指室内的。
  22. D) 【句意】我在纽约市逗留期间和布朗一家人过了一夜。
  【难点】put up意为“宿夜”;put in 意为“度过,消磨(时间等)”;put down意为“写下,记录”;put on 意为“上演,演出”。
  23. A) 【句意】以前,病人手术后精疲力竭,需长时间才能恢复,现在手术的病人却感到既轻松又舒适。
  【难点】exhausted 意为“精疲力竭的”;unhealthy意为“不健康的”;upset意为“苦恼的,不适的”;fearful 意为“担心的,可怕的”。
  24. A) 【句意】农夫们被允许在自己的菜园耕种,并将蔬菜拿到黑市上去卖。
  【难点】on the market 意为“上市, 出售中”,其它介词搭配不合适。
  25. C) 【句意】由于中止了服务,所以电扇不转了。
  【难点】interruption 意为“中止,中断”;pause 意为“暂停,间歇”;break意为“停顿,间歇”;breakdown意为“损坏,故障”

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-18 21:56:43 | 显示全部楼层
英语专业四级词汇与语法全真模拟练习与解析 2
 1.____native to North America, corn has now spread all over the world.
  A. In spite of B. That it is C. It was D. Although
  2. Our civilization cannot be thought of as____in a short period of time.
  A. to have been created B. to be created? C. having been created D. being created来源:www.Yeeyi.net
  3. We feel it is high time that the Government ____something to check the inflation.
  A. did B. do C.should do D. would do
  4. It has been proposed that we____our decision until the next meeting.
  A.delayed B.delay C. can delay D. are to delay
  5. Hurricanes are severe cyclones with winds over seventy?five miles an
  hour ____originate over tropical ocean waters.
  A. which B. who C. where D.how to
  6.____is announced in the papers, our country has launched a large?scale movement against smuggling and fraudulent activities in foreign currency exchange deals.
  A. What B. As C. Which D. That
  7. All the flights____because of the snowstorm, we had to take the train instead.
  A.were canceled B. had been canceled ?C. having canceled D. having been canceled
  8. Once ____, this power station will supply all the neighboring towns and villages with electricity.
  A. it being completed B. it completed ? C. completed D. it completes
  9. He might have been killed ____the timely arrival of the ambulance.
  A. but for B. except for C. besides D. except
  10. If you have never planted anything, you won’t be able to know the pleasure of watching the thing you have planted ____.
  A.grow B. to grow? C. growing D. to be growing
  11. He did me a ____turn by lending me ten pounds.
  A. good B. nice C. fine D. pretty
  12. Once our chickens started laying eggs, we had such a ____of eggs that we were giving many away to our neighbors.
  A. output B. surplus C. production D. plenty
  13. Following are comments about the behavior that people in Korea usually expect in various social ____.
  A. occasions B. cases C.situations D. circumstances
  14. They have considered their high standard of living a(n)____for practising their basic beliefs.
  A. award B. reward C. result D. consequence
  15. Mac’s close____to his brother made people mistake them for one another.
  A. resemblance B. identity? C. appearance D. relationship
  16. The thieves____the waste paper all over the room while they were searching for the diamond ring.
  A. spread B. scratched C.scattered D. burned
  17. The sight of the fruit salad made our daughter Kit’s mouth ____.
  A. wet B. water C. soak D. taste
  18. The____problem of bring a space?ship back from the moon has been solved.
  A. technical B. technological C. technique D. technology
  19. A large part of a person’s memory is____words and combination of words.
  A.by means of B. in terms of ? C. in connection with D. by way of
  20. At her word she stood up and walked away, stopping at the window to pull back the curtain and ____.
  A.look round B. look out C. look up D. look on
  21. Their happiness was very____.
  A. crisp B. brittle C. delicate D. fragile
  22. I was awfully tired when I got home from work, but a half hour nap ____me.
  A.revived B. released C. relieved D. recovered
  23. We should always keep in mind that____decisions often lead to bitter regrets.
  A.hasty B. instant C. prompt D.rapid
  24. Information and opinion?gap exercises have to have some content ____talking about.
  A. worthwhile B. worthily C. worth D. worthy
  25. “If we fail to act now,”said Tom, “We’ll find ourselves ____in action later on.”
  A.paid back B. paid for C.paid up D.paid off
试题答案与解析 ?
   1. D) 【句意】玉米虽原产于北美洲,但现在已遍及全世界。
   【难点】四个选项中,B)和C)不合理。A)项的in spite of 是复合介词,后接名词。D)项的although是连词,后接从句,在本句中接的是一个省略主语的从句。
   2. C) 【句意】不应把我们的文明看作是短期内创造出来的。
   【难点】as 在这里是介词,后面应接名词性质的词,create的动作是过去发生的,所以选C)。
   3. A) 【句意】我们认为该到政府采取措施抑制通货膨胀的时候了。
   【难点】it is high time that后面接虚拟语气,时态用一般过去时,意为“该到…时候了”。
   4. B) 【句意】有人建议我们应将我们的决定推迟到下次会议作出。
   【难点】在suggest, propose, demand ,insist 等动词后面的宾语从句中,应使用(should)+动词原形的虚拟语气。
   5. A) 【句意】 飓风是生成于热带海洋水域上空、风速达每小时75英里以上的强烈气旋。
   6. B)【句意】正如报界所宣传的那样,我国已发起大规模反走私和反欺诈性外币交易的运动。
   【难点】as在这里是一个代词,常用在类似as is well known这样的句子中,意为“这一点”。
   7. D) 【句意】所有航班因暴风雪都被取消,我们不得不改乘火车。
   8. C) 【句意】这座电站一建成竣工,就将向周围城乡供电。
   【难点】once在这里是连词,意为“一旦…就…”,后面省略了it is。[ZK)]
   9. A) 【句意】要不是救护车及时到达,他可能就没命了。
   【难点】but for 意为“要不是”,它的典型使用就是在虚拟语气的句子中,所以正合题意。
   10. A)【句意】如果你从未种植过任何东西,你就不会明白观察你种植的东西生长所带来的快乐。
   【难点】watch 后接不带to的不定式作宾语补足语。
  11. A) 【句意】他借给我十英磅,算是给我做了件好事。
   【难点】当turn为“行为,举止”时,常与good,bad,ill,evil连用。do sb. a good turn意为“做利于某人的事”。
   12. B) 【句意】我们的鸡开始下蛋后,我们便把剩余的鸡蛋送给邻居。
   【难点】surplus 意为“过剩,剩余”;output 意为“产量”;production意为“生产”;plenty意为“丰富,大量”。
   13. A) 【句意】下列是有关韩国人在不同的社交场合可能有的行为的评论。
   【难点】occasion意为“场合,节庆活动”;case 意为“事实;情况”;situation意为“情况;处理”;circumstance意为“环境;形势”。
   14. B) 【句意】他们认为自己的高生活水准是对实施基本信仰的一种报偿。
   【难点】reward意为“报答;奖赏”;award意为“奖;奖品”;result 意为“结果”;consequence意为“后果”。
   15. A) 【句意】麦克和弟弟长得十分相像,人们常常把他们俩认错。
   【难点】这四个名词中resemblance后面可接介词to,表示“与相似”。relationship后面接to 时意为“和…的关系”。
   16. C) 【句意】小偷找钻戒的时候,把废纸撒落得满屋都是。
   17. B) 【句意】我女儿凯蒂一看见水果色拉就流口水。
   【难点】 wet 意为“湿的”;water意为“流口水”;soak意为“浸湿”;taste意为“品尝”。
   18. A) 【句意】使宇宙飞船从月球上返航的技术问题已被technical意为“技术的,技能的”;technological 意为“技术学的,工艺学的”;technique意为“技术,技能”,是名词;technology意为“技术(学),工艺(学)”,也是名词。
   19. B) 【句意】一个人的大部分记忆是用词和词的组合进行的。
   【难点】in terms of 意为“用…的话,以…措辞”;by means of意为“借着”;inconnection with 意为“与…相关联,关于”;by way of “经过…,经由…”。
   20. B) 【句意】听了她的话,她站起身,走开了,然后停在窗前,拉开窗帘,向外眺望。
   【难点】look out意为“向外看”;look around意为“环顾”;look up意为“抬头望,查检”;look on意为“旁观”。
   21. D) 【句意】他们的幸福非常脆弱。
   【难点】fragile 意为“脆弱的,虚弱的,易碎的”;crisp意为“脆的,新鲜而脆生的”;brittle意为“易碎的,易损坏的”;delicate意为“脆的,娇贵的”。
   22. A) 【句意】我下班回家的时候累极了,但半小时的午睡又使我振作了精神。
   【难点】revive 意为“使恢复精力;使振奋精神”;release意为“放开,松开”;relieve意为“缓解,减轻”;recover意为“恢复(健康,知觉,情绪等);使复原”。
   23. A) 【句意】我们应该永远牢牢记住,草率的决定常常导致后悔不堪。
   24. C) 【句意】信息练习和见解分歧练习里必须有值得读的内容。
   【难点】 worth意为“值得”,后接-ing形式的词;worthwhile意为“值得做的,值得花费时间的”;worthy意为“值得的,应得的”,后接of;worthily意为“可敬佩地”。
   25. A) 【句意】“如果我们不能现在采取行动”,汤姆说,“我们会发现自己在以后的行动中得到回报”。
   【难点】pay back意为“回报,报答”;pay for意为“为…付出代价”;pay up意为“全部付清”;pay off意为“还清债务;清偿欠(某人)的债务

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-18 21:57:42 | 显示全部楼层
英语专业四级词汇与语法全真模拟练习与解析 3
1. It’s not fair that you come home after a bad day at work and ____your wife and children.
  A. take it out on B. take out it on ? C. take out on D. take on it with
  2. She put an extra blanket over the baby for fear that____.
  A. he catches cold B. he should catch cold ?C. he caught cold D. he be catching cold来源:壹壹英语 www.yEeyi.net
  3. Our teacher recommended that we____as attentive as possible when we visit the museum.
  A. are B. shall be C. be D.were
  4. You ____business interfering with my affairs.
  A. have none B. have no? C. have none of the D. have nothing like
  5. The new cut in interest rate____promote domestic investment.
  A. means to B. directs toward? C. is meant to D. leads to
  6. Advertising media like direct mail, radio, television and newspapers ____to increase the sales of industrial products.
  A.have been used B. will be used C. is being used D. has been used
  7. While being questioned on the court, the man denied ____ the old lady’s necklace.
  A. having taken B. taking? C. to have taken D. to take
  8. Dr. Park was accused ____the patient with overdose of sleeping pills so that the patient’s life was terminated before the expected time.
  A.of providing B. with providing? C. to have provided D. to provide
  9. By the end of next month we ____this assignment.
  A. will finish B. will be finishing?C. will have finished D. have finished
  10. We will be losing money this year unless that new economic plan of yours ____miracle.
  A.is working B. works? C. will be working D. worked
  11. It was dark in the cave so she ____a match.
  A. struck B. hit C. fired D. burned
  12. Mary will not be able to come to the birthday party as she is ____with a cold.
  A. laid out B. laid up C. laid by D. laid down
  13. She often says her greatest happiness ____serving the handicapped children.
  A.relies on B. consists in? C. composes of D. comprises in
  14. To make this ____clear we shall have to look closely into biology’s long history.
  A.distinction B. indication C. recognition D. constitution
  15. Most importantly, such an experience helps ____ a heightened sensitivity to other cultures and will bring about a greater appreciation of one’s own culture as well.
  A. coach B. forsake C. foster D.censor
  16. When Ann broke the dish she tried to put the ____ back together.
  A. fragments B. pieces C. bits D. slices
  17. Jane tried to ____the doorman with money, but she failed.
  A. bribe B. corrupt C. award D. endow
  18. Classification is a useful____to the organization of knowledge in any field.
  A. means B. approach C. mode D. manner
  19. The human race has already paid a heavy price for its slow ____ to environmental threats.
  A. response B. responsibility? C. resolution D. resistance
  20. We have a high regard for Prof. Joseph because he always ____ his principles.
  A. lives on B. lives up to? C. lives through D. lives with
  21. My grandfather accidentally ____ fire to the house.
  A.put B. took C.set D. got
  22. We enjoyed the holiday____the expense.
  A.except B. besides? C. in addition to D. except for
  23. If you want children to work hard you must ____their interests instead of their sense of duty.
  A. appeal to B. look into C. give rise to D. go in for
  24. Basically a robot is a machine which moves, manipulates, joins or processes ____in the same way as human hand or arm.
  A. characters B. components? C.catalogues D. collections
  25. Of course, talking about something which affects them personally is ____motivating for students.
  A. chiefly B. correctly C. currently D. eminently
试题答案与解析 ?
  1. A) 【句意】白天的工作不顺心,回到家里拿老婆孩子出气,这是不公平的。
  【难点】take it out on sb. 意为“拿某人出气”,其中it是无人称代词,无所指,这是一个固定的结构。
  2. B) 【句意】由于害怕孩子感冒,她在孩子身上又盖了一条毯子。
  【难点】for fear that 后接虚拟语气,(should)+动词原形。
  3. C) 【句意】我们的教师建议我们参观博物馆的时候注意力应尽可能集中。
  【难点】recommend,command ,suggest 等词后接的宾语从句应用虚拟语气,即(should)+动词原形。
  4. B) 【句意】你没有权力干涉我们的事情。
  【难点】have no business doing /to do something 意为“没有权力,没有理由做某事”
  5. C) 【句意】利率再次下调旨在促进国内投资。
  【难点】be meant to do 意为“旨在做 ”;mean to do 意为“打算做,企图做”;lead to 意为“导致”,后接名词。
  6. A) 【句意】像直接邮件、无线电、电视和报纸这样的广告媒介一直被用来促进工业品的销售。
  【难点】根据句意,应用完成时的被动语态,media 是medium 的复数形式。
  7. A) 【句意】法庭传训他的时候,他否认拿了老太太的项链。
  8. A) 【句意】帕克大夫被指控向患者提供过量的安眠药,结果造成病人在预期的时间前死亡。
  【难点】be accused of 是个常见的词组,意为“被控有…罪”。
  9. C) 【句意】到下月底,我将完成这项任务。
  【难点】by the end of next month (year)是将来完成时的典型状语,故选C)。
  10. B) 【句意】除非你的新经济计划创造奇迹,否则我们将赔钱。
  【难点】unless 引导条件状语从句,用一般现在时表示将来。
  11. A) 【句意】岩洞里很黑,她燃着了一根火柴。
  【难点】strike 意为“擦(火柴)”,其它几个词不能和matches搭配。
  12. B) 【句意】玛丽不能来参加生日晚会了,因为她患了感冒,卧床在家。
  【难点】lay up 意为“因痛(或伤残)卧床”,常用被动语态; lay out 意为“摆出,展开”;lay by 意为“储存”;lay down意为“牺牲,献出”。
  13. B) 【句意】她常说她最大的快乐在于为残疾儿童服务。
  【难点】consist in 意为“在于,存在于”;rely on 意为“依靠,依赖”;be composed of 意为“由…构成”;comprise 意为“由…组成;构成”。
  14. A) 【句意】为了搞清楚这一差别,我们必须认真地审视一下生物学发展的漫长历史。
  15. C) 【句意】最重要的是,这样的经历能促进人们对其它文化的感受性,并使他们更欣赏自己的文化。
  16. A) 【句意】安把盘子打碎后,想把碎片再合在一起。
  【难点】fragment 意为“碎片,碎块”;piece意为“块,片”;bit意为“小片;小段”;slice意为“薄片;切片”。
  17. A) 【句意】简企图用钱贿赂看门人,但失败了。
  【难点】bribe 意为“收买;行贿”;corrupt意为“腐蚀,使堕落”;award意为“授予(奖品等);给予”;endow意为“资助,捐赠”。
  18. B)【句意】分类是组织任何领域知识内容的有效方式。
  19. A) 【句意】人类已为他们对环境威胁作出的迟缓反应付出了重大代价。
  【难点】response意为“反应”后接介词to ;responsibility意为“责任”;resolution意为“决心,决定”;resistance意为“抵抗”。
  20. B) 【句意】我们十分尊重约瑟夫教授,因为他总是信守原则。
  【难点】live up to 意为“遵守,实践(诺言,原则)”;live on 意为“以…为生”;live through意为“度过,经历过”;live with 意为“忍受;容忍”。
  21. C) 【句意】我爷爷不小心放火烧着了房子。
  【难点】词组set fire to 意为“点燃,使燃烧”。
  22. D) 【句意】除了花很多钱外,我们的假期很愉快。
  【难点】except指的是除去同类的事物,且常用于否定句;besides是包含在内的,除了;in addition to 也是包括在内;except for 是除了不同类的事物。
  23. A) 【句意】如果你要孩子们努力学习,你必须唤起他们的兴趣而不是责任感。
  【难点】appeal to 意为“有感染力,有吸引力”;look into 意为“调查,观察”;give rise to意为“引起,导致”;go in for意为“爱好;从事,参与”。
  24. B) 【句意】机器人基本上是一台机器,它能像人的手臂一样移动、操纵、结合或加工零件。
  【难点】component意为“零件;成分”;character 意为“特性;人格”;catalogue意为“目录”;collection意为“收集”。
  25. D) 【句意】当然,谈论一些影响学生个性的事对他们是非常有积极作用的。
  【难点】eminently 意为“突出地;明显地”;chiefly意为“主要地;大部分”;correctly意为“正确地”,currently意为“现时,当前”

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-18 21:58:21 | 显示全部楼层
英语专业四级词汇与语法全真模拟练习与解析 4
 1. It was requested that all of the equipment ____in the agreed time.
  A. erected B. would be erected ? C. be erected D. will be erected
  2. The man sitting opposite me smiled dreamily, as if ____ something pleasant in the past.
  A. to remember B. remembered? C. having been remembered D. remembering
  3. I ____ him the Christmas gift by mail because he came home during the Christmas holidays.
  A. ought to have sent B. couldn’t have sent ?C. must have sent D. needn’t have sent
  4. It turned out that the children were not ____for the accident.
  A. to blame B. to be blamed? C. to be blaming D. to have been blamed
  5. The desegregation was achieved through a number of struggles,____been mentioned in previous chapters.
  A. a few of which B. a few of them ? C. a few of those D. a few of that
  6. Setting up a committee might be a way____the project more efficiently.
  A. to be doing B. doing C. to do D. being done
  7. It____to see so many children in that mountainous area cannot even afford elementary education.
  A.pains her B. makes her pain? C. is paining D. is pained
  8. Our boss, Mr. Thompson,____a raise in salary for ages, but nothing has happened yet.
  A.was promising B. has been promising? C. promised D. has promised
  9. He was determined to sail around the world ____his illness and old age.
  A. given B. although C. despite D. in spite
  10. The board deemed it’s urgent that these invitations ____ first thing tomorrow morning.
  A. had to be put in the mail ? B. must be put in the mail
  C. be put in the mail? D. should have been put in the mail
  11.____drills that have no real topic have to remainas they are.
  A. Manufacture B. Manipulative? C. Manipulate D.Manifest
  12. This book has been in the works so long that I have lost ____of most of the sources found for me by the staff of the library.
  A. trace B. trail C. track D. touch
  13. The elbows on your coat have worn thin, so I must ____them.
  A. mend B. patch C. repair D. pitch
  14. ____and wage increases have not kept in step.
  A. Production B. Product? C. Produce D. Productivity
  15. People under stress have performed____feats of strength, like lifting an automobile off an accident victim.
  A. specific B. extraordinary C. abrupt D. abnormal
  16. Modern appliances____us from a good deal of household work.For instance, the dryer frees us from hanging the laundry.
  A.escape B . benefit C. liberate D. comfort
  17. The audience waited in____silence while their aged speaker searched among his note for the figures he could not remember.
  A. respective B. respect C. respectful D. respectable
  18. The disappearance of her paper has never been ____.
  A. counted for B. looked up ? C.accounted for D. checked up
  19. When he was asked about the missing briefcase, the man ____ever seeing it.
  A. refused B. denied C. opposed D. resisted
  20. Communication between a young couple is a(n)____business.
  A. sharp B. dreadful C. intense D. delicate
  21. After so many weeks without rain, the ground quickly ____ the little rain that fell last night.
  A. skipped B. soaked C. retrieved D. absorbed
  22. We’ll ____you as soon as we have any further information.
  A. notify B. signify? C. communicate D. impart
  23. The fox fell into the____the hunters had set forit.
  A. bush B. trap C. trick D. circle
  24. I don’t know you want to keep the letter. I’ve ____it up.
  A. torn B. given C. broken D. disposed
  25. The old lady____and fell from the top of the stairs to the bottom.
  A. slided B. slipped C. split D. spilled
试题答案与解析 ?
  1. C) 【句意】所有设备要求在商定的时间内安装完毕。
  2. A) 【句意】坐在我对面的那个人梦幻般地笑着,好像回想起过去发生的某件高兴的事。
  【难点】“as if +不定式”是一个常见的结构,意为“好像”。
  3. D) 【句意】我本不必把圣诞礼物给他邮去,因为他圣诞节期间回家了。
  4. A) 【句意】结果证明是,这起事故不怪孩子。
  【难点】be to blame 是一个习惯搭配,意为“该受责备”。
  5. A) 【句意】经过若干次斗争,种族隔离被取消了,其中的几次斗争在前几章里已经提到。
  6. C) 【句意】 建立一个委员会或许是更有效地做这项工程的方法。
  【难点】way后面可接不定式作定语,也可接of doing形式。
  7. A) 【句意】 看到那片山区有那么多孩子连小学都上不起,她感到很痛心。
  【难点】It pains sb. to see...意为“看到…使某人感到痛心”。
  8. B) 【句意】 我们的老板汤姆逊许诺给我们加薪好些年了,可到现在什么也没发生。
  9. C) 【句意】他不顾疾病缠身,年老体弱,决心做环球航行。
  【难点】despite是介词,意为“尽管”,等于in spite of,两者的后面都接名词。
  10. C) 【句意】董事会认为,明天早晨的第一件事就是将这些邀请函紧急寄出。
  【难点】it is urgent that 后接虚拟语气,即(should)+动词原形。
  11. B) 【句意】没有实际主题的操作性训练只得保持原样。
  【难点】manipulative 意为“操作的;控制的”;manufacture意为“制造”;manipulate意为“操纵”;manifest意为“显然的;明了的”。
  12. C) 【句意】写作这本书的时间如此之长,以致于我找不到图书馆职员为我找到的大部分原始资料。
  【难点】lose track of 意为“失去与…的联系;失去…的线索”;trace意为“痕迹,遗迹”;trail 意为“踪迹;臭迹;足迹”;touch意为“接触”。
  13. B) 【句意】你大衣的肘部磨薄了,我得在那儿打块补丁。
  【难点】 patch意为“补缀;修补”;mend意为“修理;修补”,比如鞋;repair意为“修理;修复”,比如机器;pitch意为“投;掷;扔”。
  14. D) 【句意】生产率的提高和工资的提高没有保持同步。
  【难点】productivity 意为“生产力;生产率”;production意为“生产;制造”;product意为“产品”;produce意为“农产品”。
  15. B) 【句意】人们在心理压力的作用下,表演了非凡的力量技艺,比如把一辆汽车从交通事故的受害者身上搬开。
  16. C) 【句意】现代化的家用电器把我们从大量的家务劳动中解放出来,比如,甩干机使我们不必把洗的衣服挂起来。
  17. C) 【句意】那位上了年纪的发言人在他的笔记中寻找着他记不起来的数字,此时,听众们恭敬地等候着,全场一片寂静。
  18. C)【句意】文件的消失从未得到过解释。
  【难点】account for意为“解释;说明”;count for意为“值,计”;look up意为“查检”;check up意为“核实”。
  19. B)【句意】当这个人被问及丢失的文件夹时,他否认曾经见过。
  【难点】四个选项中只有deny合题意。deny+动名词,意为“否认”;refuse意为“拒绝”,加不定式;oppose意为“反对,抵抗”,常接介词to; resist意为“反抗,抗拒”。[ZK)]
  20. D) 【句意】年轻夫妇之间的交流是件棘手的事。
  21. D) 【句意】好几星期没下雨,昨晚下了一场小雨,很快被地面吸收了。
  22. A) 【句意】一有进一步的消息,我们立即通知你。
  23. B) 【句意】狐狸掉进了猎人为它设的陷井。
  24. A) 【句意】我不知道你要保留那封信。我已把信撕了。
  【难点】tear up意为“撕毁”;give up意为“放弃”;break up意为“击碎;拆散”;dispose of意为“处理;清除”。
  25. B) 【句意】老太太滑倒了,从楼梯顶上摔到了下面。

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-18 21:58:56 | 显示全部楼层
英语专业四级词汇与语法全真模拟练习与解析 5
1. Nowhere in nature is aluminum found free, owing to its always____with other elements, most commonly with oxygen.
  A. being combined B. having combined ? C. to combine D. combined
  2. Physics is the present?day equivalent of ____used to be called natural philosophy, from ____ most of present day science arose.
  A. which, what B. that, which C. what, which D. what, that
  3. On no account ____ever leave the baby at home alone.
  A. should you B. you should C. shall you D. you shall
  4. ____the center of our planetary system was considered as heresy by the church in the Middle Ages.来源:壹壹英语
  A. It is the sun and not the earth ?B. That the sun and not the earth
  C. Being the sun and not the earth ?D. The sun and not the earth
  5. The reason that his property was confiscated by the country, it ____, was that he was involved in a lot of fraudulent activities during the war.
  A. was turned out B. was being turned out? C. being turned out D. turned out
  6. I’d rather you ____by train because the weather forecast said there would be heavy snow tomorrow.
  A. went B. should go C. will go D. go
  7. Einstein won the Nobel Prize in 1921 and enjoyed great fame in Germany until the rise of Nazism ?____he was expelled from Germany because he was a Jew.
  A. when B. who C. then D. which
  8. Nowhere but in the remotest region of the country ____find a place to settle down.
  A. can he B. he can C. he D. for him to
  9. With one leg broken in that car accident, he cannot even walk,____run.
  A. let alone B. that’s to say ? C. not to speak D. not to mention
  10.____, she led a life of complete seclusion.
  A. Being disgraced B. Disgraced C. Disgracing D. She was disgraced
  11. Sometimes a bus ____gets on the bus to check the tickets.
  A. agent B. officer C. conductor D. inspector
  12. He made a quick ____from his illness.
  A. relief B. recovery C. survival D. relaxation
  13.____the stress of examinations are over, we can all relax.
  A. While B. Even though C. Now that D. For
  14. My cousin Nancy is often in a poisonous mood; I suppose it’s because she is ____child.
   A. one B. a lone C. a single D. an only
  15.____the factors already referred to, people sometimes feel insecure because their motives are misunderstood by others.
  A. But for B. Except for C. Apart from D. Except that
  16. If the scheme is ____carried out without waste of time or energy I shall be completely satisfied.
  A.relatively B. noticeably ? C. appropriately D. efficiently
  17. One day we all may find it useful to have a(n) ____for sending documents, writing any pictures across the telephone lines.
  A. receiver B. echo C. extension D. facility
  18. To their credit the Department of Energy ____these ideas and funded a detailed study.
  A. took over B. took on C. took up D. took to
  19. Feeling that she was in the right, she took ____at the dirty remark.
  A. protection B. offense C. defense D. guard
  20. They agreed to share in common any ____of funds after all expenses were paid in full.
  A. sufficiency B. surpass C. excess D. surplus
  21. He was ____her in intelligence.
  A. below B. under C. beneath D. down
  22. It took a lot of imagination to come up with such an ____ plan.
  A. bright B. clever C. brilliant D. ingenious
  23. In the refining process, rice and flour lose much of their ____.
  A. acid B. alcohol C. vitamin D. sulphur
  24. Individual lines of the poem were very beautiful, but I didn’t see how the lines fit together. To me, the poem wasn’t ____.
  A. inherent B. coherent C. logical D. corporate
  25. To an especially sensitive child, a simple scolding can be a ____experience.
  A. hysterical B. grievous C. gracious D. sensible
  1. A) 【句意】由于铝总是和其它元素结合在一起,最常见的是和氧气在一起,所以自然界中哪里也不会找到单独的铝元素。
  【难点】owing to 是介词,后应接名词或动名词,根据题意,应接被动语态形式。
  2. C) 【句意】当今的物理就是以前被称之为自然哲学的等同物,大多数现代科学都产生于自然哲学。
  【难点】what used to be called作定语,修饰natural philosophy,from which引导一个非限制性定语从句。
  3. A) 【句意】你决不应该把小孩一个人放在家里。
  【难点】on no account 意为“决不”属否定意义的词,引导倒装句,所以只有A)项正确。
  4. B)【句意】 太阳系的中心是太阳而不是地球这一事实被中世纪的教会认为是异端邪说。
  【难点】 That引导主语从句,全句的谓语是was considered.
  5. D) 【句意】后来证明他的财产被国家没收的原因是,战争期间他参与了诈骗活动。
  【难点】it turned out (to be)这里作插入语,意为“证明?是…”。
  6. A) 【句意】我宁愿你乘火车去,因为天气预报说明天将有大雪。
  【难点】would rather 后接虚拟语气的从句,用一般过去时。
  7. A) 【句意】爱因斯坦于1921年获诺贝尔奖金,在德国享有盛誉。后来随着纳粹主义的兴起,他被逐出德国,因为他是个犹太人。
  【难点】关系副词when引导的定语从句修饰名词词组the rise of Nazism。
  8. A) 【句意】他只能在最遥远的地方找个安身之处。
  9. A) 【句意】在车祸中,他的一条腿骨折,他连走路都不行,更不用说跑了。
  【难点】let alone意为“更不必说”;not to mention意为“再加上”;that is to say意为“也就是说”。 10. B) 【句意】失宠后,她过着完全隐居的生活。
  11. C) 【句意】有时,公共汽车检票员上车查票。
  【难点】bus conductor意为“公共汽车售票员”;agent意为“代理人,中介人”;officer意为“军官,官员”;inspector意为“检查员,视察员”。
  12. B) 【句意】他很快恢复了健康。
  13. C) 【句意】既然考试的紧张已经过去,我们现在可以放松了。
  【难点】now that意为“既然;由于”,用于新的事情的发生,接一般现在时的句子。while意为“虽然”;even though意为“即使”,for意为“因为”,不能用于句首。
  14. D)【句意】我表妹南希的情绪经常很糟,我想这是因为她是独生子的缘故。
  【难点】表示“独生子”的时候,只能说an only child。
  15. C) 【句意】除了已经提及的因素外,有时人们感到不安全是因为他们的动机被他人误解。
  【难点】apart from是包含在内的“除了”;excepr for和except that是不包含在内的除了;but for意为“要不是”。
  16. D) 【句意】如果计划能在不浪费时间和精力的情况下得到有效实施,我将十分满意。
  17. D) 【句意】 有朝一日我们会发现,拥有一个能通过电话线发送信息、绘制图片的设备是非常有用的。
  18. C) 【句意】令他们感到光荣的是,能源部采纳了这些想法并为一个详细的研究报告作了资助。
  【难点】take up意为“采纳(观点)”;take over意为“接收,接管,占据”;take on 意为“承担”;take to意为“喜欢上”。
  19. B) 【句意】她觉得自己有理,因此,她对这样肮脏的话语十分恼怒。
  【难点】 take offence意为“对…生气”;protection意为“保护”;defense意为“防卫”;guard意为“看守;警戒”。
  20. D) 【句意】他们同意在全部费用支出后共享剩余的资金。
  21. A) 【句意】他的智力不如她。
  22. D) 【句意】想出这样一个天才的计划需要丰富的想象力。
  23. C) 【句意】在加工过程中,大米和面粉失去大量维生素。
  【难点】vitamin是“维生素”,其它词义不符本题。acid是“酸”;alcohol是“酒精”;sulphur是“硫”。 24. B) 【句意】这首诗的每个单行写得很美,但我不明白各行是如何联系在一起的。依我看,这首诗不连贯。
  25. B)【句意】对十分敏感的儿童来说,一次简单的呵斥可能会成为极其痛苦的经历。

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-18 21:59:33 | 显示全部楼层
英语专业四级词汇与语法全真模拟练习与解析 6
1. All of the plants now farmed on a large scale were developed from plants ____wild.
  A. that once grow B. once they grow? C. they once grew D. once grew
  2. By the time you graduate, we____in Australia for one year.
  A. will be staying B. will have stayed ? C. would have stayed D. have stayed
  3. He appreciated____the chance to deliver his thesis in the annual symposium on Comparative Literature.来源:壹壹英语 www.yEeyi.net
  A. having given B. to have been given?C. to have given D. having been given
  4. The government official can hardly find sufficient grounds ____his arguments in favor of the revision of the tax law.
  A. on which to base B. which to be based on C. to base on which D. on which to be based
  5. Living in the desert involves a lot of problems, ?____? water shortage is the worst. A. not to mention B. of which? C. let alone D. for what
  6. Hydrogen is one of the most important element in the universe ____it provides the building blocks from which the other elements are produced.
  A.so that B. but that C. provided that D. in that
  7. Just as relaxation is an important part of our lives,____stress.
   A.so is B. as it is C. and so is D. the same is
  8. Victor took a bus and headed for home, ____if his wife would have him back.
  A. not to know B. not known ? C. not knowing D. not having known
  9. We can make an exception ____.
  A. in any case of John B. in case of John ?C. in case of John’s D. in the case of John
  10. When the Cultural Revolution was launched in China, his father ___ college.
   A. attended B. had been attending? C. was attending D. has been attending
  11. My cat is a fussy eater, but my dog is so ____that she’ll swallow down anything that is put in front of her.
  A. indiscriminate B. choosy ? C. indefinite D. picky
  12. “This house is more ____than the federal government!” Mac complained to his parents. “You have rules for everything.”
  A. systematic B. democratic C. bureaucratic D. public
  13. The American people’s ____of being polite is different from that held here in China.
  A. mind B. concept? C. consideration D. thought
  14. Well, that is probably all I can say about sports. Next time I’ll take up the topic of some other ____activities.
  A. refreshment B. entertainment ? C. pleasure D. leisure
  15. Where there is an earthquake, energy is ____in one area along a crack in the earth crust.
  A. repelled B. released C. run D. rushed
  16. The old gardener used to keep all his tools and do it yourself equipment in a ____in the garden.
  A. barn B. room C. hut D. shed
  17. I’ve got a big coffee____on the front of my dress.
  A. pore B. patch C. stain D. grease
  18. She broke her leg, but the ____healed quickly.
  A. fracture B. injury C. skeleton D. cavity
  19. You’d better add them up. I’m not good at ____.
  A. figures B. characters C. summaries D. counters
  20. The girl chose some very pretty ____paper for the present.
  A. covering B. wrapping C. packing D.collecting
  21. The two scholars worked at the task of writing a preface to the new dictionary for three hours ?____last night.
  A. at length B. in full C. on end D. in time
  22. I can’t read the marks and notes Jim made in the margin. They are too____.
  A.faint B. foggy C. transparent D. misty
  23. A highly organized system of irrigation is ____Chinese agriculture.
  A. typical of B. consistent with? C. famous for D. subject to
  24. Jack is very ____about wines.
  A. aware B. knowledgeable ? C. learned D. informed
  25. As for Ann, I am not sure about her ____in Italian.
  A. fluency B. clarity C. coherence D. excellency
  1. A) 【句意】大规模种植的农作物都繁衍于野生植物。
  2. B) 【句意】到你毕业的时候,我们在澳洲居住就会有一年了。
  【难点】将来完成时常和by the time+句子的结构连用。
  3. D) 【句意】他得到一个在比较文学年度讨论会上宣读论文的机会,他对此表示感激。
  4. A) 【句意】那位政府官员找不到足够的证据去说明他为什么赞成修改税法。
  【难点】to base sth on sth 意为“把……建立在……的基础上”。which指代grounds.
  5. B) 【句意】居住在沙漠里牵涉很多问题,其中缺水是最严重的问题。
  【难点】of which 引导非限制性定语从句,which指代problems。
  6. D)【句意】氢是宇宙中最重要的元素之一,因为它提供了其它元素赖以产生的建构框架。
  【难点】in that相当于because,引导原因状语从句。
  7. A) 【句意】正象休闲一样,紧张也是我们生活中的一个重要部分。
  【难点】just as...,so...意为“如同…,也是…”。
  8. C) 【句意】维格坐公共汽车回家去了,不知道他的妻子对他的归来能否接受。
  【难点】not knowing为现在分词短语,作伴随状语。
  9. D) 【句意】我们可以把约翰的事作为例外。
  【难点】 in the case of...意为“在…的情况下”;in case of 意为“以防,万一”
  10. C) 【句意】文化大革命在中国开始的时候,他父亲在上大学。
  11. A) 【句意】我的猫很挑食,可我的狗一点也不挑,你给她什么她就吃什么。
  【难点】 indiscriminate意为“不加区别的;一视同仁的”;choosy意为“爱挑剔的,过于讲究的”;indefinite意为“不确定的”;picky意为 “吹毛求疵的;爱挑剔的”。
  12. C) 【句意】“这个家比联邦政府还官僚”,麦克跟父母抱怨道,“你们什么事都有条条框框”。
  【难点】 bureaucratic意为“官僚主义的”;systematic意为“系统的”;democratic意为“民主的”;public意为“公共的”。
  13. B) 【句意】美国人的礼貌观念和中国人的不同。
  14. D) 【句意】好,有关体育运动我就说这么多。下次我要选一个关于其它休闲活动的话题来谈。
  15. B) 【句意】在发生地震的地方,能量会沿着地壳的一条缝隙在一个地区释放出来。
  16. D) 【句意】那位老园丁以前总是把他所有的工具和可组装的设备放在花园的棚子里。
  17. C)【句意】我连衣裙的前部有一个很大的咖啡污渍。
  18. A)【句意】她的腿摔断了,可是骨折处很快就痊愈了。
  19. A)【句意】你最好把它们加起来。我不擅长算数。
  20. B)【句意】女孩选了一些非常漂亮的包装纸包礼物。
  【难点】这四个选项中只有wrapping paper有“包装纸”的意思,符合题意。
  21. C)【句意】那两位学者昨天晚上花了三个小时为新字典写序。
  【难点】on end意为“连续不断地”,和表示时间的词连用。at length意为“最后,终于”;in full意为“全部地”;in time意为“及时,不迟”。
  22. A)【句意】我读不懂吉姆在空白处做的记号和注解,它们太模糊了。
  23. A)【句意】灌溉系统组织严密是中国农业的典型特点。
  【难点】typical of意为“特有的,典型的”;consistent with意为“与…一致;与…相符合”;famous for意为“以…著名”;subject to意为“由…决定的;取决于…的”。
  24. B)【句意】 杰克对酒很在行。
  【难点】 knowledgeable意为“知识渊博的;有见识的”;aware意为“意识到的,知道的”,与of搭配;learned意为“有学问的,博学的”,作定语或后接介词in; informed意为“见闻广的;了解情况的”,作定语。
  25. A) 【句意】至于安,我不知道她的意大利语是否流利。
  【难点】 fluency意为“流利,流畅”;clarity意为“清晰,明晰”;coherence意为“连贯性,紧凑”;excellency意为“优点,优秀

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-18 22:00:20 | 显示全部楼层
英语专业四级词汇与语法全真模拟练习与解析 7
41. The reporters exposed the corruption of several senior officers in the government; consequently, these officers____to resign from office.
  A. have asked B. were asked
  C. had asked D. had been askedwww.yeeyi.Net
  42. The train____ at the present speed until it reaches the next
  city at about seven o’clock this evening.
  A. will be going B. went C. would go D. went
  43. Such____the case, there are no grounds to justify your complaints.
  A. was B. is C. is being D. being
  44. I beg____ your nephew’s wedding.
  A. to be excused B. to be excused from
  C. to excuse from D. to be excused to
  45. The only candidate____ can hope to defeat him is quit now.
  A. who B. which C. that D. when
  46. Humble____ it may be, there’s no place like home, ____he
  may go.
  A. like, when B. as, wherever C. although, where D. which, wherever
  47. He ought to attend the meeting,____?
  A. should he B. ought he C. shouldn’t he D. oughtn’t he
  48. Mary is 18 years old this year; she ____19 next year.
  A. will be B. is to be C. is going to be D. should be
  49.Though it was late in the night,____ he continued to work vigorously.
  A. but B. yet C. and D. that
  50. The doctor advised him to stay in bed, saying he was much____.
  A. ill enough B. too ill C. so ill D. very ill
  51. I was ____ study French yesterday, but I changed my mind.
  A. to be starting B. to start
  C. to have started D. to have been starting
  52. You’d rather go to theater with him this evening, ____?
  A. are you B. hadn’t you C. isn’t it D. wouldn’t you
  53. ____that the formation of the sun, the planets, and other stars began with the condensation of an interstellar gas cloud.
  A. It is believed B. Believing C. Being believed
  D. To believe
  54. One of the most spectacular qualities of man is notably his____
  to any kind of natural environment.
  A. tendency B. adoptability C. adaptability
  D. availability
  55. I’m in no____now to go to concert with you.
  A. mood B. intention C. emotion D. sense
  56. The judger doesn’t know whether the witness is telling the truth, but
  he will ____it.
  A. identify B. enforce C. distinguish D. verify
  57. Before the plane ____, the pilot bailed out.
  A. clashed B. crashed C. smashed D. struck
  58. Doctors often make higher ____ for their works than they should.
  A. charges B. bills C. costs D. payments
  59. Most of the earliest____into America came from Europe.
  A. migrants B. emigrants C. immigrants D. inhabitants
  60. His name was on the____of my tongue, but I just couldn’t remember.
  A. edge B. rim C. border D. tip
  61. I caught a____ of the name of the book before she put it into the
  drawer.?A. glimpse B. glance C. sight D. stare
  62. Once you become a soldier, you will be given a monthly____by the
  army.?A. income B. allowance C. wage
  D. salary
  63. I called at his house but was refused____.
  A. admission B. access C. reception D. admittance
  64. All too____it was time to go back to school after the Spring Festival.
  A. quick B. soon C. fast D. speedy
  65. He handled the company in____with his brother.
  A. combination B. mixture C. collaboration D. association
  41. 答案 B
  【参考译文】 记者们曝光了几名政府高官的腐败情况,随之,这几名官员被迫辞职。
  【试题分析】 此题为时态及语态题。
  【详细解答】 使用主动语态的选项应先排除,使用过去完成时态则将时间先后顺序颠倒了,
  42. 答案 A
  【参考译文】 在今晚7点抵达下一城市前,火车将按现速行驶。
  【试题分析】 此题为时态结构题。
  【详细解答】 将来进行时常表示预计即将发生或势必要发生的动作,即“已经安排好了”之意,结构为will+be+现在分词。
  43. 答案 D
  【参考译文】 如果是这样,你的抱怨没有根据来证实。
  【试题分析】 本题是结构题。
  【详细解答】 such being the case在句中作状语,是分词独立结构,其中such在此作代词,常用结构。no grounds to意为“没有根据,理由,原因等”。
  44. 答案 B
  【参考译文】 我请求不去参加你侄子的婚礼。
  【试题分析】 本题是搭配题。
  【详细解答】 excuse sb. from sth. (doing sth.)意为允许不(参加)某活动,常用词组。
  45. 答案 C
  【参考译文】 唯一有希望击败他的候选人现在退出了。
  【试题分析】 本题考查先行词的用法。
  【详细解答】 在下列两种情况下只能用that引导定语从句,且作宾语时经常省略。
  46. 答案 B
  【参考译文】 尽管家很简陋,但无论他去哪里,没有任何地方像家那样好。
  【试题分析】 本题是结构题,兼考先行词的用法。
  【详细解答】 由as引导的让步状语从句,强调表语humble。由wherever引导地点状语从句,表示无论去哪里。
  47. 答案 C
  【参考译文】 她应该去参加会议的,不是吗?
  【试题分析】 本题是结构题。
  【详细解答】 当should和ought to作“应该”之意时,可互换,表示推论。但在疑问句中一般不用ought to而用should,比如:Should we begin?而不会用Ought we to begin?  
  48. 答案 A
  【参考译文】 玛丽今年18岁,她明年该19岁了。
  【试题分析】 本题是结构题。
  【详细解答】 主语+will(shall可用于第一人称)+动词原形表示一种意愿,表示不以人们意志为转移的,客观上一定会发生的行为或动作,选项B、C均不是此意
49. 答案 B
  【参考译文】 尽管夜已深了,他仍精力充沛地在工作。
  【试题分析】 本题是搭配题。
  【详细解答】 带有让步状语的主从复合句,though和but不能同时出现在一个句子里,但如果从句中用了though,主句中可用yet。
  50. 答案 B
  【参考译文】 医生嘱咐他躺在床上,说他病得太厉害了。
  【试题分析】 本题是搭配题。
  【详细解答】 为强调程度的大小,可以在副词too的前面加上much,far,a little等词。此句中much用来修饰too ill,其余选项均不适合。
  51. 答案 C
  【参考译文】 我本来打算昨天开始学法语,但后来我改变了主意。
  【试题分析】 本题为时态题,兼考语态。
  【详细解答】 要表示“过去想做而未做的事”,在本句中的表达方式应为was (were)+to have done sth,译为“本来想做……的事。”
  52. 答案 D
  【参考译文】 你宁愿今晚跟他一起去剧院,是不是?
  【试题分析】 本题为搭配题。
  【详细解答】 You’d rather为You would rather的简略方式,因此在反意问句中用助动词would提问。
  53. 答案 A
  【参考译文】 人们相信,太阳、行星及其它恒星的形成是从星际气团的冷凝开始的。
  【试题分析】 本题为结构题。
  【详细解答】 根据句意,选项B、C只构成分句,没有主句,选项D则只有主语,没有其它成分。只有A项才构成It is+过去分词+that结构,使句意完整。
  54. 答案 C
  【参考译文】 人类最鲜明的特性之一是他对任何自然环境的适应力。
  【试题分析】 本题是形近词及词义辨析题。
  【详细解答】 adaptability意为适应性,与B项adoptability形近意不
  55. 答案 A
  【参考译文】 我现在没心情和你去音乐会。
  【试题分析】 本题是词义搭配题。
  【详细解答】 in mood表示有……的心情,常用词组;intention表示意愿;emotion表示情感;sense表示感觉,均不符合题意。
  56. 答案 D
  【参考译文】 法官不知道证人说的是否是真话,但他会证实它。
  【试题分析】 本题是近义词辨析题。
  【详细解答】 verify意为证实,查证,核实;identify意为认出,识别,多用于在众多物品中选出某一特定物品;enforce意为加强,强化;distinguish意为区别,辨别。
  57. 答案 B
  【参考译文】 在飞机坠毁前,飞行员跳伞了。
  【试题分析】 本题是近义词辨析题。
  【详细解答】 crash表示(飞机等)碰撞,坠毁;clash表示冲突,交锋;smash表示打碎,粉碎;而strike表示敲击,打中。根据句意,只有crash适合。
  58. 答案 A
  【参考译文】 医生们经常索取比他们应得的高得多的费用。
  【试题分析】 本题考查固定搭配。
  【详细解答】 make charges for是词组,意为对……收费,索价。bills意为账单,costs意为代价,payments意为付费,均不能与make...for构成符合题意的词组。
  59. 答案 C
  【参考译文】 大多数美国早期移民来自欧洲。
  【试题分析】 本题是形近词辨析题。
  【详细解答】 immigrant表示从外国移入的移民;emigrant表示从一地到另一地去的移民;
  60. 答案 D
  【参考译文】 他的名字就在我嘴边,但我就是想不起来了。
  【试题分析】 本题是固定词组搭配题。
  【详细解答】 on the tip of one’s tongue是固定词组,意为就在嘴边,其余三词虽有边、边缘等义,但不能构成此词组。
  61. 答案 A
  【参考译文】 在她把书放进抽屉之前,我瞥见了书名。
  【试题分析】 本题是近义词辨析题,并考固定词组搭配。
  【详细解答】 catch (get) a glimpse瞥见,强调行为结果;take a glance扫视,匆匆一看,强调行为动作;sight视力;stare瞪视。根据题意,应是“看见了”这个结果,且应与动词catch搭配构成词组,所以应选A项。
  62. 答案 B
  【参考译文】 一旦你成为一名战士,军队会每月发给你津贴费。
  【试题分析】 本题是近义词辨析题。
  【详细解答】 allowance津贴、补助;income收入,泛指;wage(体力劳动者的)工资;salary(白领人员的)薪水。战士领取的应是津贴allowance。
  63. 答案 D
  【参考译文】 我拜访他家,却被拒绝入内。
  【试题分析】 本题为近义词辨析题。
  【详细解答】 admission和admittance都是“准入”的意思,但admission常用于公共场所,admittance用于私人场所;而access意为接近,进入;reception意为接待,接见,均不能用于此句。
  64. 答案 B
  【参考译文】 日子过得太快,春节结束又该上学了。
  【试题分析】 本题是惯用语搭配题。
  【详细解答】 all too soon意为日子过得太快。all too是惯用语,常接副词,意为“太”。
  65. 答案 C
  【参考译文】 他与他兄弟合作处理公司事务。
  【试题分析】 本题是近义词辨析题。
  【详细解答】 collaboration协作,合作,in collaboration with与……合作。其余三词均不合题意

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-18 22:01:03 | 显示全部楼层
英语专业四级词汇与语法全真模拟练习与解析 8
41. He ____have been nervous because he didn’t go straight in.
  A. ought to B. mustC. should D. had to
  42. I am quite sure that I can ____ Michael into letting us use his car tomorrow.
  A. speak B. talk C. tell D. say
  43. Jean could be a very attractive girl but she____to her clothes.
  A. pays no attention B. was paying no attention C. paid no attention D. had paid no attention来源:壹壹英语
  44. When questioned by the interviewer, my mind went____, and I could hardly remember my own date of birth.
  A. blank B. dim C. faint D. vain
  45. The textbook question as well as other issues is going to be discussed when the congress is in____again next spring.
  A. assembly B. convention C. conference D. session
  46. To drive a car safely, it is____good brakes.
  A. essential with B. essential having C. essential to have D. essential have
  47. As I regard it, you can widen the ____ of these improvements through your active participation.
  A. volume B. dimension C. magnitude D. scope
  48. “Can you ride a horse?”“No, I never had the chance ____.”
  A. for learning B. for learning how C. how to learn it D. to learn how
  49. As electric lines were destroyed by the storm, they were forced to light for several days.
  A. go over B. go in for C. go without D. go out
  50. To survive in the intense market competition, we must____the qualities and varieties of products we make to the world-market demand.
  A. improve B. guarantee C. gear D. enhance
  51. “Maria has blisters in her boots.”“She____walking such a long distance.”
  A. was used not to B. used to C. is not used to D. did not used to
  52. In ancient times people who were thought to have the ability to ____dreams were likely to be highly respected.
  A. impart B. inherit C. interpret D. intervene
  53. It was ____that we felt tired when we arrived.
  A. a so long travel B. such a long travel C. such a long journey D. such a so long journey
  54.____his poor record in school, the board thinks that he should study hard.
  A. In spite of B. In charge of C. In view of D. In case of
  55. “What authors do you like?”“Shakespeare is____.”
  A. favorite for me B. my favorite C. for me the favorite D. the favorite of mine
  56. We hadn’t expected a power cut so we were astonished when the whole house was ____into darkness.
  A. dived B. plunged C. drowned D. dropped
  57. Without a (an)____passport a tourist is forbidden to enter a country.
  A. operative B. effective C. valid D. efficient
  58. Although the town had been attacked by the storm several times,____was done.
  A. a few damages B. few damages C. little damage D. a little damage
59. Before the tourists set off, they spent much time setting a limit____the expenses of the trip.
  A. for B. in C. to D. about
  60. “Tina looks especially pretty tonight.”“Yes, she always looks her best in ____of that color.”
  A. dress B. a dressC. that dress D. the dress
  61. Despite the wide range of reading material specially written or____for language learning purposes, there is yet no comprehensive systematic program for the reading skills.
  A. appointed B. assembled C. acknowledged D. adapted
  62. Internet, a____of millions of computers linked world wide, is the largest system serving e-mail messengers.
  A. unity B. connection C. network D. combination
  63. “ How dark your brother’s hair is!”“It’s ____mine when I was at his age.”
  A. no darker than B. no more darker as C. not dark more than D. not darker as
  64. It was surprising that the hotel looked rather shabby outside was luxuriously and____ furnished inside.
  A. artificially B. arrogantly C. arbitrarily D. artistically
  65.____he daydreamed, Peter saw figures in the sky.
  A. Until B. Since C. While D. During?
  41. 答案 B
  【参考译文】 他必定很紧张,因为他没有直接参加比赛。
  【试题分析】 此题考查情态动词的用法。
  【详细解答】 “must+完成时(或完成进行时)”可用来表示对过去的事实一种较为确定的推测,表示过去某时刻必定发生的事。而ought to,should和had to分别含有应该和不得不的语气,不符合题意。因此B为正确选项。
  42. 答案 B
  【参考译文】 我确信能说服Michael明天把车子借给我们用。
  【试题分析】 此题考查动词词义及搭配。
  【详细解答】 talk sb. into doing sth.是一个固定搭配,意为“劝说,说服某人(做某事)”。而其他三个选项尽管都有“说,讲”的意思,但不与into构成类似搭配。因此B为正确选项。
  43. 答案 A
  【参考译文】 Jean会是一个非常吸引人的姑娘,但她不注意她的衣着。
  【试题分析】 此题为语法题,考查时态的运用。
  【详细解答】 由but连接的并列句,后一句往往表示语气的转折,时态可视具体情况而定,
  44. 答案 A
  【参考译文】 记者提问时,我的头脑一片空白。我几乎记不起自己的生日了。
  【试题分析】 此题考查形容词词义。
  【详细解答】 blank意为“空白的”,go blank指头脑变得一片空白。dim意为“模糊的,暗的”;faint意为“虚弱头晕的,微弱的”;vain意为“自负的,徒然的”。因此A为正确选项。
  45. 答案 D
  【参考译文】 教科书问题及其他问题将于明年春天在国会会期内得到讨论。
  【试题分析】 此题考查名词词义及搭配。
  【详细解答】 session意为“会期,开庭期”,常与in搭配表示“进入会期或开庭期”;assembly强调的是“集合,集会”;conference指的是“会议,谈判”;convention作“会议”讲通常指“政活性的会议”。因此D为正确选项。
  46. 答案 C
  【参考译文】 汽车要安全行驶,最根本的是刹车要好。
  【试题分析】 此题为语法题,考查不定式的语法作用。
  【详细解答】 不定式作主语时,通常使用形式主语it;对此应特别注意,避免误用。因此C为正确答案。
  47. 答案 D
  【参考译文】 在我看来,通过积极参与,你完全可以扩展你的成果。
  【试题分析】 此题考查名词词义。
  【详细解答】 scope意为“范围”,最符合题意;dimension意为“尺寸”;volume作“容积,体积”讲;magnitude意为“宏大,硕大”。因此D为正确选项。
  48. 答案 D
  【参考译文】 “你能骑马吗?”“不能,我没机会学呀。”
  【试题分析】 此题考查不定式的用法。
  【详细解答】 不定式作定语,用来说明被修饰的名词的内容。这个不定式相当于被修饰的那个名词的表语。这类名词常见的有:campaign,chance,courage,opportunity,right,etc,因此D为正确选项。
  49. 答案 C
  【参考译文】 由于暴风雨损坏了电线,他们只好忍受几天无电之苦。
  【试题分析】 此题考查同根词组的用法。
  【详细解答】 go without意为“忍受没有……之苦”;而go in for意为“参加,从事于”;go over意为“仔细检查”;go out意为“出去”。因此C项符合题意,为正确选项。
  50. 答案 C
  【参考译文】 要在激烈的市场竞争中求生存,我们必须调整产品的质量及品种以适应国际市场的需求。
  【试题分析】 此题考查动词的词义及搭配。
  【详细解答】 gear to意为“使……适合,配合”;符合本题题意;enhance意为“增加,提高”;guarantee意为“保证,担保”;improve则作“提高,改善”讲。因此C为正确选项
51. 答案 C
  【参考译文】 “玛丽亚的脚在皮靴里磨出了水泡。”“她不习惯于走那么长的路。”
  【试题分析】 此题考查动词短语的用法。
  【详细解答】 be used to+?ing分词,意为“习惯于……”,?ing分词作动词短语的宾语。used to+动词原形,意为“过去常常……”。因此C为正确答案。
  52. 答案 C
  【参考译文】 在古代那些解梦者往往受到人们高度尊敬。
  【试题分析】 此题考查动词的词义。
  【详细解答】 interpret意为“解释,诠释”,符合本题题意;intervene作“干预,干涉”讲;inherit意为“继承”;impart则作“分给,给予”讲。因此C为正确选项。
  53. 答案 C
  【参考译文】 旅途如此之远,以致我们到达时都感到很累。
  【试题分析】 此题考查程度副词及名词词义。
  【详细解答】 so,such都有“如此”的含义:so直接修饰形容词(或副词);such直接修饰名词(或名词短语)。journey可表示有目的与无目的旅行,如果距离甚短不宜用此词;travel用于长期或短期旅行,无论什么目的使用什么工具都行。因此C为正确选项。
  54. 答案 C
  【参考译文】 考虑到他糟糕的成绩,学校理事会认为他学习应该更刻苦点。
  【试题分析】 此题考查介词短语的用法。
  【详细解答】 in view of意为“考虑到,鉴于”,符合题意;而in spite of作“尽管,不顾”讲;in charge of意为“主管,掌管”;in case of意为“假使,如果发生”。因此C为正确选项。
  55. 答案 D
  【参考译文】 “你喜欢哪些作家?”“莎士比亚是我所至爱的。”
  【试题分析】 此题考查物主代词的运用。
  【详细解答】 物主代词分名词性和形容词性两种,避免两种物主代词的误用。注意:B项中My为大写,所以只有D项最适合。这里mine=my favorite author。
  56. 答案 B
  【参考译文】 我们并未料到会停电,所以当整个屋子一下子变得漆黑时我们大吃一惊。
  【试题分析】 此题考查动词词义及搭配。
  【详细解答】 plunge一般与into连用,指陷于某种状态;drop意为“落下,滴下,下降”;dive则意为“跳水,俯冲,突然潜入”,这是个不及物动词,不能用于被动语态;drown作“淹死,淹没”讲。因此只有B符合题意,为正确选项。
  57. 答案 C
  【参考译文】 没有有效护照,旅客被禁止进入一个国家。
  【试题分析】 此题考查形容词的词义。
  【详细解答】 四个选项都有“有效”的意思,但它们的含义有所不同。valid意为“有效的,合法的”,通常指证件等合法、有效;operative指法津、法规,规定等“有效的”;effective常指方法或措施有效,强调能达到预期效果;efficient可以指人有能力或指某方法有效,强调“通过最短的时间和最少的精力达到预期效果。”因此C为正确选项。
  58. 答案 C
  【参考译文】 虽然这个镇遭受了好几次暴风雨袭击,但几乎没有损失。
  【试题分析】 此题考查名词的可数性。
  【详细解答】 damage是不可数名词,用作复数是“赔偿金”的意思。few=not many意为“没有多少”,通常表示否定的意味;a few=some意为“还有一些”,通常表示肯定的意味。两者都跟可数名词。little,a little的含义与few,a few相同,它们的区别在于little与a little只跟不可数名词。因此C为正确选项。
  59. 答案 C
  【参考译文】 在游客出发之前,他们花很多时间设定旅途花费的限额。
  【试题分析】 此题考查固定搭配。
  【详细解答】 limit常与介词to搭配,作“对……限制”讲;其他介词均不与limit搭配。因此C为正确选项。
  60. 答案 B
  【参考译文】 “Tina今晚看起来格外美。”“对,她穿那种颜色的女衫总是特别好看。”
  【试题分析】 此题考查冠词的用法。
  【详细解答】 可数名词用不定冠词可表示“一”这个数量和一类。某些习惯用语,也常用不定冠词。dress指一切衣服;a dress表示一件女衫。因此B为正确选项。
  61. 答案 D
  【参考译文】 尽管为语言学习目的而写或改编的阅读材料相当广泛,但针对阅读技巧的全面而系统的训练项目还没有。
  【试题分析】 此题考查动词的词义。
  【详细解答】 adapt意为“使适合,改写”,常用被动语态,符合本题题意;acknowledge则作“承认,接受”讲;assemble意为“装配”;appoint作“提出,约定,约会”讲,与for搭配。因此D为正确选项。
  62. 答案 C
  【参考译文】 由全球数以百万计的电脑连接成的因特网是提供电子信息传输服务的最大的网络。
  【试题分析】 此题考查名词词义。
  【详细解答】 network意为“网络,网状系统”,符合题意;unity作“统一,团结”讲;combination则意为“结合,联合”;connection意为“连接,联系,关系”。因此C为正确选项。
  63. 答案 A
  【参考译文】 “你兄弟的头发真黑!”“我在他那年龄时,头发的颜色也不比他的浅。”
  【试题分析】 此题考查形容词的比较级。
  【详细解答】 形容词与副词的比较级前可用much,far,a lot,still,even等副词修饰,也可用否定词no修饰,意为“不比……,和……一样”。因此A为正确选项。
  64. 答案 D
  【参考译文】 令人惊奇的是这家旅馆表面上很简陋,而内部摆设却相当豪华精致。
  【试题分析】 此题考查副词词义。
  【详细解答】 artistically意为“艺术地,精巧地”,符合本题题意。arbitrarily作“任意地,武断地”讲;arrogantly则意为“傲慢地,狂妄地”。因为D为正确选项。
  65. 答案 C
  【参考译文】 当彼得幻想时,他看到天空中有许多人影。
  【试题分析】 此题考查连词的用法。
  【详细解答】 while连接的两个句子的动作是同时发生的。因此C为正确选项

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-18 22:01:46 | 显示全部楼层
英语专业四级词汇与语法全真模拟练习与解析 9
41. In selecting a material, the engineer’s interest is in its properties which determine how it will perform under the loads and condition____it is subject.
  A. where B. which C. in which D. to which
  42. To meet the ever increasing demand____oil-refining equi pment, the company will produce more of such equipment.
  A. of B. on C. with D. for
  43. “The president made a brilliant decision, didn’t he?”
  “Yes, he did. I don’t know what I would have done if I____to make that decision.”
  A. were B. had had C. have had D. had
  44. Animal mothers are devoted to their young and____ them with love and discipline.壹壹英语论坛:http://www.YeeYi.Net/bbs
  A. mind B. watch C. help D. tend
  45. The physicists propose that our attention____the use of special methods of thinking and acting.
  A. would be directed towards B. should be directed towards C. is directed towards D. directs towards
  46. According to the acoustics, continual exposure____ noise of high intensity would lead to loss of hearing.
  A. of B. with C. to D. by
  47. We are convinced____ the righteousness of our cause.
  A. of B. on C. over D. at
  48. Urban congestion would greatly be relieved if the____charged on public transport were more reasonable.
  A. prices B. tickets C. fees D. fares
  49. You’d better let me know as soon as there is a(n)____position in the branch office.
  A. empty B. vacuum C. hollow D. vacant
  50. They will never reconcile themselves to____.
  A. defeat B. their defeat C. be defeated D. have their defeat
  51. The matter is not to be ____.
  A. watched for B. waited on C. taken over D. trifled with
  52. The mother almost____when she learned that her son was shot dead.
  A. fell down B. came down C. fell apart D. went to pieces
  53. While doing calculation for the project, the designers____a new solution to a geological problem.
  A. fell into B. stumbled upon C. set out D. discovered
  54. I meant____ you about it, but I forgot to do so.
  A. telling B. having told C. to tell D. to have told
  55. Everything____into consideration, I propose that the first prize should be given to Liu Qiang.
  A. to take B. taking C. taken D. took
  56. They____the park of late.
  A. will visit B. have visited C. are visiting D. visited
  57. The girl was so ____by the mighty river that she would spend hours sitting on its bank and gazing at the boats and rafts going and coming.
  A. absorbed B. fascinated C. moved D. touched
  58. After traveling in the desert for many days, they found a tiny oasis,where there was a well and ____green grass.
  A. a patch of B. a bunch of C. a pinch of D. a packet of
  59. After a careful investigation, the committee decided to____the old hall.
  A. change B. build C. innovate D. renovate
  60. The fierce heat of this summer withered most of the crops____ his farm.
  A. in B. on C. of D. from
  61. Since the father died a year ago, there has been ____in the family about the division of the estate.
  A. distinctions B. discord C. disadvantages D. disappointment
  62. Having been discussed, the proposal was____unanimously.
  A. adapted B. adopted C. admitted D. adjoined
  63. I’d just as soon you____ those important papers with you.
  A. don’t take B. didn’t take C. hadn’t taken D. were not taking
  64. The theme of the novel is that a person’s fate____that of the whole country.
  A. is closely linked up with B. is closely dealt with C. is closely taken as D. is closely tired up with
  65. The American professor came to realize that he had underestimated the____of most of the Chinese students.
  A. magnitude B. gradient C. potential D. firmness
  41. 答案 D
  【参考译文】 在选择材料时,工程师感兴趣的是决定该材料在负荷及遭受某种状况时所表现的特性。
  【试题分析】 本题是一道介词搭配题。
  【详细解答】 “be subject to”是固定搭配,含义为“以……为条件”,而且此处用定语从句,介词提前,所以只能选择D。
  42. 答案 D
  【参考译文】 为了满足不断提高的对炼油设备的需求,该公司将生产更多的这种设备。
  【试题分析】 本题是一道介词搭配题。
  【详细解答】 在选项中,A和D都可以与“demand”搭配,但是“meet the demand of”的含义为“满足(某人等)的需要”,而“meet the demand for”的含义为“满足对……的需要”。
  43. 答案 B
  【参考译文】 “总统作出了一个英明的决定,不是么?”“是的。我不知道如果我不得不去做个决定我会怎样的。”
  【试题分析】 本题是一道语法分析题。
  【详细解答】 此处是一个对过去事情的假设,要用到虚拟语气。“If”引导的对过去事情的虚拟句中,主语用“would have done”的句型,虚拟条件从句用过去完成时。所以此处用“had had”。
  44. 答案 D
  【参考译文】 动物妈妈们专心于自己的孩子,既慈爱又严格地看护它们。
  【试题分析】 本题是词义辨析题。
  【详细解答】 “mind”表示”照看”时指的是“当其父母不在时照顾孩子”;“watch”表示“监视”的意思;“help”是帮助,只有“tend”是“照顾,照看”的意思。
  45. 答案 B
  【参考译文】 物理学家建议我们的注意力要以对思维和行动的特殊方法的使用为目标。
  【试题分析】 本题是一道搭配题。
  【详细解答】 由“propose”一类词引导的从句要用虚拟语气,也就是用“should+动词原形”或者是直接用“动词原形”。所以此处选B。
  46. 答案 C
  【参考译文】 根据声学,持续暴露在高强度噪音下,会导致失聪。
  【试题分析】 本题是一道介词搭配题。
  【详细解答】 “exposure of sth.”含义为“对……的暴露”,而“exposure to sth.”含义为“暴露在……”,根据句意,此处应该选择C。
  47. 答案 A
  【参考译文】 我们坚信自己的事业是正义的。
  【试题分析】 本题是一道介词搭配题。
  【详细解答】 “be convinced of”含义为“坚信……”,这是一个固定搭配,所以在四个选项中只能选择“of”。
  48. 答案 D
  【参考译文】 如果所收车费更合理一些,城市交通堵塞会大大缓解。
  【试题分析】 本题是词义辨析题。
  【详细解答】 “prices”的含义是“价格”,“tickets”是“票据”,“fees”是“费(如会费、学费、手续费等)”;“fares”主要是指“车船费”。所以此处用“fares”。
  49. 答案 D
  【参考译文】 你最好一到分理处有了空缺就告诉我。
  【试题分析】 本题是一道近义词组辨析题。
  【详细解答】 “empty”含义为“空无一物的”;vacuum是名词,含义为“真空,空虚”;“hollow”含义为“空洞的,中空的”,只有“vacant”与“position”搭配意为“空缺职位”。
  50. 答案 B
  【参考译文】 他们决不屈从于失败。
  【试题分析】 本题是一道搭配题。
  【详细解答】 “reconcile sb. to”中后接名词,而“defeat”一词作为“失败”是可数名词,所以此处只能选择B。
  51. 答案 D
  【参考译文】 这个问题不可轻视。
  【试题分析】 本题是一道词义辨析题。
  【详细解答】 “watch for”的含义为“提防,戒备”;“wait on”的含义为“服侍(某人),招待(顾客)”;“take over”的含义为“接管(什么东西)”;“trifle with”含义为“轻视。”从四个选项来看,只有D适用于本句话。
  52. 答案 D
  【参考译文】 那位母亲得知她儿子被枪打死了,她几乎完全垮了。
  【试题分析】 本题是一道词义辨析题。
  【详细解答】 “fall down”含义“跌倒,倒下”;“come down”含义为“降下,跌落”;“fall apart”含义为“破裂,破碎”;“go to pieces”含义为“(身体或精神上)垮下来”。从四个选项来看,只有D适用于本句话。
  53. 答案 B
  【参考译文】 在对工程进行计算时,设计人员碰巧找到了解决地质问题的方法。
  【试题分析】 本题是一道词义辨析题。
  【详细解答】 “fall into”含义为“被卷入……”;“stumble upon”含义为“偶然找到,发现”;“set out”含义为“启程,出发”;“discover”含义为“发现,发觉”。从四个选项看,含有“偶然”含义的“stumble upon”最适合本句话。
  54. 答案 D
  【参考译文】 本打算告诉你这件事的,可我忘了。
  【试题分析】 本题是一道语法分析题。
  【详细解答】 首先考虑到“mean to”的结构,所以先排除A、B两项。而且此处是讲述一件本来要做而没做的事情,要用虚拟语气,所以只能选D。  55. 答案 C
  【参考译文】 通过综合考虑,我建议第一名该给刘强。
  【试题分析】 本题是一道句型结构题。
  【详细解答】 从题目来看“I propose that the first prize should be given to Liu Qiang.”是主句,而“everything”与“take into consideration”之间是被动关系,所以只能选C。
  56. 答案 B
  【参考译文】 他们最近参观了那个公园。
  【试题分析】 本题是一道词义理解题。
  【详细解答】 本题看起来考的是语法,而实际上考查的是“of late”一词的应用。“of late”的含义为“近来”,当这个词用于句中时,要用完成时态。
  57. 答案 B
  【参考译文】 那个女孩对那浩大的河流如此着迷,以至于她在岸边坐了几个小时看着河上来来往往的船和木排。
  【试题分析】 本题是一道词义辨析题。
  【详细解答】 “absorb”含义为“吸收,吸取;使专心”;“fascinate”的含义为“使着迷”;“move”和“touch”是“感动”的意思。所以,从四个选项来看,B最合适。
  58. 答案 A
  【参考译文】 在沙漠里走了好多天后,他们找到了一小块绿洲,在那里有一口井和一片绿草地。
  【试题分析】 本题是一道近义词组辨析题。
  【详细解答】 “a patch of”含义为“一块……”;“a bunch of”含义为“一串……”;“a pinch of”含义为“一撮……”;“a packet of”含义为“一包……”,四个选项中只有A可以修饰“green grass”。
  59. 答案 D
  【参考译文】 仔细调查后,委员会决定修复礼堂。
  【试题分析】 本题是一道近义词辨析题。
  【详细解答】 “change”含义为“改变”;“build”含义为“建造”;“innovate”含义为“改革,创新”;“renovate”含义为“修复(尤指建筑物)。从四个选项看,D是最合适
  60. 答案 B
  【参考译文】 夏日的酷热,使得他的农场大部分庄稼都枯萎了。
  【试题分析】 本题是一道介词搭配题。
  【详细解答】 表示“在农场”时,与“farm”搭配的只能用介词“on”,这是个固定搭配。
  61. 答案 B
  【参考译文】 自从一年前父亲去世,这家人在财产分配上一直有争吵。
  【试题分析】 本题是一道形近词辨析题。
  【详细解答】 “distinction”含义为“区别,区分”;“discord”含义为“争吵,不一致”;“disadvantage”含义为“不利之处”;“disappointment”含义为“失望、扫兴”。
  62. 答案 B
  【参考译文】 经过讨论,这个建议被一致通过而采纳了。
  【试题分析】 本题为形近词辨析题。
  【详细解答】 “adapt”含义为“修改,适应”;“adopt”含义为“采纳,采用”;“admit”含义为“允许,承认”;“adjoin”含义为“接近,相连”。四个选项中,只有B适用于本句话。
  63. 答案 B
  【参考译文】 我倒宁愿你没有把那些重要文件带在身上。
  【试题分析】 本题是一道语法分析题。
  【详细解答】 “I’d just as soon”含义为“宁愿”,后面的宾语从句要用虚拟语气,所以本题只能选择B。
  64. 答案 D
  【参考译文】 这部小说的主题是“个人命运是与国家命运紧密联系在一起的。”
  【试题分析】 本题是一道近义词组辨析题。
  【详细解答】 “be linked up with”含义为“与……连接起来(通常指的是实物)”;“be taken as”含义为“被看成是……”;“be dealt with”含义为“被如何处理”;“be tired up with”含义为“与……联系在一起”。根据句意,本句只能选择D。
  65. 答案 C
  【参考译文】 这位美国教授逐渐意识到了他低估了大多数中国学生的潜力。
  【试题分析】 本题是一道词义辨析题。
  【详细解答】 “magnitude”含义为“大小,重要的程度”;“gradient”含义为“坡度,倾斜度”;“potential”含义为“潜力,潜能”;“firmness”含义为“稳固,坚实(名词)

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-18 22:02:20 | 显示全部楼层
1. It’s not fair that you come home after abad day at work and ____? your wife and children.
  A. take it out onB. take out it on
  C. take out onD. take on it with
  2. She put an extra blanket over the baby for fear that ____?.
  A. he catches coldB. he should catch cold
  C. he caught coldD. he be catching cold
  3. Our teacher recommended that we ____? as attentive as possible when we visit the museum.来自:壹壹英语www.YeeYi.Net
  A. areB. shall beC. beD.were
4. You ____? business interfering with my affairs.
  A. have noneB. have no
  C. have none ofthe D. have nothing like
  5. The new cut in interest rate ____? promote domesticinvestment.
  A. means to B. directs toward
  C. is meant toD. leads to
  6. Advertising media like direct mail, radio, television and newspapers ____? to increase the sales of industrial products.
  A.have been usedB. will be used
  C. is being used D. has been used
  7. While being questioned on the court, the man denied ____?the old lady’s necklace.
  A. having takenB. taking
  C. to have taken D. to take
  8. Dr. Park was accused ____? the patient with overdose of sleeping pills so that the patient’s life was terminated before the expected time.  
  A.of providingB. with providing
  C. to have providedD. to provide
  9. By the end of next month we ____? this assignment.
  A. will finish B. will be finishing
  C. will have finishedD. have finished
  10. We will be losing money this year unless that new economic plan of yours ____? miracle.
  A.is working B. works
  C. will be working D. worked? 11. It was dark in the cave so she ____? a match.
  A. struckB. hitC. firedD. burned
  12. Mary will not be able to come to the birthday party as she is ____? with a cold.
  A. laid outB. laid upC. laid byD. laid down
  13. She often says her greatest happiness ____? serving the handicapped children.
  A.relies on B. consists in
  C. composes of D. comprises in
  14. To make this ____? clear we shall have to look closely into biology’s? long history.
  A.distinctionB. indicationC. recognitionD. constitution
  15. Most importantly, such an experience helps ____? aheightened sensitivity to other cultures and will bring about a greater appreciation of one’s own culture as well.
  A. coachB. forsakeC. fosterD.censor
  16. When Ann broke the dish she tried to put the?____?back together.
  A. fragmentsB. piecesC. bitsD. slices
  17. Jane tried to ____? the doorman with money, but she failed.
  A. bribeB. corruptC. awardD. endow
  18. Classification is a useful ____? to the organization of knowledge in any field.
  A. meansB. approachC. modeD. manner
  19. The human race has already paid a heavy price for its slow ____?to environmental threats.
  A. responseB. responsibility
  C. resolution D. resistance
  20. We have a high regard for Prof. Joseph because he always ____?his principles.
  A. lives onB. lives up to
  C. lives through D. lives with
  21. My grandfather accidentally ____? fire to the house.
  A.putB. tookC.setD. got
  22. We enjoyed the holiday ____? the expense.
  A.exceptB. besides
  C. in addition toD. except for
  23. If you want children to work hard you must ____? their interests instead of their sense of duty.
  A. appeal toB. look intoC. give rise toD. go in for
  24. Basically a robot is a machine which moves, manipulates, joins or processes ____? in the same way as human hand or arm.
  A. characters B. components
  C.catalogues D. collections
  25. Of course, talking about something which affects them personally is ____?motivating for students.
  A. chieflyB. correctlyC. currentlyD. eminently
  1. A)【句意】白天的工作不顺心,回到家里拿老婆孩子出气,这是不公平的。
  【难点】take it out on sb. 意为“拿某人出气”,其中it是无人称代词,无所指,这是一个固定的结构。
  2. B)【句意】由于害怕孩子感冒,她在孩子身上又盖了一条毯子。
  【难点】for fear that 后接虚拟语气,(should)+动词原形。
  3. C)【句意】我们的教师建议我们参观博物馆的时候注意力应尽可能集中。
  【难点】recommend,command ,suggest 等词后接的宾语从句应用虚拟语气,即(should)+动词原形。
  4. B)【句意】你没有权力干涉我们的事情。
  【难点】have no business doing /to do something 意为“没有权力,没有理由做某事”
  5. C)【句意】利率再次下调旨在促进国内投资。
  【难点】be meant to do 意为“旨在做”;mean to do 意为“打算做,企图做”;lead to 意为“导致”,后接名词。
  6. A)【句意】像直接邮件、无线电、电视和报纸这样的广告媒介一直被用来促进工业品的销售。
  【难点】根据句意,应用完成时的被动语态,media 是medium 的复数形式。
  7. A)【句意】法庭传训他的时候,他否认拿了老太太的项链。
  8. A)【句意】帕克大夫被指控向患者提供过量的安眠药,结果造成病人在预期的时间前死亡。
  【难点】be accused of 是个常见的词组,意为“被控有…罪”。
  9. C)【句意】到下月底,我将完成这项任务。
  【难点】by the end of next month (year)是将来完成时的典型状语,故选C)。
  10. B)【句意】除非你的新经济计划创造奇迹,否则我们将赔钱。
  【难点】unless 引导条件状语从句,用一般现在时表示将来。
  11. A)【句意】岩洞里很黑,她燃着了一根火柴。
  【难点】strike 意为“擦(火柴)”,其它几个词不能和matches搭配。  
  12. B)【句意】玛丽不能来参加生日晚会了,因为她患了感冒,卧床在家。
  【难点】lay up 意为“因痛(或伤残)卧床”,常用被动语态; lay out 意为“摆出,展开”;lay by 意为“储存”;lay down意为“牺牲,献出”。
  13. B)【句意】她常说她最大的快乐在于为残疾儿童服务。
  【难点】consist in 意为“在于,存在于”;rely on 意为“依靠,依赖”;be composed of 意为“由…构成”;comprise 意为“由…组成;构成”。?
14. A)【句意】为了搞清楚这一差别,我们必须认真地审视一下生物学发展的漫长历史。
  15. C)【句意】最重要的是,这样的经历能促进人们对其它文化的感受性,并使他们更欣赏自己的文化。
  16. A)【句意】安把盘子打碎后,想把碎片再合在一起。
  【难点】fragment 意为“碎片,碎块”;piece意为“块,片”;bit意为“小片;小段”;slice意为“薄片;切片”。
  17. A)【句意】简企图用钱贿赂看门人,但失败了。
  【难点】bribe 意为“收买;行贿”;corrupt意为“腐蚀,使堕落”;award意为“授予(奖品等);给予”;endow意为“资助,捐赠”。
  18. B)【句意】分类是组织任何领域知识内容的有效方式。
  19. A)【句意】人类已为他们对环境威胁作出的迟缓反应付出了重大代价。
  【难点】response意为“反应”后接介词to ;responsibility意为“责任”;resolution意为“决心,决定”;resistance意为“抵抗”。
  20. B)【句意】我们十分尊重约瑟夫教授,因为他总是信守原则。
  【难点】live up to 意为“遵守,实践(诺言,原则)”;live on 意为“以…为生”;live through意为“度过,经历过”;live with 意为“忍受;容忍”。
  21. C)【句意】我爷爷不小心放火烧着了房子。
  【难点】词组set fire to 意为“点燃,使燃烧”。
  22. D)【句意】除了花很多钱外,我们的假期很愉快。
  【难点】except指的是除去同类的事物,且常用于否定句;besides是包含在内的,除了;in addition to 也是包括在内;except for 是除了不同类的事物。
  23. A)【句意】如果你要孩子们努力学习,你必须唤起他们的兴趣而不是责任感。
  【难点】appeal to 意为“有感染力,有吸引力”;look into 意为“调查,观察”;give rise to意为“引起,导致”;go in for意为“爱好;从事,参与”。
  24. B)【句意】机器人基本上是一台机器,它能像人的手臂一样移动、操纵、结合或加工零件。
  【难点】component意为“零件;成分”;character 意为“特性;人格”;catalogue意为“目录”;collection意为“收集”。
  25. D)【句意】当然,谈论一些影响学生个性的事对他们是非常有积极作用的。
  【难点】eminently 意为“突出地;明显地”;chiefly意为“主要地;大部分”;correctly意为“正确地”,currently意为“现时,当前”

使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-12-19 04:26:32 | 显示全部楼层
live up to 意为遵守

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