作者: Marek Szpalski, Robert Gunzburg, Bjцrn L.Rydevik, Jean-Charles Le Huec, H.Michael Mayer
日期: 2010
ISBN: 3642045464
页数: 285
语言: English
出版社: Springer
标签: 医学
Low back pain is one of the most common conditions encountered in clinical practice; however, its definition itself is subject to debate and precise knowledge about it is conflicting. It can be attributed to a great number of different origins although, often, the true cause of nociception cannot be precisely defined. Furthermore, psychosocial variables have an important influence on the reporting back pain symptoms. Nevertheless, low back pain and the pathologies believed to be its cause are the main indication for spine surgery in most area of the world while true evidence about indications remains elusive and there is much discussion about the very different techniques used.
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