Dirk Moses, \"Genocide and Settler Society: Frontier Violence and Stolen Indigenous Children in Australian History (War and Genocide)\"
Publisher: Berghahn Books | 2004 | ISBN 1571814108 | PDF | 400 pages | 12 MB
From their arrival in 1788, British settlers in Australia seemed determined to eliminate Aboriginal societies. Their dedication came from the pathologies they brought with them, but the violence, murder, kidnapping, and cultural genocide continued through the 1960s. In 13 essays contributors describe the convictions of the settlers and the systems
http://www.filesonic.com/file/24929313/MOSES,%20A.%20Dirk%20(ed.)%20-%20Genocide%20and%20Settler%20Society.%20Frontier%20Violence%20and%20Stolen%20Indigenous%20Childen%20in%20Australian%20History%20(2004).pdf |
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