【类 型】: 纪录片
【影片长度】: 45分钟
【集 数】: 共1集
【字 幕】: 中文/英文
【服 务 器】 : 随机
【分享时间】: 24小时
中文名: 乖狮克里斯蒂安
英文名: Christian the Lion
别名: The Lion Cub from Harrods,A Lion Called Christian
资源格式: TVRip
发行时间: 2009 年03月24日
制作发行: BBC
地区: 英国
语言: 英语
2008年,视频网站YouTube上一段人狮相拥的视频 (Christian the lion)开始热播。迄今点击超过5000万次。视频讲述了两名年轻人和一头五百磅的狮子重逢的故事。他们已经几年没见了。
故事开始于 1969年,两个澳洲年青人到英国伦敦去工作,在harrods百货公司看到两只小狮子出售。狮子被关在很小的笼子里,他们觉得这两个小生命很可怜,就买下其中一只小狮子,并取名为Christian,将它豢养在他们在伦敦Chelsea的家,一个高级家具店里(这两个年青人工作的地方)的地下室。
但是一年之后,Christian从35磅长到 185磅,在1970年代,一个星期三十英镑的伙食费已经让人喘不过气来了。在一个偶然的机会下,他们认识了在非洲肯尼亚的一对专门帮助狮子回归大自然的夫妇。他们将Christian送到非洲,Christian也很顺利的适应非洲的草原。之后这两位年青人回到伦敦,而这对夫妇也定期向他们报告 Christian的行踪。他们告诉年青人,Christian已经成为一群狮子的首领。这两位年青人偶尔也飞到非洲去探望Christian。
但是在四年之后(1974 年)的一天,这对夫妇打电话给这两位澳洲年青人,告诉他们Christian已经失踪三个月了,最坏的打算是它已经完全融入野外,认不得它的人类朋友了。但是这两个年青人还是立刻决定飞到非洲向Christian说再见。在他们两人的飞机降落前一个晚上,这对夫妇说,Christian突然又出现了,而且坐在这对夫妇营地的不远处,好像在等这两个年青人的出现。
当 Christian 和这两个年青人刚见面的时候,一开始Christian并不确定,但是过了一阵子之后,Christian确定这两人就是它的前室友...
In 2008, Youtube featured an extraordinary film clip that has become a phenomenon. Seen by more than 50 million people, it shows the extraordinary reunion of two young men and their 500 lb pet lion, Christian. Several years after they had last seen him and he had been returned from the UK to the wilderness of Kenya.
Shot in 1974 and now made available for this documentary special, this archive and dozens of earlier film rolls dating back to 1971 tell the extraordinary story of Christian, the lion who was bought as a cub by John Randall and Ace Berg, from the Harrods ‘Exotic Animals Department’ (when the shop prided itself on selling anything anyone might desire!). The lion then found himself swept up into the heart of hip London society at the height of the ‘swinging sixties’, hanging out with icons including Diana Rigg, Mary Quant, and Vivienne Westwood.
Travelling by Bentley, eating in fine London restaurants and spending his days lounging in the furniture shop run by his new owners, Christian became a bit of a celebrity in his own right. But a major issue was looming; Christian was growing too big to be kept as a pet and was increasingly demonstrating his powerful and potentially fatal ‘wild side’. Ace and John had a major problem…
Set against the era of free love, rock and roll and an explosion of youth culture, this film has a powerful contemporary soundtrack and combines glorious archive film (much of it never seen before), stills and lavishly captured interviews with John, Ace, their often famous friends and customers.
It tells the unique, epic and ultimately heart-warming tale behind one of the most popular Youtube clips of recent times: how an impulsive shopping trip by two King’s Road hippies inadvertently got them swept into an international crisis and landing them with the massive challenge of reintroducing a fully domesticated adult lion into the African wilderness.
[乖狮克里斯蒂安].Christian.-.The.Lion.Cub.from.Harrods.avi (639.2 MB)
[乖狮克里斯蒂安].Christian.-.The.Lion.Cub.from.Harrods.chs.srt (37.45 KB)
[乖狮克里斯蒂安].Christian.-.The.Lion.Cub.from.Harrods.eng.srt (49.75 KB)
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