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[【E书资源】] Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Molecular Simulation

发表于 2010-5-6 11:58:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
\"Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Molecular Simulation\"
Mark E. Tuckerman,
Oxford University Press | 2010 | ISBN: 0198525265 | 712 pages
PDF | 10 MB

Complex systems that bridge the traditional disciplines of physics, chemistry, biology, and materials science can be studied at an unprecedented level of detail using increasingly sophisticated theoretical methodology and high-speed computers. The aim of this book is to prepare burgeoning users and developers to become active participants in this exciting and rapidly advancing research area by uniting for the first time, in one monograph, the basic concepts of equilibrium and time-dependent statistical mechanics with the modern techniques used to solve the complex problems that arise in real-world applications. The book contains a detailed review of classical and quantum mechanics, in-depth discussions of the most commonly used ensembles simultaneously with modern computational techniques such as molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo, and important topics including free-energy calculations, linear-response theory, harmonic baths and the generalized Langevin equation, critical phenomena, and advanced conformational sampling methods. Burgeoning users and developers are thus provided firm grounding to become active participants in this exciting and rapidly advancing research area, while experienced practitioners will find the book to be a useful reference tool for the field.

http://uploading.com/files/25715 ... ticalMechanics.rar/


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