这里有源代码,asm的- ; (? ( ) ?) ( ) 256b intro by baze/3SC for Syndeecate 2001 use NASM to
- ; 咣?圮?圹?圹? loveC: thanks, Serzh: eat my socks dude ;] compile the
- ; ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) e-mail: [email]baze@stonline.sk[/email], web: [url]www.3SC.sk[/url] source code
- [org 100h]
- [segment .text]
- SCREEN equ 160
- PIXBUF equ 204h
- mov al,13h
- int 10h
- push word 0A000h
- pop es
- mov ax,cs
- add ah,10h
- mov fs,ax
- xor cx,cx
- PAL1 mov dx,3C8h
- mov ax,cx
- out dx,al
- inc dx
- sar al,1
- js PAL2
- out dx,al
- mul al
- shr ax,6
- out dx,al
- PAL2 mov al,0
- out dx,al
- jns PAL3
- sub al,cl
- shr al,1
- out dx,al
- shr al,1
- out dx,al
- PAL3 mov bx,cx
- mov [fs:bx],bl
- loop PAL1
- TEX mov bx,cx
- add ax,cx
- rol ax,cl
- mov dh,al
- sar dh,5
- adc dl,dh
- adc dl,[fs:bx+255]
- shr dl,1
- mov [fs:bx],dl
- not bh
- mov [fs:bx],dl
- loop TEX
- fninit
- fldz
- MAIN add bh,8
- mov di,PIXBUF
- fadd dword [byte di-PIXBUF+TEXUV-4]
- push di
- mov dx,-80
- TUBEY mov bp,-160
- TUBEX mov si,TEXUV
- fild word [byte si-TEXUV+EYE]
- mov [si],bp
- fild word [si]
- mov [si],dx
- fild word [si]
- mov cl,2
- ROTATE fld st3
- fsincos
- fld st2
- fmul st0,st1
- fld st4
- fmul st0,st3
- fsubp st1,st0
- fxch st0,st3
- fmulp st2,st0
- fmulp st3,st0
- faddp st2,st0
- fxch st0,st2
- loop ROTATE
- fld st1
- fmul st0,st0
- fld st1
- fmul st0,st0
- faddp st1,st0
- fsqrt
- fdivp st3,st0
- fpatan
- fimul word [si-4]
- fistp word [si]
- fimul word [si-4]
- fistp word [si+1]
- mov si,[si]
- lea ax,[bx+si]
- add al,ah
- and al,64
- mov al,-5
- jz STORE
- shl si,2
- lea ax,[bx+si]
- sub al,ah
- mov al,-16
- jns STORE
- shl si,1
- mov al,-48
- STORE add al,[fs:bx+si]
- add [di],al
- inc di
- inc bp
- cmp bp,160
- EYE equ $-2
- jnz TUBEX
- inc dx
- cmp dx,byte 80
- jnz TUBEY
- pop si
- mov di,(100-SCREEN/2)*320
- mov ch,(SCREEN/2)*320/256
- rep movsw
- mov ch,SCREEN*320/256
- BLUR dec si
- sar byte [si],2
- loop BLUR
- in al,60h
- cbw
- dec ax
- jnz near MAIN
- mov al,03h
- int 10h
- db 41,0,0C3h,3Ch
- TEXUV db "baze"
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