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[【其它】] 国家地理.伟大工程巡礼系列[外挂中字/高清珍藏版/720P]

发表于 2009-12-1 12:04:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
伟大工程巡礼01:里根号超级航母(USS Ronald Reagan 2004.09.15播出)

The USS Ronald Reagan is a 4.5 billion dollars Nimitz-class supercarrier. Powered by 2 nuclear reactors, the 1100ft. long vessel is equipped with all the necessary facilities to house 6000 personnel and over 80 aircraft. Viewers are given an exclusive look at how the crew of these ‘floating naval base’ is put through a series of test in order to obtain their flight deck certification. Take a glimpse at the various facilities on the ship that keep the 6000 strong crew fed, rested, and entertained.

伟大工程巡礼23:C-5运输机(Mega Plane/Air Force Transport/C-5 Galaxy 2005.09.20播出)

The episode profiles the C-5 Galaxy, one of the largest aircrafts in the world, and the operations of the crew of the mega-plane. The episode includes a look at how the C-5 Galaxy transports millitary equipment over to the troops in Iraq from America's Dover Air Force Base.

伟大工程巡礼30:柏林火车站(Berlin Train Terminal/Berlin's Grand Central 2005.11.15播出)

Berlin's Grand Central will, literally and figuratively, reconnect East and West Germany, ushering in a new era of unification. Step into this megawork-in-progress as engineers race to complete Europe's largest train station before millions arrive for the World Cup football tournament. Can they pull off the last feat in time?

伟大工程巡礼32:超级钻探平台(Ultimate Structures Super Rigs 2005.12.06播出)

The dwindling energy supplies have forced oil companies to set up their oil rigs in some of the harshest environments on the globe. Ultimate Oil Rigs introduces viewers to the Noble Piet, an oil rig built to withstand the fury of the natural elements of the North Sea. The episodes follows the roughnecks as they drill for natural gases deep under the ocean bed. As well as follow the crew of Keppel FELS shipyard in Singapore in the designing and building of 23 rigs within 2 years.石油和天然气的储量不是无限的,剩余储量的开发难度越来越大。全球对能源的需求不断增长,迫使能源公司到海上寻找油气资源。从1980年起,有350多名北海油田的工作人员丧生,但海底的丰富资源足以令人不惜性命。

伟大工程巡礼39.胡佛水坝(Hoover.Dam 2006.05.16播出)

Throughout human history, mankind has built monuments to its ingenuity and skill. In Egypt it was the Pyramids. Rome, built the Colosseum. The Greeks built the Acropolis. The great cathedrals of Europe raised the skills of their builders to unequalled heights, creating awe inspiring structures. In the Americas, the cliff dwellings of Mesa Verde and the high mountain city of Machu Pichu speak to the skill and ingenuity of their builders. In the modern era, it's buildings that reach near half a mile into the sky, bridges that stretch enormous distances in a single span, and machines that extend mankind's reach far into space. One monument that must surely be counted among the great achievements of mankind is Hoover Dam.

伟大工程巡礼47.战争机器-机枪(Guns: Machines of War 2006.12.10播出)
Initially designed to save lives, the modern machine gun can destroy the enemy from more than a mile away and can fire 1,200 rounds in just 17 seconds. How did the machine gun become one of the most powerful Machines of War? NGC explores its 150-year history and evolution from the 19th-century machine gun that can chop down a single tree, to the first gangster \"hit\" with a Tommy Gun, to one of the deadliest weapons in the world. 它以雷霆万钧之姿改变了战争样貌,它能消灭远达两公里外或近至两公尺内的敌人。这种武器称霸现代战场,但它已演进了150年,战斗中凶悍的表现,这是一部关于枪的故事,The History and Evolution of the Gun……

伟大工程巡礼48:巴拿马运河(Panama Canal 2006.10.19播出)

Lifting a mind-blowing 14,000 ships a year over a nine-storey mountain range, the Panama Canal relies on some of the mightiest machines in the world: gargantuan locks, a colossal crane, and the world's largest dipper dredge. This is one of the trickiest waterways in the world, but thousands of ships risk it every year to deliver their goods faster. Demand is so high, traffic never stops and plans for a bigger, better canal are underway. Can the mother of all mega movers handle the pressure?见见神奇搬运家之母,巴拿马运河,这是百年来全球航运的捷径,但这个19世纪的奇迹几乎应付不了21世纪的需求,如今海上船只的数目不可同日而语,如果运河无法让船只通行,它们自然会另辟蹊径,这个神奇搬运家如今不成功便成仁,要应付激烈的竞争需要大队人马和机具。

伟大工程巡礼54:超级潜艇(Ultimate Structures Super Sup 2007播出)

Ultimate Sub deconstructs a mystery machine that few of us have seen up close - and even fewer fully understand. How can a super-size hunk of heavy metal, packed to the gills with fragile humans, dominate an underwater world where the pressure is so intense it could crush you to death in seconds? Focusing on the latest-generation submarine, the USS Texas, as well as other international subs, Ultimate Sub tells the story of this incredible invention. Through exclusive access to training missions, CGI and recreation, we'll show how today's submarines defy the imagination: they dive deeper, are quieter (and deadlier) and are capable of feats that would amaze even science fiction writers. We also investigate what happened in some historic accidents and show how new technologies seek to prevent future calamities. 潜艇游弋在大洋里,能无预警地发动攻击。得克萨斯号独树一帜,巡航深度接近海面下1000英尺,装备了鱼雷、导弹和特种部队。在任何需要它的地方,都能祭出致命一击。让我们透过钢铁外衣,探索超级潜艇的秘密。

伟大工程巡礼57:超级管道( Super Pipeline 2008播出)

By 2008, Norway will be connected to the United Kingdom via a 1,200 km super pipeline - the longest sub sea pipeline in the world. But this connection is just one part of an enormous plan to tap into Norway's second largest gas deposit, capable of providing 20 percent of the UK's gas needs for decades to come. Located 3 km below the ocean's surface and 120 km offshore, the deposit is beyond human reach. All construction has to be completed by robots working against strong underwater currents, sub-zero temperatures and extreme wind and wave conditions. When tapped, the gas will be transported to one of the largest automated gas processing plants to prepare it for shipment to Britain. Each phase of this tricky project puts ingenuity and engineering to the ultimate test.

伟大工程巡礼59:超级直升机(Ultimate Structures Super Copter 2007播出)

The latest \"super copters\" are an advanced breed of machines - built to fly fast and silently on an incredible range of missions. Just about anything a helicopter can do, the newest \"super copters\" can do better. One such \"super copter,\" known as EH101, carries an array of high-tech features including three computer-controlled engines and a five-bladed rotor that offers extra maneuverability in flight and excellent visibility when landing. New copter designs will also be much more impervious to attack, with Kevlar and other advanced composite materials strengthening the body - while keeping it lightweight. Using live action, re-creations, amazing archival footage and advanced CGI, we marvel at the creation of today's \"super copters\" - extraordinary multi-purpose helicopters for the twenty-first century.
最新的“超级直升机”身为先进机具,飞得又快又安静,前往直升机以往到不了的地方,就连内太空也不例外。EH101 超级直升机被誉为科技成就的突破。EH101等新设计也将更能防御攻击,因为使用了克薇拉复合材料,不仅能增加机身强度,同时亦达成轻量化。通过真实行动、现场模拟、惊人的资料片以及先进的电脑动画,我们赞叹着今日“超级直升机”的诞生,它是二十一世纪出奇的多用途直升机。

伟大工程巡礼60:超级工厂-哈雷机车( Megafactories: Harley-Davidson 2008播出)
The Harley-Davidson V-Rod is the first Harley-Davidson motorcycle to go from 0 to 96 kilometres per hour in just 3.52 seconds - nearly twice as fast as any other Harley-Davidson bike. With its thrilling speed, liquid-cooled engine and exterior frame, the V-Rod represents a number of important firsts for Harley-Davidson. At the Harley-Davidson factory in Kansas City, US, it is up to the engineers, designers and factory workers to ensure the V-Rod can handle the high speeds for which it was designed, whilst maintaining the signature Harley-Davidson style consumers have come to love. Robots engage in a carefully choreographed dance to create the motorcycle's unique frame and remove any kinks. The engine assembly line, which puts together the V-Rod's powerful V-Twin engine, includes miniature cameras that monitor for any missing parts. Inside this mega factory, workers also build the V-Rod's custom-made cousins: Screamin' Eagle V-Rod and the Screamin' Eagle V-Rod Destroyer, the fastest factory-built drag racer ever made.

伟大工程巡礼61:强鹿收割机(John.Deere 2007播出)

Deere and Company agricultural products, usually sold under the John Deere name, include tractors, combine harvesters, balers, planters/seeders, ATVs and forestry equipment. The company is also a leading supplier of construction equipment, as well as equipment used in lawn, grounds and turf care, such as ride-on lawn mowers, string trimmers, chainsaws, snowthrowers and for a short period, snowmobiles.
John Deere products are known for their distinctive green and yellow color scheme. The company's slogan is \"Nothing runs like a Deere\" and has a picture of a deer as a logo, with wordplay pun on \"nothing runs like a deer.\"

伟大工程巡礼63:超级工厂-M1艾布兰主战坦克(Megafactories: Tanks/M1 Abrams 2008播出)

The M1 Abrams is a main battle tank produced in the United States. The M1 is named after General Creighton Abrams, former Army Chief of Staff and Commander of US military forces in Vietnam from 1968 to 1972. It is a well armed, heavily armored, and highly mobile tank designed for modern armored ground warfare.M1艾布兰(M1 Abrams)主战坦克是美国陆军和美国海军陆战队主要的主战坦克,M1艾布兰的出现是为了取代M60巴顿系列坦克,在1980年左右开始发展,其家族主要有M1、M1A1和M1A2。而最新的型号是M1A2,装有全新的装甲和电子设备[1]。艾布兰名字由来是前任的美国陆军参谋长和第37装甲团指挥官克雷顿·艾布兰上将。

伟大工程巡礼68.未来火车/磁悬浮列车(Future Trains 2007播出)
Speeding at 430 kph, a futuristic magnetic levitation train links the Pudong International Airport with Shanghai's Longyang Road Station. The 30 km journey between air strip and financial district is now only an eight minute joyride. As the world's first commercial electromagnetic levitation train system, MAGLEV combines the technology of conventional rail and the time advantages of air travel to produce a safe, energy efficient and low-maintenance form of transport that could change the face of 21st century travel.时速四百六十公里的磁浮列车,从浦东国际机场出发,前往上海新金融区龙阳路站,全程三十公里只需八分鐘就能抵达。全球第一个商用磁浮列车系统,上海磁浮列车结合铁道传统,与航空交通的省时性,这种节省能源、维修需求度低的高安全地面运输方式,将改变二十一世纪的交通面貌。 这是跟飞机一样快的火车,这是磁浮列车,一种革命 的运输系统。但问题还是出现了,全球首起磁浮列车意外造成23人死亡。请看这种未来交通工具的发展历程。

伟大工程巡礼69:神奇世界岛(World Island Wonder 2007播出)
Dubai's desert landscape is transforming itself into the tourist capital of Earth, and the location of the most audacious reclaimed land project to date. From the depths of the Arabian Gulf, 300 new islands are appearing above the waves to form the world map. It's so large it can be seen from space and so challenging to build that it threatens to push the construction team to the limit. Go on a rollercoaster journey through the story of The World Islands and see how an extraordinary dream is being transformed into an amazing reality.

伟大工程巡礼70:迪拜帆船酒店(Dubai's Dream Palace 2007播出)
Dubai is on the verge of entering the new millennium but is faced with a serious problem. The oil is running dry and the emirate needs an urgent solution. The ruler, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, has a brainwave to turn Dubai into the world's number-one tourist destination, and the idea for the iconic Burj Al-Arab hotel is born. It's an audacious dream. The project team will have to build the first reclaimed island in the Middle East and construct the world's tallest atrium, a helipad 650 feet in the air and a cantilever restaurant. It will push the team to their limits but, if they succeed, they will put Dubai on the map and secure its future for the 21st Century.帆船酒店雄踞海岸,高度超过埃菲尔铁塔,成为迪拜的国际象征。这是全球最奢华的一家旅馆,让宾客以非常尊贵的方式入住。独一无二的建设方案,令其它任何旅馆都难以望其项背。建设这座21世纪的地标,必须将所有建设者的潜力发挥到极限.

伟大工程巡礼73.巴林世贸中心(World Trade Centre Bahrain 2007播出)

Witness the Bahrain World Trade Centre. Two 50-storey glass \"sails\" rise over 240 metres into the sky along the shores of the Persian Gulf. This unique architectural marvel is powered in part by a revolutionary new means for a building this size - wind. This is the world's first large-scale integration of wind turbines into a skyscraper. Three massive turbines supply clean power to the buildings. Explore the science behind the concept and discover how engineers and construction crews tackle this audacious project. In an oil-rich region of the world, the team transforms the vision to reality and looks to the future, committed to a renewable energy source of mega proportions.巴林世贸中心,高度超过240公尺、直入云霄的两栋50层大楼,屹立在波斯湾岸。这座独特的建筑有部分供电来自风力发电─对此种摩天大楼而言,实为革命性的设计。在这一个小时的节目里,我们将探索这个概念背后的科学原理,看看工程师和施工团队如何应付这么大胆的计画。身处全球石油蕴藏最丰富的地区,工作人员把愿景变成了真实,展望未来,采用再生能源,成就伟大工程。

伟大工程巡礼75.玛丽皇后2号(Queen.Mary.2 2006播出)

This episode looks at the colossal RMS Queen Mary 2 (QM2) superliner - the longest, tallest and broadest ship ever built at the time of its completion in 2003. Featuring recollections and insights from naval architect Stephen Payne, oceanographer Simon Boxall and QM2 captain Ronald Warwick.
玛丽皇后二号以另一艘被取代了的姊妹邮轮玛丽皇后号来命名。玛丽皇后号,则取名自前英女皇玛丽皇后(伊利沙伯2世祖母)。在2003年建造的时候,玛丽皇后二号被公认为世界上最长、最阔和最高的客轮。她亦曾是排水量最大的客轮,达到148,528吨。2006年4月这个纪录被皇家加勒比国际邮轮公司建造,排水量154,407吨的海洋自由号 (Freedom of the Seas) 取替。虽然如此,她仍是目前全球体积最大的远洋客轮。玛丽皇后二号有15个餐厅和酒吧、5个游泳池、1个赌场、1个舞池、1个舞台和1个天象馆.

伟大工程巡礼82.北京水立方(Beijing Water Cube 2008播出)

Just in time for the 2008 Beijing Olympics, workers are feverishly putting the finishing touches on the National Aquatics Centre – the Beijing Water Cube. A stroke of design genius, this Olympic Megastructure is a steel honeycomb-like frame enclosed entirely by a unique skin, modelled after soap bubbles. Using 90 kilometres worth of steel in 22,000 beams following no conventional straight lines, the Beijing Water Cube must be topped with 100,000 square metres of bubbles. Looking for a truly unique covering, the design team focuses on ETFE – a light-weight plastic invented to protect spaceships from cosmic radiation. Among ETFE’s unique properties, dot patterns on its surface can trap solar energy in the winter and reflect solar energy in the summer, keeping the building cool. The Beijing Water Cube is the largest ETFE construction in the world, and because of its honeycomb-like structure, 3,500 ETFE bubbles must be cut individually, and sized. Factor in that the dimensions have been created in Germany and must be translated into a Chinese database and the Beijing Water Cube becomes a bit of a logistical nightmare. Beijing’s Water Cube represents a true morphing of molecular science, architecture and structural engineering.水立方由全球华人资助兴建,代表了他们对中国主办2008年奥运的希望和梦想。建筑设计由澳洲PTW建筑事务所和ARUP的结构工程师,以及中国建筑工程总公司联手设计打造。并由中国民众通过网络投票表决,最终由中国领导阶层拍板定案。水立方的设计融合了多项科技成果,设计理念更是来自于肥皂泡泡——四氟乙烯。四氟乙烯简写为ETFE,化学家称之为含氟聚合物,我们一般人管它叫塑胶。这种材料以其特殊的结构造就了水立方环保、防火、耐震的特质。这座令人叹为观止的蜂巢,耗费长达90公里的钢材,两万两千根钢梁,完全违背了传统的直线设计。错综复杂的金属构架,这些钢材足以绕过奥运跑道200多圈。外覆10万平方米的塑胶膜,足以覆盖14座原尺寸的橄榄球场。切割成直径9米的气枕,但厚度只有0.2毫米,比一分钱的镍币薄了近8倍。这一切无一例外的使其成为21世纪中国建筑的杰作。

伟大工程巡礼87:超级工厂-消防车(Fire.Truck 2008播出)


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