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│?│?└─Food Science
│?│???├─Benders' Dictionary of Nutrition and Food Technology (7th Edition)
│?│???├─Biscuit, Cookie and Cracker Manufacturing Manual 1 - Ingredients
│?│???├─Chilled Foods (2nd Edition)
│?│???├─Food Processing Technology
│?│???├─Foodborne Pathogens Hazards Risk Analysis and Control
│?│???├─Functional Dairy Products
│?│???├─Functional Foods
│?│???├─Handbook of Herbs and Spices
│?│???├─Nutrition Handbook for Food Processors
│?│???├─Rheological Methods in Food Process Engineering
│?│???├─Seperation Processes in the Food and Biotechnology Industries
│?│???│?└─by liuhan68
│?│???├─Stable Isotopes in Human Nutrition Laboratory Methods and Research Applications
│?│???└─Wiley Encyclopedia of Food Science and Technology (2nd Edition)
│?│?│?│?├─Hardware Reference
│?│?│?│?│?├─Front-end Owner's Guides
│?│?│?│?│?└─PowerLab Owner's Guides
│?│?│?│?└─Software Reference
│?│?│?│???│?└─Extension Application Notes
│?│?│?????├─期前收缩-- 代偿间歇
│???│?└─bio-chem flash动画
│?????│?│?├─Hardware Reference
│?????│?│?│?├─Front-end Owner's Guides
│?????│?│?│?└─PowerLab Owner's Guides
│?????│?│?└─Software Reference
│?????│?│???│?└─Extension Application Notes
│?????│?????├─期前收缩-- 代偿间歇
??│?├─0@@@@@@ before 2003  @@@@@@@@@@
??│?│?├─A Field Guide to GenBank and NCBI Molecular Biology Resources
??│?│?├─Cell Genetics Picture
??│?│?│???│???│?├─NMR 手册.files
??│?│?│???│???│?├─800MHz 超稳定、超屏蔽磁体.files
??│?│?│???│???│?├─AVANCE 核磁共振谱仪.files
??│?│?│???│???│?├─BEST 软件.files
??│?│?│???│???│?├─LC-NMR 液相色谱与核磁共振联用技术.files
??│?│?│???│???│?├─LC-NMR 液相色谱与核磁共振联用技术-2.files
??│?│?│???│?????├─一个全新的NMR构思, 一个全新的核磁设计思路 新的技术打破了传统核磁的障碍.files
??│?│?│???│?????└─一个全新的NMR构思, 一个全新的核磁设计思路 新的技术打破了传统核磁的障碍-2.files
??│?│?│???│?├─Internet NMR
??│?│?│???│?│?└─Old Files
??│?│???└─CAS Standard Abbreviations.files
??│?│?└─Current Opinion in Cell Biology-Vol13-16
??│?│?└─related paper (by classmates)
??│?│?│?└─vector and sequence
??│?│?│?????└─BD Biosciences Clontech - Technical Info pCMV-Myc Vector_files
??│?│???├─recommended papaer by teacher
??│?│???└─recommended paper by classmates
??│?│?????├─Apoptosis by wjq
??│?│?????└─by rainfieldcn
??│?│?├─TA clone
??│?│?│?├─new ref
??│?│?│?└─vector and sequence
??│?│?│?????└─BD Biosciences Clontech - Technical Info pCMV-Myc Vector_files
??│?├─饶毅在SIBS《细胞生物学》的授课ppt   by liwa_ear@dxy
??│?│?├─Apoptosis Materials
??│?│?│???├─recommended papaer by teacher
??│?│?│???└─recommended paper by classmates
??│?│?│?????├─Apoptosis by wjq
??│?│?│?????└─by rainfieldcn
??│?│?├─Campbell Biochemistry
??│?│?????├─Kevin Karplus, UC Santa Cruz, CE Faculty.files
??│?│?????└─Protein Architecture.files
??│?│?│?│?└─molecular biology
??│?│?│?├─molecular cell biology
??│?│?│?├─southern illinois university paper for nucleic acid
??│?│?│?│?├─CHEM 202 1997 Quiz 1.files
??│?│?│?│?├─CHEM 202 1997 Quiz 2.files
??│?│?│?│?├─CHEM 202 1997 Quiz 3.files
??│?│?│?│?├─CHEM 202 1997 Quiz 4.files
??│?│?│?│?├─CHEM 305 1998 Final Exam.files
??│?│?│?│?├─CHEM 305 2000 Final Exam.files
??│?│?│?│?├─CHEM 305 2001 Exam 1.files
??│?│?│?│?├─CHEM 305 2001 quiz 1.files
??│?│?│?│?├─CHEM 305 2001 quiz 2.files
??│?│?│?│?├─CHEM 305 2001 quiz 3.files
??│?│?│?│?├─CHEM 305 2001 quiz4.files
??│?│?│?│?└─CHEM 305 2001 quiz5.files
??│?│?│?│?├─BIMM 100 - Final, F00.files
??│?│?│?│?├─BIMM 100 - Final, W00.files
??│?│?│?│?├─BIMM 100 - Final_1996.files
??│?│?│?│?├─BIMM 100 - Final_1997.files
??│?│?│?│?├─BIMM 100 - Final_F98.files
??│?│?│?│?├─BIMM 100 - Final_F99.files
??│?│?│?│?├─BIMM 100 - Final_W99.files
??│?│?│?│?├─BIMM 100 - Mid1_1996.files
??│?│?│?│?├─BIMM 100 - Mid1_F98.files
??│?│?│?│?├─BIMM 100 - Mid1_F99.files
??│?│?│?│?├─BIMM 100 - Mid1_FA00.files
??│?│?│?│?├─BIMM 100 - Mid1_W00.files
??│?│?│?│?├─BIMM 100 - Mid1_W99.files
??│?│?│?│?├─BIMM 100 - Mid2_1996.files
??│?│?│?│?├─BIMM 100 - Mid2_1997.files
??│?│?│?│?├─BIMM 100 - Mid2_F98.files
??│?│?│?│?├─BIMM 100 - Mid2_F99.files
??│?│?│?│?├─BIMM 100 - Mid2_FA00.files
??│?│?│?│?├─BIMM 100 - Mid2_W00.files
??│?│?│?│?└─BIMM 100 - Mid2_W99.files
??│?│?│?│?├─Answers to Study Guide for Final.files
??│?│?│?│?├─Key to Final Exam, BIBC100, Winter 01.files
??│?│?│?│?└─Key to Midterm, BIBC100, Winter 01.files
??│?│?└─Current Opinion in Cell Biology-Vol13-16
??│?│?│???├─China in the world
??│?│?│?└─Nodal signaling
??│?│?├─细胞与发育进展 陈晔光老师 列出的3篇关于TGF-beta signaling的综述文献 by zyulong@smth
??│?├─GRE sub相关
??│?│?├─American Medical Encyclopedia v1.0
??│?│?├─Biopharmaceuticals,an Industrial Perspective
??│?│?├─Biotechnology in a Global Economy
??│?│?│?└─by stoneliu
??│?│?├─Excel for Chemists A Comprehensive Guide
??│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?├─Gale.Encyclopedia.of.Bioethics 5 Vol_by HN
??│?│?├─Guiding Icarus-Merging Bioethics with Corporate Interests
??│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?├─Heuristics and Optimization for Knowledge Discovery
??│?│?├─How to Prepare Your Curriculum Vitae
??│?│?├─How to Present at Meetings
??│?│?│?└─by longor
??│?│?├─How to Survive Peer Review
??│?│?│?└─by longor
??│?│?├─How to Write & Publish Scientific Paper
??│?│?├─Language of Medicine
??│?│?├─Medical Terminology
??│?│?│?└─by Shibato
??│?│?├─Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
??│?│?│?└─by wlsino
??│?│?├─Pasteur's Quadrant_Donald E. Stokes
??│?│?│?└─by kuzutang
??│?│?├─Sample Preparation Techniques in Analytical Chemistry
??│?│?├─Scientific Writing:Easy When You Know How 2e
??│?│?│?└─by ear
??│?│?├─Sharing Publication-Related Data and Material
??│?│?├─The A-Z Medical Writing
??│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?├─The Analysis of Controlled Substances
??│?│?├─The Biotech Age-The Business of Biotech and How to Profit from it
??│?│?├─The GALE Encyclopedia
??│?│?├─A Practical Approach to Microarray Data Analysis
??│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?├─Biomedical Applications of Proteomics
??│?│?│?└─by ahge
??│?│?├─Essentials of Medical Genomics
??│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?├─From Genes to Genomes
??│?│?│?└─by zhou
??│?│?├─Frontiers in Polar Biology in the Genomic Era
??│?│?│?└─by forrestsong
??│?│?├─Genome of Homo sapiens
??│?│?│?└─by horserun
??│?│?├─Genomes to Life
??│?│?├─Introduction to Proteomics
??│?│?│?└─by 颠牛
??│?│?├─Mass Spectrometry and Genomic analysis
??│?│?├─Nature Structure Genomics Review 2000
??│?│?│?└─by rongjunli
??│?│?├─Pathogen Genomics Impact On Human Health
??│?│?├─Protein Arrays, Biochips, and Proteomics
??│?│?├─Protein Microarray Technology
??│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?├─Proteomic and Genomic Analysis of Cardiovascular Disease
??│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?│?└─by 颠牛
??│?│?├─Proteomics in Practice
??│?│?│???└─made by guoxingzhong
??│?│?├─Structural Proteomics-High-Throughput Approaches Fuel Drug Discovery and Development
??│?│?├─The Genomic Revolution-Unveiling the Unity of Life
??│?│?└─Transducing the Genome-Information,Anarchy and Revolution in the Biomedical Sciences
??│?│???└─by liuhan68
??│?│?├─Advances in Marine Biology
??│?│?│?├─Volume 38
??│?│?│?├─Volume 39
??│?│?│?├─Volume 40
??│?│?│?├─Volume 41
??│?│?│?├─Volume 42
??│?│?│?├─Volume 43
??│?│?│?├─Volume 44
??│?│?│?├─Volume 45
??│?│?│?└─Volume 46
??│?│?├─Agricultural Biotechnology
??│?│?├─Agricultural Biotechnology and International Development
??│?│?├─Agricultural Biotechnology and Transatlantic Trade Regulatory Barriers to GM Crops
??│?│?├─Agricultural Biotechnology Country Case Studies-A Decade of Development
??│?│?├─Agricultural Values in Plant Genetic Resources
??│?│?├─Agriculture and Intellectual Property Rights Economic
??│?│?├─Amino Acids in Animal Nutrition
??│?│?├─Animal Biotechnology Science Based Concerns
??│?│?├─Aquaculture and Fisheries Biotechnology
??│?│?├─Bacteria from Fish and Other Aquatic Animals-A Practical Identification Manual
??│?│?├─Biotechnology and Plant Genetic Resources Conservation and Use
??│?│?├─Biotic Interactions in Plant-Pathogen Associations
??│?│?│?└─by zhou
??│?│?│?├─Introductory Plant Biology
??│?│?├─Cereal Biotechnology
??│?│?│?└─by zhou
??│?│?├─Cereals Novel Uses & Processes
??│?│?├─Economic and Social Issues in Agricultural Biotechnology
??│?│?├─Fruit and Vegetable Biotechnology
??│?│?│?└─upload by xzhguo
??│?│?├─Gale Group Grzimeks Animal Life Encyclopedia Fishes
??│?│?├─Gale Group Grzimeks Animal Life Encyclopedia Insects
??│?│?├─Gale Group Grzimeks Animal Life Encyclopedia Protostomes
??│?│?├─Gale.MacMillan.Reference.Plant.Sciences.4 Vol_by HN
??│?│?├─Genetically Modified Organisms-A Guide to Biosafety
??│?│?├─Inducible Gene Expression In Plants
??│?│?├─Intellectual Property Rights in Agricultural Biotechnology
??│?│?├─Intellectual Property Rights in Animal Breeding and Genetics
??│?│?├─Introduction to Animal Physiology
??│?│?├─Introductory Plant Biology
??│?│?│?└─by trogle
??│?│?│?└─by HN_INVERTEBRATE
??│?│?├─Managing Agricultural Biotechnology
??│?│?├─Market Development for Genetically Modified Foods
??│?│?├─Photosynthesis Physiology and Metabolism
??│?│?├─Plant Amino Acids
??│?│?│?└─by Jingler
??│?│?├─Plant Anatomy
??│?│?│?└─by jingler
??│?│?├─Plant Cell Biology
??│?│?│?└─by Jingler
??│?│?├─Plant Genomics and Proteomics
??│?│?├─Plant Genotyping The DNA Fingerprinting of Plants
??│?│?├─Plant Genotyping-The DNA Fingerprinting of Plants
??│?│?│?└─by zhou
??│?│?├─Plant Hormone Protocols
??│?│?│?└─by Jingler
??│?│?├─Quantitative Genetics, Genomics and Plant Breeding
??│?│?│?├─CABI Publishing - Online Bookshop.files
??│?│?│?└─by zhou
??│?│?├─Recombinant Protease Inhibitors in Plants
??│?│?├─Securing the Harvest Biotechnology, Breeding and Seed Systems for African Crops
??│?│?├─The Biotechnology Revolution in Global Agriculture
??│?│?├─The Common Agricultural Policy
??│?│?└─Transgenic Animals in Agriculture
??│?│?├─Advanced Molecular Biology-A Concise Reference
??│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?├─Analysing Gene Expression
??│?│?├─Analysis of Genes and Genome
??│?│?├─Animal Transgenesis and Cloning
??│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?├─Biological Responses to DNA Damage
??│?│?│?└─by horserun
??│?│?├─Directed Molecular Evolution of Proteins
??│?│?│?└─by zhou
??│?│?├─Encyclopedia Of Molecular Biology
??│?│?├─From Biotechnology to Genomes-The Meaning of the Double Helix
??│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?├─Gene Expression in Recombinant Microorganisms
??│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?├─Gene Regulation and Metabolism-Postgenomic Computational Approaches
??│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?├─Genes 8e
??│?│?├─Genes VIII
??│?│?│?├─Genes VIII (chm)
??│?│?│?│?└─finished by shuying
??│?│?│?└─Genes VIII (pdf)
??│?│?│???└─by liuhan68
??│?│?├─genes VII图片
??│?│?├─GeneVII chinese edition
??│?│?│?└─gene 7翻译
??│?│?├─Inorganic Biochemistry of Iron Metabolism
??│?│?│?└─by leprince
??│?│?├─Integrative Approaches to Molecular Biology
??│?│?├─Methods in Biotechnology
??│?│?├─Methods in Molecular Biology
??│?│?├─Methods in Molecular Medicine
??│?│?├─Molecular Analysis
??│?│?│?└─by guoxingzhong
??│?│?├─Molecular Biology in Cellular Pathology
??│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?├─Molecular Biology Intelligence Unit
??│?│?├─Molecular Biology Marine
??│?│?│?└─by didadi
??│?│?├─Molecular Biology of the Gene
??│?│?├─Principles of Molecular Oncology
??│?│?├─Recombinant Gene Expression
??│?│?├─RNAi - A Guide to Gene Silencing
??│?│?├─The Art of Genes-How Organisms Make Themselves
??│?│?│?└─by yixuan
??│?│?├─The Century of the Gene
??│?│?├─The Mechanism of Transcription-CSHP
??│?│?│?└─by stoneliu
??│?│?├─Transcription Factors
??│?│?├─Transcriptional Regulation in Eukaryotes-Concepts,Strategies and Techniques
??│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?├─Translation Control of Gene Expression
??│?│?│?└─by guoxingzhong
??│?│?├─Vector Targeting for Therapeutic Gene Delivery
??│?│?│?└─by cellculture
??│?│?└─What Genes Can't Do
??│?│???└─by liuhan68
??│?│?├─Analysis and Purification Methods in Combinatorial Chemistry
??│?│?│?└─by TeamLib
??│?│?├─Biotechnological Innovations in Chemical Synthesis
??│?│?├─DNA-Protein Interactions
??│?│?│?└─by guoxingzhong
??│?│?├─General,Organic and Biochemistry
??│?│?│?└─by trogle
??│?│?├─Introductory Biostatistics
??│?│?├─Lange's HandBook of Chemistry
??│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?├─Organic Chemistry
??│?│?├─The Chemistry of Amino, Nitroso, Nitro and Related Groups
??│?│?├─Apoptosis and Autoimmunity
??│?│?│?└─by ahge
??│?│?├─DNA Methylation in the Immune System
??│?│?├─Essentials of Clinical Immunology
??│?│?│?└─by guoxingzhong
??│?│?├─Fundamental Immunology
??│?│?├─HIV Medicine 2003
??│?│?│?└─by acal
??│?│?├─ImmunoBiology 5e
??│?│?├─Innate Immunity
??│?│?├─Introduction to Medical Immunology
??│?│?│?└─by cellculture
??│?│?├─Signaling and Gene Expression in the Immune System-CSHP
??│?│?│?└─by stoneliu
??│?│?├─The Biology and Pathology of Innate Immunity Mechanisms
??│?│?└─The Science of HIV
??│?│???└─by acal-Zhongshan University
??│?│?├─Discover Biology
??│?│?├─Great Experiments
??│?│?└─Life-The Science of Biology
??│?│?├─Alzheimer's Disease
??│?│?│?└─by vdxiaozhang
??│?│?├─Apoptosis in Neurobiology Concepts and Methods
??│?│?│?└─by vdxiaozhang
??│?│?├─Atlas of Functional Neuroanatomy
??│?│?│?└─by vdxiaozhang
??│?│?├─CNS Injuries Cellular Responses and Pharmacological Strategies
??│?│?│?└─by vdxiaozhang
??│?│?├─Elements of Molecular Neurobiology
??│?│?│?└─by 颠牛
??│?│?├─Fundamentals of Human Neuropsychology
??│?│?├─Glutamate and Addiction
??│?│?│?└─by vdxiaozhang
??│?│?├─Methods of Behavior Analysis in Neuroscience
??│?│?│?└─by vdxiaozhang
??│?│?├─Modern Neuroscience Research Protocol
??│?│?│?└─by vdxiaozhang
??│?│?├─Modern techniques in neuroscience research
??│?│?├─Molecular Neuroscience
??│?│?│?└─by vdxiaozhang
??│?│?├─Neural Stem Cell
??│?│?│?└─by vdxiaozhang
??│?│?├─Neuroanatomy-An Atlas of Structures,Sections and Systems
??│?│?│?└─by Shibato
??│?│?├─Neurobiology of Aggression
??│?│?│?└─by vdxiaozhang
??│?│?│?└─by vdxiaozhang
??│?│?├─Neuroinflammation Mechanisms and Management
??│?│?│?└─by vdxiaozhang
??│?│?├─Neurological Foundations of Cognitive Neuroscience
??│?│?│?└─by vdxiaozhang
??│?│?├─Neuropharmacology Methods in Epilepsy Research
??│?│?├─Neuropsychopharmacology-The Fifth Generation of Progress
??│?│?├─Neurotransmitters and Neuromodulators
??│?│?│?└─by vdxiaozhang
??│?│?├─Neurotransmitters,Drugs and Brain Function
??│?│?│?└─by vdxiaozhang
??│?│?├─New Concepts in Cerebral Ischemia
??│?│?│?└─by vdxiaozhang
??│?│?├─Nicotinic Receptors in the Nervous System
??│?│?│?└─by vdxiaozhang
??│?│?├─Pathogenesis of Neurodegenerative Disorders
??│?│?│?└─by vdxiaozhang
??│?│?├─Progress in Biologocal Vision & Eletrochemistry of the Neuron
??│?│?├─Psychiatric Genetics-Methods and Reviews
??│?│?│?└─by zhou
??│?│?├─Psychiatry as a Neuroscience
??│?│?│?└─by vdxiaozhang
??│?│?├─Sodium Channels and Neuronal Hyperexcitability
??│?│?│?└─by vdxiaozhang
??│?│?├─The Limbic Brain
??│?│?│?└─by vdxiaozhang
??│?│?├─The MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Science
??│?│?├─The Neuronal Environment
??│?│?├─Theoretical Neuroscience
??│?│?└─Transmembrane Transporters
??│?│???└─by vdxiaozhang
??│?│?├─A Textbook of Modern Toxicology
??│?│?├─By HN
??│?│?├─Ecology Of The Planted Aquarium
??│?│?├─Environmental and Health & Safety Management
??│?│?│?└─by HN_
??│?│?├─Environmental Biotechnology
??│?│?├─Evolution And The Fossil Record
??│?│?├─Methods for Environmental Trace Analysis
??│?│?├─Modern Toxicology
??│?│?├─Pesticide Residues in Food and drinking Water
??│?│?├─Pesticide Toxicology and International Regulation
??│?│?└─The Application of Biotechnology to Industrial Sustainability
??│?│?├─Advances in Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology
??│?│?│?└─upload by sunprivate
??│?│?├─Biotechnological Innovations in Chemical Synthesis
??│?│?└─Medicinal Natural Products-Biosynthesis
??│?│?├─Basic Concepts in Biochemistry - a Student's Survival Guide
??│?│?├─Biochemistry of Signal Transduction and Regulation
??│?│?│?├─by ear
??│?│?│?└─by moog
??│?│?├─Biochemistry Stryer (not a complete version)
??│?│?│?└─by debalance
??│?│?├─Biochemistry, by Stryer, 5th edition
??│?│?├─Biochemistry, by Voet & Voet, 3rd edition
??│?│?├─Bioinorganic Chemistry
??│?│?├─Campbell Biochemistry
??│?│?├─Comprehensive enzyme kinetics
??│?│?├─DNA-Protein Interactions
??│?│?│?└─by guoxingzhong
??│?│?├─Encyclopedia of Biological Chemistry
??│?│?├─Enzyme Kinetics
??│?│?├─Enzyme Kinetics-A Modern Approach
??│?│?├─Enzymes in Industry
??│?│?├─Enzymes that Metabolise
??│?│?├─Experimental Biochemistry
??│?│?│?└─by zhou
??│?│?├─General,Organic and Biochemistry
??│?│?│?└─by trogle
??│?│?├─Harper 's illustrated biochemistry
??│?│?│?├─By kupopopo
??│?│?├─High Throughput Screening--The Discovery of Bioactive Substances
??│?│?├─Inorganic Biochemistry of Iron Metabolism
??│?│?│?└─by leprince
??│?│?├─Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry
??│?│?│?└─by maqingyang
??│?│?├─Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry 2e
??│?│?├─Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry 4e
??│?│?├─Metzler - Biochemistry - The Chemical Reactions of Living Cells
??│?│?├─Peptide and Protein Drug Analysis
??│?│?│?└─made and uploaded by guoxingzhong
??│?│?├─Peptides Chemistry and Biology
??│?│?├─Peptides-Chemistry and Biology
??│?│?│?└─by jingler
??│?│?├─Posttranslational Modifications of Proteins
??│?│?│?└─by stoneliu
??│?│?├─Principles of Biochemistry
??│?│?│?└─Solution to Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry 2e
??│?│?├─Schaum Outline of Theory and Problems of Biochemistry
??│?│?├─Student Companion to Accompany Biochemistry Fifth Edition
??│?│?├─Synthetic Polymers for Biotechnology and Medicine
??│?│?├─The Chemistry of Amino, Nitroso, Nitro and Related Groups

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??│?│?├─Advanced Signal Processing Handbook Theory and Implementation for Radar Sonar and Medical Imaging
??│?│?│?└─by cytoplasmic
??│?│?├─Analytical Techniques in the Sciences-Series
??│?│?├─Biological Risk Engineering Handbook
??│?│?│?└─by Taidso
??│?│?├─Biomaterials Engineering and Devices
??│?│?├─Biomedical Polymers and Polymer Therapeutics
??│?│?│?└─by lixuemin7205
??│?│?├─Biomimetic Materials and Design
??│?│?├─BioNMR in Drug Research
??│?│?├─Biophysics-An Introduction
??│?│?├─Capillary Electrophoresis of Proteins and Peptides
??│?│?│?├─by elsagbaile
??│?│?├─Carbon Nanotubes
??│?│?├─DNA Chromatography
??│?│?│?├─by zhou
??│?│?│?└─Table of Contents.files
??│?│?├─Electron Paramagnetic Resonance in Biochemistry and Medicine
??│?│?│?└─by seagull & stoneliu
??│?│?├─Encyclopedia of Bioprocess Technology - Fermentation, Biocatalysis, and Bioseparation
??│?│?├─Ion Channels From Atomic Resolution Physiology to Functional Genomics Novartis Foundation
??│?│?├─Liquid Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry An Introduction
??│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?├─mass sepctrometry in biophysics
??│?│?├─Medical Biofilms Detection, Prevention and Control
??│?│?├─Medical Imaging Physics
??│?│?│?└─by rongjunli
??│?│?├─Microscopic Techniques in Biotechnology
??│?│?├─Multidimensional Chromatography
??│?│?├─NMR Spectroscopy of Glycoconjugates
??│?│?├─Patch Clamping-An Introductory Guide To Patch Clamp Electrophysiology
??│?│?│?└─by immuno05 & liuhan68 &vdxiaozhang
??│?│?├─Physics and Chemistry Basis of Biotechnology
??│?│?├─Protein Crystallography in Drug Discovery
??│?│?├─Protein Structure, Stability and Folding
??│?│?│?└─by guoxingzhong
??│?│?├─Protein Structure-Geometry,Topology and Structure
??│?│?│?└─by Trogle
??│?│?├─Quantities,Symbols,Units and Abbreviations in the Life Sciences
??│?│?│?└─by 颠牛
??│?│?├─Semiconductors for Micro and Nanotechnology An Introduction for Engineers
??│?│?├─Single Channel Recording
??│?│?│?└─by acal-Zhongshan University
??│?│?├─Understanding Biotechnology
??│?│?│?└─by vesco
??│?│?└─X-ray crystallization
??│?│?├─Benders' Dictionary of Nutrition and Food Technology (7th Edition)
??│?│?├─Biscuit, Cookie and Cracker Manufacturing Manual 1 - Ingredients
??│?│?├─Chilled Foods (2nd Edition)
??│?│?├─Food Processing Technology
??│?│?├─Foodborne Pathogens Hazards Risk Analysis and Control
??│?│?├─Functional Dairy Products
??│?│?├─Functional Foods
??│?│?├─Handbook of Herbs and Spices
??│?│?├─Nutrition Handbook for Food Processors
??│?│?├─Rheological Methods in Food Process Engineering
??│?│?├─Seperation Processes in the Food and Biotechnology Industries
??│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?├─Stable Isotopes in Human Nutrition Laboratory Methods and Research Applications
??│?│?└─Wiley Encyclopedia of Food Science and Technology (2nd Edition)
??│?│?├─A Guide to Protein Isolation
??│?│?│?└─by 颠牛
??│?│?├─Analysing Gene Expression
??│?│?├─Antibody Phage Display
??│?│?│?└─by guoxingzhong and 颠牛
??│?│?├─Apoptosis Methods and Protocols
??│?│?│?└─by elsagbaile
??│?│?├─Applications of PCR in Mycology
??│?│?│?└─BY ZHOU
??│?│?├─B Cell Protocol
??│?│?│?└─by XssX2000
??│?│?├─Calcium Signaling Protocols
??│?│?│?└─by jingler
??│?│?├─Calcium-binding Protein Protocols Volume 1&2
??│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?├─Cancer Cell Signaling Methods and Protocols
??│?│?├─Cell and Tissue Culture-Laboratory Procedures in Biotechnology
??│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?├─Cell Separation-Methods and Applications
??│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?├─Culture of Epithelial Cells
??│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?├─Current Protocols 2004
??│?│?│?└─Current Protocols 2004 pdf ISO
??│?│?├─Current Protocols on CD
??│?│?├─Cytokine and Colony Stimulating Factor Methods and Protocols
??│?│?├─DNA Arrays-Technologies and Experimental Strategies
??│?│?│?└─by rongjunli & acal & stoneliu
??│?│?├─DNA Chromatography
??│?│?│?├─by zhou
??│?│?│?└─Table of Contents.files
??│?│?├─DNA Methylation Protocols
??│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?├─DNA Microarray
??│?│?├─E. Coli Gene Expression Protocols
??│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?├─Embryonic Stem Cells-Methods and Protocols
??│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?├─Emerging Tools for Single-Cell Analysis
??│?│?├─Encyclopedia of Separation Science
??│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?├─Experimental Biochemistry
??│?│?│?└─by zhou
??│?│?├─Fermentation And Biochemical Engineering Handbook
??│?│?├─Flow Cytometry Application in Cell Culture
??│?│?│?├─by bearina
??│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?├─Flow Cytometry First Principles
??│?│?├─Fox Human Physiology Lab Manual
??│?│?│?└─by trogle
??│?│?├─Freeze-Drying Lyophilization of Pharmaceutical and Biological products
??│?│?│?└─by liuxueming7205
??│?│?├─Gel Filtration
??│?│?│?└─upload by sunprivate in bioon
??│?│?├─Gene Targeting Protocols
??│?│?├─Genetic Techniques for Biological Research
??│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?├─Handbook of Fluorescent Probes and Research Products
??│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?├─Handbook of Solvents
??│?│?│?└─by rongjunli
??│?│?├─HandBooks Collection
??│?│?├─Human Cell Culture-Primary Hematopoietic Cells
??│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?├─Immunology Lab Protocols
??│?│?├─Immunology Manual
??│?│?│?└─by Spring
??│?│?├─In Vitro Mutagenesis Protocols
??│?│?│?└─by 颠牛
??│?│?├─Introduction to Cell and Tissue Culture
??│?│?│?└─by 颠牛
??│?│?├─Isolation and Purification
??│?│?│?└─by stoneliu
??│?│?├─Laboratory Exercises in Microbiology
??│?│?├─Matastasis Research Protocol
??│?│?│?├─by bearina
??│?│?├─Methods in Genomic Neuroscience
??│?│?│?└─by vdxiaozhang
??│?│?├─Methods in Molecular Medicine
??│?│?│?└─Methods in Molecular Medicine-Dendritic Cell Protocols
??│?│?├─Microbiological Applications Lab Manual
??│?│?│?└─by trogle
??│?│?├─Microscopic Techniques in Biotechnology
??│?│?├─Modern Techniques in Neuroscience Research
??│?│?├─Molecular Biology Problem Solver
??│?│?│?└─Table of Contents.files
??│?│?├─Molecular Cloning
??│?│?├─Molecular Cloning 分子克隆
??│?│?├─Molecular Fluorescence-Principles and Applications
??│?│?│?└─by rongjunli
??│?│?├─Monoclonal Antibody Production
??│?│?│?└─by 颠牛
??│?│?├─PCR Refererance Collection
??│?│?│?└─By Guoxingzhong
??│?│?├─Plant Cell Culture Protocols
??│?│?├─Practical Approach Series
??│?│?├─Principles of Gene Manipulation
??│?│?├─Prokaryotic Gene Expression
??│?│?├─Promega 的操作手册(质粒的提取)
??│?│?├─protein protocols
??│?│?├─Protein Sequencing(147-165 有问题)
??│?│?├─Protocols for Neural Cell Culture
??│?│?│?└─by vdxiaozhang
??│?│?├─Quantitative PCR Protocols
??│?│?│?└─by 颠牛
??│?│?├─Seperation and Purification Techniques in Biotechnology
??│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?├─The Nucleic Acid Protocols
??│?│?│?├─by guoxingzhong
??│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?├─The Protein Protocols Handbook
??│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?├─Viral Vectors for Gene Therapy-Methods and Protocols
??│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?├─A Practical Guide to Clinical Virology
??│?│?│?└─by cellculture
??│?│?├─Applied Microbiology
??│?│?├─Bacterial Resistance to Ant
??│?│?│?└─By stoneliu
??│?│?├─Biosafety in Microbiology and Biomedical Laboratory
??│?│?├─Field Virology
??│?│?│?└─by forestsong&bfly
??│?│?├─Foundations in Microbiology
??│?│?│?└─by trogle
??│?│?├─HIV Medicine 2003
??│?│?│?└─by acal
??│?│?├─Microbial Physiology
??│?│?│?└─by zhou
??│?│?├─Microbial Transport Systems
??│?│?│?└─by flush
??│?│?│?└─by Baev
??│?│?│?├─by trogle
??│?│?│?└─Laboratory Exercises in Microbiology
??│?│?├─Microbiology, 5th edition
??│?│?├─Modern Microbial Genetics
??│?│?│?└─upload by sunprivate
??│?│?├─Principles of Molecular Virology
??│?│?├─SARS Reference
??│?│?├─The Microbiology of Anaerobic Digesters
??│?│?├─The Science of HIV
??│?│?│?└─by acal-Zhongshan University
??│?│?├─Viral Gene Silencing by RNA Interference
??│?│?├─ABC Transporter Superfamily
??│?│?├─Apoptosis and Cell Proliferation
??│?│?│?└─by rongjunli
??│?│?├─Cell Biology (Second Edition)
??│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?├─Cell Engineering
??│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?├─Cell Membrane
??│?│?├─Cell Physiology - www.albany.edu
??│?│?├─Cell Signaling
??│?│?├─Cellular Aspects of HIV Infection
??│?│?├─Computational Cell Biology
??│?│?├─Cytokine Cell Biology
??│?│?├─Fusion of Biological Membranes and Related Problems
??│?│?├─Hematopoietic Stem Cell
??│?│?├─Human Cell Culture
??│?│?├─Membrane Transporters
??│?│?├─Molecular and Cell Biology-Based On Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Molecular and Cell Biology
??│?│?├─Molecular Biology of the Cell
??│?│?├─Molecular Cell Biology
??│?│?│?├─MCB5e Flash Animation
??│?│?│?├─by yushan
??│?│?│?├─MCB5e Movie
??│?│?│?└─MCB5e Textbook
??│?│?├─Molecular Cell Biology 5 th (Sample Chapters)
??│?│?├─Signal Transduction and Human Disease
??│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?├─Signal Transduction by Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen Species Pathways and Chemical Principles
??│?│?├─Stem Cell Biology
??│?│?│?├─by Glioma
??│?│?│?├─by HN_Cloning & Stem Cells - Special Methods
??│?│?├─Stem Cell Biology and Gene Therapy
??│?│?│?└─by cellculture
??│?│?├─Stem Cells and the Future of Regenerative Medicine
??│?│?├─Stem Cells Handbook
??│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?├─The Cell Cycle and Development
??│?│?├─The Mitochondrial Free Radical Theory of Aging
??│?│?└─The Ribosome
??│?│???└─by horserun
??│?│?├─A to Z Drug Facts
??│?│?│?└─by cytoplasmic
??│?│?├─Absorption and Drug Development
??│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?├─Advanced Organic Synthesis
??│?│?├─Biopharmaceuticals-Biochemistry and Biotechnology
??│?│?├─Biotechnological Innovations in Chemical Synthesis
??│?│?├─Chemical Process and Design Handbook
??│?│?├─Clinic Drug Therapy
??│?│?│?└─by trogle
??│?│?├─Computational Biochemistry and Biophysics
??│?│?├─Computational Chemistry Using the PC (Third Edition)
??│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?├─Computational Chemistry-Practical Guide for Applying Techniques to Real-World Problems
??│?│?├─Drug Bioavailability
??│?│?├─Drug Discovery and Design
??│?│?│?└─by stoneliu
??│?│?├─Drug Discovery and Design-Medical Aspects
??│?│?├─Drug Safety Evaluation
??│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?├─Drug Targeting Organ-Specific Strategies
??│?│?│?└─by rongjunli
??│?│?├─Drug-Membrane Interactions
??│?│?│?└─by rongjunli
??│?│?├─Drugs from the Sea
??│?│?├─Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical Technology
??│?│?│?└─by stoneliu
??│?│?├─Exploring Chemistry With Electronic Structure Methods
??│?│?├─Fundamentals of Environmental Chemistry
??│?│?├─Handbook of Inorganic Chemicals
??│?│?├─Handbook of Organic Solvent Properties
??│?│?├─Handbook of Solvents
??│?│?├─Industrial Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
??│?│?├─International Critical Tables of Numerical Data, Physics, Chemistry and Technology (1st Electronic Edition)
??│?│?├─Introductory Clinical Pharmacology
??│?│?│?└─by trogle
??│?│?├─LC MS Applications in Drug Development
??│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?├─Macromolecules Containing Metal and Metal-like Elements
??│?│?├─Model Organisms in Drug Discovery
??│?│?├─Modern Organocopper Chemistry
??│?│?├─Modern Phramacology With Clinical Applications
??│?│?│?└─by trogle
??│?│?├─Organic Chemistry
??│?│?├─Pharmaceutica Substances
??│?│?├─Pharmaceutical Ethics
??│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?├─Pharmaceutical Gene Delivery Systems
??│?│?│?└─by stoneliu
??│?│?├─Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Encyclopedia
??│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?├─Pharmacogenomics-The Search for Individualized Therapies
??│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?├─Pharmacokinetics and Metabolism in Drug Design
??│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?├─Practical HPLC Method Development
??│?│?├─Practical Organic Chemistry
??│?│?├─Principles and Practice of Pharmaceutical Medicine
??│?│?├─Protein Crystallography in Drug Discovery
??│?│?├─Purification of Laboratory Chemicals (4th Edition)
??│?│?├─Thermodynamics of Pharmaceutical Systems
??│?│?│?├─Analytical Chemistry Physical Chemistry and Spectroscopy
??│?│?│?├─Bioanalytic Chemistry
??│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?└─Understanding Explosions
??│?│?├─A Textbook of Modern Toxicology
??│?│?├─ABC of Clinic Heamatology
??│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?├─Adenoviruses-Basic Biology to Gene Therapy
??│?│?│?├─by 黑马涛哥
??│?│?│?└─Mod by guoxingzhong
??│?│?├─Administrative Medical Assisting
??│?│?├─An Introduction to Molecular Medicine and Gene Therapy
??│?│?│?└─Table of Contents.files
??│?│?├─Anxiety Disorders
??│?│?│?└─Table of Contents.files
??│?│?├─Approaches to Clinical Trials and Health-Care Evaluation
??│?│?├─Atlas of Clinical Oncology - Breast Cancer
??│?│?├─Behrman-Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics
??│?│?│?└─by bfly
??│?│?├─Biofluid Methods in Vascular & Pulmonary Systems
??│?│?│?└─upload by xzhguo
??│?│?├─Bipolar Disorder
??│?│?│?└─Table of Contents.files
??│?│?├─Books from American Psychiatric Association
??│?│?├─Cancer and Inflammation
??│?│?│?└─by ahge
??│?│?├─Cancer Management
??│?│?│?└─by acal - Sun Yat-sen University
??│?│?├─Cancer Medicine 6e
??│?│?│?└─by acal
??│?│?├─Cardiovascular Techniques
??│?│?│?└─uploadby xzhguo
??│?│?├─Cecil Textbook of Medicine 21th
??│?│?├─Cline - Emergency Medicine - A Comprehensive Study Guide Companion Handbook
??│?│?│?└─by bfly
??│?│?├─Conducting GCP-Compliant Clinical Research
??│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?├─Current Critical Care Diagnosis & Treatment
??│?│?│?└─by bfly
??│?│?├─Current Diagnosis & Treatment in Infectious Diseases with images
??│?│?│?└─by bfly
??│?│?├─Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment 2004
??│?│?│?└─by bfly
??│?│?├─Current Obstetric & Gynecologic with Images
??│?│?│?└─by bfly
??│?│?├─Current Pediatric Diagnosis & Treatment with Images
??│?│?│?└─by bfly
??│?│?├─Current Surgical Diagnosis & Treatment
??│?│?│?└─by bfly
??│?│?├─Delivery of Photosensitizers in Photodynamic Therapy
??│?│?├─Depressive Disorders
??│?│?│?└─Table of Contents.files
??│?│?├─Dialogues Concerning Two New Sciences
??│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?├─Emergency Medicine
??│?│?│?└─by bfly
??│?│?├─Encyclopedia of Cancer
??│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?├─Essentials of Radiology
??│?│?│?└─by bfly
??│?│?├─Forensic Pathology- Causes of Death Atlas Series - Time of Death, Decomposition and Identification
??│?│?├─From Genome to Therapy
??│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?├─Fundamentals of Oncology
??│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?├─Gene Therapy Technologies-Applications and Regulations
??│?│?│?└─Table of Contents.files
??│?│?├─Gene Therapy Therapeutic Mechanisms and Strategies
??│?│?│?└─by liuxueming7205
??│?│?├─Genomic Imprinting and Uniparental Disomy in Medicine Clinical and Molecular Aspects
??│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?├─Getting Ahead in Medicine - A Guide to Personal Skills for Doctors
??│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?├─Greenwich Medical Media Key Questions in Surgical Critical Care
??│?│?├─Greenwich Medical Media Radiology for Anaesthesia and Intensive Care
??│?│?├─Greenwich Medical Media Surgical Critical Care
??│?│?├─Guide to Clinical Preventive Services
??│?│?│?└─by acal
??│?│?├─Haematology at a Glance
??│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?├─Handbook of Biotherapy
??│?│?│?└─by guoxingzhong
??│?│?├─Handbook of Neuroprosthetic Methods
??│?│?│?└─by cytoplasmic
??│?│?├─Handheld Computers for Doctors
??│?│?├─Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine
??│?│?│?└─by bfly
??│?│?├─HIV and AIDS
??│?│?├─HURST'S The Heart
??│?│?│?└─by hongxiashao
??│?│?├─Information Technologies in Medicine
??│?│?├─International Textbook of Obesity
??│?│?│?└─by 颠牛
??│?│?├─Introduction to Forensic Sciences
??│?│?├─Kaplan Textbook of Psychiatry
??│?│?│?└─by bfly
??│?│?├─Laboratory Atlas of Anatomy and Physiology
??│?│?│?└─by trogle
??│?│?├─Largescale Biomedical Science
??│?│?├─Mechanisms and Biological Significance of Pulsatile Hormone Secretion
??│?│?├─Medical Aspects of Chemical And Biological Warfare
??│?│?│?└─by acal
??│?│?├─Medications for Mental Illness
??│?│?│?└─by acal-Sun Yat-sen University
??│?│?├─Medicinal Natural Products-Biosynthesis
??│?│?├─Merritt's Neurology
??│?│?│?└─by bfly
??│?│?├─Morris-Oxford Textbook of Surgery
??│?│?│?└─by bfly
??│?│?├─Musculoskeletal Models & Techniques
??│?│?│?└─upload by xzhguo
??│?│?├─Nitrification and Denitrification in the Activated Sludge Process
??│?│?├─Nursing in Today's World-Trends,Issue & Management
??│?│?│?└─by acal-Sun Yat-sen University
??│?│?├─Nursing Research-Principles and Methods
??│?│?│?└─by trogle
??│?│?├─Pediatric Surgery Handbook
??│?│?│?└─by acal
??│?│?├─Prion Biology and Diseases
??│?│?├─Psychiatric Diagnosis and Classification
??│?│?│?└─Table of Contents.files
??│?│?├─Psychiatry in Society
??│?│?│?└─Table of Contents.files
??│?│?├─Robbins Pathologic Basis of Disease
??│?│?│?└─by bfly
??│?│?├─Rodney-Medical Physiology
??│?│?│?└─by trogle
??│?│?├─Saladin Anatomy and Physiology
??│?│?│?└─by trogle
??│?│?├─Saunders Nursing Drug Handbook
??│?│?│?└─by wzh
??│?│?├─Textbook in Medical Physiology & Pathophysiology
??│?│?├─Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing
??│?│?│?└─by trogle
??│?│?├─The Biomedical Engineering Handbook
??│?│?│?└─upload by xzhguo
??│?│?├─The Cancer Handbook
??│?│?│?└─by 颠牛
??│?│?├─The Future of the Public's Health in the 21st Century
??│?│?├─The Management of Sickle Cell Disease
??│?│?│?└─by acal-Sun Yat-sen University
??│?│?├─The Massage Connection-Anatomy and Physiology
??│?│?│?└─by acal
??│?│?├─The Molecular Basic of Skeletogenesis
??│?│?├─The Tumour Microenvironment Causes and Consequences of Hypoxia and Acidity
??│?│?├─Van De Graaff Human Anatomy
??│?│?│?└─by trogle
??│?│?├─Washington Manual of Surgery
??│?│?│?└─by bfly
??│?│?├─Williams Hematology 6e
??│?│?└─Yale University School of Medicine Heart Book
??│???├─ABC of Clinical Genetics
??│???│?└─by cellculture
??│???├─Abraham Lincoln's DNA and Other Adventures in Genetics
??│???│?└─by liuhan68
??│???├─An Introduction to Genetic Analysis
??│???├─An Introduction to Genetic Analysis chapter1 - 12
??│???├─Analyzing Chromosomes
??│???├─Encyclopedia of Genetics
??│???│?└─by liuhan68
??│???├─genetics-from genes to genomes破解
??│???│?├─Solution to problems
??│???│?└─Solution to problems-part 2
??│???├─Genetics_A Conceptual Approach, 1e
??│???├─Genetics_From Genes to Genomes
??│???│?└─Solution to problems
??│???├─Human Genetics-Concepts and Applications
??│???│?└─by Trogle
??│???├─Modern Genetic Analysis
??│???├─Population Genetics
??│???│?└─by vdxiaozhang & his 小师妹
??│???├─Preimplantation Genetics
??│???├─Principles of Genetics
??│???│?└─by Trogle
??│???├─The Genetic Gods
??│???└─The Genetics and Biology of Sex Determination
??│?????└─by liuhan68
??│?├─Advances in Cancer Research
??│?├─Advances in Developmental Biology and Biochemistry
??│?│?├─11-Stem Cells and Cell Signalling in Skeletal Myogenesis
??│?│?├─12-Gene Expression at the Beginning of Animal Development
??│?│?└─13-Murine Homeobox Gene Control of Embryonic Patterning and Organogenesis
??│?├─Advances in Genetics
??│?│?├─Annual Review of Biochemistry
??│?│?├─Annual Review of Biophysics and Biomolecular Structure
??│?│?├─Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology
??│?│?├─Annual Review of Genetics-Palo Alto
??│?│?├─Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics
??│?│?├─Annual Review of Immunology
??│?│?├─Annual Review of Medicine
??│?├─Methods in Enzymology
??│?│?├─057 Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence Part A
??│?│?├─058-Cell Culture
??│?│?├─068-Recombinant DNA, Part A
??│?│?├─100-Recombinant DNA, Part B
??│?│?├─101-Recombinant DNA, Part C
??│?│?├─105-Oxygen Radicals in Biological Systems Part A
??│?│?├─133 Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence Part B
??│?│?├─151-Molecular Genetics of Mammalian Cells
??│?│?├─152-Guide to Molecular Cloning Techniques
??│?│?├─153-Recombinant DNA, Part D
??│?│?├─154-Recombinant DNA, Part E
??│?│?├─155-Recombinant DNA, Part F
??│?│?├─159-Initiation and Termination of Cyclic Nucleotide Action
??│?│?├─182-Guide to Protein Purification
??│?│?├─183-Molecular Evolution Computer Analysis of Protein and Nucleic Acid Sequences
??│?│?├─184-Avidin-Biotin Technology
??│?│?├─185-Gene Expression Technology
??│?│?├─186-Oxygen Radicals in Biological Systems, Part B
??│?│?├─189-Retinoids, Part A Molecular and Metabolic Aspects
??│?│?├─190-Retinoids, Part B Cell Differentiation and Clinical Applications
??│?│?├─193-Mass Spectrometry
??│?│?├─208-Protein-DNA Interactions
??│?│?├─210-Numerical Computer Methods, Part A
??│?│?├─216-Recombinant DNA, Part G
??│?│?├─217-Recombinant DNA, Part H
??│?│?├─218-Recombinant DNA, Part I
??│?│?├─224-Molecular Evolution Producing the Biochemical Data
??│?│?├─225-Guide to Techniques in Mouse Development
??│?│?├─233-Oxygen Radicals in Biological Systems Part C
??│?│?├─234-Oxygen Radicals in Biological Systems Part D
??│?│?├─237-Heterotrimeric G Proteins
??│?│?├─238-Heterotrimeric G-Protein Effectors
??│?│?├─240-Numerical Computer Methods, Part B
??│?│?├─244-Proteolytic Enzymes Serine and Cysteine Peptidases
??│?│?├─246-Biochemical Spectroscopy
??│?│?├─248-Proteolytic Enzymes Aspartic and Metallo Peptidases
??│?│?├─251-Biothiols, Part A Monothiols and Dithiols, Protein Thiols, and Thiyl Radicals
??│?│?├─252-Biothiols, Part B Glutathione and Thioredoxin
??│?│?├─254-Oncogene techniques
??│?│?├─255-Small GTPases and Their Regulators, Part A RAS Family
??│?│?├─256-Small GTPases and Their Regulators, Part B Rho Family
??│?│?├─257-Small GTPases and Their Regulators, Part C Proteins Involved in Transport
??│?│?├─260-Mitochondrial Biogenesis and Genetics,Part A
??│?│?├─262-DNA Replication
??│?│?├─264-Mitochondrial Biogenesis and Genetics,Part B
??│?│?├─266-Computer Methods for Macromolecular Sequence Analysis
??│?│?├─267-Combinatorial Chemistry, Part A
??│?│?├─268-Nitric Oxide Part A
??│?│?├─269-Nitric Oxide Part B
??│?│?├─270-High Resolution Separation and Analysis of Biological Macromolecules, Part A Fundamentals
??│?│?├─271-High Resolution Separation and Analysis of Biological Macromolecules, Part B Applications
??│?│?├─273-RNA Polymerase and Associated Factors, Part A
??│?│?├─274-RNA Polymerase and Associated Factors, Part B
??│?│?├─276-Macromolecular Crystallography, Part A
??│?│?├─277-Macromolecular Crystallography, Part B
??│?│?├─278-Flourescence Spectroscopy
??│?│?├─279-Vitamins and Coenzymes, Part I
??│?│?├─280-Vitamins and Coenzymes, Part J
??│?│?├─281-Vitamins and Coenzymes, Part K
??│?│?├─282-Vitamins and Coenzymes, Part L
??│?│?├─283-Cell Cycle Control
??│?│?├─290-Molecular Chaperones
??│?│?├─299-Oxidants and Antioxidants, Part A
??│?│?├─300-Oxidants and Antioxidants, Part B
??│?│?├─301-Nitric Oxide Part C
??│?│?├─302-Green Flourescent Protein
??│?│?├─303-cDNA Preparation and Characterization
??│?│?├─305 Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence Part C
??│?│?├─306-Expression of Recombinant Genes in Eukaryotic Systems
??│?│?├─307-Confocal Microscopy
??│?│?├─313-Antisense Technology Part A General Methods, Methods of Delivery, and RNA Studies
??│?│?├─314-Antisense Technology Part B Applications
??│?│?├─317-RNA-Ligand Interactions, Part A
??│?│?├─318-RNA-Ligand Interactions, Part B
??│?│?├─321-Numerical Computer Methods, Part C
??│?│?├─325-Small GTPases and Their Regulators, Part D Regulators and Effectors of Small GTPases
??│?│?├─326-Applications of Chimeric Genes and Hybrid Proteins, Part A Gene Expression and Protein Purification
??│?│?├─327-Applications of Chimeric Genes and Hybrid Proteins, Part B Applications of Chimeric Genes and Hybrid Proteins
??│?│?├─328-Applications of Chimeric Genes and Hybrid Proteins, Part C
??│?│?│?└─by zhou
??│?│?├─328-Applications of Chimeric Genes and Hybrid Proteins, Part C Protein–Protein interactions and Genomics
??│?│?├─329-Small GTPases and Their Regulators, Part E GTPases Involved in Visicular Traffic
??│?│?├─332-Small GTPases and Their Regulators, Part F Regulators and Effectors of Small GTPases
??│?│?├─333-Small GTPases and Their Regulators, Part G Regulators and Effectors of Small GTPases
??│?│?├─335-Flavonoids and Other Polyphenols
??│?│?├─338-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Biological Macromolecules, Part A
??│?│?├─339-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Biological Macromolecules, Part B
??│?│?├─340-Drug-Nucleic Acid Interactions
??│?│?├─341-Ribonucleases Part A Functional Roles and Mechanisms
??│?│?├─342-Ribonucleases,Part B
??│?│?├─343-G Protein Pathways Part A Receptors
??│?│?├─344-G Protein Pathways Part B G Proteins and their Regulators
??│?│?├─345-G Protein Pathways Part C Effector Mechanisms
??│?│?├─346-Gene Therapy Methods
??│?│?├─353-Redox Cell Biology and Genetics, Part B
??│?│?├─354-Enzyme Kinetics and Mechanism, Part F
??│?│?├─356-Laser Capture Microscopy
??│?│?├─357-Cytochrome P450, Part C
??│?│?├─358-Bacterial Pathogenesis, Part C
??│?│?├─359-Nitric Oxide, Part D
??│?│?├─360-Biophotonics, Part A
??│?│?├─361-Biophotonics, Part B
??│?│?├─362-Recognition of Carbohydrates in Biological Systems, Part A
??│?│?├─363-Recognition of Carbohydrates in Biological Systems, Part B
??│?│?├─364-Nuclear Receptors
??│?│?├─365-Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells
??│?│?├─366-Protein Phosphatases
??│?│?├─367-Liposomes, Part A
??│?│?├─368-Macromolecular Crystallography, Part C
??│?│?├─369-Combinatorial Chemistry, Part B
??│?│?├─370-RNA Polymerase and Associated Factors, Part C
??│?│?├─371-RNA Polymerase and Associated Factors, Part D
??│?│?├─372-Liposomes, Part B
??│?│?├─373-Liposomes, Part C
??│?│?├─374-Macromolecular Crystallography, Part D
??│?│?├─375-Chromatin and Chromatin Remodeling Enzymes, Part A
??│?│?├─376-Chromatin and Chromatin Remodeling Enzymes, Part B
??│?│?├─377-Chromatin and Chromatin Remodeling Enzymes, Part C
??│?│?├─378-Quinones and Quinone Enzymes, Part A
??│?│?├─379-Energetics of Biological Macromolecules, Part D
??│?│?├─380-Energetics of Biological Macromolecules, Part E
??│?│?├─381-Oxygen Sensing
??│?│?├─382-Quinones and Quinone Enzymes, Part B
??│?│?├─383-Numerical Computer Methods, Part D
??│?│?├─384-Numerical Computer Methods, Part E
??│?│?├─385-Imaging in Biological Research, Part A
??│?│?├─386-Imaging in Biological Research, Part B
??│?│?├─387-Liposomes, Part D
??│?│?├─388-Protein Engineering
??│?│?├─389-Regulators of G-Protein Signaling, part A-by ahge
??│?│?├─390-Regulators of G-Protein Signaling, part B-by stoneliu
??│?│?├─393-Circadian Rhythms
??│?│?├─394-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Biological Macromolecules
??│?│?├─395-Molecular Evolution Producing the Biochemical Data
??│?│?└─Volume 390, Pages 3-516 (2004)
??│?│???└─ScienceDirect - Methods in Enzymology, Volume 390, Pages 3-516 (2004)_files
??│?├─Methods in Genomic Neuroscience
??│?├─Methods in Microbiology
??│?│?├─33-Functional Microbial Genomics
??│?│?├─Volume 30 Marine Microbiology
??│?│?├─Volume 31Molecular Cellular Microbiology
??│?│?└─Volume 32Immunology of Infection
??│?├─Methods in Molecular Biology
??│?│?├─282-Apoptosis methods and protocols--from bluesimon
??│?│?├─288-Oligonucleotide Synthesis - Methods and Applications
??│?│?│?└─by elsagbaile
??│?│?├─292-DNA Viruses - Methods and Protocols
??│?│?│?└─by elsagbaile
??│?│?├─298-Peptide Synthesis and Applications
??│?│?│?└─by elsagbaile
??│?│?├─301-Ubiquitin-Proteasome Protocols
??│?│?├─312-Calcium Signaling Protocols Second Edition
??│?│?├─313-Yeast Protocols Second Edition
??│?│?├─Checkpoint Controls and Cancer - Volume 1 Reviews and Model Systems
??│?│?│?└─by elsagbaile
??│?│?├─Checkpoint Controls and Cancer - Volume 2 Activation and Regulation Protocols
??│?│?│?├─by elsagbaile
??│?│?│?├─Chapter 16 is missing
??│?│?├─Methods in Molecular Biology Backup
??│?│?│?├─Calcium Signaling Protocols
??│?│?│?│?└─by jingler
??│?│?│?├─Calcium-binding Protein Protocols Volume 1&2
??│?│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?│?├─Cancer Cell Signaling-Methods and Protocols
??│?│?│?├─Confocal Microscopy - Methods and Protocols
??│?│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?│?├─Cytokine and Colony Stimulating Factor Methods and Protocols
??│?│?│?├─DNA Methylation Protocols
??│?│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?│?├─E.Coli Gene Expression Protocols
??│?│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?│?├─Embryonic Stem Cells-Methods and Protocols
??│?│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?│?├─Flow Cytometry Protocols
??│?│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?│?├─Functional Genomics-Methods and Protocols
??│?│?│?│?├─by enjoy
??│?│?│?│?└─by jingler
??│?│?│?├─Gene Knockout Protocols
??│?│?│?│?└─by ftmi111
??│?│?│?├─Gene Targeting Protocols
??│?│?│?├─Genomic Imprinting-Methods and Protocols
??│?│?│?│?└─by guoxingzhong
??│?│?│?├─Genomics Protocols
??│?│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?│?├─In Vitro Mutagenesis Protocols
??│?│?│?│?└─by 颠牛
??│?│?│?├─Lentivirus Gene Engineering Protocols
??│?│?│?├─Membrane Protein Protocols
??│?│?│?├─MHC Protocols
??│?│?│?│?└─by fdna & cellculture
??│?│?│?├─Mitochondrial DNA-Methods and Protocols
??│?│?│?│?└─by guoxingzhong
??│?│?│?├─Oxidative Stress Biomarker-Antioxdative Protocols
??│?│?│?│?└─by Seagull
??│?│?│?├─PCR Cloning Protocols
??│?│?│?│?└─by guoxingzhong
??│?│?│?├─PCR Mutation Detection Protocols
??│?│?│?│?└─by 颠牛
??│?│?│?├─PCR protocols 2e
??│?│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?│?├─RT-PCR Protocols
??│?│?│?│?├─Modified by Hyblue
??│?│?│?│?└─by zhou
??│?│?│?├─Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms-Methods and Protocols
??│?│?│?│?└─by 颠牛
??│?│?│?├─Telomeres and Telomerase-Methods and Protocols
??│?│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?│?├─The ELISA Guide Book
??│?│?│?│?└─by 颠牛
??│?│?│?├─Transcription Factor Protocols
??│?│?│?├─Transgenic Mouse-Methods and Protocols
??│?│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?│?└─Two Hybrid System-Methods and Protocols
??│?│?│???└─by guoxingzhong
??│?│?│?├─Calcium Signaling Protocols
??│?│?│?│?└─by jingler
??│?│?│?├─Calcium-binding Protein Protocols Volume 1&2
??│?│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?│?├─Cancer Cell Signaling-Methods and Protocols
??│?│?│?├─Confocal Microscopy - Methods and Protocols
??│?│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?│?├─Cytokine and Colony Stimulating Factor Methods and Protocols
??│?│?│?├─DNA Methylation Protocols
??│?│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?│?├─E.Coli Gene Expression Protocols
??│?│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?│?├─Embryonic Stem Cells-Methods and Protocols
??│?│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?│?├─Flow Cytometry Protocols
??│?│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?│?├─Functional Genomics-Methods and Protocols
??│?│?│?│?├─by enjoy
??│?│?│?│?└─by jingler
??│?│?│?├─Gene Knockout Protocols
??│?│?│?│?└─by ftmi111
??│?│?│?├─Gene Targeting Protocols
??│?│?│?├─Genomic Imprinting-Methods and Protocols
??│?│?│?│?└─by guoxingzhong
??│?│?│?├─Genomics Protocols
??│?│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?│?├─In Vitro Mutagenesis Protocols
??│?│?│?│?└─by 颠牛
??│?│?│?├─Lentivirus Gene Engineering Protocols
??│?│?│?├─Membrane Protein Protocols
??│?│?│?├─MHC Protocols
??│?│?│?│?└─by fdna & cellculture
??│?│?│?├─Mitochondrial DNA-Methods and Protocols
??│?│?│?│?└─by guoxingzhong
??│?│?│?├─Oxidative Stress Biomarker-Antioxdative Protocols
??│?│?│?│?└─by Seagull
??│?│?│?├─PCR Cloning Protocols
??│?│?│?│?└─by guoxingzhong
??│?│?│?├─PCR Mutation Detection Protocols
??│?│?│?│?└─by 颠牛
??│?│?│?├─PCR protocols 2e
??│?│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?│?├─RT-PCR Protocols
??│?│?│?│?├─Modified by Hyblue
??│?│?│?│?└─by zhou
??│?│?│?├─Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms-Methods and Protocols
??│?│?│?│?└─by 颠牛
??│?│?│?├─Telomeres and Telomerase-Methods and Protocols
??│?│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?│?├─The ELISA Guide Book
??│?│?│?│?└─by 颠牛
??│?│?│?├─Transcription Factor Protocols
??│?│?│?├─Transgenic Mouse-Methods and Protocols
??│?│?│?│?└─by liuhan68
??│?│?│?├─Two Hybrid System-Methods and Protocols
??│?│?│?│?└─by guoxingzhong
??│?│?│???├─Autophagosome and Phagosome
??│?│?│???├─Drug Delivery Systems
??│?│?│???├─Germline Stem Cells
??│?│?│???├─Hepatitis B and D Protocols
??│?│?│???├─Mesenchymal Stem Cells
??│?│?│???├─Molecular Modeling of Proteins
??│?│?│???├─Post-translational Modifi cations of Proteins
??│?│?│???├─Prenatal Diagnosis
??│?│?│???└─RNA Interference, Editing, and Modification
??│?├─Methods in Molecular Medicine
??│?│?├─Antisense Therapeutics Second Edition
??│?│?│?└─by elsagbaile
??│?│?└─Methods in Molecular Medicine-Dendritic Cell Protocols
??│?│?│?├─Bioconjugate Chem
??│?│?│?├─Biotechnol. Prog
??│?│?│?├─Chem. Res. Toxicol
??│?│?│?├─Ind. Eng. Chem. Res
??│?│?│?├─J. Agric. Food Chem
??│?│?├─Classic Articles in Computational Biology
??│?│?├─Nucl. Acids. Res.杂志2004年第一期:数据库大全
??│?│?│?├─Science -- Goff 296 (5565) 45c.files
??│?│?│?└─Science -- Leach et al_ 296 (5565) 45b.files
??│?│?├─WHO AIDS Reports
??│?├─Nature Reviews
??│?│?├─Nature Reviews Immunology
??│?│?└─Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology
????│?└─molecular biology
????├─molecular cell biology
????├─southern illinois university paper for nucleic acid
????│?├─Answers to Study Guide for Final.files
????│?├─Key to Final Exam, BIBC100, Winter 01.files
????│?└─Key to Midterm, BIBC100, Winter 01.files

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