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发表于 2009-6-6 11:20:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Photo of the Day
May 17, 2009
Arctic Wolf Leaping, Canada
Photograph by Jim Brandenburg
This Month in Photo of the Day: Images From National Geographic Books
An arctic wolf leaps from ice raft to ice raft in the wilds of northern Canada.

Photo Gallery: Temperate Rain Forests
Moss-draped trees, shrubs, and ferns adorn the Hoh River Valley, a temperate rain forest in Washington State's Olympic National Park. Its trees include big leaf maples, western hemlock, and Sitka spruce.

Photo Gallery: Temperate Rain Forests
Moss-draped trees, shrubs, and ferns adorn the Hoh River Valley, a temperate rain forest in Washington State's Olympic National Park. Its trees include big leaf maples, western hemlock, and Sitka spruce.

Photo Gallery: Temperate Rain Forests
Colorful toadstools spring from the forest floor of a Vancouver rain forest. Toadstools like this Amanita muscaria are known for their hallucinogenic powers.

Photo Gallery: Temperate Rain Forests
Moss drapes a stand of Sitka spruce in the Hoh River Valley, a U.S. temperate rain forest. Trees here often host plants that grow on other plants, such as moss.

Photo Gallery: Temperate Rain Forests
Foul-smelling skunk cabbage bloom along the Quinault River in Washington's Hoh River Valley temperate rain forest. The Park is a UNESCO World Heritage site.

Photo Gallery: Temperate Rain Forests
Fog crowns towering conifers, such as Douglas fir and yellow cedar, in the Pacific temperate rain forests of Vancouver, British Columbia. Temperate rain forests get much of their water from moisture-laden ocean winds.

Photo Gallery: Temperate Rain Forests
A U.S. temperate rain forest, the Hoh River Valley is part of Washington State's Olympic National Park. Its trees include big leaf maples, western hemlock, and Sitka spruce.

Ice Pinnacles, Nevado Ampato, Peru, 1995
Photograph by Stephen Alvarez
Climbers hike through ice pinnacles on Nevado Ampato, a peak in the Andes. Here Johan Reinhard, a mountaineer and anthropologist, discovered a 500-year-old Inca human sacrifice.

Himalayan Farm House, Khaling, Bhutan, 1989
Photograph by James L. Stanfield
A stone farmhouse in a Bhutan valley sits in the shadow of the Himalaya. Wedged between China and India, Bhutan covers only 18,000 square miles (46,620 square kilometers), about the size of Switzerland. Like Switzerland, most of Bhutan is wrapped in mountains, but this sparsely settled country of about 700,000 people is scarcely touched by the modern age.

Ramses Painting, Abu Simbel, Egypt, 1998
Photograph by Richard T. Nowitz
\"A painting at Abu Simbel shows Ramses II beating war captives. Here Ramses exaggerated his size—and possibly his heroic feats.\"


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 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-6 11:26:24 | 显示全部楼层
Photo of the Day
May 18, 2009
Wildebeest, Botswana
Photograph by Beverly Joubert
This Month in Photo of the Day: Images From National Geographic Books
On the Selinda Reserve in Botswana, a herd of wildebeest gathers at the water’s edge at the end of the dry season.

Giraffe Silhouettes, Botswana, 1997
Photograph by Chris Johns
Giraffes roam the Okavango Delta, a 6,200-square-mile (16,000-square-kilometer) expanse of floodplains and sand ridges in northern Botswana.

Starfish Prize, U.S. Virgin Islands, 1940
Photograph by Edwin L. Wisherd
"Sun-kissed bathers hold aloft 'stars' plucked from balmy seas. The spiny, five-rayed creatures abound on sandy shallows in Durloe (Caneel) Bay, island of St. John, smallest of the three principal islands in the United States Virgins group. Among the verdant hills and beside the numerous bays of this island live 750 people. Apart from simple agriculture, the only industries are charcoal making, basketweaving, and bay-leaf brewing. In 1917 the United States bought the Virgins from Denmark for 25 million dollars—three and a half times the amount paid for Alaska."

Indian Holy Man, Allahabad, India, 1983
Photograph by George F. Mobley
"A sadhu or holy man mortifies his body in a tradition recalling Allahabad's ancient name, Prayaga—'place of sacrifice.' He controls his breathing using techniques of yoga."

Zebra Grace, Tanzania, 1975
Photograph by Emory Kristof
"[The shutterless camera's] designer, staff photographer Emory Kristof ... used it to portray the fluid grace of a bounding zebra."

Luxor Light Show, Luxor, Egypt, 1998
Photograph by Richard T. Nowitz
"[At an evening show,] lights dance on columns and temples [including the Temple of Luxor, pictured] as music soars and the voice of pharaohs boom through the complex."

Grand Canal, Venice, Italy, 1982
Photograph by James L. Stanfield
"Dressed in borrowed finery, Venice wears Byzantine arches and mullioned windows along the Grand Canal."

Turkish Coast, Turkey, 2002
Photograph by Michael Melford
"A lazy day aboard the Kalyeta, [author James Morgan's] charter boat, commences with a late breakfast on the roomy deck and a swim in the clear water off Knidos."

Desert of Death, Afghanistan
Photograph by Thomas J. Abercrombie
Like drifting clouds, hilltops mirrored in a mirage appear to float behind a Land Rover. Thexxx is created by heat waves shimmering in the 120-degree (49-degree-Celsius) temperatures of the Dasht-i-Margo—Afghanistan's so-called "Desert of Death."

Photo Gallery: Tropical Rain Forest Wildlife
Blue morpho butterflies, inhabitants of Central and South America's dense forests, can be up to 6 inches (15 centimeters) wide, and the male's iridescent sheen can been seen by humans up to a thousand yards (one kilometer) away. Here, a female floats through a cloud forest in Costa Rica.

Photo Gallery: Tropical Rain Forest Wildlife
Even the world's largest rodents can have a tender moment. Here, a baby capybara nuzzles its mother in a Brazilian swamp. Averaging 120 pounds (50 kilograms), these tropical giants are at home on land or in water and feed on aquatic plants and grasses.

Photo Gallery: Tropical Rain Forest Wildlife
Third largest in the feline family after tigers and lions, jaguars, such as this one in the undergrowth of the Brazilian rain forest, are found only in the New World. This elusive, endangered predator roams forests and swamps from Argentina to northern Mexico.

Photo Gallery: Tropical Rain Forest Wildlife
Kinkajous, like this one pausing between sips of balsa blossom nectar in Panama's Soberania National Park, are indigenous only to the tropical forests of Central and South America. These photogenic tree-dwellers have the appearance of a bear and the agility of a monkey, but they actually belong to the raccoon family.

Photo Gallery: Tropical Rain Forest Wildlife
A scarlet macaw is caught munching a snack in Brazil's Amazon rain forest. These birds are best known for their loud cackles, four-toed feet, and brilliant plumage.

Photo Gallery: Tropical Rain Forest Wildlife
Baby white-faced capuchin monkeys play in a Costa Rican rain forest. Unlike these familiar faces, the majority of rain forest species are yet to be named, formally described, or analyzed.

Photo Gallery: Tropical Rain Forest Wildlife
Red-eyed tree frogs, like this one found in a rain forest in Panama, eat mainly insects. Good thing. Rain forests have more insect species than any other ecosystem.

Photo Gallery: Tropical Rain Forest Wildlife
Some studies estimate that ants make up an amazing 30 percent of the total biomass of Earth's tropical rain forests, far exceeding that of mammals. Here, two leafcutter ants dismantle a leaf in Peru's Manú National Forest.

Photo Gallery: Tropical Rain Forest Wildlife
Anacondas, like this one near a Venezuelan riverbank, are particularly large members of the boa family. Found only in South American jungles, they can reach 29 feet (9 meters) in length, weigh more than 550 pounds (230 kilograms), and measure more than 12 inches (30 centimeters) in diameter

Photo Gallery: Tropical Rain Forest Wildlife
Tapirs are indigenous only to South and Central America and Southeast Asia. Though partial to the lowland forests of these regions, some are known to live above the snow line in the northern Andes. Here, a Baird's tapir forages in a clearing in Costa Rica's Corcovado National Park.

The notoriously voracious piranha lives only in the rivers of South America, primarily the Amazon and Orinoco. Here, a young black piranha in Brazil's Pantanal shows off the source of its notoriety: a mouthful of flesh-tearing teeth.


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发表于 2009-6-6 11:28:55 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-6 11:36:17 | 显示全部楼层
Kazakh Eagle Hunter, Western Mongolia
Photograph by David Edwards
This Month in Photo of the Day: Images From National Geographic Books
The hunt always begins on horseback, the eagle riding blindfolded on the leather-covered arm of its owner. Fathers and sons, like 17-year-old Sangsai, set out in bitter cold of winter before sunrise to reach promontories where the eagle, blindfold undone, can quickly scan the wide open landscape for prey as the sun rises.

Grooming Gelada, Ethiopia, 2002
Photograph by Michael Nichols
A female Theropithecus gelada monkey picks clean her mate's tail. Mutual grooming helps cement gelada family bonds.

Blue sky reflects off the surface waves created by a koi surfacing to feed in our backyard pond.

Seal Pups, Antarctica, 1988
Photograph by George F. Mobley
Playing at fighting, two juvenile southern elephant seals arch their backs on the shore.

Mount Princeton, Colorado, 1999
Photograph by Daniel R. Westergren
"Alpenglow on Mount Princeton complements vivid fields of lupine, aster, and Indian paintbrush near Route 321."

Skimmer Birds, Gabon, 2003
Photograph by Michael Nichols
A flock of African skimmer birds glides over the fish-rich waters of Gabon's coastal region. With its uniquely shaped bill, the lower mandible is much longer than the upper one, skimmer birds feed on small fish by flying open-mouthed over the surface of estuaries and rivers.

Muscat National Day, Oman, 1993
Photograph by James L. Stanfield
Boys dressed in traditional robes and turbans hold lanterns as part of Oman's National Day (November 18) celebrations. This Muslim country has enjoyed riches from frankincense and now oil, but is struggling to reinvent itself as its oil wells are expected to soon run dry.

Icy Weeds, St. John's, Newfoundland, 1974
Photograph by Sam Abell
A bush in St. John's wears an icy glaze during what Newfoundlanders call the "silver thaw." The freezing rain that causes this condition can damage trees and power lines, but is a harbinger of the coming spring.

National Airport, Virginia
Photograph by Steve Raymer
A jet takes off under a waning moon at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport in Arlington, Virginia. Built on the sand flats of the Potomac River, the riverside runways required 20 million cubic yards (15.3 million cubic meters) of sand and gravel to raise the site 20 feet (6 meters) above the river level. Construction began November 21, 1938, under the watchful eye of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who chose the site and helped lay the cornerstone of the original terminal building.
喷气式飞机起飞根据亏月在罗纳德•里根华盛顿国家机场在美国弗吉尼亚州阿林顿。建在不稳固的沙坪的波托马克河,河边的跑道需要2000万立方码(1500.3万立方米)的沙和砾石,提高位置20英尺( 6米)在河流的水平之上。建设开始在1938年11月21日,在富兰克林D.罗斯福总统的警惕注视下,谁选择了位置和帮助奠定了基石,原候机楼。

Jasper Cranberries, Canada
Photograph by Dean Conger
Bright red fruit clings to the branches of high bush cranberry growing in Canada's Jasper National Park. Though they don't have quite the same taste as traditional cranberries, the high bush variety is quite tasty when the berries are young and would make a fine replacement at the Thanksgiving table.
鲜红的果实粘附在分支的高灌木丛克兰伯里加拿大的碧玉国家公园。 虽然他们没有同样的味道相当传统小红莓,各种高灌木丛有多样美味的浆果类是年轻人和做出罚金更换在感恩节就座桌子上。

Photo Gallery: Wildfires
High winds and hot temperatures fanned a 1996 wildfire in the foothills around Boise, Idaho, into an inferno that burned for seven days. When it was finally extinguished, the outbreak—dubbed the Eighth Street Fire—had scorched some 15,000 acres (6,000 hectares) and stripped bare two of the region's major watersheds.

Photo Gallery: Wildfires
Fire is a natural part of a forest's life. In fact, the cones of some pine species won't release seeds unless they are exposed to intense heat. But small fires can quickly turn into runaway infernos—like this 1990 blaze in Chihuahua, Mexico—when conditions such as drought, dry air, high winds, and the buildup of forest debris conspire to stoke the flames.

Photo Gallery: Wildfires
Fire can have different effects in different kinds of forests. Some species, like the lodgepole pine, use the extreme heat of large fires to release their seeds. Other species, like the ponderosa pines seen burning in this aerial shot of an Idaho fire, need frequent but more mild, low-level fires to thrive. They may not grow back after an intense blaze like this.

Photo Gallery: Wildfires
Writer/poet Jack Kerouac once spent a summer as a National Park Service fire scout in this one-room cabin atop Desolation Peak in Washington's North Cascades National Park. For decades, a policy of suppressing all forest fires allowed too much fuel—dead wood, underbrush, and small trees—to build up on public lands. The Park Service now promotes "using fire as a land management tool," so long as human life isn't threatened.

Photo Gallery: Wildfires
A member of the Avialesookhrana, Russia's aerial firefighting organization, leaps toward Siberia's boreal forest from an An-2 biplane. "The idea of actually parachuting into fires was a Soviet invention," says American wildfire historian Stephen Pyne. "In the 1930s these guys would climb out onto the wing of a plane, jump off, land in the nearest village, and rally the villagers to go fight the fire."
意译:野火图片美术馆。一名Avialesookhrana俄罗斯的空中消防组织的成员,跳跃接近西伯利亚的寒带森林从一架安-2双翼飞机。“这想法实际上跳伞进入火灾是苏联发明”,美国人野火历史学家斯蒂芬•派恩说。 “在1930年将这些家伙爬出来到翼飞机,跳下来,降落在最近的村庄和村民去对抗火灾”。

Waimanalo Beach, Hawaii, 2000
Photograph by Jodi Cobb
A half-hour drive from the capital city of Honolulu, Waimanalo feels like another planet. Set along these white-sand beaches, the village of Waimanalo is a three-mile (4.83-kilometer) stretch of houses, shops, and parks that serves a small population of 9,057 residents.
半小时的车程从首都檀香山,马纳洛感觉就像另一个星球。设置沿着这些白色的沙滩,村的马纳洛村是3英里( 4.83公里)延长的房屋,商店,公园等服务的一个小人口9057居民

San Diego Bay, California, 1997
Photograph by Phil Schermeister
An important port of entry for shipping and receiving, San Diego Bay is home to many endangered and threatened wildlife.

Photo Gallery: Wildfires
A towering smoke cloud rises from a forest fire near Jasper, Alberta, Canada. Since the 1930s, fire suppression in Jasper National Park has created an unnaturally old forest and increased the risk of large, catastrophic outbreaks. Recent efforts by Parks Canada to rectify the situation have focused on low-impact logging and thinning of vegetation and debris that clog the forest floor.

Photo Gallery: Wildfires
A Russian firefighter rappels into the Siberian forest from an Mi-8 helicopter. Russia's aerial firefighting organization, the Avialesookhrana, is the largest of its kind in the world. Some 4,000 firefighters patrol 11 time zones in Soviet-era helicopters and biplanes, dousing the country's 20,000 to 35,000 wildfires every year.

Photo Gallery: Wildfires
All that remains of a home leveled by a forest fire that swept through Colorado's Front Range is the foundation, chimney, and swimming pool. More and more people are building homes near natural vegetation and in wildlands, exposing themselves to the devastation that natural fire cycles can cause.

Photo Gallery: Wildfires
Large wildfires, like the 2006 Red Eagle Fire that devastated this tract of Montana's Glacier National Park, can cause deeper problems. When forests are stripped bare, rain and meltwater run through unimpeded, causing potentially dangerous and destructive flood conditions.

Tuscan Sunflowers, Italy, 2002
Photograph by William Albert Allard
Sunflowers bloom under a brilliant blue sky between the towns of Siena and San Gimignano in Italy's Tuscany region. In the Tuscan countryside people start their day quite early, just before dawn, but wind down in the early afternoon for siesta. Shops reopen in late afternoon and dinner usually isn't served until 9 p.m.

Imperial Valley, Niland, California, 2005
Photograph by Gerd Ludwig
An irrigation canal reflects dawn-stained skies over Imperial Valley, a fertile farming region just north of Baja California.
The canal brings Colorado River water to the dry Salton Sea watershed, which, with an average of three inches (seven centimeters) of rainfall a year, would otherwise revert to desert. The Imperial Valley's half million acres (202,343 hectares) of croplands soak up more water than Los Angeles and Las Vegas combined.
意译:帝国峡谷,赖能,加利福尼亚州, 2005年
一条灌溉渠反映黎明染上空帝国谷,了肥沃的土壤,农区北部的下加利福尼亚州。 这条运河将科罗拉多河的水到干燥的索尔顿湖流域,其中,平均为3英寸( 7厘米)的降雨一年,否则将恢复到沙漠。 帝国峡谷的500万英亩(202343公顷)的农田吸收更多的水比洛杉矶和拉斯维加斯的总和。

Rongelap Atoll Crab, Marshall Islands, 1996
Photograph by Emory Kristof
An orange crab taken from the waters near the Marshall Islands Rongelap Atoll bears no outward evidence of the radioactive compounds that pollute its habitat.
In the 1940s and '50s, the United States conducted a series of nuclear tests in the Bikini Atoll, a ring of Pacific islands. Radioactive fallout still pollutes Rongelap Atoll, about 100 miles (160 kilometers) to the east, but recent studies have found no long-term impact on marine life there.

Kangerlussuaq Face, Greenland, 2006
Photograph by David McLain
Frost-flecked and sun-chapped, a hunter braves the cold in Kangerlussuaq, an inlet in western Greenland's Davis Strait.
Besides hampering the living of hunters there, thinning sea ice along Greenland's fringes is threatening to capsize an entire ecosystem dependent on the ice including seals, walruses, and polar bears.


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 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-6 11:44:00 | 显示全部楼层
Photo of the Day
May 20, 2009
Tuareg Tribesman, Libya
Photograph by Bobby Model
This Month in Photo of the Day: Images From National Geographic Books
A Tuareg tribesman prays at twilight in Libya.

Aurora Borealis, Acadia National Park, Maine, 2005
Photograph by Michael Medford
Nature's light show—aurora borealis—bathes Maine's Acadia National Park in a pink glow. These dazzling patterns in nature, called aurora australis in the Southern Hemisphere, are created when charged particles outside the Earth's atmosphere collide with atoms in the upper atmosphere, producing a glowing display of curtains, arcs, and bands stretching across the sky.

Life in Color: Orange
A balance of playful yellow and passionate red, orange commands attention without overwhelming. This often flamboyant color brings to mind citrus and sunsets, fall leaves, and jack-o'-lanterns. Orange has even been found to stimulate appetite and creativity in humans.
Here, three giraffes in Botswana's Okavango Delta stretch their necks above the horizon before a glowing orange sky.

Life in Color: Orange
Sunset casts a spurred boot in silhouette in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Such icons of the Old West still have a proud place in everyday New Mexican life.

Life in Color: Orange
An orange-tinged sunset provides the backdrop for a sailboat on Lake Michigan. This 321-mile-long (517-kilometer-long) body of water is the only Great Lake located entirely within the United States.

Life in Color: Orange
Knobby haystacks dot a wheat field in Malazgirt, Turkey, as sunset bathes two workers in hazy orange light.

Life in Color: Orange
Molten glass is turned into insulation at the Johns-Manville Corporation in Berlin, New Jersey. The orange-hot fluid is forced through holes in a palladium sheet to form long, thin fibers.

Life in Color: Orange
Vibrant tulips brighten the Samuels Bulb Garden at St. Louis's Missouri Botanical Garden. Established in 1859, the garden is an internationally recognized center for botanical research and a year-round urban oasis for flower fans.

Life in Color: Orange
Orange sunset colors the sand around Australia's famed dingo fence, a 3,355-mile (5,400-kilometer) barrier that crosses the country's desert interior and separates cattle and sheep from predatory wild dogs.

Life in Color: Orange
The dusty-orange, beehive-shaped huts of Tall Mardĭkh, Syria, were built some 200 years ago by an ancient method which has since been lost. The shape and materials of these mud-brick dwellings help them remain cool in summer and warm in winter.

Life in Color: Orange
Birds fill an orange sky over Germany’s Wattenmeer National Park. This coastal wetland, covered by the sea at high tide, is home to some 3,200 different animals and a popular stopover for many migratory birds.

Life in Color: Orange
Scores of orange koi fish crowd a pond in Oahu, Hawaii. Prized by collectors, koi are an ornamental variety of freshwater carp originally raised in Japan.

Acid Rain, Washington, D.C., 1981
Photograph by Robert Sisson
In this macro close-up, a bromophemol solution is dripped on raindrops found on a daisy petal to test their acidity. The solution is reddish and has turned one drop yellow. The rain is pH 3, the same as vinegar.

Owachomo Bridge at Night, Utah
Photograph by Jim Richardson
This Month in Photo of the Day: National Geographic Magazine Features
A starry night gleams above Owachomo Bridge in Utah's Natural Bridges National Monument—named the first Dark Sky Park by the International Dark-Sky Association (IDA). "Here you see something forgotten," says ranger Scott Ryan, "and reconnect with the sky."
星光闪烁的夜晚在Owachomo大桥犹他州的上面天然的桥梁国家纪念碑名为第一夜空公园由国际黑天空协会( IDA )。“这里您可以看到一些被遗忘的”,“守林员斯科特瑞安”说 ,和重新连接和天空。

Life in Color: Orange
A tubastraea coral waves its wispy, orange tentacles near Sangeang Island, Indonesia. Coral reefs cover less than one percent of the ocean floor, but they support one out of every four marine creatures.

Life in Color: Orange
The pastel-orange of the Grand Canyon's sandstone walls dominates the view from the vantage known as SB Point. The canyon’s rock layers display a geological history some two billion years old.

Life in Color: Orange
Scorpians have survived for hundreds of millions of years by being extremely adaptable. Some, like this orange-colored species in the Grand Canyon, dwell in desert climes, while others inhabit
the tropics, temperate forests, and even Himalayan high peaks.

Life in Color: Orange
The moon rises over Big Meadows on an autumn evening in Virginia's Shenandoah National Park. Some 450 families in the Blue Ridge Mountains were relocated when the park was created in the 1930s.

Life in Color: Orange
A burning orange sun sets behind a fringe of pampas grass in Japan. Japan's nickname, "The Land of the Rising Sun," is derived from the Chinese ideograph meaning "place of the sun's origin."

Life in Color: Orange
This toxic orange Godiva nudibranch was photographed in the Raja Ampat islands, Papua, Indonesia. There are over 3,000 known species of these colorful sea slug relatives, and new ones are discovered nearly every day.

Life in Color: Orange
Two brightly colored sun conures relax on a branch at the Bramble Park Zoo in Watertown, South Dakota. These South American parakeets are common in captivity, but wild populations have crashed due to unregulated trapping.

Life in Color: Orange
An extreme close-up shows the delicate hair of an orange baboon tarantula, a resident of the Great Plains Zoo in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. This large, aggressive species is native to Africa.

Life in Color: Yellow
Sunflowers like this one in Asheville, North Carolina, are prized for their beauty but also for their seeds and oil. The flowers are unusual among crops because they were first domesticated in North America.

Life in Color: Yellow
A yellow-shafted flicker leaves its nest in a forest in the United States. Flickers are woodpeckers that can hammer trees but prefer to forage on the ground. They often dig in the dirt for ants.


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 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-6 11:44:40 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2009-6-6 11:49:50 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2009-6-6 12:47:32 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-6 13:21:40 | 显示全部楼层
引用第6楼四眼鱼于2009-06-06 11:49发表的 :

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-6 13:25:05 | 显示全部楼层
Keoladeo National Park, India
Photograph by James P. Blair
This Month in Photo of the Day: Images From National Geographic Books
Openbill storks, a bird indigenous to the region, nest in the trees by the marshes of the Keoladeo National Park in the Rajasthan state of India.

Christmas Quaint, Washington, 1979
Photograph by David S. Boyer
"In today's well-connected world, people borrow easily from other cultures. In Washington State, a quaint Swiss chalet-style village is decorated for Christmas."

Park City Skating, Utah, 1998
Photograph by Joanna B. Pinneo
A woman and child enjoy ice skating, one of the many recreational activities available in Park City. After the 2002 Winter Olympic Games, the city became famous for its world-class resorts. From the late 1860s to the early 1970s Park City was known as a silver-mining town.

Diamond Peak, Nevada, 1998
Photograph by Phil Schermeister
"Morning sun and overcast skies soften Diamond Peak on the Nevada side of Lake Tahoe. By midday skiers will swarm over the slopes of this popular winter resort."

Cedar City, Utah, 1993
Photograph by James P. Blair
Cumulus clouds billow over the landscape near Cedar City, Utah. Cedar City averages 45.4 inches (115.3 centimeters) of snowfall annually. Claiming "the greatest snow on earth," Utah attracts close to 500,000 skiers each year, not counting the locals.

Bald Eagle Perch, Haines, Alaska, 1976
Photograph by Steve Raymer
A bald eagle perches, wings stretched, in a snow-covered tree by the Chilkat River near Haines, Alaska. The area is home to a bald eagle preserve that is a prime wintering ground for the birds, attracting some 3,000 eagles annually.

Neon Icicles, Dubois, Wyoming, 1987
Photograph by Raymond Gehman
Neon lights at a Dubois, Wyoming motel give an array of icicles an eerie red tinge. Dubois is auspiciously located for national park visitors—roughly an hour's drive from Grand Teton National Park and about two hours from Yellowstone

Island Paradise, French Polynesia, 1996
Photograph by Jodi Cobb
A naked boy stands at the turquoise blue edge of the South Pacific in French Polynesia. This island paradise is a haven for European tourists, but its natives have long been troubled with feelings of antipathy over 150 years of French rule.

Rocky Nook, Yellowstone National Park, 1990
Photograph by George F. Mobley
A mountain lion peers out from a rocky nook in Yellowstone National Park. Demonized by farmers and ranchers, mountain lions were almost hunted out of existence until substantial research in the 1960s helped dispel fears about these mysterious big cats which are in fact more likely to run up a tree than attack a human.

Photo of the Day
May 22, 2009
Emperor Penguin Chicks, Antarctica
Photograph by Frank Kazukaitis
This Month in Photo of the Day: Images From National Geographic Books
Emperor chicks huddle for an exchange of heat in the chill of Antarctica. Born in winter, they complete their growth in time for summer’s ice breakup, when they go fishing for themselves.

Ice Ride, Alaska, 1996
Photograph by Bill Hatcher
Riding through slush, members of a team of three cyclists press on in their effort to traverse the rugged Alaska Range by mountain bike.

Marxist Symbols, Udaipur, India, 1996
Photograph by Steve McCurry
Marxist symbols remain on the side of a fortress in Udaipur in Rajasthan State.

Head Bow, Bangkok, Thailand, 1994
Photograph by Jodi Cobb
Buddhist monks carry a photograph of the King of Thailand, Adulyadej Bhumibol, in celebration of his birthday.

Geisha, Kyoto, Japan, 1970
Photograph by Thomas J. Abercrombie
A maiko, or geisha-in-training, strolls through the streets of Kyoto. She is a member of a famed, but dwindling sorority of entertainers.


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 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-6 13:27:15 | 显示全部楼层
Photo Gallery: Ocean Now
Dr. Enric Sala and a team of scientists are exploring the pristine waters of Kiribati's southern Line Islands, one of the last healthy, undisturbed places in the ocean. These photos were taken during the expedition. Learn more about the Ocean Now project.
Red snappers (Lutjanus bohar), such as this one photographed on the leeward side of Vostok Island, are probably the most inquisitive fish in the southern Line Islands, says marine ecologist Sala: "Red snappers have already bitten several of our team members." In the background, a school of soldier fish plies the waters.
意译:海洋现在图片画廊。博士安瑞科萨拉和一组科学家正在探索的原始水域基里巴斯群岛南部线群岛,上面提及的那个健康的之一,安静的地方在海洋里。这些照片是在探险期间。 更多了解关于海洋现在项目 。
红笛鲷(新西兰真鲷,叩头虫) 例如这样的照片上的背风面沃斯托克岛,有可能是最好奇的鱼在南部线群岛,海洋生态学家萨拉说:“红笛鲷已经咬伤我们的一些队员”。在幕后,一所学校的士兵鱼往返的水域。

Photo Gallery: Ocean Now
Here, a gray reef shark swims amid a school of black triggerfish in the waters off Starbuck Island.

Photo Gallery: Ocean Now
Enric Sala (photographed here searching for monk seals on the Mediterranean coast of Turkey) is leading the Ocean Now expedition. A National Geographic emerging explorer and fellow, Sala and his team are studying the entire marine ecosystem of the southern Line Islands.
意译:现在海洋图片画廊。安瑞科萨拉(拍照这里寻找僧海豹在地中海沿岸的土耳其)是领导海洋探险队。 一位《国家地理》新兴的探测者和同事,萨拉和他的团队正在研究整个的海洋生态系统的南线群岛。

Photo Gallery: Ocean Now
Flint Island, a speck of land 2.5 miles (4 kilometers) long and 0.5 miles (0.8 kilometers) wide at its widest point, is some 400 nautical miles (740 kilometers) northwest of Tahiti. Covered with coconut trees planted in 1881, the island has abundant coconut crabs and non-native Polynesian rats, and is surrounded by a healthy coral reef.
意译:现在海洋图片画廊。火石岛,一点点的土地2.5英里( 4公里)长和0.5英里( 0.8公里)宽在它的最宽点,是约400海里( 740公里)西北塔希提岛。覆了一层的椰子树种植于1881年,岛上有丰富的椰子蟹和非本地波利尼西亚老鼠,和被一个健康的珊瑚礁围住的岛。

Photo Gallery: Ocean Now
Abundant giant clams and branching corals thrive on the patch reefs in the lagoon of Millennium Atoll.

Photo Gallery: Ocean Now
Ocean Now expedition member Adam Geiger films a blacktip reef shark, the most abundant large predator in the waters around Vostok Island.

Photo Gallery: Ocean Now
Lionfish (Pterois antennata), such as this juvenile, hide during the day in coral overhangs and emerge at night.
意译:现在海洋图片画廊。狮子鱼( Pterois antennata ) ,例如这个青少年,隐藏在白天在珊瑚礁悬垂部分和出现在夜晚。

Photo Gallery: Ocean Now
A fish-aggregation device—a raft with long nets hanging below—used to catch tuna in the offshore waters of the Pacific drifted to and got entangled on Malden Island. Note the coral rubble in the foreground, which was created by the net dragging on the coral reef.

Photo Gallery: Ocean Now
Vostok Island’s coconut crabs—such as this one—can grow as large as basketballs. The world's largest land invertebrate, the species can reach three feet (one meter), measured from the tip of one leg to another.
意译:现在海洋图片画廊。沃斯托克岛的椰子蟹,例如这样一个可以成长为篮球一样大。 世界上最大的陆地无脊椎动物,物种可达到3英尺( 1米) ,测量从尖端的一条腿到另一个。

Photo Gallery: Ocean Now
At Starbuck Island, the expedition team encountered the "largest school of curious and voracious red snappers so far," Sala says.


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 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-6 13:32:35 | 显示全部楼层
Photo of the Day
May 23, 2009
Woman With Lawnmower, Michigan
Photograph by Alexandra Avakian
This Month in Photo of the Day: Images From National Geographic Books
Dearborn, Michigan, June 2002: Tufaha Baydayn, a Lebanese American, fled Lebanon’s civil war in the 1970s.
迪尔伯恩市,密西根州,2002年6月:Tufaha Baydayn,一个在美国的黎巴嫩人,逃离黎巴嫩的内战在20世纪70年代。

Mustard Blooms, Denmark, 1997
Photograph by Sisse Brimberg
A field of mustard in bloom announces the arrival of the long-awaited summer. With skies aglow till 11 p.m., sun-loving Danes revel in the extra daylight with garden parties, picnics, and the fiery Midsummer Eve celebration.

Lake Sailing, Michigan, 1998
Photograph by Will van Overbeek
While storm clouds roll across the evening sky a sailboat glides over Lake Michigan, one of the four Great Lakes that border the state of Michigan.

Laguna Veneta, Venice, Italy, 1994
Photograph by Sam Abell
"Built on wooden pilings sunk into the ooze of a backwater lagoon, Venice rose over a millennium to become a city-state of dazzling power...When Napoleon seized Venice in 1797, the Queen of the Adriatic has already become a faded dowager haunted by gilded memories."

Poppy Blooms, Thailand, 1983
Photograph by Steve Raymer
Poppies bloom on a hillside in Thailand. Not just a beautiful flower, papaver somniferum contains the natural alkaloid morphine which is used and abused the world over.

Silhouette of Westminster Abbey, London, England, 2000
Photograph by Jodi Cobb
The spires of Westminster Abbey cut dramatic shapes into a blushing twilight sky. The famous London church began as a Benedictine monastery enlarged by King Edward in the 1040s. It was designated the "west minster" to distinguish it from St. Paul's Cathedral, the "east minster." For centuries, Westminster Abbey has hosted royal coronations and burials.

Photo Gallery: Brazil
Capoeira dancers practice their acrobatic martial art in Brazil's northeastern state of Bahia. The art was developed by slaves in the 19th century as a way to secretly transmit African culture and fighting skills, both of which were forbidden by the Portuguese colonists.

Photo Gallery: Brazil
Cristo Redentor, or Christ the Redeemer, opens his arms wide as if to embrace all of Rio de Janeiro. The statue stands atop Corcovado Mountain, which visitors can climb by taxi or cog railway to gain unparalleled views of the city.

Photo Gallery: Brazil
Manoki Indians displaced from their ancestral territory—a fate shared by many of Brazil's remaining 170 indigenous Amazonian peoples—return to reclaim the land ritually and lament its degradation.

Photo Gallery: Brazil
Rays of light beam down on mist from the mighty Iguazu Falls on the border of Argentina and the Brazilian state of Paraná. Ancient lore has it that a deity planned to marry an aborigine woman, but when she fled with her lover in a canoe down the Iguazu, the angry god sliced the river and damned the lovers to an eternal fall. Brazil's rain forests are full of ancient cultures as well as complex ecosystems; unfortunately, both have become increasingly endangered by deforestation.

Photo Gallery: Brazil
A boy leads a donkey across the barren dunes of Jericoacoara, Brazil. The classic image of Brazil is one of lush rain forests, but desertification caused by deforestation, climate change, population growth, and mismanaged farming practices is rapidly taking over parts of the country.

Photo Gallery: Brazil
This 1955 picture captures the essence of a summer day on Rio's Arpoador Beach in Brazil's richest and most densely populated region: the southeast. The territory on its own has more people than any other South American country and contains the nation's business center, S鉶 Paulo, as well as the famed Rio de Janeiro. Brazil ranks among the world's highest in economic inequality, and the southeast's luxurious living standards often come under fire by impoverished regions such as the drought-stricken northeast.

Photo Gallery: Brazil
Samba drummers liven up the atmosphere on Ipanema Beach in Rio de Janeiro. In 1965, Brazilians Astrud Gilberto and Stan Getz won a Grammy Award for their international hit song, "The Girl From Ipanema." The song popularized the fun-filled image of Brazil and introduced the world to the sultry style of the region's bossa nova music.

Photo Gallery: Brazil
Painted dancers boost the sizzle of Carnival in Salvador, Brazil. Carnival gained popularity in Brazil during the 1830s when the rising middle class imported the practice of masquerade parties from Paris. The festival eventually melded African and native Indian characteristics to create a Carnival of distinct flavor.
意译:巴西图片美术馆。描画的跳舞者提高嘶嘶的狂欢节在巴西,萨尔瓦多。狂欢节在巴西流行期间, 19世纪30年代,当造反的中产阶级输入的化妆舞会聚会从巴黎。艺术节最终融合非洲和印地安人本土的特点建立一个狂欢节的独特风味。

Photo Gallery: Brazil
A boy quickly becomes a man in the rural Brazilian state of Rondonia, where 200,000 children like him have no access to schooling. Three-fifths of the land here has been deforested since the 1970s.

Photo Gallery: Brazil
The high point of Rio’s Carnival is the samba schools parade, where imagination takes many compellingly seductive forms.

Photo Gallery: Brazil
Boys play football (soccer) on the shore of Lake Rodrigo de Freitas on the south side of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Soccer buffs often say, "The English invented it; the Brazilians perfected it." The nation formed its first official team in 1914 and now boasts what is arguably the most successful national football team in the world.

Photo of the Day
October 17, 2007
Tree Ferns with Starry Sky, New Zealand, 2004
Photograph by Peter Essick
Tree ferns cast lacy contours against a star-speckled sky in Coromandel Forest Park, New Zealand. Sprawled across 180,387 acres (73,000 hectares) in northeastern New Zealand, Coromandel Forest Park is home to stunning vistas: luxuriant forests, velvety fields, gnarled volcanoes, and rushing rivers.

Nenets Herder, Siberia, Russia, 1996
Photograph by Maria Stenzel
"A [Nenets] herder relies on the instincts of his lead reindeer. When lost in a blizzard with no hope of finding the camp, he'll look to the lead reindeer to show the way. If the animal hesitates, or perhaps sneezes, while attempting to cross a frozen river, the herder will turn back or look for a new crossing point."


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 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-6 13:40:32 | 显示全部楼层
Photo of the Day
May 24, 2009
Slaughterman, Sydney, Australia
Photograph by Michael O’Brien
This Month in Photo of the Day: Images From National Geographic Books
"Wouldn’t be doing anything else," says Rick Seymour, a slaughterman at the government-owned Homebush Abattoir Corporation in Sydney. He started at age 16, washing out the plant after school. Seymour is among the 57 percent of the nation’s work force that holds a union card.

Dome Aerial, Old City, Jerusalem, Israel, 1982
Photograph by Jodi Cobb
"The Dome of the Rock, background, marks the traditional site of Muhammad's ascension to heaven."

Amazon Parrots, Southern Florida, 1992
Photograph by Joel Sartore
"Caged indoors as [Hurricane Andrew's] wind howled, only two of Lex Beatrous's red-lored Amazon parrots—worth U.S. $600 each—died. 'They huddled up and buried their heads under each other, same as us,' says Beatrous."
“困在笼中在户内当(飓风安德鲁的)风呼啸,只有两只Lex Beatrous's的红额亚马逊鹦鹉---每只价值600美元----死亡。‘它们杂乱一团和埋入它们的头在互相之下,等同于我们,’Beatrous说:”。

Photo Gallery: National Parks
Sunlight filters through a fog-shrouded swath of Acadia National Park, Maine. To preserve landscapes they loved, a group of philanthropists in 1913 gave the nation a gift: 5,000 acres (2,000 hectares) on Mount Desert Island that would become the core of Acadia National Park. The park now covers some 47,000 acres (19,000 hectares).
意译:国家公园图片画廊。阳光过滤通过雾---覆盖的一片阿卡迪亚国家公园,缅因州。为了保护他们喜欢的风景,一群慈善家在1913年给国家的礼物:5000英亩( 2,000公顷)在荒岛,将成为核心的阿卡迪亚国家公园。现在的公园面积约47000英亩( 1.9万公顷) 。

Photo Gallery: National Parks
Gray clouds are reflected in glassy Crescent Lake in Washington's Olympic National Park. Lake Crescent was created by the gouging of retreating ice sheets.

Photo Gallery: National Parks
Millions of years of moving glaciers carved the stunning valleys and steep mountains of Montana's Glacier National Park. Home to towering cliffs, jagged ridges, deep valleys, and crystal clear lakes, Glacier National Park was named for the glaciers that sculpted the park millions of years ago.

Photo Gallery: National Parks
Adventurers head down Swiftcurrent Creek in Montana's Glacier National Park. Established in 1910, Glacier National Park encompasses 1,013,572 acres (410,178 hectares) of active glaciers, mountains, lakes, and valleys in northwestern Montana.

Photo Gallery: National Parks
The Rio Grande cuts a tortuous path through the craggy terrain of Big Bend National Park, Texas, dividing the washboard terrain between Texas and Mexico. The 801,100-acre (324,200-hectare) U.S. park is now complemented by Mexico's Santa Elena Canyon Protected Area, created in November 1994.

Photo Gallery: National Parks
For half a million years, water and wind have sculpted fantastic rock art in southwestern South Dakota, mesmerizing visitors to Badlands National Park. French-Canadian fur trappers and Sioux disparaged such country as "bad lands." The term now loosely defines any hilly terrain that is severely eroded into a forbidding landscape.

Photo Gallery: National Parks
The stone remains of a pre-Columbian Anasazi settlement, Cliff Palace, bear witness to the rich cultural history of Mesa Verde National Park in Colorado. The Anasazi built these cliffside dwellings with sandstone, mortar, and wooden beams held together with a natural mortar and painted with plaster.

Photo Gallery: National Parks
Maligne Lake reflects the stately mountains and pines of Jasper National Park in Alberta, Canada. With some of the finest and wildest scenery in the Rockies, Jasper is the largest of the Rocky Mountain national parks, less frequented by visitors than Banff, but with equally spectacular displays of mountain, lakes, and forest.

Photo Gallery: National Parks
Cloud-enshrouded Mount McKinley is reflected in Wonder Lake in Alaska's Denali National Park. Established in 1917, the park is home to a rich array of wildlife, including grizzlies, Dall's sheep, caribou, loons, and golden eagles.

Photo Gallery: National Parks
Water and wind created this smooth, heavily eroded terrace of barren rock known as the Esplanade on the north rim of the Grand Canyon. Most visitors—about 90 percent—gawk down into the canyon from the South Rim and miss the other features, including the Esplanade, found throughout the canyon's colossal footprint.

Buffalo Gap, South Dakota, 1995
Photograph by Daniel R. Westergren
Stretching to the dark skyline of the ponderosa-clad Black Hills, Buffalo Gap National Grassland showcases prairie recovering from near destruction by overgrazing and soil depletion


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 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-6 13:43:07 | 显示全部楼层
地球海洋面积占地球表面的70.8%,从这点上看, 地球基本上是一个“水球”。海洋是人类在地球上活动的三大舞台之一,是人类的第二生存空间,是地球留给人类最后的宝贵财富。生命的起源就源自海洋。.有人做过统计,地球上的生物有50万种以上。生物可以分为动物、植物和微生物三大类。有人统计,海洋中有18万多种动物,2万多种植物,总共20多万种。
Gray Reef Shark, Kingman Reef
Photograph by Brian Skerry
This Month in Photo of the Day: Nature
Gray reef sharks and red snappers hover above a patch of table coral, waiting for prey fish to emerge. "They go after everything that moves," observed Enric Sala, a marine ecologist on Spain's National Council for Scientific Research and a National Geographic fellow. Because of their abundance and the resulting competition for food, the sharks and snappers at Kingman Reef, Sala said, "are always on the verge of hunger." Kingman Reef is part of a chain of Pacific atolls and islands (called the Line Islands) that straddles the Equator south of Hawaii.

Jellyfish Swarm, Palau
Photograph by David Doubilet
This Month in Photo of the Day: Nature
Waters boil with jellyfish in one of Palau's marine lakes. Surprises hide in each of some 80 such lakes in this Pacific archipelago.

Emperor Penguin Chicks, Antarctica
Photograph by Frank Kazukaitis
This Month in Photo of the Day: Images From National Geographic Books
Emperor chicks huddle for an exchange of heat in the chill of Antarctica. Born in winter, they complete their growth in time for summer’s ice breakup, when they go fishing for themselves.

Coral Reef, Australia, 2001
Photograph by Flip Nicklin
The serene blues and greens of a coral reef blend in with waters off Australia. Corals live in tropical waters throughout the world, generally close to the surface where the sun's rays can reach the algae. While corals get most of their nutrients from the byproducts of the algae's photosynthesis, they also have barbed, venomous tentacles they can stick out, usually at night, to grab zooplankton and even small fish.

Aquarius Laboratory
A school of fish swims past the underwater research laboratory Aquarius, located 62 feet (19 meters) beneath the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary.

McMurdo Sound, Antarctica, 1989
Through an opening in the ice, a baby seal pops out of the water and takes a curious glance. All seals leave the water at least once a year to breed. Since seals are pregnant for almost a year, the females (cows) are soon impregnated again right after having their young (pup).

Photo Gallery: Underwater Landscapes
A wave breaks over a coral reef in the Red Sea. Coral reefs form when colonies of tropical marine plants and animals with limestone skeletons rise atop earlier generations.

Photo Gallery: Underwater Landscapes
Fairy basslet fish dart among blossoms of lettuce coral near the South Pacific's Phoenix Islands. This archipelago of eight islands covers roughly 25,000 square miles (65,000 square kilometers)—about one-fifth the area of Australia’s Great Barrier Reef.

Photo Gallery: Underwater Landscapes
Parrotfish swim over a reef cluster off Raine Island, Australia. Female green turtles travel 1,600 miles (2,575 kilometers) from places like Indonesia and New Caledonia to lay their eggs in spots such as Raine Island. The island, where Aborigines once came in outrigger canoes to gather food, is now off-limits to most visitors to protect the nesting wildlife.

Photo Gallery: Underwater Landscapes
Schools of silversides swim with a diver off western Grand Cayman. Proliferating in summer, silversides nourish larger reef species such as jacks, whose numbers have fallen due to overfishing.

Photo Gallery: Underwater Landscapes
Schoolmaster snappers hover near a support for the Aquarius underwater research station at the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. Installed in 1992, Aquarius sits 65 feet (20 meters) under the sea's surface and is home to a handful of aquanauts, including scientists, photographers, medics, and technicians.

Photo Gallery: Underwater Landscapes
Coelenterate coral and a pink sea fan form a vibrant stage for whitetail chromis near Namena Island, Fiji. In this region, corals can survive in water up to about 86 degrees Fahrenheit (30 degrees Celsius). Beyond that, they face the threat of bleaching and dying.

Photo Gallery: Underwater Landscapes
The edge of an ice floe in the Arctic's 2.3-mile-deep (3.7-kilometer-deep) Canada Basin floats above cold, blue abyssal depths. Channels and air pockets in the ice provide shelter for myriad marine species.

Photo Gallery: Underwater Landscapes
Coral stands tall near the Dominican Republic's Silver Bank, where the Spanish galleon
Concepción sank in 1641. Gold jewelry and silver plates have been among the treasures found near the region's reefs.

Photo Gallery: Underwater Landscapes
A diver explores wire coral in Japan's Suruga Bay. At depths greater than 120 feet (37 meters), this coral forest is home to schools of cardinal fish and the occasional cherry-blossom anthias.

Photo Gallery: Underwater Landscapes
Reefs play an invaluable role in the marine ecosystem, harboring hundreds of species of marine life that rely on them for food, shelter, and protection. A reef also serves as a nesting ground for fish eggs and larvae that eventually populate fish habitats.


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 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-6 13:44:19 | 显示全部楼层
Jellyfish, South Africa, 2003
Photograph by David Doubilet
A Catostylus species jellyfish seems frozen in place in this split-level view off the coast of South Africa.
Marine invertebrates, jellyfish are found in every ocean in the world.

Great White Shark
Great whites are torpedo-shaped with powerful tails that can propel them through the water at up to 15 miles (24 kilometers) per hour.

Tiger Shark Attack, Hawaii, 1997
Photograph by William R. Curtsinger
"First flight is the last flight for one out of ten fledgling [albatrosses]. The unfortunate novice fliers are often the scrawniest ones or those that try to ride whispers of wind too weak to carry them over the danger zone."

Sharks and Grunts, French Polynesia, 1997
Photograph by David Doubilet
In the fertile waters of French Polynesia's Tuamotu Archipelago, a school of blue-striped grunts beats a fast retreat as a pair of blacktip reef sharks lurk in the distance. Although the nutrient-poor soil of the French territory limits its terrestrial flora and fauna, the archipelago's waters are among the world's most scenic, species-rich spots.


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 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-6 13:48:32 | 显示全部楼层
Photo of the Day
May 26, 2009
Uyuni Salt Flats, Bolivia
Photograph by Robert B. Haas
This Month in Photo of the Day: Images From National Geographic Books
Dry waterways branch toward blue water across the massive Uyuni salt flats in southwestern Bolivia.

A diver swims over a reef of table coral near Kanton Island in the Phoenix Islands, Kiribati. The coral ecosystem of the Phoenix Islands is largely intact, making them one of the last havens of ocean wilderness.

Great White Shark and Diver
After luring a great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias) with chum, diver Andre Hartman ends up perilously close to the premier predator off the coast of Gansbaai, South Africa. Although attacks on humans do occur—with some resulting in death—shark scientists believe that great whites approach people more out of curiosity than predation. Unfortunately, they're inclined to "taste" what is unfamiliar to them.

Whale-Watching Tour, New Zealand, 1997
Photograph by Maria Stenzel
Whale-watching tours operate off the Kaikoura Peninsula. These are attractive waters for cetaceans because of the bounty of prey found in the Kaikoura Canyon.
Tour operators are able to identify one of the sperm whales that frequents the canyon because of its extensive scarring from skirmishes with its prey, the giant squid.

Sea Squirts and Clingfish
A colony of sea squirts forms a colorful landscape, ample hiding place for an Eastern cleaner-clingfish (Cochleoceps orientalis) in the Tasman Sea off the coast of Australia. The tiny fish, which cleans parasites from the bodies of larger fish, fights strong currents by anchoring itself with a sucker disc on its abdomen.

This close-up of a colony of white-spotted ascidians (Pycnoclavella diminuta) in Indonesian waters resembles aliens ready to feed. Instead, these ascidians, or sea squirts, are filter-feeding animals with one siphon to pull in water and another to discharge it. Adults remain rooted to the same spot their entire lives.

Chinstrap penguins (Pygoscelis antarctica) ride out high surf on blue-ice icebergs near Candlemas Island in the South Sandwich Islands. Safe for the moment from predaceous leopard seals, chinstrap penguins are the second most abundant species in Antarctica and the sub-Antarctic.

Photo Gallery: Underwater Scenes
A master of innovation and a pioneer of high-tech underwater photography, Emory Kristof has helped National Geographic chart the waters of deep-ocean photography since beginning as an intern at the magazine in 1963. In his April 1998 story,

Photo Gallery: Underwater Scenes
It takes more than high-tech wizardry to capture deep-ocean creatures on film. Dragged alongside the unmanned submersible SeaRover, liquid tuna and chum attracted this rosy rockfish, swimming by a basket sea star in the waters of Monterey Bay, California.

Photo Gallery: Underwater Scenes
Safely situated in a shark cage, photographer Bill Curtsinger and his assistant snap photos of gray reef sharks flitting through the waters of the Marshall Islands off Rongelap Atoll. Emory Kristof, a leader in the field of remotely operated and robot cameras, captured this image with a shark-proof robot camera.

Photo Gallery: Underwater Scenes
A gossamer parasol spreads its feathery arms to catch plankton in the Caribbean waters of the Cayman Islands.

Photo Gallery: Underwater Scenes
Photographer Kristof designed the unmanned submersible SeaRover, a digital video camera on a rope, to capture this starfish and other tropical life in Monterey Bay, California. The camera can be dropped down as far as 15,000 feet (4,600 meters) to capture marine life at deep depths.

Kristof and oceanographer Robert Ballard found and photographed the world’s most famous shipwreck, the Titanic, in the early morning hours of September 1, 1985. Kristof and his crew used a submersible search vehicle and a towed sled with still camera to record the wreckage.

Photo Gallery: Underwater Scenes
A trio of Stellar sea lions stalk the 10,000-foot (3,000-meter) summit of Bowie Seamount, their underwater feeding grounds off British Columbia, Canada. Rich in biological life, seamounts are underwater mountains formed from volcanic activity less than one million years ago.

Photo Gallery: Underwater Scenes
With the help of high-intensity lighting, high-resolution cameras, and the submersible Alvin, Kristof and his crew captured dramatic imagery in the dark, superheated depths of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. At these nadirs, chemosynthesis—the thermal and chemical energy given off by deep-sea vents—gives life to creatures like the eelpout fish and tubeworms pictured here.

Photo Gallery: Underwater Scenes
In the 1940s and '50s, the U.S. conducted a series of nuclear tests in the Bikini Atoll, a ring of Pacific islands in Micronesia. Radioactive fallout still pollutes Rongelap Atoll, about 100 miles (160 kilometers) to the east, but the nuclear blasts seem to have had no long-term impact on marine life there, including this school of trevally fish photographed by Kristof in the late '90s.

Photo Gallery: Underwater Scenes
Photographer Emory Kristof has pushed the boundaries of underwater photography over his long career, from pioneering the invention of remotely operated vehicles, high intensity lighting, and robot cameras, to exploring wrecks like the Titanic and shooting deep sea creatures like these fish and floating salps in the Bowie Seamount. For his contributions to the field, Kristof is known at National Geographic as the king of deepwater photography.

A Fort Lauderdale swimmer releases the air in his lungs underwater. Most people panic after a little more than a minute without air, but free divers—divers who don't use oxygen—can hold their breath for much longer. The body stores pockets of oxygen for moments such as these, and the brain shuts down other systems of the body before allowing itself to black out.


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 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-6 13:51:56 | 显示全部楼层
Photo of the Day
May 27, 2009
Penguins Underwater, Antarctica
Photograph by Maria Stenzel
This Month in Photo of the Day: Images From National Geographic Books
Penguins surface near an air hole in Antarctica, captured with a remote underwater camera.

Sardines and Sharks, South Africa, 2002
Photograph by David Doubilet
Copper sharks torment a frenzied school of sardines off South Africa's east coast. In winter, sardines migrate northward en masse, creating an aquatic extravaganza that draws sharks, seals, seabirds, dolphins, and gamefish to a roiling all-you-can-eat buffet.

Coconut Island Fish, Hawaii
Photograph by Gwen Goodmanlowe
This Month in Photo of the Day: Nature
This photo was taken in the lagoon at Coconut Island, Hawaii. I worked there for seven years and Kaneohe is one of my favorite places. Because the little island is preserved, the reefs are still intact—paradise.

Photo Gallery: Great White Sharks
New Zealand fur seals swim warily above a great white shark, the largest predatory fish in the seas. Unfortunately for them, seals are one of these sharks' favorite meals

Photo Gallery: Great White Sharks
The Latin name for great white sharks, Carcharodon carcharias, literally means "ragged tooth," an understandable moniker.

Photo Gallery: Great White Sharks
Full breaches like this attack are rare as they expend so much energy. But in South Africa waters full of baby seals, sharks attack from below with ferocious speed, propelling them out of the water with their cat

Photo Gallery: Great White Sharks
Great white sharks, like this one, use an uncanny sense of smell combined with a unique sensory system that detects bioelectric impulses in the water to find vulnerable prey up to miles away.

Photo Gallery: Great White Sharks
With the tip of its classic dorsal fin protruding through the water's surface, a great white shark swims above a school of fish that are most likely too small for the behemoth to bother chasing down for an afternoon snack.

Photo Gallery: Great White Sharks
Despite the widespread fear of these enormous predators, great white shark attacks are rarely fatal. Most of the attacks are "sample bites" from the curious fish as they try to decide whether to go through the effort of a full attack. Luckily, they usually decide against making people their next meal.

Photo Gallery: Great White Sharks
Great whites have a dark gray upper body to camouflage them from above and a stark white underbelly to camouflage them from below. That way they can ambush victims from any angle.

Photo Gallery: Great White Sharks
Near a seal colony in South Africa, a great white shark breaches, leaping for a decoy being pulled across the surface.

Photo Gallery: Great White Sharks
Nurse sharks prefer to dwell near the sea floor in the warm, shallow waters of the western Atlantic and eastern Pacific oceans.

Photo Gallery: Great White Sharks
Among the most likely sharks to attack humans, bull sharks favor shallow coastal waters—the same places humans prefer to swim.

Photo Gallery: Great White Sharks
So called because of the tiger-like stripes on juveniles, the tiger shark is, like its terrestrial namesake, a voracious hunter.


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 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-6 13:58:40 | 显示全部楼层
Photo of the Day
May 28, 2009
Multiple Exposure, Nimrud, Iraq
Photograph by Alexandra Avakian
This Month in Photo of the Day: Images From National Geographic Books
Near Nimrud, Iraq, May 1999: This double exposure shows a Muslim family resting at the end of the day and Karakosh al-Taheram, a Catholic church.
靠近尼姆鲁兹,伊拉克,1999年5月:这个双重曝光说明一个穆斯林家庭休息在一天结束的时候和Karakosh al-Taheram,一个天主教堂。

Right Whales Swimming
Photograph by Brian Skerry
This Month in Photo of the Day: National Geographic Magazine Features
A century ago only a few hundred right whales survived in the Southern Hemisphere. But international protections are working, and the southern rights' future, says Oregon State University biologist Scott Baker, "looks good."

Humpback Whales in Sunlit Water, Tahiti
Photograph by Jody MacDonald
This Month in Photo of the Day: Nature
When you swim with humpback whales it's not their size that overwhelms you but their beauty. You want to stay in that moment forever. These three humpbacks came over to me to check me out. They put on a beautiful dancing display that makes your heart stop and you wish for the moment to never end. When they were done ten minutes later they took off but left me with amazing memories. Tahiti, French Polynesia.

Singing Humpback, Hawaii, 1999
Photograph by Flip Nicklin
"Showing his ID as he floats head-down in the singing position, Frank displays the unique pattern of tail markings by which individual humpback whales can be recognized."

Photo Gallery: Whales
Scientists aren't sure why whales breach. Some say it's to clean off parasites. Others say it's just for fun.

Photo Gallery: Whales
Northern right whales, hunted to near extinction, are the rarest of all large whales. Experts estimate that only several hundred exist in the wild.

Photo Gallery: Whales
Sperm whales' heads are filled with a mysterious substance called spermaceti. Scientists have yet to understand its function, but believe it may help the animal regulate its buoyancy.

Photo Gallery: Whales
Largest of the Whales, the killer whale, or orca, is a highly successful predator, feeding on fish, seals, and sometimes whales.

Photo Gallery: Whales
Every year, in late fall, gray whales leave their feeding grounds in Alaska to breed in the warm waters off Mexico's west coast. They return north in the summer, a round trip of some 12,500 miles (20,116 kilometers)!

Photo Gallery: Whales
The plaintive song of the humpback whale can travel for great distances underwater.

Photo Gallery: Whales
The white bumps on a right whale's head are skin abrasions called callosities. Extensive hunting has dramatically reduced this whale's numbers, and estimates are that only about 300 remain in the North Atlantic.

Photo Gallery: Whales
The beluga, or white whale, is one of the smallest species of whale. Their distinctive color and prominent foreheads make them easily identifiable.

Photo Gallery: Whales
A barnacle-encrusted gray whale pokes its head above water in Scammon Lagoon off Baja California.

Photo Gallery: Whales
Earth's largest animal, the endangered blue whale can eat some 4 to 8 tons (3.6 to 7.3 metric tons) of krill per day.

Diver and Shipwreck, South China Sea, Philippines, 1994
Photograph by Emory Kristof
A diver measures the sunken remains of the San Diego in the South China Sea off the western Philippines. The 115-foot (35-meter) Spanish galleon went to the bottom with a rich cargo and most of its 450 men in December 1600 following a botched attempt to commandeer a Dutch pirate ship.

Bubble Eye Goldfish, United States
Photograph by Paul A. Zahl
The extraordinary bubble eye wears marble-size, fluid-filled eye sacs like water wings. The breed is only one in a gallery of bizarre variations of the common goldfish. Developed over ten centuries by Asian breeders, this living art of the East today attracts growing numbers of Western aquarists.

Many mollusks, like this ridged specimen resting atop a blue sea star (starfish) near Indonesia's Satonda Island, are commensal creatures, meaning they benefit from living on or near a host organism, while leaving the host largely unaffected. However, mollusks are also a favorite prey of sea stars, which use their suction-cupped tube feet to pry open clams, mollusks, and oysters before consuming their innards.

Tube Anemone, Bali
Photograph by Tara Noble Singh
This Month in Photo of the Day: Nature
This large tube anemone, photographed in Tulamben, Bali, stood high off the black-sand bottom, allowing me to shoot its spectacular tentacles from below and capture its graceful movement. The flashlight highlighted the anemone’s dazzling luminance, while the setting sun added a sense of atmosphere.

Bay Polar Bears, Canada, 1996
Photograph by Flip Nicklin
A polar bear cub lets his mother know he's ready to nurse. Polar bears nurse their cubs for two and a half years with milk containing 35 percent fat—a security blanket for the upcoming Arctic winter.

Koi Feeding, Texas
Photograph by Randy Heisch
This Month in Photo of the Day: Your Photos
Blue sky reflects off the surface waves created by a koi surfacing to feed in our backyard pond.


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 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-6 14:00:37 | 显示全部楼层
Photo Gallery: Underwater Creatures
In a world of clouds and crystalline blue, a pair of stingrays glides just below the surface in the waters of French Polynesia's Tuamotu archipelago. The creatures find safe haven here under the protection of one of UNESCO's Man and Biosphere reserves.

Photo Gallery: Underwater Creatures
A Cape fur seal (Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus) undulates in rhythm with fronds of kelp in the waters off Gansbaai, South Africa. Although the animals are clubbed during hunts and die when entangled in fishing nets, they are top predators in the region and among the most abundant fur seals in the world.

Photo Gallery: Underwater Creatures
Leviathan among sharks, a whale shark (Rhincodon typus) gains on its small prey in the Indian Ocean off the coast of western Australia. About the length of a large bus, whale sharks are the largest fish in the world. But with 300 rows of tiny—and useless—teeth, this filter-feeder is a gentle giant.

Photo Gallery: Underwater Creatures
Moving as one, a school of sweetlips explores the waters of Australia's Great Barrier Reef. Sweetlips are often accompanied by the cleaner wrasse, a fish that grooms them and keeps their skin and mouths free of infection-causing parasites.

Photo Gallery: Underwater Creatures
In an apparent moment of solitude and safety, a Galápagos penguin forages in the waters off the South American islands. But danger abounds for this small creature, whose population has been reduced to less than a thousand breeding pairs throughout the archipelago. Predators such as sharks and hawks kill the penguins. Temperature-driven food shortages starve adults. And human hazards—habitat disturbance and destruction, discarded waste from tourists and fishermen, and dangerous fishing nets—are pushing the creatures closer to extinction.

Photo Gallery: Underwater Creatures
The rush is on for silky sharks (Carcharhinus falciformis) and yellowtail snappers (Ocyurus chrysurus) to get their share of food tossed out of a dive boat into Cuba's coastal waters. Aggressive and considered dangerous to humans, the silky shark is nevertheless fished for human consumption. Its meat is eaten fresh or salted. Its skin is processed for leather. The fins are sold in the Asian shark-fin trade, and its liver—high in vitamin A—is extracted for medicinal liver oil.


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 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-6 14:02:36 | 显示全部楼层
Photo of the Day
May 29, 2009
Atlantic Walrus Resting, Canada
Photograph by Paul Nicklen
This Month in Photo of the Day: Images From National Geographic Books
An Atlantic walrus bull rests on a piece of multiyear ice near Nunavut, Canada

Photo Gallery: Underwater Creatures
On the hunt for food in the waters of Japan's Izu Oceanic Park, a squid focuses its prominent eyes for prey. Although the squid has eight arms, it uses its longer tentacles to snare its catch, passing its meal to the arms, which then guide it into the mouth.

Photo Gallery: Underwater Creatures
Rays of yellow brighten an overcast day as Pacific double-saddle butterfly fish (Chaetodon ulietensis) swim near water's surface in French Polynesia's Tuamotu archipelago. This coral reef species feeds on a number of organisms, allowing it to thrive even when reefs are unhealthy.

Photo Gallery: Underwater Creatures
Delicate as a flower petal, a marine flatworm glides along in the Pacific Ocean near Micronesia's Yap Islands. Its ruby color may be a protective measure, signaling potential predators that it is toxic.

Photo Gallery: Underwater Creatures
Captured by the photographer's flash, an unidentified fish takes center stage with a backdrop of a red vase sponge. Like other sponges, vase sponges feed on filtered nutrients drawn in with water through their pores.

Photo Gallery: Underwater Creatures
Awash in a sea of blue, a school of unicorn fish—named for the mystical creature whose horn they mimic—swims toward the water's surface in the Seychelles. Unicorn fish are generally nonaggressive, but during a rare fight they defend themselves with forward-pointing prongs on either side of their tails rather than the prominent horn on their heads.

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