《西游记》第六十九回“心主夜间修药物 君王筵上论妖邪”:“国王道:‘三年前,正值端阳之节,朕与嫔后都在御花园海榴亭下解粽插艾,饮菖蒲雄黄酒,看斗龙舟。忽然一阵风至……’”
W.J.F.Jenner 英译:\"At the Dragon-boat Festival three years ago.\" the king said, \"we were in the Pomegranated Pavilion of the palace gardens with our queens and consorts, unwrapping rice dumplings, putting artemisia out, drinking calamus and realgar wine and wathing the dragon boats race when all of a sudden there was a gust of wind. ... ...\" |