A physical medicine may cure a sickness of the body; wisdom and compassion, the medicines of the heart, cure all your sufferings.
People run away from their families, their cities and their problems, hoping to find inner peace in the forests or the mountains. If it is inner peace that you desire, why go outside your heart to find it?
It is funny how people talk about finding peace of mind. It has always been there. You only have to realise it. People go to all sorts of places to find peace of mind.
If you do not have it within yourself, you can go to the end of the world and yet never find it.
If you do not have happiness in your heart, you will be unhappy no matter where you go. If you do have happiness in your heart, you can be sitting in the dirtiest toilet in India, and yet be happier than the person spending thousands of dollars to sit on the beach in Hawaii.
If you observe people with wisdom, you will find everyone is your teacher. A kind person teaches you kindness. A hostile person teaches you patience.
A hostile person is your teacher of tolerance. Rejoice when you meet one. It is not every day that you meet a perfect opportunity to practise your patience.
You are upset by hostile people only because they awaken your own hostility. Your hatred is in reaction to theirs. When there is no hostility inside you anymore, it is not so bad running into hostile people. In fact, you will no longer perceive them as hostile at all.
If you lose your temper every time someone says something unpleasant to you, you are giving them power. In turn, anyone but yourself will become the master of your mind and you have become enslaved. If you like to be in control, first take control of your own mi
When meeting an unreasonable person, know that he is only behaving so because he is intoxicated with desire and attachment. Think that he is your best friend who is now drunk and cannot control himself. In this way you will develop compassion for him instead of anger.
I don’t understand why people enjoy fishing and hunting. In what way is your life enhanced by the termination of that of others?
How would you feel if someone were to grab your children by their hair while they were harmlessly walking by, humiliate them by toying with their bodies for a while before finally killing them, just so that he or she had something to do on a Sunday afternoon? I don’t think you would like that. I don’t know why you call fishing a hobby. It is just unnecessary killing. It is sad if you make killing your hobby!