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[[学习策略]] “常用地道口语大家学着说”专帖(请勿跟贴,谢谢!)

发表于 2008-12-14 22:50:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



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 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-14 22:51:59 | 显示全部楼层
1. Over The Top

Jo: Hello, this is Real English from BBC Learning English, I’m Jo.
Sun Chen: 还有我,孙晨。这里就是我们的地道英语。
Jo: In Real English, we look at words and phrases that you might not find in your dictionary.
Sun Chen: 你要是经常听英国人说话,就会发现他们老是用一些个习惯用语。这些词儿好多字典里根本找不到。所以我们得马上跟上。
Jo: And today’s expression is ‘over the top’ – ‘over the top’.
Sun Chen: 那这个词组的意思又是什么呢?
Jo: Well it can be used to describe a person, a place, an object, a way of behaving, a –
Sun Chen: 好了好了。我知道这个词组可以用在这儿,用在那儿,但是你不是先跟我们说说这个词组到底是什么意思呢?
Jo: It really means that something or someone is not normal. It’s going beyond what is considered ordinary.
Sun Chen: 远远地超出了普通的范畴。那他到底说的是好事儿,还是坏事儿啊?
Jo: Well, it’s sometimes seen as a bad thing I suppose. Here’s an example.

A. Did you see her outfit last night – that tiny miniskirt and low-cut top?
B. Yeah it was completely over the top - really not very appropriate for a business dinner!
Jo: So we heard there that ‘over the top’ was used in a disapproving way to talk about something outrageous or flamboyant.
Sun Chen: Over the top 可以用来讽刺那些出圈或特别过分的事儿。
Jo: There’s even a short version of this expression – OTT!
Sun Chen: 那这种缩写在人们说话的时候,又该怎么用呢?
Jo: Yes, I could say – his behaviour is really OTT.
Sun Chen: 好了,别忘了我们今天说的词儿就是
Jo: Over the top or OTT.
Sun Chen: 就是说什么东西太棒了,要不就是太过分了.
Jo: Join us again for more Real English from BBC Learning English. Goodbye!
Sun Chen: Bye!

Submitted by: BBC

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-15 19:15:52 | 显示全部楼层
2. Pig Out

Jo: Hello, this is Real English from BBC Learning English, I’m Jo.
Jean: And I’m Jean. Hello!
Jo: In Real English, we look at words and phrases that you might not find in your dictionary.
Jean: 和汉语一样,英语语言里是充满了成语和口语词的,所以学习和了解这些短语和口语词是非常有用的。尤其这些说法和语言都是英国人日常说到用到的。那Jo,我们今天要来学习的新词是什么呢?
Jo: Today’s expression is pig P.I.G. out O.U.T. pig out.

Jean: Pig out? 说得是猪的什么事儿吗?
Jo: Well, to pig out means to eat too much food.
Jean: OK, so pig out 就是大吃特吃的意思.
Jo: Let’s listen to some examples.

A: So what do you usually do on Christmas Day?
B: Oh you know, the usual – I sit and watch TV and pig out on turkey and chocolate!
A: Did you enjoy the meal last night?
B: I did – but I pigged out a bit. That pasta was so nice I just couldn’t stop eating it!
Jo: I really like eating, Jean – I’m always pigging out.
Jean: And what’s your favourite food?
Jo: I love pizza – and it’s so easy to pig out on pizza because they are so big! When was the last time you pigged out Jean?
Jean: Well just last night I went to the cinema and I ate lots of popcorn. 电影院的玉米花已给就是一大包,所以 I really pigged out.
Jo: So, that’s today’s expression – pig out.
Jean: Pig out. 大吃特吃. And that’s all for today.
Jo: Yes, you’ve been listening to BBC Learning English. Join us again soon for more Real English. Bye.
Jean: See you next time!

Submitted by: BBC

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-15 19:48:41 | 显示全部楼层
Over The Top

1.Jo: Over the top or OTT.

2.The film's violent ending is completely over the top.

3.Do you have a bit over the top ?

4.That's a bit over the top, isn't it?

5. It's a bit over-the-top to call him a fascist.

Chosen from: Different kinds of newspapers and magazines


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 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-15 19:57:57 | 显示全部楼层
Pig Out

1.Let's go pig out on pizza.

2.His favorite pig out food is barbecued spareribs.

3.I’m starving! Let’s go pig out.

4.After trying to lose weight for (a year) I had a meal of bread and bananas and ice cream; did I pig out!

5. I found Sam in front of the TV, pigging out on pizza and fries.

Chosen from: Different kinds of newspapers and magazines


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 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-16 19:50:20 | 显示全部楼层
3. Rocket

Helen: Hello, this is Real English from BBC Learning English. I’m Helen.

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-16 19:51:25 | 显示全部楼层

Unemployment levels have rocketed (to new heights).

House prices are rocketing (up).

The film has rocketed overseas.

The train rocketed through the station at 90 miles an hour.

He rocketed to national stardom.

she showed the kind of form that rocketed her to the semi-finals last year.

Chosen from: Different kinds of newspapers and magazines

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-17 22:41:33 | 显示全部楼层
4. A Bite to Eat

Neil: Hello, this is Real English from BBC Learning English, I'm Neil.
Helen: And I'm Helen. Hello!
Neil: In Real English, we look at words and phrases that you might not find in your dictionary.
Helen: 英语是一种富有成语和不同语言习惯的语言,所以要想学习地道纯正的英国英语,了解英国人常用的通俗语言和表达方式也是非常重要的。
Neil: Yes, it certainly does have something to do with eating. To have a bite to eat means to go and have something to eat.
Helen: 这种说法是指吃什么东西都行还是说是要吃正经的一顿饭呢?
Neil: It usually means to have a small amount of food – so a snack or a light meal – or it can just mean to go and eat some food or a meal.
Helen: Bite就是用嘴咬的意思,而a bite to eat一般就是专指随便的吃点什么东西或者吃顿便饭的意思。
Neil: Here are some examples of how we might use it.

A: I'm hungry – shall we go for a bite to eat?
B: Sounds good.
A: So are we going to see the new Harry Potter film later?
B: Yes. If we meet at 6 we should have time for a quick bite first.
Helen: 刚才他俩说的是a quick bite就是很快的吃点东西。所以a bite to eat也可以简单说成a bite – 都是咬一口什么东西吃,就是随便吃点东西的意思。
Neil: All this talk of food is making me hungry…
Helen: Shall we go for a bite to eat?
Neil: I would love a bite to eat. And that's about all from Real English today.
Helen: And today's expression is 'a bite to eat' – 随便吃点东西。感谢大家收听我们BBC Learning English的节目。 We'll see you next time.
Neil: Bye for now.

Submitted by: BBC

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-17 22:42:59 | 显示全部楼层
A Bite to Eat

1.Let's grab a bite to eat.

2.He hasn't had a bite to eat all day.

3.I do not think I can eat another bite.

4.The children haven't had a bite to eat all day.

5.Let's do both. We can grab a bite to eat and then go to a movie.

6.There was no buffet car on the train, and they hadn’t had a bite to eat all night.

Chosen from: Different kinds of newspapers and magazines


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 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-18 20:11:53 | 显示全部楼层
5. Dab Hand

Neil: Hello, welcome to Real English from BBC Learning English, I'm Neil.
Helen: 大家好, 我是 Helen.
Neil: In Real English we look at words and phrases people use all the time, but you probably won't find in your dictionary.
Helen: 希望在今天的地道英语节目中, 您能学到在书本里找不到的英语常用表达。
Neil: Today's expression is dab hand.
Helen: Dab hand. What does that mean?
Neil: If someone's a dab hand at something, it means they're very good at it. They're skilful at something.
Helen: Oh I see. 如果有谁对什么事特别在行 a dab hand, 意思就是他是这方面的能手。
Neil: Like you Helen with chopsticks. You're a dab hand at chopsticks. You're really skilful.
Helen: Hmm, and you could do with some practise.
Neil: Well, Helen, I'm not Chinese.
Helen: Neil 说我是用筷子的能手 a dab hand at using chopsticks。

A: Argh computers! I hate them. Could you give me hand?
B: Yeah, no problem, you just need to look here.
A: Ah, your such a dab hand with computers. I wish I could understand them.
Helen: Is it a common expression, Neil? 这是不是个常用表达呢?
Neil: Yes it is, but be careful because it's very British. You won't hear it much in American English.
Helen: So what are you a dab hand at, Neil?
Neil: Well, we don't usually use dab hand to talk about ourselves, but it's a nice compliment to pay someone else.
Helen: 我们一般不用这个词来形容自己,不过如果用来形容其他人, 这就有赞美的意思。 Well, you're a dab hand at English.
Neil: Thanks, Helen, but it is my first language!
Helen: Oh yeah.

Neil: Well, that's all for today from Real English.

Submitted by: BBC

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-18 20:12:54 | 显示全部楼层
Dab Hand

1.This teacher is a dab hand with naughty boys.

2.He is a dab hand at basketball

3.Ian is a dab hand at the orient art.

4. Binns was a dab hand at cricket and played for his county in his youth.

5.My father is a dab hand at baking bread.

6.Why don't you let me decorate your sitting-room for you; I am a dab hand at decorating.

Chosen from: Different kinds of newspapers and magazines

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-19 19:39:00 | 显示全部楼层
6. Graveyard Shift

Neil: Hello, welcome to Real English from BBC Learning English, I'm Neil.
Helen: 大家好,我是 Helen。
Neil: In Real English we look at words and phrases people use all the time, but you probably won't find them in your dictionary.
Helen: 希望在今天的地道英语节目中,您能学到在书本里找不到的英语常用表达。
Neil: (yawn)
Helen: What's the matter with you Neil? You seem so tired.
Neil: Oh Helen, I am. I'm working shifts at the moment.
Helen: Shifts 工作班次。 Neil's 昨天晚上上的是夜班。
Neil: And last night I worked the graveyard shift.
Helen: The graveyard shift?
Neil: Yes, that's today's word in Real English. The graveyard shift.
Helen: 墓地,graveyard. What does it mean?
Neil: It's a shift which starts very late at night and ends in the morning.
Helen: So it's a night shift? 就是上夜班吧?
Neil: That's right.
Helen: But why graveyard? 但是这和墓地有什么关系呢?
Neil: Well, we're not sure about the origin but it might be because when you work a night shift it's usually very quiet and there aren't very many people around, like a graveyard.
Helen: 原来你也不是很清楚这个词的由来,可能是因为以前半夜上班的人发现周围都很安静,没什么人,而且午夜以后就是幽灵出没的时候了。

A: Have you seen Kate recently? She's looks terrible – so pale and with really dark rings under her eyes.
B: I'm not surprised, she's been working the graveyard shift for about six months.
Helen: Do you like working the graveyard shift, Neil?
Neil: No it's awful! What about you?
Helen: No, I'd hate to work the graveyard shift. I'm tired enough during the day anyway!
Neil: We say 'to work' the graveyard shift.
Helen: 上夜班 I work the graveyard shift.
Neil: Or 'to do' the graveyard shift.
Helen: 或者可以用 to do, 做 I do the graveyard shift.
Neil: Or 'to be on' the graveyard shift.
Helen: 也可以前面加 on, 在上夜班 I'm on the graveyard shift.
Neil: Well, that's all for today from Real English. I'm off to bed.
Helen: Goodnight – or day!

Submitted by: BBC

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-19 19:45:01 | 显示全部楼层
Graveyard Shift

1. "Why are you always so sleepy in class?" Professor Brown asked Sam. "Because I have to work the graveyard shift besides going to school," Sam answered.

2. Do cemetery workers prefer the graveyard shift?

3. Working the graveyard shift at 7-Eleven, you meet all kinds of weird people.

4. He suggested we should go eat after my graveyard shift.

5. Mr. A started working the graveyard shift last month.

6. Some people prefer to get on the graveyard shift to in-crease their income.

Chosen from: Different kinds of newspapers and magazines


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 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-21 22:03:15 | 显示全部楼层
7. Guts

Neil: This is Real English from BBC Learning English. I'm Neil.
Helen: And I'm Helen. Neil, 咱们今天学什么新词儿呀?
Neil: Today's new word is 'guts'. G.U.T.S. – guts.
Helen: Guts, 给我们讲讲是什么意思吧,Neil。
Neil: Well, 'guts' is an informal slang word meaning courage. If you have guts, you have courage.
Helen: 哦,明白了。Guts 就是勇气的意思,而且是个俚语。
Neil: Yes, for example, you might say "You need to have guts to be a policeman."
Helen: 没错,你需要勇气去做一名警察。
Neil: Yes. 'Guts' is informal, but you could use it in most situations.
Helen: 哦,guts 是出现在非正式场合的,但是在大部分的情况下,我们都可以用它。
Neil: That's right.
Helen: Neil, 你觉得在什么情况下需要勇气呢?
Neil: Yes, how about asking someone for a date!
Helen: 想邀请某人和自己约会?I don't have the guts for that!

A: I really like her, but I'm too embarrassed to ask her to come to the cinema with me.
B: Oh come on. Where are your guts? Just go and ask her!
A: I quit my job and took a year walking round Europe.
B: That was brave. I wouldn't have the guts for that.
Helen: Do you think you have guts, Neil?
Neil: Well, sometimes. Other times no!
Helen: 那是为什么呢?
Neil: Well, I wouldn't have the guts to do a parachute jump.
Helen: 跳伞。
Neil: You need a lot of guts.
Helen: 我觉得也是。
Neil: But I have the guts to travel alone.
Helen: 单身旅行, 那也需要很多勇气啊。
Neil: Well, I think I agree with you there. Anyway, let's recap – 'guts' is an informal word for courage.

Helen: 对了, Guts 是用在非正式场合的,意思是勇气。Neil,咱们的时间又要到了。
Neil: Yes we must. You've been listening to Real English from BBC Learning English. Join us again soon for more up-to-the-minute Real English. Bye.
Helen: See you next time.

Submitted by: BBC

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-21 22:04:13 | 显示全部楼层

1.It certainly takes guts to take risks.

2.He had the guts to stand by his friend when he was in trouble.

3."She has got guts; no one can deny that," said a colleague.

4.I haven't the guts to turn down an invitation from Anderson.

5.He is really a man with plenty of guts.

Chosen from: Different kinds of newspapers and magazines

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-23 21:32:52 | 显示全部楼层
8. Taking the Mickey/Taking the Mick

Jo: You're listening to Real English from BBC Learning English. I'm Jo.
Lily: And I'm Lily. 两分钟的地道英语专门向大家介绍英国当代流行语, 其中很多都是在书本上或字典里查不到的。 Jo, 今天学什么新词语?
Jo: Today's expression is to... take… the… mickey M.I.C.K.E.Y. To take the mickey out of someone.
Lily: 听着很费解 – 什么意思呢?
Jo: Well, it is a way of saying in English 'to make fun of someone'.
Lily: 这下我就明白了。 在你想取笑某人,让他们出洋相的时候就可以说, you are taking the mickey out of them, right?
Jo: That's right. And it's usually in a fun, jokey kind of way that you take the mickey although sometimes it can be used in a more serious way. Here are some more examples:

A: Everyone always takes the mickey out of me because my wife makes my lunch every day.
B: Aw, but she makes you such nice lunches?
A: Are you taking the mick as well?
A: How's your new English teacher?
B: He's OK but everyone takes the mickey out of him because he always wears an awful jacket and red shoes! No one takes him seriously!
Lily: 第一段对话表现了一种善意的取笑,因为总是老婆为这位男子打点好午餐,所以办公室的同事们不免都来善意的挖苦挖苦这个男子。 但是第二段对话中,学生们因不喜欢老师的装束而不把老师放在眼里,这就有些不敬的味道了。 总之, to take the mickey out of someone 就是善意或恶意地取笑挖苦某人。

Lily: And you might see some really nice pictures of Jo on there!
Jo: Are you taking the mickey, Lily?
Lily: 怎么, 你没感觉到我也正在从你身上学习英国式的讽刺幽默吗! 毕竟,那是你的明星照 啊!
Jo: Hmmmm – I think it's a very nice photo! Anyway, thanks for listening to our BBC Learning English programme – we'll see you next time.
Lily: 下次节目再会!

Submitted by: BBC

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-23 21:33:54 | 显示全部楼层
Taking the Mickey/Taking the Mick

1.Miss Greenfell took the mickey out of certain familiar programmes.

2.I can see perfectly well that you are trying to take the mickey out of me.

3.Every time the new teacher appears in a classroom he gets the mickey taken out of him.

4.The newcomer tried to impress the company by talking of his distinguished connexions, but it was not long before someone took the mickey out of him.

5.Stop taking the mickey (out of poor Susan)!

Chosen from: Different kinds of newspapers and magazines

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-7 23:48:16 | 显示全部楼层
9. Size Zero

Yang Li: 大家好,欢迎收听BBC 的地道英语, 我是Yang Li。
Diarmuid: And I’m Diarmuid. In Real English we look at words and expressions you might not find in your dictionary. Today’s expression is size zero.
Yang Li: 这个表达是用来描绘那些身材特别纤细,瘦小的女孩子。
Diarmuid: Size zero is actually an American clothing size.
Yang Li: 这是来自美国的衣服尺寸,零号是最小号的。不过现在它不单单代表一个衣服尺寸,而是和一个概念相联了,尤其是在欧洲, 是用来形容那些很瘦很瘦的模特儿。
Diarmuid: To be size zero, you need to be very, very thin. Some people think that is attractive, but it is quite controversial.
Yang Li: Controversial – 具有争议性的。Why?
Diarmuid: Because many people think that encouraging young women to think that they need to be a size zero to be attractive is dangerous – it could encourage eating disorders.
Yang Li: 引起饮食疾患 eating disorders – 有些人为了瘦下来而不顾一切的节食,结果对身体造成了很大的伤害 。
Diarmuid: Some fashion models say they are naturally that slim.
Yang Li: 不过很多人觉得除非特意的去减肥,不然没人会自然的瘦成那样。
Diarmuid: Many doctors say that it is unhealthy to be that thin, and some fashion shows have banned models who are size zero.
Yang Li: 让我们来听听这个零号表达在新闻里是怎么用的吧。

Health professionals have voiced concerns about the trend for ‘size zero’ fashion models, saying that it is generally unhealthy for a woman to be so thin. They also worry that teenage girls will try to imitate the size zero models and that eating disorders will increase.
Diarmuid: Well, we’ve run out of time now.
Yang Li: 让我们复习一下 – 今天的表达是用来形容非常非常瘦的女孩子,同时也是美国衣服尺寸的最小号。
Diarmuid: Size zero.
Yang Li: 我们下次节目再见!

Submitted by: BBC

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-7 23:49:37 | 显示全部楼层
Size Zero

1. I have never designed any clothes for size zero.

2. i would love to know what u people think abt the size zero debate?

3. More than one in five women between the ages of 18 and 24 want to be a size zero , according to a new poll.

4. To be size zero, you need to be very, very thin. Some people think that is attractive, but it is quite controversial.

Chosen from: Different kinds of newspapers and magazines


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 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-8 00:03:33 | 显示全部楼层
10. Dead ringer

Jo: Hello, this is Real English from BBC Learning English, I’m Jo.
Sun Chen: 我是孙晨。这就是我们的地道英语。
Jo: In Real English, we look at words and phrases that you might not find in your dictionary.
Sun Chen: 就是。英语说起来,其实有特别多的口语,还有习惯用语。所以你可要赶紧跟上,随时把握每天英语当中最常用的说法。
Jo: And today we’re looking at a strange expression - to be a dead ringer for…. to be a dead ringer for…
Sun Chen: 这个说法听起来怎么这么怪啊!这个词组究竟是什么意思呢?
Jo: It’s a way of saying that somebody looks very similar to someone else.
Sun Chen: 啊,你这么一说我就明白了。其实这种说法的意思,就是说谁长得像谁。
Jo: That’s right. We also use the expression ‘the spitting image of’ to talk about someone looking similar to someone else, sometimes someone famous.

A. Look over there, is that David Beckham?
B. No, it can’t be!
A. No maybe you’re right, but that guy’s a dead ringer for him.
Jo: The expression ‘dead ringer’ is so well-known in Britain, that there is even a radio and TV series called ‘Dead Ringers’.
Sun Chen: 那这些节目当中,都有些什么呢?
Jo: It’s a comedy programme where people impersonate famous people.
Sun Chen: impersonate – 学人家,模仿别人。那参与这些节目的人都长得特像名人吗?
Jo: Well, not really, but they dress up and put on make-up so that they do! Anyway, to recap, today’s expression is ‘to be a dead ringer for …’
Sun Chen: 说的就是长的像谁,特别是说长的像名人。
Jo: Join us next time for more Real English, from BBC Learning English.
Sun Chen: 我们下次节目再见!Bye。
Jo: Goodbye.

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