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[[资源推荐]] 成语翻译整理专帖

发表于 2008-11-9 13:57:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


1. 笨鸟先飞   
直译: The stupid bird flies first.
意译: One who is not so clever should make an early start.
套译: It is the early bird that catches the worm.
2. 千钧一发
直译: The hair in the very emergency situation.
意译: Very emergency time.
套译: Hang by a thread.
3. 一贫如洗
直译: One poor guy looks like washing something.
意译: Very poor.
套译: As poor as a church mouse
4. 骑虎难下   
直译: Ride on the tiger and hard to get off.
意译: Suggest it is hard for one to get rid of something.
套译: Hold a wolf by ears
5. 拆东墙补西墙   
直译: pull the east wall to make up the west wall
意译: Haven’t change anything.
套译: Rob Peter to pay Paul
6. 本末倒置
直译: Put the beginning as the end.
意译: Cannot tell the importance and the unimportance.
套译: Put the cart before the horse
7. 瓮中捉鳖  
直译: Catch the tortoise in the urn.
意译: It is in the control or it is easy to deal with.
套译: like a rat in the hole
8. 功夫不负有心人  
直译: Kungfu will not betray the person who with the heart.
意译: One should work hard to gain what he needs.
套译: Everything comes to him who waits.
9. 好了伤疤忘了疼  
直译: Once recovered, one forget the pain.
意译: Haven’t remember the lesson.
套译: Once on shore, one prays no more
10. 对牛弹琴  
直译: Play the piano at the front of the cow.
意译: It is hard to make one understand who is freshman for your talking.
套译: Cast pearls before a swine
11. 不伦不类
直译: Not like this and not like that.
意译: Not normal.
套译: Neither fish nor fowl
12. 雪中送炭
直译: Send the firewood in snow.
意译: Give the lacking things to the poor people.
套译: help alamp dog over a stile
13. 一箭双雕
直译: One arrow and two birds.
意译: Use the less thing to get bigger success.
套译: Killing two birds with one stone
14. 一丘之貉   
直译: All the animals live on the same hole.
意译: All of them are bad people.
套译: Birds of a feather
15. 猫哭老鼠   
直译: Cats cry for the rats.
意译: Pretend to be a good guy.
套译: Shed crocodile tears
16. 脚踩两只船   
直译: Stand on the two boats at the same time.
意译: Not concentrate on the one thing.
套译: Sit on the fence.
17. 老生常谈,陈词滥调
直译: The old man always talk a lot.
意译: Cliché
套译: Cut and dried.
18. 礼尚往来   
直译: The courtesy goes away and come back.
意译: One should be more polite.
套译: Courtesy calls for reciprocity.
19. 留得青山在,不怕没柴烧
直译: Leave the green hill, and we don’t fear there is no firewoods.
意译: Prepare the most fundamental things and then one day one can also succeed.
套译: Where there is life, there is hope.
20. 如坐针毡   
直译: One looks like sitting on the blanket which is made by needle.
意译: Uncomfortable.
套译: Have ants in one’s pants
21. 爱屋及乌   
直译: Likes the house and the crow.
意译: One like one thing and likes everything surrounding this thing.
套译: Love me ,love my dog
22. 噤若寒蝉   
直译: To be silent as a cold cicada.
意译: Fear to say any words.
套译: As mute as a fish
23. 弄巧成拙   
直译: Makes the skillful people become foolish.
意译: One who wants to play trick on other people but finally he fails and destroies himself.
套译: Cunning outwits itself.
24. 进退维谷   
直译: Come or back are both very hard.
意译: It is hard to make any decisions.
套译: Between Scylla and Charybdis
25. 赔了夫人又折兵  
直译: Pay for the lady and then pay for the soliders.
意译: Loose it completely.
套译: Throw good money after bad
26. 胸有成竹   
直译: Have abamboo in one’s stomach
意译: Have the enough confidence to deal with things.
套译: To have a card up one’s sleeve.
27. 强强联手   
直译: The strong co-operate another strong guy.
意译: Use the all good things together.
套译: Win-win co-operation
28. 乐不可支   
直译: Can not support the joy.
意译: Feel very happy.
套译: In the seventh heaven.
29. 灭顶之灾  
直译: The disaster of destroy the cover.
意译: The strong disaster.
套译: To meetWaterloo.
30. 人逢喜事精神爽  
直译: One feels happy when he come across a good thing.
意译: The good thing is always very helpful to person.
套译: Joy puts heart into a man.
31. 致命要害   
直译: The fatal destroyment.
意译: The very important destroyment.
套译: The heel of Achilles
32. 世上无难事,只要肯攀登  
直译: There is no hard things in the world if you can climb.
意译: Pay a lot of hard work to gain the success.
套译: Where there is a will, there is a way.
33. 巧舌如簧   
直译: The skillful tongue likes the spring.
意译: One talks very.
套译: Silken tongue.
34. 浑水摸鱼   
直译: Catch the fish in the dirty water.
意译: Mass.
套译: Fish in troubled water.
35. 岁岁平安   
直译: Every year one is very safe.
意译: A good hope for people.
套译: Peace all year round
36. 隔墙有耳
直译: There is a ear in the next wall.
意译: Be careful to prevent someone steal the message.
套译: Wallshave ears.
37. 白纸黑字  
直译: White paper and black words.
意译: State the statement clearly.
套译: Black and white
38. 有钱能使鬼推磨
直译: Money can make the ghost work.
意译: Money is very powerful.
套译: Green power.
39. 万丈高楼平地起
直译: Millions meter highed building comes from the flat ground.
意译: Everything comes from very basic things.
套译: Green oaks from little acorns grow.
40. 时不我待   
直译: Time doesn’t wait for me.
意译: To cherish the time or to take the opportunity.
套译: Time and tide wait for no man.
41. 杀鸡用牛刀   
直译: Use a sword which is for cow to kill the cock.
意译: Not use the tool appropriate.
套译: Break a butterfly on the wheel
42. 说曹操,曹操到   
直译: Talk Caocao and he comes.
意译: When talk about someone and he comes. Emphasis the speed is very quick.
套译: Talk of the devil and he comes.
43. 实话实说   
直译: To tell the truth.
意译: To tell the truth.
套译: Call a spade a spade; tell it as it is
44. 一山望着它山高
直译: One hill watched another higher hill.
意译: Always wants things which is not belong himself.
套译: Grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.
45. 天有不测风云   
直译: The wind and cloud in the sky is unpredictable.
意译: One can not predict anything.
套译: A bolt from the blue  
46. 大事铺张   
直译: Big action and waste a lot.
意译: Waste the money to have a too big party.
套译: Paint the town red.
47. 物以类聚,人以群分  
直译: The same kind of things or persons comes together.
意译: There is a rule for organize the things.
套译: Birds of a feather flock together.
48. 打草惊蛇  
直译: Beat the grass and shock the snake.
意译: Be enough careful.
套译: Wake a sleeping dog
49. 屋漏又逢连阴雨  
直译: The house is broken and the rain is not stop.
意译: Misfortunes never come singly.
套译: When it rains it pours.
50. 画蛇添足   
直译: One adds the feet on his snake painting.
意译: The unnecessary act.
套译: Paint the lily.
51. 先入为主   
直译:who come first will be the host
意译:first words or first impressions are often in a dominant position in the minds 
套译:First impressions are firmly entrenched.
52. 先下手为强   
直译:act first is stronger 
意译:act before the adversary is ready in order to get the initiative status
套译:catch the ball before the bound
53. 鱼米之乡   
直译:the hometown of fish and rise
意译:rich place where abounds in fish and the rice
套译:a land of milk and honey
54. 息事宁人   
直译:settle down the matter so that people can live in peace.
意译:dispute the resolution
套译:pour oil on troubled waters
55. 英雄所见略同   
直译:heroes’ view are similar
意译:heroes’ opinion basically the same
套译:great minds think alike
直译:the injuries as close as the scales
意译:a heavy injuries
套译:black and blue
直译:rain as big as water pour from the basin
意译:a heavy rain
套译:rain cats and dogs
直译:dare boiling water and fire
意译:fearless danger, bravely forward
套译:go through thick and thin
直译:difficult to advance and retreat
意译:things can not be decided making it difficult to action
套译:between Scylla and Charybdis
直译:seven is in disorder, eight is awful
意译:no order, no coherent, not like in the chaos
套译:at sixes and sevens
直译:no spirit and not look good
意译:sleepiness, and can not afford to momentum
套译:dead and alive
62. 喜忧参半   
直译:half happiness and half grief
意译:a thing mix with happiness and grief
套译:mingled hope and fear
63. 不择手段   
直译:not chinchy to use method
意译:made up whatever means To achieve the purpose
套译:by hook or by crook   
65. 唯利是图   
直译:the only wish is the benefit
意译:make profit the first
套译:draw water to one's mill
66. 新官上任三把火  
直译:the new officer fires three heaps of fire
意译:new rulers, new rules
套译:a new broom sweeps clean
67. 有情人终成眷属  
直译:lovers end as couples
意译:the people who love each other will live together at last
套译:Jack shall have Jill, all shall be well
68. 以人为本   
直译:make people the first
意译:trait people as the most important part
套译:people oriented; people foremost
69. 有勇无谋   
直译:with courage but not wisdom
意译:good strength bad intelligence
套译:use brawn rather than brain
70. 欲速则不达   
直译:go fast but not arrive
意译:nervous helps nothing in solution
套译:Haste does not bring success
71. 优胜劣汰   
直译:good wins bad loses
意译:only the best can be alive
套译:survival of the fittest
72. 一言既出,驷马难追   
直译:when words be paid, four-horses-drived carriage can not overtake
意译:promise is important
套译:A real man never goes back on his words.
73. 债台高筑   
直译:the floors of debt raise up
意译:owe many people for money
套译:become debt-ridden
74. 致命要害   
直译:the point cause to death
意译:the most serious disadvantage of sth
75. 众矢之的   
直译:the target all arrow go
意译:the point everyone pay their wrath to
套译:target of public criticism
76. 纸上谈兵   
直译:talk about the war in the paper
意译:boast in a field sbself never experience
套译:be an armchair strategist
77. 纸包不住火   
直译:the paper can not fold the fire
意译:truth will talks itself
套译:Truth will come to light sooner or later.
78. 恩深意重
直译:huge grace deep affection
意译:did a huge favour to sb before
套译:the spiritual debt is deep and great
79. 耳根清静
直译:silence around the ears
意译:no business interrupt
套译:peace of mind achieved by staying away from nagging
直译:remind in the ear, order on the face
意译:remind many times
套译:pour exhortations into sb's ear; give earnest exhortations
直译:beautiful scenes are short 
意译:good times don't last long
套译:every day is not Sunday
82. 海底捞月
直译:drag for moon from the seabed
意译:strive for the impossible or illusory things
套译:cry for the moon
直译:nine cows and one feather
意译:a small thing
套译:a drop in the bucket, a mite on an elephant
84. 耳听八方
直译:ears at the same time listen to the voices of all directions
意译:very alert; extremely vigilant
套译:all ears
85. 二百五
直译:two hundred and fifty
意译:a stupid person
套译:a stupid person
86. 既往不咎
直译:not go behind the past
意译:forgive sb.'s past misdeeds
套译:let the dead bury the dead
87. 惹事生非
直译:ask for something and make quarrel
意译:ask for trouble
套译:let sleeping dogs lie
直译:can sing and can weep
意译:move one to praises and tears
套译:set one in a melting mood
直译:care for every weight
意译:haggle over every ounce
套译:strain at a gant
直译:measure the strength then act
意译:do according to one's abilities
套译:cut the coat according to the cloth
直译:the wood has become the boat
意译:what is done cannot be undone
套译:the die is cast
92. 烂醉如泥
直译:as drunk as mud
套译:be as drunk as a lord
93. 乐极生悲   
直译:huge happy brings sad
意译:extreme joy begets sorrow 
套译:laugh before breakfast you’ll cry before supper
94. 老马识途   
直译:old horse knows the way
意译:an old hand is a good guide
套译:the devil knows many things because he is old
95. 班门弄斧
直译:wigwag ax before Luban’s house
意译:display one's slight skill before an expert 
套译:teach fish to swim
96. 不翼而飞
直译:fly without wings
意译:disappear without trace 
套译:vanish from sight
97. 出人头地
直译:stand out
意译:be the famous person
套译:come to the fore
98. 公事公办
直译:do official business according to official principle
意译:do things with principle
套译:business is business
99. 春风化雨
直译:the wind of spring brings rain
意译:salutary influence of education 
套译:one’s mantle fails on somebody
100. 人困马乏
直译:people and horse are tired
意译:the exhausted troops
套译:the entire force was exhausted

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-9 14:00:11 | 显示全部楼层

二. 直译

1.  爱屋及乌 Love me, love my dog.
2.  百闻不如一见 Seeing is believing.
3.  半斤八两 six of one and half a dozen of the other
4.  本末倒置 put the cart before the horse
5.  捕风捉影 catch at shadows
6.  不顾艰险,赴汤蹈火 go through thick and thin; go through fire and water
7.  不浪费,不愁缺 Waste not, want not.
8.  不劳则无获 No pains, no gains. No gains without pains.
9.  出生牛犊不怕虎 A new-born calf makes little of a tiger.
10.  船到桥头自会直 You will cross the bridge when you get to it.
11.  打草惊蛇 beat the grass to alert/startle the snake
12.  大海捞针 look for a needle in a haystack
13.  (他)得寸进尺 Give him an inch and he’ll take an ell.
14.  放长线,钓大鱼 throw a long line to catch big fish
15.  隔墙有耳 Walls have ears.
16.  光明正大 be fair and square
17.  过河拆桥 kick down the ladder上楼抽梯
18.  患难见真情A friend in need is a friend indeed.
19.  浑水摸鱼 fish in troubled waters
20.  火上加油 add fuel to the fire; pour oil on the flame
21.  既往不咎 Let bygones be bygones.
22.  见风使舵 to steer according to the wind
23.  骄兵必败 Pride goes before a fall.
24.  金窝银窝,不如自家草窝 East or west, home is the best.
25.  来得容易,去得快 Easy come, easy go.
26.  乱七八糟 be at sixes and sevens
27.  旁观者清 The onlooker sees most of the game.
28.  破釜沉舟 burn one’s boat
29.  三思后行 Look before you leap.
30.  熟能生巧 Practice makes perfect.
31.  易如反掌 as easy as a turn of one’s wrist
32.  英雄识英雄 Like knows like.
33.  英雄所见略同 Great minds think alike.
34.  欲速不达 More haste, less speed.
35.  坐立不安 be/sit on pins and needles
36.  一箭双雕 to kill two birds with one stone
37.  趁热打铁 to strike while the iron is hot
38.  火上加油 to pour oil on the flame
39.  晴天霹雳 like a bolt from the blue
40.  轻如鸿毛 as light as a feather
41.  空中楼阁 castle in the air
42.  破釜沉舟 to burn the boat
43.  如履薄冰 to be on the thin ice
44.  爱财如命 love money as one loves one's life/love money as much as life itself.
45.  爱莫能助 willing to help but unable to do so
46.  爱憎分明 understand what to love and what to hate/know whom to love and whom to hate.
47.  安步当车 stroll over instead of riding in a carriage/walk rather than ride.
48.  安分守已: 直译abide by the law and behave oneself;意译know one's place  
49.  安居乐业live and work in peace and contentment
50.  安民告示a notice to reassure the public  
51.  安贫乐道be content with poverty, caring only for one's principles or the way  
52.  安然无恙safe and sound/(escape)unscathed  
53.  安如泰山as solid as Mount Tai/ as firm(solid)as a rock
54.  安营扎寨 pitch a camp/camp
55.  按兵不动:直译hold one's troops where they are—take no action; 意译bide one's time.
56.  按部就班follow the prescribed order/keep to conventional ways of doing things.
57.  按图索骥look for a steed with the aid of its picture—try to find something by following up a clue
58.  按下葫芦浮起瓢:直译hardly has one gourd been pushed under water when another bobs up;意译solve one problem only to find another cropping up
59.  暗箭伤人:直译stab ab. in the back;意译injure sb. by underhand means
60.  暗送秋波make eyes at sb. / give sb. the glad eyes/ make secret overtures to sb.
61.  黯然神伤feel dejected / depressed
62.  黯然失色be cast into the shade/ be overshadowed/ be eclipsed/ pale into insignificance
63.  黯然销魂sorrow at parting
64.  昂首阔步stride along with one's chin up/ stride proudly ahead
65.  昂首望天hold one's head high and gaze at the sky
66.  嗷嗷待哺cry piteously for food
67.  八面威风an aura of awesome might/a commanding presence
68.  八仙过海,各显神通like the Eight Immortals crossing the sea, each one showing his or her special prowess.
69.  八字还没一撇儿there's not even the first stoke of the character /there's not the slightest sign of success yet
70.  拔苗助长try to help the shoots grow by pulling them upward—spoil things by excessive enthusiasm
71.  不劳而获 (Reap without sowing → Profit by others' toil.)
72.  .饮水思源 (When you drink the water, think of its source → never forget where one's happiness comes.)
73.  .种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆 (Plant melons and get melons, sow beans and get beans → You reap what you have sown.)
74.  真金不怕火 (True gold fears no fire→ A person of integrity can stand severe tests.)
75.  趁热打铁Strike while the iron is hot
76.  要善始善终Good to begin well, better to end well. 一箭双雕hit two hawks with one arrow
77.  五十步笑百步one who retreats fifty paces mocks one who retreats a hundred -the pot calls the kettle black.
78.  易如反掌 to be as easy as turning over one’s hand
79.  对牛弹琴 to play the lute to a cow – to address the wrong audience
80.  画蛇添足 to draw a snake and add feet to it
81.  雪中送炭 to send charcoal in a snowy weather
82.  守口如瓶 to keep one’s mouth closed like a bottle
83.  倾国倾城之色:her beauty was such as to overthrow cities and ruin states
84.  半途而废:give up halfway
85.  君子协定:A gentleman's agreement
86.  挨门逐户:go from door to door/go from house to house
87.  按图索骥:look for sth by a chart
88.  百依百顺:obey in every way
89.  口蜜腹剑,笑里藏刀:He is an evil man who has a mouth that praises and a hand that kills.
90.  赴汤蹈火:jump to water or walking through fire
91.  打草惊蛇:to stir up the grass and alert the snake
92.  刻骨铭心:to been graved on ones' heart and bones
93.  一年半载:a year or so
94.  载歌载舞:singing and dancing
95.  一心一意:whole heartedly
96.  当面不说,背后乱说:to say nothing to people to their faces but to gossip behind their backs
97.  事不关己,高高挂起:To let things drift if they do not affect one personally.
98.  做一天和尚撞一天钟:So long as one remains a monk one goes on tolling the bell
99.  一人得道,鸡犬升天:Even the dog swaggers when its master wins favour.
100.  半信半疑:half believe and half doubt
101.  打落水狗:to beat a dog in the water
102.  画饼充饥:to draw cakes to allay hunger
103.  废寝忘食:Neglect one's meals and sleep.
104.  多多益善:the more the better
105.  天诛地灭:Heaven and Earth destroy me
106.  百花齐放,百家争鸣:Let a hundred flowers bloom, a hundred schools contend.
107.  供不应求:supply does not meet the demand.
108.  天下无双:second to none
109.  竹篮打水:drawing water in a bamboo basket;
110.  水到渠成:when water comes, a stream is formed.
111.  搞木死灰:withered wood or cold ashes.
112.  心不在焉:absent-minded.
113.  煽风点火:fan the flame.

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-9 14:00:47 | 显示全部楼层

1.  班门弄斧 teach fish to swim; teach one’s grandmother to suck eggs
2.  不可外扬的家丑;隐情 a skeleton in the cupboard
3.  不伦不类;非驴非马;古怪之人 be neither fish, flesh, nor good red herring
4.  不入虎穴,焉得虎子 Nothing venture, nothing have.
5.  吃一堑,长一智 A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit.
6.  打开天窗说亮话 put all cards on the table
7.  多此一举 carry coals to Newcastle
8.  洗心革面 turn over a new leaf
9.  改邪归正 mend one’s ways
10.  本性难改 The leopard can’t change its spots.
11.  孤注一掷 put all one’s eggs in one basket
12.  画蛇添足 paint the lily
13.  捷足先登 The early bird catches/gets the worm.
14.  酒肉朋友 a fair weather friend
15.  不择手段 by hook or by crook
16.  骑虎难下 hold a wolf by the ears巧妇难为无米之炊 One can’t make brick without straw.
17.  入乡随俗 When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
18.  山穷水尽 be at the end of one’s rope(tether)
19.  事难两全 You cannot eat your cake and have it
20.  水底捞月 fish in the air
21.  捡了芝麻,丢了西瓜 Penny wise, pound foolish
22.  胸有成竹 have a card up one’s sleeve
23.  雪中送炭 help a lame dog over a stile
24.  掌上明珠 the apple of one’s eyes
25.  直言不讳 call a spade a spade
26.  守口如瓶 as dumb as an oyster; as silent as the graves; as close as wax
27.  一贫如洗 as poor as a Church mouse
28.  健壮如牛 as strong as a horse
29.  血流如注 to bleed like a pig
30.  打草惊蛇 to wake a sleeping dog
31.  对牛弹琴 to cast pearls before swine
32.  粗枝大叶 to be crude and careless
33.  扬眉吐气 to feel proud and elated
34.  无孔不入 to take advantage of every weakness
35.  大张旗鼓 on a large and spectacular scale
36.  风雨飘摇 (of a situation)being unstable
37.  八面玲珑be smooth and slick (in establishing social relations)
38.  心情愉快,万事顺利A merry heart goes all the way. 物以类聚,人以群分Birds of a feather flock together. 满瓶子不响,半瓶子晃荡Empty vessels make the most noise. 明枪易躲,暗箭难防False friends are worse than bitter enemies.
39.  粗枝大叶  to be crude and careless
40.  扬眉吐气  to feel proud and elated
41.  开门见山  to come straight to the point
42.  单枪匹马  to be single-handed in doing sth
43.  望子成龙:expecting their son to bean outstanding figure
44.  衣锦还乡:go home loaded with honours
45.  饱经风霜:have had a chequered life
46.  迎刃而解:be readily solved
47.  班门弄斧: a show- off before an expert
48.  出生入死:brave untold dangers
49.  初露锋芒:show primarily one′s talent
50.  大智若愚:still waters run deep
51.  若即若离:keep sb at arm’s length
52.  轻而易举: without making an effort
53.  曲高和寡: too highbrow to be popular
54.  如坐针毡:feel badly uneasy
55.  丧家之犬: homeless dogs
56.  平淡无奇:very ordinary
57.  其味无穷:a lasting fine taste
58.  了如指掌:at one′s fingertips
59.  山穷水尽:at the end of one’s rope/ at one’s last shift
60.  津津有味:extremely interesting
61.  金口玉言:precious words
62.  城下之盟:a forced “treaty of peace”
63.  冷言冷语:mocking words
64.  大手大脚:wasteful/wastefully
65.  脱胎换骨:cast off their old selves and take on new selves
66.  锦上添花:add flowers to a piece of brocade
67.  雪中送炭:offer fuel to a person in snowy weather
68.  车水马龙:heavy traffic
69.  绣花枕头:person good only in looks
70.  人定胜天:human can overpower natural forces
71.  雪上加霜:disasters pile up on one another
72.  自力更生:to recover and develop economy by relying mainly on ones own efforts
73.  不足挂齿:of no importance
74.  众擎易举:many hands make light work
75.  病入膏盲:past all hope
76.  鞭长莫及:beyond one's reach
77.  唇齿相依,安危与共:to be closely related like lips and teeth, which share the same security and danger        
78.  无孔不入:to take advantage of every weakness
79.  油嘴滑舌:glide-tongued
80.  灯红酒绿:dissipated and luxurious
81.  开门见山:to come straight to the point
82.  杞人忧天:unnecessary anxiety
83.  朝秦暮楚:quick to switch
84.  四面楚歌:to be besieged on all sides
85.  有鼻有眼:to describe a thing vividly
86.  酒囊饭袋:a good--for--nothing person
87.  天有不测风云:Something unexpected may happen any time
88.  临危不惧:to face the music
89.  守株待兔:wait for gains without pains,
90.  前仰后合:laugh off one's head,
91.  锦上添花:make good better.
92.  五颜六色:all the colours of rainbow.
93.  无可救药:beyond remedy.
94.  名落孙山:fail in the examination,
95.  四面楚歌:besieged on all sides.
96.  司空见惯:of everyday occurrence

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-9 14:02:27 | 显示全部楼层

1.  弱不禁风:as weak as water
2.  错失良机:to miss the boat
3.  反复无常:blot hot and cold
4.  趁热打铁:strike while the iron is hot
5.  浑水摸鱼:fish in troubled waters
6.  多此一举:to carry coals to Newcastle
7.  英雄所见略同:Great minds think alike
8.  体壮如牛:as strong as a horse
9.  如履薄冰:to tread upon eggs
10.  从生到死:from the cradle to the grave
11.  反攻为守:turn the table to the attacker
12.  猫哭老鼠:shed crocodile tears
13.  轻举妄动:a leap in the dark
14.  原形毕露: show one’s colours
15.  入乡随俗:Do in Roman as the Romans do
16.  进退维谷:between Scylla and Charybdis
17.  一桶水摇不响,半桶水响叮当:A little knowledge (or learning) can be (or is) dangerous; 或Still water runs deep; 或 He who knows the most says the least.
18.  大智若愚:A truly wise person does not show off his (her) ability
19.  水落石出:All secrets may eventually come to light;或 Eventually, every secret will be disclosed.
20.  这山望到那山高:The grass always looks greener on the other side.
21.  雷声大,雨点小:Actions speak louder than words; 或 An empty barrel makes biggest sound.
22.  人不可貌相,海水不可斗量:We can not judge a person by appearance only; 或 You can not judge a book by its cover.
23.  赔了夫人又折兵:To throw the helve after the hatchet
24.  班门弄斧:To teach one' s granny (grandmother) to suck eggs
25.  上梁不正下梁歪:Fish begins to stink at the head
26.  旁观者清:the onlooker sees most of the game.
27.  道高一尺,魔高一丈:while the priest climbs a post the devil climbs ten,
28.  隔墙有耳:walls have ears.
29.  不入虎穴,焉得虎子:Nothing venture, nothing have.
30.  木已成舟:What is done cannot be undone. (what is done is done)
31.  三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮:two heads are better than one head
32.  破釜沉舟burn one's boats 
33.   隔墙有耳Walls have ears.  .
34.  赴汤蹈火go through fire and water 
35.   谋事在人,成事在天Man proposes, God disposes. 
36.   混水摸鱼fish in troubled waters 
37.   泼冷水pour cold water over / on 
38.  了如指掌know something like the palm / back of one's hand 
39.   滴水穿石Constant dropping wears the stone 
40.   火上浇油pour oil on fire 
41.   肉中刺a thorn in the flesh 
42.   事实胜于雄辩Facts speak louder than words 
43.  昙花一现a flash in the pan 
44.   风烛残年have on foot in the grave 
45.   山穷水尽at the end of one's rope 
46.  心有余而力不足The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. 。
47.  少年老成 to have an old head on young shoulders 
48.   物以类聚Birds of a feather flock together. 
49.  真正的套译
50.  小题大做 to make a mountain out of a molehill
51.  赴汤蹈火 to go through fire and water
52.  对牛弹琴 to teach a pig to play on a flute
53.  过河拆桥 to kick down the ladder
54.  洗心革面 to turn over a new leaf
55.  除非太阳从西边出来 when a pig might fly
56.  新官上任三把火。 A new broom sweeps clean.
57.  江山易改,秉性难移。 Can the leopard change his spots?
58.  等着天上掉馅饼。 You will get pie in the sky when you die.
59.  小人易怒。 A little pot is soon hot.

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