Following pls find my translation to an English Movie Poster, give me your advice
This 'X-Files' is more normal than paranormal
David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson have returned as former FBI agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully. \"The X-Files: I Want to Believe\" is a taut, well-acted, thoughtfully organized, not very scary, not very hard to figure out serial-killer mystery. The pair still drive a Taurus, and their adventure takes place over a few gray, snowy days in NoVa and WeVa.
It's been six years since we left Mulder and Scully. There's been a lot of control-alt-delete going on with them. Mulder now avoids arrest by sitting in a rural craftsman bungalow, surrounded by all the dim lamps, mission-style furniture and flying saucer posters he had back in the day. Scully is a pediatric surgeon, and the point is she's busy, her hairstyle is prettier than ever, and she's left behind all things X.
One day, a serious-looking FBI agent shows up needing Scully's help on a case involving an abducted agent. The feds also need someone who's an expert in listening to psychics. They need Agent Mulder.
Happily, Mulder and Scully are soon on a helicopter to the FBI building in Washington.
There's just enough of that old push and pull between Scully's heartbreaking need for scientific proof in all things, and Mulder's desperation to find answers in the supernatural, to make us realize how much we've missed them.

斯嘉丽遇事反复寻求科学论证,福克斯面对离奇的事件总是孜孜以求而又屡陷绝望……这些过去的情节虽已成昨日黄花,但又勾起我们心中对他们的几多思念。 |