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[[原创地带]] What do We Learn from Sanlu Milk Powder Incident

发表于 2008-9-15 11:39:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
We are really shocked when we heard what happend to Sanlu milk powder recently.

You can imagine, with a baby back in home, can I keep calm when I heard the harm the milk powder of Sanlu Brand did to so many children. What about the other brands? Sanlu was found out after so many children have been hurt, who can guaranttee the other brands will not do the same thing, which is yet to be found.

To guaranttee the healthy development of a society, food safety is the most important thing. Children are the future, they are our hope in the future, if Children are put in a dangerous position, we put our future in danger. I think that Sanlu company, as a national enterprise, should also bear this in mind. Never let the thirsty to money turn your brain, and throw you deep to the sbyss of sin.

From this incident, we can also see that there are still more things to be done.

Clearly, we need to be more strict in govenmental supervision to food stuff safety.

No enterprise is always almighty. Even god makes mistakes. So quality does lose control some time. Any batch of milk powder should go through one after another examination before they finally reach the consumers. In every gate, governmental quality supervision department says. They are the final door keeper. If there is any problem, there should be some problem in their supervision. Such a thing is about life, no body has the right to be neglectful. Our supervision department should take their responsibility and make it strict.

Secondly, it reflects some serious problems of Sanlu Group.

Sanlu had always been a flagship enterprise in milk powder manufacturing. He is proud and is negnectful now. He thought himself a big one, he need no more effort and development. So he relaxed and made such a big mistake. Chairman Mao once said, \"ride goes before,and shame comes after(虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后)\". Sanlu Group should always keep this in mind and try to walk out of the shade of this incident.

The stuffs in the purchasing department and manufacturing department should also be taught some lessons from this. They should never be careless and keep safety in the first consideration. We all know that after our opening and reform policy was carried out, there flew into China many bad vogue together with the goodness. Our staffs should continue our long-lasting hard working trandition of China. Be strict with ourselves always and be responsible to the people.

China has a long way to go. We need to learn many things from this. The lessons we should always remeber, the experiences, we should conclude and develp. Only in this way, can enterpriese be big enterprise, and country be strong country.

Sanlu Group should be taught a big lesson from this incident. Hope they will make no more mistake, or they will the sinner of the nation. Also hope that they are given another chance. After all, they are also common people, making mistakes are inevitable.So long as they correct their mistakes, we people should give them another chance.

May the other enterprises learn something from this incident too.

God bless us.


发表于 2008-9-15 12:27:11 | 显示全部楼层
Indicent    incident?


 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-15 15:00:52 | 显示全部楼层
引用第1楼benchren于2008-09-15 12:27发表的 :
Indicent    incident?

Hi, dear friend,

I really got no idea what's your question mark for? Let me guess:

Problbly you may cinsider that the word I used here is not so appropriate, let me give some evidents:

First, if you just search the Internet through any search engine such as google, you may find many remarks on "Sanlu Milk Powder Incident". Let me give you some citations from some authoritative websites in the following:

http://english.china.com/zh_cn/n ... 80914/15086662.html

Incident is used in all these pages.

The second reason is that the explaination made to the word "incident" in some dictionaries:
Such it is intruded in Oxford Advanced Learners' Dictionary as following:
in·ci·dent /


发表于 2008-9-15 16:21:14 | 显示全部楼层


引用第2楼glen1111于2008-09-15 15:00发表的 :
So privately, I may say that this word should be ok in this place.

It seems obvious that glen1111 did not realize the wording of "Indicent" appears within the title. I think that's what the question mark about.


 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-15 17:55:00 | 显示全部楼层


引用第3楼liumx2000于2008-09-15 16:21发表的 Blindspot :

It seems obvious that glen1111 did not realize the wording of "Indicent" appears within the title. I think that's what the question mark about.

Got it! Wrong spelling!

Thank you very much and sorry for the misunderstanding!

You know that we are always blind to what is most obvious!


发表于 2008-9-15 18:52:12 | 显示全部楼层
maybe a slip of the pen...
oh, here it should be a slip of fingers


发表于 2008-9-15 21:27:33 | 显示全部楼层
quality management and PR management seems been missing in this organization, consider the large group of affected children, it won't be a occassional incident, obviously the problem has been long existed in sanlu, but why no people awared about it?


发表于 2008-9-15 23:31:14 | 显示全部楼层


引用第3楼liumx2000于2008-09-15 16:21发表的 Blindspot :

It seems obvious that glen1111 did not realize the wording of "Indicent" appears within the title. I think that's what the question mark about.

wording≈ phrasing ≠spelling


 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-16 08:55:43 | 显示全部楼层


引用第7楼白马西北驰于2008-09-15 23:31发表的 Re:Blindspot :

wording≈ phrasing ≠spelling

Can't agree with you more. Wording means the use of language. According to Oxford Advanced Learners' Dictionary, wording means
"the words that are used in a piece of writing or speech, especially when they have been carefully chosen:
The wording was deliberately ambiguous."

By the way, the reason for the pollution of Sanlu Milk Powder seems to be clear now. News says that Geng Brothers from Nanlou Commune, Zhending County, Hebei Province are decided as suspect who had begun to supply milk to Sanlu Group since May 2004. Their supply are rejected for several times for poor quality. And since 2007, the brothers began to add in melamine in milk in order to increase the protein index, and get over the examination. By now, details are still being investigated.

From this news we can see that Sanlu had not meant it. Of course it can never be released of its responsibility of oversight. Incident concerning life will never be a small one.

Hope Sanlu will draw a lesson from this incident and improve its work in the future.


发表于 2008-9-16 15:38:28 | 显示全部楼层
I dont think so! sanlu milk have appered for along time.but why anyone who in sanlu milk found the quilty?


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