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发表于 2008-9-11 21:39:01
abacinate - To blind by putting a hot copper basin near someone's eyes
abcedarian - A person who teaches the alphabet
abderian - given to incessant or idiotic laughter
abecedarian - A person who is learning the alphabet
abishag - A child born to a married man's mistress
ablegate - A representative of the pope who assists in selecting cardinals
abligurition - Excessive spending on food and drink
ablutophobia - A fear of bathing
abnormous - Something which is misshapen
acarophobia - 1.A fear of insects
acarophobia - 2.A fear of mites
acarophobia - 3. A fear of small things, especially bugs
acathasia - The habit of sitting down
accidia - A feeling of being unable to think or act due to excessive sadness
accipitrine - having a nose like a hawk's beak
accoucheur - A man who assists in delivering babies, usually at home
accubation - The practice of eating or drinking while lying down
accubitus - Sharing a bed for sleeping only
aceldama - A blood soaked battle eld
acerbophobia - See acerophobia
acerophobia - The fear of sourness
achluophobia - A fear of darkness or of the night
acosmist - One who believes that nothing exists
acouasm - A buzzing or a ringing of the ears
acoucheuse - A midwife, or other person who assists in delivering babies
acousticophobia - A fear of noise
acrasia - Acting against one's own judgment, or lacking self control
acrocephalic - Having a pointy head
acronycal - Occurring at sunset
acronyx - An ingrown ngernail or toenail
adelphepothia - An incestuous desire for one's sister
adelphirexia - An incestuous desire for one's nephew
adelphithymia - An incestuous desire for one's niece
adhocracy - Rulership by committees and task forces
adiabolist - One who does not believe in the existence of a Devil
adoxography - Skilled writing about an unimportant subject
aelurophobia - See ailurophobia
aeolist - A pompous windy bore who pretends to have inspiration
aeroacrophobia - See aerophobia
aeromancy - Divination using the air
aerophobia - 1. A fear of air
aerophobia - 2. A fear of flying
aesthete - One who obsessively pursues or admires beauty
afflatus - A divine inspiration leading to creativity
aunters - In a messy or disordered state
aforcing - Adding rice or grains to a dish to serve more people
agalaxy - Unable to produce milk
agamous - The state of being unmarried
agapetae - early church women who lived with celibate men
agathocacological - Composed of both good and evil
agelast - A person who never laughs
agenhina - A guest at an inn, who is considered to be one of the family
agerasia - The state of looking younger than one really is
ageustia - The lack of a sense of taste, either literally or in opinions
aginate - To sell small items
aginator - A merchant who sells only small items
agiotage - Speculation in the stock market
agist - A fee charged to private landowners for public services, or the re-
quirement that private land be used for public services
aglet - The plastic or metal tip on the end of shoelaces
agogic - Pertaining to the making of wax models
agonous - Engaged in deadly combat
agoraphobia - A fear of open places
agra e - The wire that holds the cork in a bottle of champagne
agrapha - The collective name for phrases which are often quoted and at-
tributed to someone who never said them.
agrizoophobia - A fear of wild animals
agroof - at on your face
agyiophobia - The fear of streets or crossing the street
ai - A South American three toed sloth
aichmophobia - A fear of pointed or sharp objects
aichmorhabdophobia - A fear of being beaten with a pointed stick
aichurophobia - The fear of being touched by a pointed object
ailuromancy - Divination by studying a cat's jump
ailurophobia - A fear of cats
albophobia - The fear of white people
albuminuriaphobia - A fear of kidney disease
alcedama - A blood soaked eld or a battle eld
alectromantia - A process in which a rooster is asked a question, and then a single grain is placed on each letter of the alphabet and the order of his eating determined the answer
alectryomancy - Magic using corn
alektorophobia - A fear of chickens
aleuromancy - Divination using flour
algerining - Prowling around with the intent to commit burglary
algology - The study of seaweed or marine algae
algophobia - A fear of pain
alieniloquent - Speaking discursively or straying from one's point
alliaceous - Smelling like garlic or onions
alliumphobia - A fear of garlic
allodoxaphobia - A fear of other people's opinions
allotheism - The worship of strange gods
alopeciaphobia - A fear of going bald
alopecist - A person who claims to prevent baldness
alphamegamia - The marriage between a young woman and an older man
alphitomancy - Divination using barley meal
alterocentric - Someone whose life revolves around other people
altiloquent - Speaking pompously or in a high own manner
altitonant - Thundering from above or on high
altophobia - A fear of heights or high places
alychiphobia - The fear of failure
alytarch - A referee, or person who enforces game rules
amathophobia - A fear of dust
amaut - A fur lined hood on the back of a women's parka, usually used for carrying an infant.
amaxophobia - A fear of riding in automobiles
ambeer - The spittle produced when chewing tobacco
ambiguphobia - A fear of being misunderstood
ambulomancy - Divination by walking
ambulophobia - The fear of walking
amentia - temporary insanity or a dazed trance
amomaxiaphobia - A fear of making love in an automobile
ampherotokous - Having both male and female o spring
amphigory - A poem that seems profound but is really complete nonsense
amphigory - A seemingly profound poem which is actually nonsense
amrita - A drink which bestows immortality in Hindu mythology
amychophobia - A fear of being scratched
anabatic - Related to wind currents, especially rising winds
anablepophobia - A fear of looking at high places
anacardic - Pertaining to a cashew nut
anadipsia - excessive thirst
anagapesis - The feeling when one no longer loves someone they once did
anasarkas - A condition in which a person is so swollen that they appear to have no muscles
anaxiphillia - The act of falling in love with the wrong person
anconeal - Related to the elbow
androcracy - A government consisting of men
androlepsia - A kidnapping by a foreign government for political gain
androphobia - A fear of men
anemophobia - The fear of wind
angelocracy - Rulership by angels
anginophobia - A fear of choking or su ocating
anile - Resembling a doddering old-woman, although usually used to imply loss of mental ability
anililagnia - An attraction to older women
anklyosis - The sti ness of immobility of a joint
ankylophobia - A fear of joint immobility
anoegenetic - Not producing new work or original knowledge
anonymuncle - A petty anonymous writer
anopisthographic - Having writing only upon one side
anserine - Like a goose
antapology - A response to an apology, usually attacking the justi cation included in the apology
antedeluvian - Very old or ancient, or pertaining to the era before Noah's flood
anteric - Pertaining to revenge against a former lover or a lover who betrays
anthomancy - Divination using flowers
anthophobia - A fear of flowers
anthracomancy - Divination using burning coals
anthrophobia - The fear of people
anthropoglot - Any animal, such as a parrot, which is capable of copying human speech
anthropolatry - Worship of a human as thought they were a god
anthropomancy - Magic or divination using people, or foretelling the future using the entrails of a sacri ced person
anthropopathy - Ascribing human feelings or traits to God or to the gods
anthropophobia - See anthrophobia
anthroposcopy - The art of determining personality or character from physical features
anthropotheism - The belief that gods began as humans and are human in nature
antinomian - Rejecting the authority of moral or religious law
antiscian - A person who lives on the other of the world from you
antisocordist - One who speaks against laziness and stupidity
antlophobia - A fear of floods or flooding
antonomasia - The practice of using trademarked names as generic terms
anuptaphobia - The fear of staying unmarried
anxiolytic - Serving to reduce tension or stress
apanthropia - A fear of people
apeirophobia - A fear of in nity
aphephobia - The fear of touching or being touched
apikoros - A Jewish person who does not follow Jewish law
apiophobia - A fear of bees
apocalocyntosis - The act of being turned into a pumpkin
apocatastasis - The belief that all people will be saved by God
apodyopsis - The act of mentally undressing someone
aporia - The feeling you have when your problems cannot be solved
apotheosis - The elevation of a mortal to deity
apricate - To spend time basking in the sunshine
aproneer - A merchant or shopkeeper
aprosexia - The inability to concentrate
aptronym - An appropriate name for someone or something
aquabib - An individual who only drinks water
aquaphobia - The fear of water
arachibutyrophagia - The act of eating peanut butter
arachibutyrophillia - The love of peanut butter
arachibutyrophobia - Fear of peanut butter
arachnivorous - Eating spiders
arachnophobia - The fear of spiders
arctophilist - A collector of teddy bears
arietate - To strike with a battering ram or to butt like a ram
aristology - The science of dining
aristophren - A person possesing a superior intellect
arithmophobia - A fear of numbers
armomancy - Divination involving the shoulder blades of animals
arrhenophobia - A fear of male o spring
arrhenotokous - Having only male o spring
arsle - To move backwards or to retreat rapidly
ascian - A person who has no shadow
aspergillum - A device for sprinkling holy water, usually a perforated sphere
aspersorium - A basin for holy water
assanka - The number ten to the sixty-third power
astereognosis - The loss of the ability to recognize shapes by touch
asthenic - Being lean and frail
asthenophobia - The fear of weakness
astragalomancy - Divination using dice
astrapophobia - The fear of thunder and lightning
astrophobia - The fear of stars
ataxiophobia - A fear of disorder
atelophobia - A fear of defects or imperfections
atephobia - A fear of rivers
atychiphobia - A fear of failure
aubade - A love song which is sung at dawn
augury - Divination using bird's flight
aulophobia - A fear of utes
aureate - Pertaining to the fancy or
owery words used by poets
aurophobia - A fear of gold
austromancy - Divination using the wind
autodeist - One who believes they are a god
autodidact - A person who has taught themselves
autodysomophobia - A fear of one's own body odour
autohagiographer - A person who speaks or writes in a smug way about their life and accomplishments
autolatry - The worship of one's self
autology - The study of oneself
automysophobia - A fear of being dirty
autotheist - One who worships themselves
autotonsorialist - A person who cuts their own hair
autovoxiphillia - Love of one's own voice
aval - Pertaining to grand parents
avenage - Oats paid to a landlord when the tenant could not pay the rent
avenage - Oats that were paid to landlords in lieu of rent by the poor
avering - When a poor person removes all of their clothing to increase sympathy while begging
averruncator - A long stick with shears for cutting high branches
avetrol - An illegitimate child
aviatophobia - A fear of flying
ayurnamat - The philosophy that there is no point in worrying about events that cannot be changed |