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[【图书推荐】] 甘阳:马克斯·韦伯生平著述年表

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  1864 4月21日生于埃尔福特
  1867 马克思《资本论》第一卷出版
  1871 德国统一,是为德意志第二帝国,以俾斯麦为首相
  1872 尼采(悲剧的诞生)出版
  1882 入海德堡大学学习法律
  1883 在斯特拉斯堡服兵役一年
  1883 奥地利经济学派代表孟格尔发表《探索社会科学特别是政治经济学的方法》,德国历史经济学派代表许默勒对该书发表尖锐抨击,从而引发影响深远的社会科学“方法论之争”(Methdemtdt);同年德国哲学家狄尔泰亦出版“社会人文科学引论”而被许默勒引为真正奠定社会科学方法论基础
  1884 入柏林大学攻读法律
  1885 《资本论》第二卷出版,恩格斯作序再度挑起价值理论之争,成为“方法论之争”另一战场
  1887 尼采《道德的谱系》出版
  1889 通过博士论文《中世纪贸易公司的历史》
  1890 俾斯麦下台
  1891 完成并出版讲师资格论文《罗马农业制度的历史对罗马公法与私法的重要性》,开始在柏林大学教授罗马法、日耳曼法及商法
  1892 学术重心从法学转向经济学;受“社会政策研究会”委托,分析德国东部农业社会结构变迁及其对德国资本主义发展的影响,以此为基础发表多篇文章,开始其对德国政治经济转型的具体分析
  1893 与玛丽安娜结婚
  1894 (资本论)第三卷出版,马克思的经济理论开始进入德国学术界并强烈影响韦伯和宋巴特等德国年轻一代社会科学家
  1894 放弃名校柏林大学法学教授机会,反接受当时地位甚低的地方性大学弗莱堡大学聘请出任经济学教授,这一选择本身反映了法学在欧洲学术的传统崇高地位已经下降,经济学成为领头学科
  1895 5月在弗莱堡大学发表著名的经济学教授就职演讲“民族国家与经济政策”明确阐明自己对经济理论、经济政策及其与政治的关系的看法,强调“经济科学是一门政治科学”,预示了日后关于社会科学方法论问题的一系列基本思考
  1896 发表《古典西方文明衰落的社会原因》,转任海德堡大学政治科学教授
  1897 发表《古典西方农业社会状况》,与父亲激烈争吵,不久后父亲去世
  1897—1903 精神崩溃,被迫停止一切教学、研究与政治活动
  1902 宋巴特出版(现代资本主义)
  1902 德国新康德主义哲学家李凯尔特发表《自然科学概念形成的界限》,韦伯认为此书为他提供了解决社会科学方法论之争的哲学和逻辑基础
  1903 重返学术活动,完成并发表第一篇“方法论著作”:罗歇尔的(历史方法);动手写作(新教伦理与资本主义精神)第一部分
  1904 8月—10月访问美国并发表病后第一次公开演讲《资本主义与农业社会卜出任(社会科学与社会政策)杂志主编,撰写著名的《新发刊词冲以社会科学与社会政策的(客观,性)》(第二篇方法论论文)11月发表(新教伦理与资本主义精神)第一部分
  1905 俄国二月革命
  1905 自学俄文以研究俄国革命进展;6月发表《新教伦理与资本主义精神》第二部分;发表第三篇方法论论著《克尼斯与非理性的问题(上)
  1906 尼采《权力意志》出版
  1906 发表第四篇方法论著作《克尼斯与非理性的问题(下)》;发表第五篇方法论著作(文化科学的逻辑之批判研究)发表《论俄国宪政民主的处境》参加德国社会民主党年度大会
  1907 发表第六篇方法论著作《批判斯旦慕勒对唯物主义历史观的“驳斥”》
  1909 将旧文《古典西方农业社会状况》扩展为长篇专著出版;出任《社会经济学大系》主编,拟定卷次目录,将自己承担的部分题为《经济与社会况最初计划的结构如下:1·经济与法律;2·经济与社会群体(家庭与社群,身份团体与阶级,国家);3·经济与文化
  1910 参与创立德国社会学学会;发表《关于(资本主义精神)的最后反批评》,从而将围绕(新教伦理与资本主义精神)的争论告一段落,开始思考新的研究方向
  1912 由“为什么只有西方有和声音乐”这一问题触发,第一次开始考虑更一般的“为什么只有西方才具有一种独特的理性主义”这一支配其后期学术思考的中心问题,开始走向西方与非西方的宗教文化比较研究发表
  1914 修订《社会经济学大系》的编辑计划,大大扩展自己承担的部分并将之题为《经济、诸社会领域及权力》
  1914 第一次世界大战爆发
  1914 报名参军不成而义务组织九所战时医院
  1915 开始发表系列比较研究《诸普世宗教的经济伦理》,是年发表的包括《导论》;《儒教》;《中间考察》宗教拒世的阶段与方向
  1916 开始发表战时政论文章;2月发表著名公开信“两种法则”,强调大国与小国在历史面前的责任不同;4月发表《诸普世宗教的经济伦理》第二部分《印度教与佛教》12月发表《印度教与佛教(续)》
  1917 俄国十月革命
  1917 5月发表《印度教与佛教(续完)》;发表《论德国的普选与民主》发表《何谓社会学与经济学的价值无涉》;l0月发表《诸普世宗教的经济伦理》第三部分《古代犹太教》11月在慕尼黑发表著名演讲《以学术为业》
  1918 德国要求停火;一战结束
  1918 发表《论新政治秩序下德国的议会与政府》,加入渐成立的德国民主党;任维也纳大学经济学教授门月、7月、12月连续发表《古代犹太教(续) 》
  1919 1月发表著名演讲《政治作为一种职业》,2月发表《帝国总统制「力主德国今后应实行总统制而放弃原先的议会政体主张;5月参与凡尔赛和谈德国代表团顾问工作;参与制定战后德国新宪法(威玛宪法);6月发表《古代犹太教(续)》;受聘为慕尼黑大学教授
  1919 将《诸普世宗教的经济伦理》与较早发表的《新教伦理与资本主义精神》合并修订,拟编为《宗教社会学文选况结构拟定如下:
  1920 1月发表《古代犹太教(续完)》;6月14日因肺炎病卒
  1921 未完成遗稿《经济、诸社会领域及权力》由遗孀玛丽安娜整理以《经济与社会》书名出版。
  Maximilian Weber ( April 21 1864 - June 14 1920 ) was a German economist and sociologist considered as one of the founders of modern sociology as well as of public administration .
  Max Weber was born in Erfurt Germany on April 21]st of 1864 as the eldest of seven children of Max Weber and his wife Helene. He was an elder brother of Alfred Weber.
  In 1882 he enrolled in the University of Heidelberg as the student of law 。
  His independent work began in the fields of law and legal history with the publication of his doctoral dissertation The History of Medieval Business Organisations in 1889.
  In 1891 his second work was published - the Roman Agrarian History and its Significance for Public and Private Law .
  In 1893 he married Marianne Schitger.
  In 1894 he became a full professor of economics at the Freiburg University.
  In 1896 he accepted a position at the University of Heidelberg.
  In 1897 due to an ilness he was forced to reduce and eventually halt his regular academic work and did not recover until 1901 . The ilness was likely a mental breakdown caused by death of his father.
  In 1903 he become an associate editor of the Archiv fur Sozialwissenschaft und Sozialpolitk (Archives for Social Science and Social Welfare).
  Weber felt however that he was unable to resume regular teaching at that time and contined on as a private schoolar helped by an inheritance in 1907 .
  In 1904 he visited United States and participated in the Congress of Arts and Sciences held in connection with the World's Fair at St. Louis.
  During the First World War he served for a time as a director of the army hospitals in Heidelberg .
  In 1918 he became a consultant to the German Armistice Commission in Treaty of Versailles and to the commission charged with drafting the Weimar Constitution .
  From 1918he resumed teaching first at the University of Vienna then in 1919 at the University of Munich (where he lead the first ever German institute of sociology).
  Max Weber died of pneumonia in Munich Germany on June 14 1920 .
  He was along with Karl Marx Vilfredo Pareto and Emile Durkheim one of the founders of modern sociology. Whereas Pareto and Durkheim following Comte worked in the positivist tradition Weber worked - like Werner Sombart his friend and then the most famous representative of German sociology - in the idealist or hermeneutic tradition.
  Max Weber is best known as one of the leading scholars and founders of modern sociology but Weber also accomplished much economic work. It is generally accepted now that it is in sociology that his contribution was most important. However during his life no such distinctions really existed and thus he may be seen as an \"economist\" in that light.
  From the point of view of the economists he is a representative of late German Historical School. His most valued contributions to the field of economy is his famous work The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism . This is a seminal essay on the differences between religions and the relative wealth of their followers. Weber's other main contributions to economics (as well as to social sciences in general) is his work on methodology : his theory of Verstehen (known as the Interpretative Sociology ) and his theory of positivism.
  The doctrine of Interpretative Sociology is as well-known as it is controversial and debated. This thesis states that social economic and historical research can never be fully inductive or descriptive as one must always approach it with a conceptual apparatus. This apparatus Weber identified as the \"Ideal Type\". The idea can be summarised as follows: an ideal type is formed from characteristics and elements of the given phenomena but it is not meant to correspond to all of the characteristics of any one particular case.
  Weber admitted employing \"Ideal Types\" was an abstraction but claimed it was nonetheless essential if one were to understand any particular social phenomena because unlike physical phenomena it involved human behavior which must be interpreted by ideal types. This can be viewed as the methodological justification for the assumption of \"rational economic man\". ( Typologically see as well Ferdinand Toennies ' outspoken different concept of \"Normal Type\".)
  Weber's work on positivism or rather his controversial belief in \"value-free\" social science is also still debated. Weber's other contributions to economics were several: these include a (seriously researched) economic history of Roman agrarian society his work on the dual roles of idealism and materialism in the history of capitalism in his Economy and Society (1914) which present Weber's anti- Marxian views. Finally his thoroughly researched General Economic History (1923) is perhaps the Historical School at its empirical best
  Max Weber formulated a three-component theory of stratification with social class status class and party class (or politics) as conceptually distinct elements.
  Social class is based on economically determined relationship to the market (owner rentier employee etc.)
  Status class is based on non-economical qualities like honour prestige and religion
  Party class refers to factors having to do with affiliations in the political domain.
  All three dimensions have consequences for what Weber called \"life chances\".
  Sociology of religion
  A separate article is on sociology of religion .
  In the field of sociology Weber is famous for his work on the sociology of religion and government (see next section).
  His sociology of religion started with the essay The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism and followed with the analysis of (The Religion of China: Confucianism and Taoism) (The Religion of India: The Sociology of Hinduism and Budhism) and (Ancient Judaism). His works on Islam and other religions were interrupted by his sudden death.
  His goal was to find reasons for the different development paths of the cultures of Occident and Orient .
  His three main themes were to examine the effect of religious ideas on economic activities to analyze the relation between social stratification and religious ideas and to ascertain and explain the distinguishable characteristics of Western civilisation.
  Sociology of politics and government
  Significant too is Weber's essay Politics as a Vocation . Therein Weber unveils the definition of the state that has become so pivotal to Western social thought: that the state is that entity which possesses a monopoly upon the legitimate use of force which it may nonetheless elect to delegate as it sees fit. Politics is to be understood as any activity in which the state might engage itself in order to influence the relative distribution of force. Politics thus comes to obtain to power-based concepts to be understood as deriving of power. A politician must also not be a man of the \"true Christian ethic\" (understood by Weber as being the \"Ethic of the Sermon of the Mount\" - that is to say the heeding of the injunction to turn the other cheek). An adherent of such an ethic ought be understood to be a saint (for it is only a saint by Weber that should find such an ethic a rewarding one). The political realm is no realm for saints. A politician ought marry the ethic of ultimate ends and the ethic of responsibility and must possess both passion for his avocation and the capacity to distance himself from the subject of his exertions (the governed).
  The phrase work ethic used in contemporary commentary is a derivative of the protestant ethic [1] ( http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protestantische_Ethik ) discussed by Weber. It was adopted when the idea was generalised to apply to Japanese Jews and other non-Christians .
  Weber distinguished three (pure) types of political leadership domination and authority: charismatic domination (familial and religious) traditional domination ( patriarchs patrimonalism feudalism ) and legal domination (modern law and state bureaucracy ). In his view every historical relation between rulers and ruled contained elements that can be analyzed on the basis of the above distinction.
  Weber is also well-known for his study of bureaucratization of society ; many aspects of modern public administration go back to him and a classic hierarchically organized civil service of the Continental type is - if basically mistakenly - called civil service\". In his work Weber lays out a famous description of bureaucratization as a shift from value-oriented organization and action (see traditional authority and charismatic authority ) to goal-oriented organization and action (legal-rational authority). The result according to Weber is a \"polar night of icy darkness\" in which increasing bureaucratization of human life-activity traps individuals in an \"iron cage\" of rule-based rational control. Weber's bureaucracy studies also led him to his analysis - correct as it would turn out - that Socialism in Russia would due to the abolishing of the free market and its mechanisms necessarily lead to over-bureaucratization and not the \"withering away of the state\" (as Marx had predicted).
  List of works
  Maximilian Weber wrote his books in German .
  Original titles printed after Weber's death (1920) are most likely compilations of his unfinished works (note the 'Collected Essays...' form in titles).
  Many translations are made of parts or selections of various German originals and the names of the translations often dont reveal what part of German work they contain
  Below is the chronological list of original titles with dates of publications and title translation given when possible then a list of works translated into English with the earliest found date of the translated publication. Note that the list of translations is most likely incomplete.
  Zur Geschichte der Handelgesellschaften im Mittelalter (The History of Medieval Business Organisations) (original - 1889 )
  Die R鰉ische Agargeschichte in ihrer Bedeutung für das Staats und Privatrecht (Roman Agrarian History and its Significance for Public and Private Law) (original - 1891 )
  Die Verh鋖tnisse der Landarbeiter im ostelbischen Deutschland (original - 1892 ) (Condition of Farm Labour in Eastern Germany)
  Die B鰎se (original - 1894 to 1896 ) (The stock exchange )
  Der Nationalstaat und die Volkswirtschaftspolitik . (original - 1895 ) (The National State and Economic Policy) - inaugration lecture at Freiburg University
  Gesammelte Aufsatze zur Religionssoziologie (Collected Essays on Sociology of Religion) (original - 1920 to 1921 )
  Gesammelte Politische Schriften (Collected Political Miscellanies) (original - 1921 )
  Gesammelte Aufs鋞ze zur Wissenschaftslehre (Collected Essays on Education) (original - 1922 )
  Gesammelte Aufs鋞ze zur Soziologie und Sozialpolitik (Collected Essays on Sociology and Social Policy) (original - 1924 )
  Wirtschaftsgeschichte (Economic History) (original - 1924 )
  Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft (Economy and Society) (original - 1925 )
  Staatssoziologie (Sociology of the State) (original - 1956 )
  The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (original - 1904 to 1905 translation - 1930 )
  From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology (translation - 1947 )
  The Theory of Social and Economic Organization ( Talcott Parsons ' translation of volume 1 of Economy and Society ) (original - 1915 ? translation - 1947
  Max Weber on the Methodology of the Social Sciences (translation 1949 )
  General Economic History - The Social Causes of the Decay of Ancient Civilisation (original - 1923 ? translation 1950 )
  The Religion of China: Confucianism and Taoism (translation - 1951 )
  Ancient Judaism (translation - 1952 )
  Max Weber on Law in Economy and Society (translation - 1954 )
  The City (original - 1921 translation - 1958 )
  The Religion of India: The Sociology of Hinduism and Budhism (translation - 1958)
  Rational and Social Foundations of Music (translation - 1958 )
  The Three Types of Legitimate Rule (translation - 1958 )
  Basic Concepts in Sociology (translation - 1962 )
  The Agrarian Sociology of Ancient Civilizations (translation - 1976 )
  Critique of Stammler (translation - 1977 )
  Economy and Society : An Outline of Interpretive Sociology (translation - 1978 )
  On Charisma and Institution Building (translation - 1994 )
  Weber: Political Writings (translation - 1994 )
  The Russian Revolutions (original - 1905 translation -- 1995 )
  Essays in Economic Sociology (translation - 1999 )
  Roscher and Knies and the Logical Problem of Historical Economics (original? - 1903 - 1905 )
  Sociology of Community (translation - ?)
  Sociology of Religion (translation - ?)
  Sociology of the World Religions: Introduction (translation - ?)
  The Rejection and the Meaning of theWorld (translation - ?)
  The Objectivity of the Sociological and Social-PoliticalKnowledge (original? - 1904 )
  Politics as a Vocation (original? - 1918 )
  Science as a Vocation [?]
  Sociology of Rulership and Religion (translation-?)
  The Protestant Sects and the Spirit ofCapitalism [?]
  Max Weber - An Intellectual Portrait by Reinhard Bendix 1959

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