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[【学科前沿】] 艾滋病疫苗研制失败引发尖锐讨论

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发表于 2008-4-25 12:05:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Sharp Debate Over HIV Vaccine Failure

Scientists Can't Agree on Future of HIV Research
By Todd Zwillich
Todd Zwillich报道
WebMD Medical NewsReviewed by Louise Chang, MDMarch 25, 2008 -- The recent failure of the most promising HIV vaccine ever

developed has scientists taking stock and wondering where to go next.
webmed 医学新闻综述 louise chang医学博士,2008年3月25日---最近,有史以来最具希望的艾滋病疫苗研制失败把科学家们带回原点,并且

After more than 20 years of research, answers to that question are scarce.
\"We have to admit to ourselves that we don't know how to make an HIV vaccine right now,\" said Beatrice H. Hahn, MD, a

microbiologist at the University of Alabama at Birmingham.
“我们必须得承认,我们现在还不知道究竟该如何来制造一份艾滋病疫苗,”位于伯明翰阿拉巴马州立大学的微生物学家Beatrice H. Hahn博

Hahn spoke in front of hundreds of researchers gathered in Bethesda, Md., to try to brainstorm ideas for finding a vaccine

for HIV; the virus has killed 25 million people worldwide and now infects an estimated 33 million, according the World Health


The meeting comes several months after the drug company Merck announced it was halting human trials of its experimental HIV

vaccine. Not only did the vaccine not work to prevent infection, but it also didn't reduce the amount of virus in people who

became infected; there were also indications suggesting it may have made it easier for some people to contract the virus.

The failure has researchers and policy makers locked in a debate. Some are calling for more money for testing vaccines

similar to the failed Merck vaccine already in the pipeline. Others want to abandon the vaccines under testing and start from


\"Nothing currently around is going to cause significant protection, in the opinion of many of us,\" Hahn said. She counts

herself among the leading scientists calling on the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to sharply reduce support for testing

existing experimental vaccines. The money should be spent instead on basic scientific research aimed at finding new

approaches to a vaccine, these scientists say.

Funding HIV Research
NIH officials say they've been hurt by five years of flat funding from Congress. One effect of the shortfall is dwindling

support for young researchers who could come up with new ideas, they say.

\"The easy things have been done,\" said James Hoxie, MD, who directs the Penn Center for AIDS Research at the University of

“容易干的事情都已经干完了”James Hoxie博士说,他领导着宾夕法尼亚大学的宾州艾滋研究中心。
Wednesday's meeting was part scientific strategy session, part group therapy session for a field stunned by its lack of

Several leading scientists, including Anthony Fauci, MD, head of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases,

have offered stark comments recently warning that an AIDS vaccine may never be found.
几个顶级科学家,包括Anthony Fauci博士,国立过敏与感染疾病研究院的领导者,做出了比较极端的评论,艾滋病的疫苗可能永远都找不到。
Hoxie implored the group to face head-on Merck's failure, and the failure of other HIV vaccines before it.
\"It comes with the territory. It is part of the process, we have to be willing to accept it, we have to be willing to fund

it,\" he said.
\"It is only one step back,\" said Adel Mahmoud, MD, PhD, a Princeton University professor of microbiology and the meeting's

co-chair. \"The status quo and finger pointing isn't going to take us anywhere.\"
“这只是一次失败”Adel Mahmoud博士说,他是普林斯顿大学微生物学教授,大会的副主席。“现状和将来都不会影响我们”
Fauci was more enthusiastic: \"Everything is on the table to look at.\" He added that that he was \"unambiguous\" about the need

to shift more funding toward basic scientific discoveries that could lead to new vaccines.
HIV Vaccines: What Comes Next?
But earlier this week several HIV research advocacy groups called for the U.S. government to abandon efforts to develop an

HIV vaccine. Homayoon Khanlou, MD, U.S. chief of medicine for the AIDS Healthcare Foundation, said that the money should

instead be spent on increased HIV testing and treatment, which both help cut the risk of HIV transmission.
但是本周早些时候,几个拥护艾滋病研究的团体呼吁美国政府放弃艾滋病疫苗的研究。Homayoon Khanlou博士,美国艾滋病健康基金会的主席

All the clinical trials that have been done with the vaccine have yielded no results,\" Khanlou told reporters. \"They've left

us with no clue in terms of which way to go.\"
Few researchers seemed willing to consider abandoning vaccine efforts entirely. But several described their field as being a

\"The idea that we shut everything we have done and get to do something else is absolutely insane,\" Mahmoud said.
He showed the audience of scientists a slide quoting Winston Churchill's famous speech to a group of British students during

World War II. \"Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never, never,\" it read.

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