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[【学科前沿】] 注射皮肤细胞让受损肌腱再生来治疗网球肘

发表于 2008-4-18 07:47:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Skin cell jab to cure tennis elbow by regenerating damaged tendon

Last updated at 09:35am on 8th April 2008

An injection of skin cells could help millions of Britons who suffer from painful tennis elbow.

The 15-minute procedure uses cells taken from a tiny piece of their own skin. They are then injected into the joint to regenerate the damaged tendon that causes the painful condition.

British researchers have already safety-tested the radical therapy in a pilot study of 12 patients.

Eleven were cured within weeks with no side effects and only one patient failed to respond.

The pioneering technique could also help treat tendon and ligament damage throughout the body - such as a torn Achilles tendon.

Tennis elbow, which is known in medical terms as lateral epicondylitis, is a degenerative condition thought to affect two million people in Britain - mainly between the ages of 40 and 55.

It is caused by fraying of the tendon that joins the forearm muscle to the upper arm.

Repeated overuse of the arm is most often to blame, but it can also be triggered by an isolated incident - lifting something too heavy can be enough to trigger an attack.

Patients initially suffer feelings of stiffness in the elbow first thing in the morning, as well as severe pain on the bony outer side of the joint.

This pain can radiate up and down the arm, weakening the wrist so severely that some find even taking the lid off a jar impossible.

Doctors recommend rest, anti-inflammatories, a series of physiotherapy sessions and steroid injections - although steroids have recently been shown to be no more effective than rest.

It was found a few years ago that injecting patients with their own blood at the site encouraged the growth of new tissue, sealing the tears.

The problem is that this generates scar tissue, which is far less elastic than healthy tendon and so limits the range of movement.

In the new treatment, a 4mm piece of skin is taken from the hip and used to isolate special \"stem\" cells.

Stem cells are capable of morphing into any form of tissue.

Although adult stem cells tend to be less flexible than embryo stem cells, they can be coaxed into developing tissue similar to their site of origin.

For instance, skin stem cells can be grown into muscle tendon or ligaments but not into liver or kidney cells.

The huge advantage they have over embryonic stem cells is that using the patients' own stem cells means they won't be rejected by the body.

The few stem cells taken from the skin are cultured until they have grown over one million cells. This takes between four and six weeks.

The cells are then injected under ultrasound guidance into the tendon defects.

This technique has been adapted from a treatment developed by veterinary surgeons four years ago to get champion racehorses back on track following serious tendon damage.

The work on horse injury was pioneered by Roger Smith, professor of equine orthopaedics at the Royal Veterinary College.

\"There are many similarities between horses and humans,\" says Professor Smith. \"They age and exercise in the same way and suffer from similar strain injuries.\"

A team working at the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital in Stanmore, Middlesex, led by Dr David Connell, tested the technique in a pilot study last year.

One of the patients was Michael Arciero, 54, a hospital porter from Chessington in Surrey.

He had been diagnosed with tennis elbow in his left arm a year previously.

\"Whenever I tried lifting anything, pain shot all the way down to my hand,\" he recalls.

\"I was treated with blood injections, which worked although my arm took weeks to improve.

\"But when the condition flared up in my right arm, it was much more debilitating, probably because I'm right-handed and rely on that side more.

\"After the procedure, I was told to avoid lifting anything heavy for a fortnight, but within two days the pain had gone. A week later, I was back at the gym.\"

The first clinical trial of the treatment is under way, with half of the 50 testers being given injections of the stem cells and the others receiving injections of their own blood.

Commenting on the research, Mr Simon Owen-Johnstone, a consultant orthopaedic surgeon at St Bartholomew's Hospital in London, said: \"This appears to be a radical solution for tennis elbow, and I would welcome any new treatment that helps these patients.\"

{http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages ... lth/healthmain.html





四年前兽医治好了一匹摔倒在跑道上而导致肌腱严重损伤的冠军马,网球肘的新治疗方法就是从中改良而来的。皇家兽医学院马整形外科教授Roger Smith说:“马和人之间有许多相似之处,他们以同样的方式衰老、运动,遭受类似的劳损。”

去年,David Connell领导的皇家国立整形外科医院的一个研究小组在对这项技术进行了初步检测。其中一名患者叫Michael Arciero,54岁,是萨里切斯顿的一名医院搬运工。一年前被诊断为左网球肘。他回忆说:“无论什么时候我试着提起东西,疼痛都会一直放射到我的手。医生用血液注射来治疗我的病情,数周后病情有所改善。但当我的右胳膊突然发病时,变得更加虚弱,可能因为我右利者,平时更多使用右臂。这次接受治疗后,医生叮嘱我两周内避免提重物,但是两天内疼痛就消失了。一周以后我又回到体育馆开始锻炼了。

这种疗法的一期临床实验目前正在进行中。50名受试者中有半数接受干细胞注射,另一半则接受自体血液注射。伦敦St Bartholomew医院整形外科顾问 Simon Owen-Johnstone先生评价这项研究说:“这似乎是解决网球肘的根本办法,我希望有更多帮助网球肘患者的新疗法。”

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