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[【学科前沿】] 研究发现抑郁症可以检测

发表于 2008-4-7 07:25:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Researchers may have found test for depression
\"This test could serve to predict the efficacy of antidepressant therapy quickly, within four to five days, sparing patients the agony of waiting a month or more to find out if they are on the correct therapeutic regimen,\" said Mark Rasenick, UIC distinguished university professor of physiology and biophysics and psychiatry.

Despite decades of research, the biological basis of depression is unknown, and the molecular and cellular targets of antidepressant treatment remain elusive, although it is likely that these drugs have one or more primary targets.

Rasenick said the discovery could help millions who suffer from undiagnosed depression or receive unsuccessful treatment.

\"We discovered that in depressed individuals a signaling protein is located in specific areas of the cell membrane called lipid rafts,\" he said. This protein, called Gs alpha, activates adenylyl cyclase, a link in signal transduction, and is responsible for the action of neurotransmitters such as serotonin.

\"These 'rafts' are thick, viscous, almost gluey areas, that either facilitate or impede communication between membrane molecules,\" Rasenick said. \"When Gs alpha is caught in these lipid raft domains, its ability to couple with and activate adenylyl cyclase is markedly reduced. Antidepressants help to move the Gs alpha out of these rafts and facilitate the action of certain neurotransmitters.\"

Previous research in both rats and cultured brain cells by Rasenick and his colleagues, as well as others, has shown that Gs alpha changed its location in response to antidepressants, moving out of the lipid rafts to areas of the membrane that allow more efficient communication among membrane components responsible for neurotransmitter action. Further, antidepressant and antipsychotic drugs have been shown to concentrate in these lipid rafts.

\"This new study shows that in depressed humans, Gs alpha protein is confined in lipid rafts, where it's less likely to mediate the action of neurotransmitters, and that antidepressants have the opposite effect,\" Rasenick said.

\"In simple language -- we may be able to tell you if you are depressed and more importantly, whether you are responding to the chosen antidepressant therapy.\"

The new study may also explain why antidepressants take so long to work and why chemically dissimilar compounds have similar effects.

In their study, Rasenick and colleagues compared brain samples from depressed people who had committed suicide with controls who had no history of psychiatric disorders. They found that while the total amount of Gs alpha was the same in the depressed and non-depressed, the depressed have a greater proportion of Gs alpha confined to lipid rafts. The localization of other G proteins was not different.

Rasenick and his colleagues have begun further studies to confirm and expand these findings.

伊利诺斯大学(UIC)生理学、生物物理学和精神病学知名教授Mark Rasenick说, “该项研究有助于在4~5天内快速预测抗抑郁治疗的效果,使患者免受等待一个月甚至更长时间来评判治疗方案正确与否的痛苦。”

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