发表于 2008-4-5 00:29:51
64,000 dollar question 最重要的问题,最困难的问题
在第二次世界大战期间,美国有一个问答性质的广播节目叫“take it or leave it”,这个节目是从听众中选出参赛者,参赛者从不同话题中选出一个主题,诸如地理,历史,音乐等,再由主持人提出相关的七个问题,然后参赛者每答对一个问题就获得一定的金额,并在过程中可以选择不答题拿走奖金或继续答题,但是答错一毛钱也拿不到.奖金是累计递增的,如答对一题1美金,答对两题2美金,一直到第七题累计的奖金是64美金,所以这个短语原本也就称作sixty-four dollar question,由于这个节目受到广大欢迎,1950年,美国又出现了一个类似的节目称作sixty-four thousand question,这样奖金就扩大1000倍,当然问题也就越来越困难了
During the 1940s, "That's the $64 question" became a common catch phrase for a particularly difficult question or problem. In addition to the common phrase, "Take it or leave it," the show also popularized another phrase, widely spoken in the 1940s as a taunt but now mostly forgotten (except in Warner Brothers cartoons). Chanted in unison by the entire audience when someone chose to risk their winnings by going for the $64 prize, it was vocalized with a rising inflection: "You'll be sorrr-REEEE!"
http://ent.qq.com/zt/2008/yydb/ |