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[【学科前沿】] 治病 or 致病?十年间8000人死于药物不良反应

发表于 2008-4-4 08:03:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
8,000 killed in ten years by drugs intended to cure them
Last updated at 01:32am on 22nd March 2008
More than 8,000 people have died in the past decade as a result of taking medicines intended to help them, figures have revealed.
Almost 42,000 other patients have been hospitalised after suffering harmful side-effects or serious allergic reactions to prescription drugs and other medication.
The number of deaths from adverse drug reactions - negative responses to medicines resulting from medical error or side-effects - has more than doubled since 1997, rising by 131 per cent.
In the same period, the number of prolonged hospitalisations caused by medicines was up 82 per cent.
It costs the NHS as much as ?66million a year to treat those who respond badly to medication.
Figures out yesterday show the annual number of adverse reactions since 1997 has risen by 30 per cent from 16,627 to 21,600.
There were 1,031 deaths last year thought to be caused by adverse drug reactions - the highest figure yet - up from 447 in 1997. Over the decade 8,077 deaths were reported.
Meanwhile, the number of reports of prolonged hospitalisation - around eight days on average - rose from 2,484 to 4,545, according to figures revealed in answer to parliamentary questions. The total for the past ten years was 41,935.
This period also saw the Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Agency and the Commission for Human Medicines improve their systems for registering and analysing incidents
Shadow Health Secretary Andrew Lansley said: \"There may be some improvements in reporting, but these figures show a worrying trend towards more serious drug reactions leading to hospitalisation and a sharp increase in the number of deaths.
Shadow卫生大臣Andrew Lansley说:“或许药物不良反应者与报告制度改善有关,但这些数据显示这样一个趋势,较严重的药物不良反应导致住院人数和死亡人数上升。”
\"This warrants further investigation, but clearly indicates that, alongside the benefits of new drug treatments, we must have an improved system of patient safety.
\"The Government's National Patient Safety Agency has been beset with problems. Ministers must see patient safety as their top priority.
\"Labour's obsession with financial and waiting time targets still gets in the way of the right set of priorities for patients.\"
Minister for Public Health Dawn Primarolo said adverse drug reaction reports are collected nationwide and cover all medicines, not just prescription drugs, including over-the-counter sales, herbal medicines and unlicensed drugs.
公众健康大臣Dawn Primarolo说药物不良反应的报告来源于全国范围,覆盖所有药物,不单单是处方药,包括销售的OTC类药物、草药和未被批准使用的药物。
But she admitted the yellow card scheme by which reports are submitted \"is associated with an unknown level of under-reporting\".
A spokesman for the Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Agency said it had reformed its system in recent years to encourage more reports from doctors, healthcare professionals and patients.
She added: \"They are all taking a proactive role in the safety of medicines by reporting adverse drug reactions to us in order to ensure we can analyse the trends. As a result, the number has gone up.
\"Where necessary, we will issue extra warnings - but we mustn't forget the system also allows us to determine those drugs whose safety records mean we can move them from prescription only to pharmacy medicines.\"
She also said the total of adverse drug reactions does not equate to the number of patients involved, because some might report two or three reactions to a drug.

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