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[【学科前沿】] 干细胞移植治疗糖尿病及癌症即将到来?

发表于 2008-3-26 16:43:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Coming soon: Cell therapies for diabetes, cancer?
Therapies using stem cell transplants are advancing promising treatments for such conditions as Alzheimer’s Disease, neurological diseases and spinal cord injury, and heart disease. Now, scientists think that stem cell transplants may ultimately benefit those who suffer from diabetes or cancer.


However, important questions need answers: Given the shortage of human pancreatic islet tissue, can stem cells be used to provide insulin cells that can be stored and secreted from a bioartifical pancreas? Can islet cells be frozen for long periods of time, retain their integrity and be transplanted? If tumors contain cancer stem cells, how can the stem cells be targeted and destroyed to provide improved therapies?


To raise and help answer some of these questions, the current double issue of Cell Transplantation (Vol.17, Nos. 1&2) is devoted to research presented at the Japan Society of Organ Preservation and Medical Biology (JSOPM meeting in Tokyo in November, 2006. The research within the pages of this special issue demonstrates how stem cell research in Japan is pushing towards therapies for diabetes and cancer and beyond.

为了提出并帮助解决这些问题,最新的《Cell Transplantation》(Vol.17, Nos. 1&2)刊登了日本器官保存与生物医学协会目前所进行的研究。这项研究阐述了在日本的关于糖尿病和癌症的干细胞治疗研究的情况。

According to Naoya Kobayashi, MD, PhD, of the Department of Surgery, Okayama University Graduate School of medicine and Dentistry and Special Editor of the Japanese issue of CELL TRANSPLANTATION, the shortage of donor organs for transplantation is a “big challenge,” but research on stem cells and artificial cells for transplantation are “encouraging” and may provide valuable therapeutics for a host of diseases, including diabetes and cancer.

依照冈山大学医学院外科教授、《CELL TRANSPLANTATION 》日文版特约编辑Naoya Kobayashi的说法,移植时供体的缺乏是一个巨大的挑战,但是关于干细胞和人造细胞的移植研究是鼓舞人心的,并且可以为包括糖尿病和癌症等一大类疾病提供有价值的治疗。

Artificial pancreas for diabetes sufferers


The construction of a safe and functional bioartifical pancreas (BAP), complete with cells that can secrete insulin in response to blood sugar concentrations, can be developed using stem cells as alternatives to normal human pancreatic islets, which are in short supply. The multipotency and active proliferation properties of stem cells, allows scientists to work on methods of inducing adult stem cells to differentiate into pancreatic cells.


“We are trying to design and develop a subcutaneously implant bag-type of BAP,” said Dr. Kobayashi. “In tests on animal models, subcutaneously implanted BAPS have shown excellent induction of new blood vessels.”

Kobayashi说: “我们试图设计一种能够移植到皮下的袋***AP。在动物实验中,皮下植入的BAP已经能够诱导出新生血管。”

Alternative ways of circumventing the short supply of viable human pancreatic islet tissue by allowing storage of cells are also being explored.


Freezing islet cells to save them


Cryopreservation (freezing) of pancreatic islet cells from non-heart beating donors has been studied in animal models. Studies have shown that islet structure was well maintained after thawing, although the number of islets decreased. Techniques for freezing human islet cells from non-heart beating donors are being developed with an emphasis on evaluating the thawed islet morphology, possible contamination and quality of endocrine function.


Cancer stem cells: Key to a cure?


Researchers have proposed that cancer cells, like normal cells, include stem cells that are able to differentiate.


“Many questions surround this proposal,” observes Dr. Kobayashi. “For example, do cancer stem cells exist in all cancers? Have normal stem cells become malignant, though mutation or some other process? What are the markers for cancer stem cells? Are cancer stem cells resistant to existing treatments?”


Current research is aimed at not only answering these questions, but also whether reducing the number of stem cells may lead to a reduced cancer risk.


“Tamoxifen, used to successfully prevent primary breast cancer, works by reducing the number of stem cells,” comments Dr. Kobayashi.

Kobayashi 解释道:“被成功用来预防原发性乳腺癌的三苯氧胺机制是能够减少干细胞的数量。”

Researchers speculated that if a substance specific to cancer stem cells can be discovered, cancer will be able to be detected at an earlier stage. However, even if cancer has been successfully treated, if a single cancer stem cell remains cancer, could spread and form new tumors.


Also, it appears that cancer stem cells have the ability to repair DNA damage more effectively than do cancer cells, thus adding to a tumor’s drug resistance. Thus, treatment strategies based on the existence of cancer stem cells - which are reported to be resistant to standard anti-cancer drugs - may take a leap forward when stem cells can be targeted.


“A further question arises as to whether only cancer stem cells can be targeted without damaging normal stem cells,” added Dr. Kobayashi.


Artificial cells


Although human adult stem cells are ideal for cell therapy via transplantation, keeping available cells alive over the long term is difficult.


“We are making efforts to economically establish “reversible immortalized” human cell lines that can be grown in tissue cultures and used for future gene transfers,” explained Dr. Kobayashi. “Achieving immortalization, a two-stage process, is not without challenges.”


According to Dr. Kobayashi, research focusing on “reversible immortalization” is being carried out to make safe and secure cell lines with the immortalization gene able to be removed once cell proliferation has been achieved.

根据Kobayashi的说法, 研究重点\"可逆永生化\" ,是使拥有永生化基因的细胞系在细胞增殖取得后,能够安全稳妥被分离,这正在紧锣密鼓的进行之中。


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