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[【学科前沿】] 美国心脏病学会呼吁:ACS患者高血糖状态应引起医生重视

发表于 2008-3-25 11:43:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
AHA statement urges greater attention to hyperglycemia in ACS patients

26 February 2008

MedWire News: The American Heart Association (AHA) has issued a Scientific Statement calling for a national effort to address the problem of hyperglycemia in patients hospitalized with acute coronary syndromes (ACS).

\"Although studies indicate that one-fourth to one-half of ACS patents have hyperglycemia when they arrive at the hospital, elevated blood sugar is frequently ignored despite being strongly associated with increased mortality,\" explained chair of the Scientific Statements' Writing Committee Prakash Deedwania (University of California, San Francisco, USA).

The evidence for glucose management in ACS is evolving, so the statement provides guidance framed as a \"general reference\" for cardiologists, rather than the usual clear treatment protocol.

The authors have summarized current knowledge regarding the association between elevated glucose levels and patient outcomes in ACS, highlighting the most important knowledge gaps.

These gaps include a specific definition of hyperglycemia, the best way to measure and track glucose levels during hospitalization, the physiological mechanisms involved, and, most importantly, whether elevated glucose is a direct mediator of adverse outcomes in ACS patients or simply a marker of greater disease severity.

The recommendations include evaluating glucose levels in all patients with suspected or confirmed ACS and continued close monitoring of glucose levels on admission.

Physicians should consider intensive glucose control in patients with plasma glucose levels >180 mg/dl, regardless of prior diabetes history, with the goal of normalizing levels (to between 90 to 140 mg/dl) so long as hypoglycemia can be avoided.

Patients hospitalized in a non-intensive care unit setting should be treated to keep their glucose levels below 180 mg/dl.

Those patients presenting with hyperglycemia without a prior history of diabetes should be evaluated further for metabolic derangements, and plans for optimal outpatient glucose control should be set in place for patients with established or newly diagnosed diabetes or evidence of insulin resistance.

Deedwania commented: \"This is a call to action for organizations such as the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to design appropriate large, randomized clinical trials where several of these critical and clinically important questions can be answered. Only then will we be able to find and implement treatments that may reduce deaths.\"

This research ties in with the NIH's current emphasis on funding studies that could rapidly lead to improved patient care, Deedwania added.

\"We're talking about potentially saving lives and saving dollars. We need a national effort to answer these critical questions,\" he said.

Circulation 2008; Advance online publication
科学性陈述书写委员会的Prakash Deedwania(加州大学,旧金山,美国)说:“尽管有研究证实有四分之一到二分之一的因急性冠脉综合症入院的患者中存在高血糖的状态,同时高血糖与升高的病死率息息相关,但是这并没有引起临床医生们足够的重视。”
无论这名患者之前是否有糖尿病史,对于血糖高于180 mg/dl的患者,医生都应该对其进行严格的血糖控制,由于发生低血糖的风险可以被避免,应该将血糖降至90 至 140 mg/dl。
对于住在非特护病房的患者,应将血糖控制在180 mg/dl以下。


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