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[【学科前沿】] 短疗程左氧氟沙星治疗适于重症UTI

发表于 2008-3-15 17:50:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Shorter-Course Levofloxacin Therapy Suitable for Serious UTI

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) Feb 29 - A 5-day course of levofloxacin is at least as effective as a 10-day course of ciprofloxacin for treating acute pyelonephritis and complicated urinary tract infections (UTIs), note researchers from Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceuticals, which markets levofloxacin in the US as Levaquin.

纽约(路透社 健康)2月29日-Ortho-McNei制药公司,也就是目前在美国销售左氧氟沙星的公司的研究者发现,对于治疗急性肾盂肾炎和复杂型尿路感染(UTIs),使用五天为一个疗程的左氧氟沙星和使用十天为一个疗程的希普欣的效果类似。

Fluoroquinolones are typically used to combat UTIs because they are cleared by the kidneys. The recommended course of treatment with these agents is 14 days for a complicated UTI and 7 to 14 days for acute pyelonephritis, according to the report in the January issue of Urology.


Senior author Dr. Janet Peterson and colleagues point out that in addition to being more convenient, a shorter course of therapy could reduce selective pressure on the infecting pathogen and thereby decrease the risk of emerging drug resistance.


The investigators also point out that levofloxacin has a safety and tolerability profile that allows the drug to be given at increased doses. By raising the daily dose, they hoped to be able to shorten the duration of therapy required to treat a UTI.


The researchers randomized 1109 patients to receive either levofloxacin, 750 mg/day for 5 days, or ciprofloxacin 400 mg or 500 mg twice daily for 10 days. The study population comprised 619 patients with confirmed complicated UTI or pyelonephritis and 506 who were \"microbiologically evaluable.\"


In the patients with confirmed UTI or pyelonephritis, the infection eradication rates were comparable: 79.8% with levofloxacin and 77.5% with ciprofloxacin. Eradication rates in the microbiologically evaluable population were 88.3% with levofloxacin and 86.7% with ciprofloxacin. No significant difference in clinical outcomes was noted between the groups.


These findings support the use of a 5-day course of levofloxacin as a suitable alternative to 10 days of ciprofloxacin for treating acute pyelonephritis and complicated UTIs, the researchers conclude.


Urology 2008;71:17-22.

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