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[【资源下载】] 生命科学网络资源大汇总(3月18 日更新20 站,目前共50站)

发表于 2008-3-12 23:12:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


资源网址: http://www.nmns.edu.tw/nmns/04exhibit/BotanicalGarden/
题名[中]: 台湾国立自然科学博物馆植物园
题名[英]: Botanical Garden,National Museum of Natural Science,Taiwan
关键词[中]: 植物园/植物知识/台湾
关键词[英]: Botanical Garden/Plants Knowledge/Taiwan
创建者[中文名]: 台湾国立自然科学博物馆
创建者[英文名]: National Museum of Natural Science
版权[中]: 台湾国立自然科学博物馆
国别: 中国
出版者[中文名]: 台湾国立自然科学博物馆



The garden is consisted by tropical rainforest greenhouse, northern low altitude section, central low altitude section, southern low altitude section, monsoon rainforest section, hunch coral reef section, orchid island, coast forest ecological section and eastern cycad section. The tropical orchid exhibition quite has the special features, it introduces not only the fifteen sight of the flowers but also the romaunt about the famous variety. There is some paints show about the landscape and plants in the garden by teenagers and children, and knowledge of plants in the page.




Garden Guide, Greenhouse, Plants & Art, Services, Plants in Winter, Plants Knowledge, Exhibition, Feature


资源网址: http://www.iziko.org.za/sam/index.html
题名[中]: 南非博物馆,开普敦博物馆
题名[英]: South African Museum, Iziko Museums of Cape Town
关键词[中]: 海洋生物/潮汐线下/乌贼/赤潮
关键词[英]: Marine Biology/Subtidal/Squid/Red Tide
创建者[中文名]: 南非开普敦博物馆
创建者[英文名]: Museums of Cape Town, South African
版权[中]: 开普敦博物馆
版权[英]: Museums of Cape Town
国别: 南非
出版者[英文名]: Museums of Cape Town

see endescription 见资源描述[英]字段


The museum's resources online contains as Following: Palaeontology, Entomology, Marine Biology.

资源类型: S2.博物馆

资源语种: eng

分类: 生物演化与发展 Biological Evolution and Development
环境生物学与生物生态学 Environmental Biology and Ecology
水生生物生态学 Aquatic Ecology
寄生虫生态学 Parasite Ecology
古生物学 Paleontology
水生生物学 Hydrobiology
昆虫学 Entomology


资源网址: http://www.iephb.ru/eng/index.htm
题名[中]: 俄罗斯科学院进化生理生化研究所
题名[英]: The Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences
关键词[中]: 进化生理学/生物化学/发育系统发育/高级神经活动
关键词[英]: Evolutionary Physiology/Biochemistry/Development/Phylogenesis/Higher Nervous Activity
创建者[英文名]: The Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences
创建者电子邮件: office@iephb.ru
创建者地址[英]: 194223 Russia, Saint-Petersburg, pr. Torez 44
版权[英]: The Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences
国别: 俄罗斯
出版者[英文名]: The Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences
出版者电子邮件: office@iephb.ru
出版者地址[英]: 194223 Russia, Saint-Petersburg, pr. Torez 44



This is the website for The Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences. The institute is primarily dedicated to investigation of pathways of development of the animal organism functions in onto- and phylogenesis, elucidation of basic regularities of this development and of mechanisms of transformation of the functions under effects of the environment natural factors, studies of specific regularities of perfection of physiological mechanisms of the higher nervous activity of the child. Information about journal, laboratories are also offered on the website.


About Institute, Laboratories, Journal, Post-graduate course, Conference and School

资源类型: L.研究院/所

资源语种: eng

分类: 生物演化与发展 Biological Evolution and Development
发育生物学(普通胚胎学) Developmental Biology (General Embryology)
发育神经生物学 Developmental Neurobiology
系统神经生物学 Systematic Neurobiology


资源网址: http://www.biology.ucsd.edu##[url]http://glamdring.ucsd.edu[/url]
题名[中]: 圣迭戈加利福尼亚大学-生物学系
题名[英]: Division of Biological Sciences, University of California, San Diego
关键词[中]: 圣迭戈加利福尼亚大学/生物学/细胞和发展生物学/分子生物学/神经生物学/生态/举止行为/进化
关键词[英]: University of California,San Diego/Biological Sciences/Cell and Developmental Biology/Molecular Biology/Neurobiology/Ecology/Behavior/Evolution
创建者[英文名]: Biological Sciences Computer Services Department, UCSD
创建者电子邮件: webmaster@biology.ucsd.edu
创建者地址[英]: University of California, San Diego, 9500 Gilman Dr., La Jolla, CA 92093-0346
版权[英]: Regents of the University of California
出版者[英文名]: Biological Sciences Computer Services Department, UCSD
出版者电子邮件: webmaster@biology.ucsd.edu
出版者地址[英]: University of California, San Diego, 9500 Gilman Dr., La Jolla, CA 92093-0346



It is the homepage of the Division of Biological Sciences, University of California, San Diego. It has four sections: Cell & Developmental Biology; Molecular Biology; Neurobiology; Ecology, Behavior & Evolution. It introduces the basic information of department, the research interests and the publications of the faculties. And it simply shows something about the facilities and the web resources.


About Us, Faculty, Students, Graduate Program, Alumni, Jobs

资源类型: M.大学院系

资源语种: eng

分类: 生物演化与发展 Biological Evolution and Development
神经生物学 Neurobiology
分子生物学 Molecular Biology
环境生物学与生物生态学 Environmental Biology and Ecology
水生生物生态学 Aquatic Ecology
寄生虫生态学 Parasite Ecology


资源网址: http://www.nrm.se/
题名[中]: 瑞典自然历史博物馆
题名[英]: Swedish Museum of Natural History
关键词[中]: 自然历史博物馆/瑞典/标本/植物学/动物学/古生物学
关键词[英]: Museum of Natural History/Sweden/Specimens/Botany/Zoology/Palaeontology
创建者[英文名]: Adenskog,G鰎an
创建者电子邮件: goran.adenskog@nrm.se
版权[中]: 瑞典自然历史博物馆
版权[英]: Swedish Museum of Natural History
国别: 瑞典



This is the website of the Swedish Museum of Natural History. It provides the collections of millions of specimens, and their size and quality place the Museum among the best in the world. The page Comprises two sections of exhibition and research. In the front section it presents all kinds of exhibition such as Treasures from the Earth's Interior, Space adventure, Marvels of the Human Body, Life in Water, The Polar Regions, Nature in Sweden and Virtual Exhibitions, which watch only at the Internet. In the back it introduces basic research about biology, palaeontology, Geology and so on.


Search, Opening hours, Administration, Collections, Databases, News, Botanical History, Animals, Plants, Minerals, Fossils, Environment, Astronomy, HIGH LAT

资源类型: S2.博物馆

资源语种: eng

分类: 生物演化与发展 Biological Evolution and Development
古生物学 Paleontology


资源网址: http://www.flmnh.ufl.edu/fish/Organizations/aes/aes.htm
题名[中]: 美国软骨鱼学会
题名[英]: The American Elasmobranch Society
关键词[中]: 鲨鱼/鳐鱼/鲅鱼/银鲛
关键词[英]: Sharks/Skates/Rays/Chimaeras
创建者[中文名]: 佛罗里达大学自然历史博物馆鱼类学
创建者[英文名]: Ichthyology at the Florida Museum of Natural History
创建者电子邮件: gburgess@flmnh.ufl.edu
版权[英]: Ichthyology at the Florida Museum of Natural History
国别: 美国
出版者[英文名]: Ichthyology at the Florida Museum of Natural History



This is the website of the American Elasmobranch Society. This society is a non-profit organization that seeks to advance the scientific study of living and fossil sharks, skates, rays, and chimaeras, and the promotion of education, conservation, and wise utilization of natural resources.


Membership in the AES, Future AES Meetings, AES Management Resolutions, AES Captive Elasmobranch Census, Student Affairs Committee (SAC), AES Student Funding, Abstracts of Scientific Presentations Made at AES Meetings, Links to Internet Sources of Information on Elasmobranchs and Careers in the Field

资源类型: K.学会与组织

资源语种: eng

分类: 生物演化与发展 Biological Evolution and Development
水生生物学 Hydrobiology
水生生物分类 Aquatic Taxology


资源网址: http://www.paleoweb.net/algae/
题名[中]: 化石珊瑚藻类网站
题名[英]: Home of the fossil coralline algae
关键词[中]: see enkeyword 见关键词[英]字段
关键词[英]: Fossil coralline algae/Growth form/Taxonomy
创建者[英文名]: Michael Rasser
创建者电子邮件: Michael.Rasser@paleoweb.net

see endescription 见资源描述[英]字段


The homepage aims to make this algal group more popular. It demonstrates different growth forms in fossil and present-day corallines. One of the main topics is a comprehensive comparison of fossil and present-day taxonomical features.

资源类型: R3.生物网站

资源语种: eng

分类: 生物演化与发展 Biological Evolution and Development
水生生物学 Hydrobiology


资源网址: http://www2.uibk.ac.at/zoology/ultra/en/index.html
题名[中]: 因斯布鲁克大学动物学和湖沼生物学研究所超结构和进化部
题名[英]: Division of Ultrastructure and Evolution, Institute of Zoologyand Limnology,University of Innsbruck
关键词[中]: see enkeyword 见关键词[英]字段
关键词[英]: Ultrastructure/Evolution/Ecology
创建者[英文名]: Division of Ultrastructure and Evolution, Institute of Zoologyand Limnology,University of Innsbruck
创建者电子邮件: zoologie@uibk.ac.at
创建者地址[英]: A-6020 Innsbruck, Technikerstr. 25
版权[英]: University of Innsbruck

see endescription 见资源描述[英]字段


This is the website of the Division of Ultrastructure and Evolution, Institute of Zoology and Limnology, University of Innsbruck. It was composed of five research group, molecular evolutionary biology, developmental mechanisms of basal multicellular animals, stem cells and differentiation, ultrastructure, evolutionary ecology. This website offers the information of the research, the staff, and the publication of this division.


Home, Research, Seminars, Publications, Contact

资源类型: M.大学院系

资源语种: eng

分类: 生物演化与发展 Biological Evolution and Development
发育生物学(普通胚胎学) Developmental Biology (General Embryology)


资源网址: http://www.kensbiorefs.com/evolution.html
题名[中]: 教师和学生网上参考书目(进化)
题名[英]: Biology Web Site References for students and teachers (Evolution)
关键词[中]: 进化/生命的起源/种群遗传学/微进化/分类学/系统发生学
关键词[英]: Evolution/Origin of Life/Population Genetics/Microevolution/Taxonomy/Phylogenetics
创建者[英文名]: Ken House
版权[英]: Ken House
国别: 美国
出版者[英文名]: Carol O'Keefe House



This is the website of Biology Web Site References for students and teachers (Evolution). The website has aims to provide sites in Evolution areas to students and teachers. The contents include Basics, Introductions, Hyperlinks, Evidence of Evolution, Evolution, Theories and Concepts, Geologic Eras, Origin of Life, Population Genetics, Microevolution, Taxonomy, Phylogenetics, etc.


Basics, Introductions, Hyperlinks, Evidence of Evolution, Evolution, Theories and Concepts, Geologic Eras, Origin of Life, Population Genetics, Microevolution, Taxonomy, Phylogenetics, Unit Photos, Illustrations, GIF’s

资源类型: R3.生物网站

资源语种: eng

分类: 生物演化与发展 Biological Evolution and Development

收费: 免费


资源网址: http://www.sinauer.com/detail.php?id=0418
题名[中]: 分子标记,自然史,与进化
题名[英]: Molecular Markers, Natural History, and Evolution
关键词[中]: 遗传标记/蛋白质/种群生物学/行为生态学/遗传变异/分子系统发生学/免疫学/动物/植物/人类
关键词[英]: Genetic markers/Proteins/Population biology/Behavioral ecology/Genetic variation/Molecular phylogenetics/Immunology/Animal/Plant/Human
国别: 美国
出版者[英文名]: Sinauer Associates, Inc.
出版者电子邮件: publish@sinauer.com
出版者地址[英]: Sinauer Associates, Inc., Publishers 23 Plumtree Road P.O. Box 407 Sunderland, MA 01375-0407



This is the web page of Molecular Markers, Natural History, and Evolution. The book, second edition, provides a detailed and comprehensive presentation of the scope of molecular analysis of evolutionary topics, ranging from population-level dynamics to attempts to reconstruct the tree of life. The book include 2 parts, background, applications.


About the title, About the authors, Reviews and commentary, Table of contents

资源类型: D.图书

资源语种: eng

分类: 生物演化与发展 Biological Evolution and Development
分子生物学 Molecular Biology


资源网址: http://www.sinauer.com/detail.php?id=0914
题名[中]: 物种形成
题名[英]: Speciation
关键词[中]: 进化生物学/植物/动物/生物地理学/物种形成/遗传学
关键词[英]: Evolutionary biology/Plants/Animals/Biogeography/Speciation/Genetics
国别: 美国
出版者[英文名]: Sinauer Associates, Inc.
出版者电子邮件: publish@sinauer.com
出版者地址[英]: Sinauer Associates, Inc., Publishers 23 Plumtree Road P.O. Box 407 Sunderland, MA 01375-0407



This is the web page of Speciation. The book covers both plants and animals, and deals with all relevant areas of research, including biogeography, field work, systematics, theory, and genetic and molecular studies, with special emphasis to topics,including sympatric speciation, reinforcement, the role of hybridization in speciation, the search for genes causing reproductive isolation, and mounting evidence for the role of natural and sexual selection in the origin of species.


About the title, About the authors, Reviews and commentary, Table of contents

资源类型: D.图书

资源语种: eng

分类: 生物演化与发展 Biological Evolution and Development


资源网址: http://www.sinauer.com/detail.php?id=1899
题名[中]: 进化生物学
题名[英]: Evolutionary Biology
关键词[中]: 进化生物学/古生物学/生物学/遗传学/发育/生态学/物种/分子进化/人类
关键词[英]: Evolutionary biology/Paleobiology/Biology/Genetics/Development/Ecology/Species/Molecular evolution/Human
国别: 美国
出版者[英文名]: Sinauer Associates, Inc.
出版者电子邮件: publish@sinauer.com
出版者地址[英]: Sinauer Associates, Inc., Publishers 23 Plumtree Road P.O. Box 407 Sunderland, MA 01375-0407



This is the web page of Evolutionary Biology. The book, third edition, defines the field of evolutionary biology. The table of contents include 6 parts, background to the study of evolution, patterns and history, evolutionary processes in populations and species, character evolution, macroevolution: evolution above the species Level, human evolution.


About the title, Reviews and commentary, Table of contents

资源类型: D.图书

资源语种: eng

分类: 生物演化与发展 Biological Evolution and Development


资源网址: http://www.wkap.nl/journalhome.htm/1064-7554/
题名[中]: 哺乳动物进化杂志
题名[英]: Journal of Mammalian Evolution
关键词[中]: 哺乳动物/比较形态学/分子生物学/古生物学/遗传学/发育生物学/生殖生物学/生物地理学/动物行为学/生态学
关键词[英]: Mammalian/Comparative morphology/Molecular biology/Paleobiology/Genetics/Developmental biology/Reproductive biology/Biogeography/Ethology/Ecology
创建者[英文名]: Society for Study of Mammalian Evolution
版权[英]: Springer
国别: 美国
出版者[英文名]: Springer New York, LLC
出版者地址[英]: Springer New York, LLC 233 Spring Street New York, NY 10013 USA



This is the web page of Journal of Mammalian Evolution. The journal devotes to studies on the comparative morphology, molecular biology, paleobiology, genetics, developmental and reproductive biology, biogeography, systematics, ethology and ecology, and population dynamics of mammals and the ways that these diverse data can be analyzed for the reconstruction of mammalian evolution. The web page offers free table of contents, and abstracts of volumes 4-11.


Description, Editorial board, Instructions for authors, Search, Table of contents, Additional information, Societies

资源类型: C.期刊

资源语种: eng

分类: 生物演化与发展 Biological Evolution and Development

收费: 部分收费


资源网址: http://www.spaceref.com/
题名[中]: SpaceRef公司
题名[英]: SpaceRef
关键词[中]: 空间生物学/生命科学/微重力科学
关键词[英]: Astrobiology/Life Science/Microgravity Science
创建者[英文名]: SpaceRef Interactive Inc.
创建者地址[中]: SpaceRef Interactive Inc. P.O. Box 3569 Reston, Virginia, 20195-1569
版权[英]: SpaceRef Interactive Inc.
国别: 美国
出版者[英文名]: SpaceRef Interactive Inc.



This is the website of SpaceRef Interactive Inc., whose mission is to provide the best space reference in the world. Today SpaceRef is one of the leading online space news sites with many brands under its wing including the Astrobiology Web, as well as SpaceRef Asia, SpaceRef Canada, SpaceRef Europe, Commercial Space Watch,The Space Elevator Reference,Mercury Today,Moon Today,Mars Today, Mars TV, Jupiter Today,Saturn Today,The Space Store and Space Wire. A lot of information resources such as guides and news,as well as useful links are available on this website.


Space Directory,Guides, Tools, Other Sites, Press Releases, Status Reports, Space Exploration, Recent News, Photo Gallery, Space Station, Space Science, Calendar, Advertising, Contact Us, Comments

资源类型: N.公司

资源语种: eng

分类: 生物演化与发展 Biological Evolution and Development
特殊环境生理学 Specific Environmental Physiology


资源网址: http://www.marstoday.com/
题名[中]: 今日火星
题名[英]: Mars Today
关键词[中]: 火星/新闻/故事/日历/工具/研究/目录
关键词[英]: Mars/News/Story/Calendar/Tool/Research/Directory
创建者[英文名]: SpaceRef Interactive Inc.
创建者地址[英]: SpaceRef Interactive Inc. P.O. Box 3569 Reston, Virginia, 20195-1569
版权[英]: SpaceRef Interactive Inc.
国别: 美国
出版者[英文名]: SpaceRef Interactive Inc.



This is the website of Mars Today. It provides up to date news, press releases, status reports relating to Mars. It is the most use famous site in its field. Through the tools this site provides, daily newsletter, SpaceRef News and wireless alerts are also available. Moreover, it also introduces their sponsored research projects.


Guides, Tools, Other Sites, Press Releases, Status Reports, News,· Photo Gallery, Space Station, Calendar, Advertising, Contact Us, Comments

资源类型: S3.信息网/中心

资源语种: eng

分类: 生物演化与发展 Biological Evolution and Development


资源网址: http://www.esa.int/esaCP/Life.html
题名[中]: 空间生命
题名[英]: Life in Space
关键词[中]: 生命/空间/火星/新闻/订阅/搜索
关键词[英]: Life/Space/Mars/News/Subscribe/Search
创建者[英文名]: European Space Agency
出版者[英文名]: European Space Agency



This is the web page of Life in Space. ESA (The European Space Agency) Mars Express is searching for signs of life around the Red Planet. Evidence about available water will help engineers to judge the practicalities of sending astronauts to Mars. ESA is fully engaged in the pursuit of both forms of life in space, human and alien. This page informs the latest and previous news in its field, which can also be subscribed with e-mail.


About Life in Space, News, Subscribe, Search

资源类型: P.参考信息源

资源语种: eng

分类: 生物演化与发展 Biological Evolution and Development


资源网址: http://argyre.colorado.edu/life/
题名[中]: 科罗拉多大学太空生物学中心
题名[英]: Center for Astrobiology, University of Colorado
关键词[中]: 太空生物学/分子生物学/进化生物学
关键词[英]: Astrobiology/molecular biology/evolutionary biology
创建者[英文名]: Center for Astrobiology, University of Colorado
创建者电子邮件: astrobio@argyre.colorado.edu
创建者地址[英]: Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, 392 UCB, Boulder, CO 80303, USA
国别: 美国



This is the website for Center for Astrobiology at University of Colorado. The University of Colorado Center for Astrobiology proposes a coherent and integrated plan for research, teaching, and community development in astrobiology. Their approach is to build on the substantial institutional commitments across the entire breadth of astrobiology, to assemble a team of scientists who together span the entire range of disciplines that comprise astrobiology, and to use this group to leverage resources via participation from a larger group of scientists who do research in astrobiology. In addition to the introduction of this Center, the site also offers related information, including research, educational programs and some useful links etc.


About The Center, What is Astrobiology, Research, Seminars, For Undergraduates, For Graduate Students, Directory, Links

资源类型: L.研究院/所

资源语种: eng

分类: 生物演化与发展 Biological Evolution and Development
分子生物学 Molecular Biology


资源网址: http://www.chem.duke.edu/~jds/cruise_chem/Exobiology/
题名[中]: 外空生物学介绍
题名[英]: Introduction to Exobiology
关键词[中]: 外空生物学/生命起源/自我测试
关键词[英]: Exobiology/Origin of Life/Experiment/Site/Self Test
版权[英]: Duke University

这是外空生物学介绍的网页。该网页主要从地球及宇宙生命起源的角度介绍了外空生物学。其主题包括生命起源以前的地球, Miller/Urey实验,生命的可能起源地,地球外生命探索,学术热点,太空生物学研究生涯,自我测试和参考书目。


This is a web page of Introduction to Exobiology, which explores the field of exobiology, the search for the origin of life on the Earth, and in the Universe from a lay perspective including a self-test. The topics of this page include Prebiotic Earth, the Miller/Urey Experiment, Possible Sites for the Origin of Life, the Search for Life Outside of Earth, Politics and Controversial Issues, Careers in Exobiology, Self Test and Bibliography.


Prebiotic Earth, the Miller/Urey Experiment, Possible Sites for the Origin of Life, the Search for Life Outside of Earth, Politics and Controversial Issues, Careers in Exobiology, Self Test,Bibliography

资源类型: R4.科谱网站

资源语种: eng

分类: 生物演化与发展 Biological Evolution and Development


资源网址: http://www.astrobiology.com/
题名[中]: 太空生物学网
题名[英]: The Astrobiology Web
关键词[中]: 太空生物学/生命科学/
关键词[英]: Astrobiology/Life Science/
创建者[英文名]: SpaceRef Interactive Inc.
创建者地址[英]: SpaceRef Interactive Inc. P.O. Box 3569 Reston, Virginia, 20195-1569
版权[英]: SpaceRef Interactive Inc.

这是SpaceRef公司的太空生物学网站。太空生物学是一个多学科交叉的学科,该学科旨在回答有关宇宙中生命起源、分布和宇宙生命的未来等问题。该站点提供了有关太空生物学和生命科学的基础信息资源,包括NASA太空生物学研究所和Ad Astra杂志太空生物学版的基本信息等等。此外,该网也提供了SpaceRef的其他站点和一些有用的信息资源的链接。


This is the website of Astrobiology of Spaceref. Astrobiology is a cross-disciplinary field addressing many fundamental questions concerning the origin, distribution, and future of life in the universe. This website provides fundamental information resource relating to astrobiology and life sciences, as well as the general information of NASA's Astrobiology Institute and Ad Astra Magazine Astrobiology Issue etc. It also offers links of other SpaceRef's sites and useful resources.


About Astrobiologist,Features, Archives, News Tracker, Tools, Other Sites, SpaceRef Directory,Advertising, Story, Hot Topics, Astrobiology Press Release, NASA TV, NASA KSC video feeds, Focus on, Contact Us, Comments

资源类型: P.参考信息源

资源语种: eng

分类: 生物演化与发展 Biological Evolution and Development


资源网址: http://exobiology.nasa.gov/
题名[中]: NASA外空生物学项目
题名[英]: NASA Exobiology Program
关键词[中]: 外空生物学/
关键词[英]: Exobiology/
创建者[英文名]: Exobiology Branch
创建者电子邮件: lmattos@mail.arc.nasa.gov
创建者地址[英]: Code SSX MS 239-4 Moffett Field, CA 94035
国别: 美国
其他责任者[英]: Dr. David F. Blake



This is the website site of Exobiology branch of NASA. The Exobiology Branch conducts research in Exobiology seeking to increase the knowledge of the origin, evolution, and distribution of life in the universe. The work of the staff in this Branch also provides the conceptual basis and measurement criteria for future spacecraft missions to other solar system bodies such as Mars and comets, in search of answers to such fundamental questions in non-terrestrial settings.


Exobiology Defined,Branch Members,Selected Research Groups

资源类型: L1.实验室/工作组

资源语种: eng

分类: 生物演化与发展 Biological Evolution and Development


资源网址: http://astrobiology.arc.nasa.gov/
题名[中]: NASA天体生物学
题名[英]: Astrobiology at NASA
关键词[中]: 新闻/路标/科学目标/技术/教育/研究院
关键词[英]: News/Roadmap/Science Goals/Technology/Education/Institute
创建者[英文名]: NASA
创建者电子邮件: webdesign@lists.arc.nasa.gov
国别: 美国



This is the website of Astrobiology, which provides overall information of astrobiology and related researches and other activities. It outlines these multiple pathways for research and exploration and indicates how they might be prioritized and coordinated, and provides the latest news and other relevant reports in this field, as well as links or introductions to NASA organizations or web pages. Moreover, this site also provides the information relating to astrobiology workshop and conferences, public policy issues, leadership forum, educations etc.


Latest News, Roadmap, Science Goals, Technologies, Missions, Workshops, Education, Societal Issues, Astrobiology Magazine, Astrobiology Institute, Our Web Awards, Media Center, Related Links, Public Policy, Questions, Search, Biology@NASA, Contacts

资源类型: S3.信息网/中心

资源语种: eng

分类: 生物演化与发展 Biological Evolution and Development


资源网址: http://www.mbl.edu/Astrobiology/
题名[中]: 伍兹霍尔海洋生物实验室太空生物学小组
题名[英]: Astrobiology at the Marine Biological Laboratory
关键词[中]: 太空生物学/基因型进化/表型进化/生命
关键词[英]: Astrobiology/Genotypic Evolution/Phenotypic Evolution/Life
创建者[英文名]: Marine Biological Laboratory
创建者地址[英]: 7 MBL Street,Woods Hole,Massachusetts 02543,USA
版权[英]: Marine Biological Laboratory
国别: 美国



This is the webpage of Astrobiology at the Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. This group seeks an understanding about the genotypic/phenotypic evolution of early life forms and how changing environments contributed to the development of complex systems in simple organisms. This work will be better prepared for future discoveries about extraterrestrial life that might come from sample return missions or exploration of other planets. This site offers introduction to their research projects and MBL Astrobiology Personnel.


Rsearch projects,Personnel

资源类型: L1.实验室/工作组

资源语种: eng

分类: 生物演化与发展 Biological Evolution and Development


资源网址: http://www.aao.gov.au/local/www/jab/astrobiology/
题名[中]: 澳洲太空生物学
题名[英]: Astrobiology Australasia
关键词[中]: 太空生物学/澳大利亚/新西兰/
关键词[英]: Astrobiology/Australia/New Zealand/Topic/
创建者[英文名]: Jeremy Bailey
创建者电子邮件: jab@aaoepp.aao.gov.au



This is the webpage of Astrobiology Australia. This page introduces the astrobiology research in Australia and New Zealand, and offers fundamental astrobiology topic information resources. Astrobiologists in Australia and New Zealand, glossary of astrobiology terms, as well asintroductions to books on astrobiology and important recent astrobiology papers by Australia/NZ scientists are available online. This site also provides useful links in this field.


What is Astrobiology,Highlights,Astrobiologists,Glossary,Links,Books,Publications

资源类型: S3.信息网/中心

资源语种: eng

分类: 生物演化与发展 Biological Evolution and Development


资源网址: http://www.astrobiology.ucla.edu/
题名[中]: IGPP太空生物学中心
题名[英]: IGPP Center for Astrobiology
关键词[中]: 太空生物学/行星/生命/进化/可居住性/研究
关键词[英]: Astrobiology/Planetary/Life/Evolution/Habitability/Research
创建者[英文名]: IGPP Center for Astrobiology
创建者地址[英]: Center for Astrobiology / IGPP, 3845 Slichter Hall, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1567
版权[英]: IGPP Center for Astrobiology
国别: 美国
出版者[英文名]: SpaceWander.com



This is a website of the UCLA Center for Astrobiology. The UCLA Center for Astrobiology was created in 1998. The Center for Astrobiology is one of five centers of the UCLA branch of the University of California-wide Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics (IGPP) and one of twelve lead teams comprising the NASA Astrobiology Institute (NAI). The UCLA Center for Astrobiology focuses on four themes: (1) Extrasolar Planetary Systems; (2)Habitability within the Solar System; (3) Earth's Early Environment and Life; (4) Evolution of Biological Complexity. This site provides an overall introduction to the center and their work.


Research, People, Facilities, Publications, Previous Activities, Prospective Grad Students, Education & Public Outreach, Links, About Us, Seminars, Directory, Site Map, Contact Us

资源类型: L.研究院/所

资源语种: eng

分类: 生物演化与发展 Biological Evolution and Development


资源网址: http://www.elsevier-deutschland.de/artikel/647567/
题名[中]: 生物多样性与进化
题名[英]: Organisms Diversity & Evolution
关键词[中]: 生物体/系统分类学/系统发生/进化
关键词[英]: Organisms/Systematics/Phylogenesis/Evolution
创建者[英文名]: Gesellschaft für Biologische Systematik (GfBS)
国别: 德国
出版者[英文名]: the Gesellschaft für Biologische Systematik



This is the web page of Organisms Diversity & Evolution. The journal publishes original, high-quality research papers of systematic, phylogenetic or evolutionary content on any organismal groups, recent or fossil, focuing on general aspects of systematic, phylogenetic and evolutionary research; review papers; purely taxonomic papers; papers relevant to biological systematics and related science politics. The webpage offers free table of contents, and abstracts since 2001.


Aims & scope, Audience, Editors, Societies, Abstracted/indexed in citation, Sample copy, Subscrption, Contacts, Links of interest, Table of contents, Full text, Order, Instructions to authors, ToC-alert, Science direct

资源类型: C.期刊

资源语种: eng

分类: 生物演化与发展 Biological Evolution and Development

收费: 部分收费


资源网址: http://uk.cambridge.org/journals ... ue.asp?mnemonic=IJA
题名[中]: 国际太空生物学杂志
题名[英]: International Journal of Astrobiology
关键词[中]: 生物学/古生物学/生命/太空生物学/生态系统
关键词[英]: Biology/Palaeontology/Life/Astrobiology/Ecosystems
版权[英]: Cambridge University Press
国别: 英国
出版者[英文名]: Cambridge University Press
出版者地址[英]: The Edinburgh Building Shaftesbury Road Cambridge CB2 2RU



This is the web page of International Journal of Astrobiology. The journal publishes original papers and review articles on cosmic prebiotic chemistry, planetary evolution, the search for planetary systems and habitable zones, origins, evolution and distribution of life, experimental simulation of extraterrestrial environments, life detection in our solar system and beyond, human expansion, ecosystems beyond Earth, intelligent life and societal aspects of astrobiology,.


Information of the journal, Editorial board, Instructions for contributors, Advertising rates, Links, Subscriptions

资源类型: C.期刊

资源语种: eng

分类: 生物演化与发展 Biological Evolution and Development

收费: 收费


资源网址: http://www.panspermia.org/
题名[中]: 宇宙祖先
题名[英]: Cosmic Ancestry
关键词[中]: 祖先/起源/进化/新闻/生命/测试
关键词[英]: Ancestry/Origin/ Evolution/News/Life/Tests
其他责任者[英]: Brig Klyce
其他责任者邮箱: bklyce@panspermia.org

该网的目的是提供有关宇宙祖先的参考信息源,并以此来帮助解释地球上生命起源和进化。该网站是一个非盈利性网站,创建于1996年,并且到现在几乎每日更新。该领域的最新新闻及报道可在\"What's NEW\"及其他相关网页中找到。随着时间的推移,这些网页都被存档。


The purpose of this website is to serve as a resource about Cosmic Ancestry, and to help establish it as a possible scientific account of the origin and development of life on Earth. The website is operated pro bono, without any revenue or profit motive. It was placed on the Internet in May 1996, and is updated almost daily. Minor updates are posted on the appropriate interior pages; more significant updates are posted on the \"What'sNEW\" page and crosslinked with relevant interior pages. As they age, \"What'sNEW\" pages are archived and indexed.


Introduction;What's news;Where does life comefrom?How does life evolve?Tests for cosmic ancestry

资源类型: P.参考信息源

资源语种: eng

分类: 生物演化与发展 Biological Evolution and Development


资源网址: http://www4.nationalacademies.org/onpi/webextra.nsf/web/mars
题名[中]: 火星生命探索
题名[英]: Examining the Evidence for Life on Mars
关键词[中]: 生命/火星/
关键词[英]: Life/Mars/
创建者[英文名]: The National Academvy of Sciences
国别: 美国
出版者[英文名]: The National Academies Office of News and Public Information Web group
出版者电子邮件: news@nas.edu



This is the web page of Examining the Evidence for Life on Mars. One of NASA's main goals in its exploration of the Red Planet is to return carefully chosen samples of surface material to Earth and study them for signs of life. The Quarantine and Certification of Mars Samples, a new report from the National Research Council, says that development of a new facility for isolating samples from Mars should begin as soon as possible to ensure that both the Earth's environment and the sample material are protected against possible contamination. This page offers related information, including press release, opening statement and how to order this report.


Press Release, Full Report,Opening Statement

资源类型: P.参考信息源

资源语种: eng

分类: 生物演化与发展 Biological Evolution and Development

累计评价: 目前没有对此资源的评价


资源网址: http://www.astrobiology.nl/
题名[中]: 太空生物学.荷兰
题名[英]: astrobiology.nl
关键词[中]: 太空生物学/空间计划/地外组织化学
关键词[英]: astrobiology/space projects/extraterrestrial organic chemistry
创建者电子邮件: pascale@strw.leidenuniv.nl
国别: 荷兰



This is the website of a Astrobiology Laboratory in Netherland..The research done by the members of the Astrobiology Group of the Leiden University spreads out over many different fields of interest,such as Molecules & dust in (extra)galactic environments、Ice chemistry in space、Organic chemistry in the interstellar medium and Solar System、Extraterrestrial organic chemistry、Laboratory Experiments、Comets、Mars、Research in microgravity etc.The web provides the information of their research and the members in the teams etc.


Astrobiology/Research&Space projects/The team/


资源类型: L1.实验室/工作组

资源语种: eng

分类: 生物演化与发展 Biological Evolution and Development


资源网址: http://aca.mq.edu.au/
题名[中]: 澳大利亚太空生物学中心
题名[英]: Australian Centre for Astrobiology
关键词[中]: 太空生物学/生命起源/微生物生态/
关键词[英]: Astrobiology/origin of life/microbial ecology
创建者[英文名]: Australian Centre for Astrobiology
创建者地址[中]: Australian Centre for Astrobiology Building E8C 153, Macquarie University, NSW 2109, Australia
国别: 澳大利亚
其他责任者[英]: Malcolm Walter
其他责任者邮箱: mwalter@els.mq.edu.au



This is the website of Australian Centre for Astrobiology(ACA). Based at Macquarie University Biotechnology Institute, the center includes astrobiologists from around Australia. The ACA is Australia's international member of the NASA Astrobiology Institute. The research of ACA focuses on the earliest life on earth, potential life elsewhere in the Solar System and other related subjects. The website offers related information including research, visitors, for students, seminars, links, contact us, news.


Research, Visitors, For students, Seminars, Links, Contact us, News

资源类型: L.研究院/所

资源语种: eng

分类: 生物演化与发展 Biological Evolution and Development


以上共 30 个网站,未完待续。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-18 11:08:45 | 显示全部楼层


资源网址(URLs): http://www.astrobiologi.nu/index.html
题名[中]: 瑞典太空生物学网络
题名[英]: Swedish Astrobiology Network
关键词[中]: 太空生物学/瑞典
关键词[英]: Astrobiology/Sweden
创建者[英文名]: The Swedish Astrobiology Network
国别: 瑞典



This is the website of the Swedish Astrobiology Network, a non-profit association of Swedish scientists which aims to promote astrobiology through activities such as interdisciplinary meetings and conferences, cooperative projects, interaction with sponsor agencies and other organisations, spreading information to the general public through seminars and media contacts. The website provides related information including members, conferences, newsletter, contact, publications, books & journals, education, organisations, related sites, and projects etc.


In Swedish, Home, About, Members, Conferences, Newsletter, Contact, Publications, Books & journals, Education, Supporting orgs, Organisations, Related sites, Projects.

资源类型: K.学会与组织

资源语种: eng

分类: 生物演化与发展 Biological Evolution and Development


资源网址(URLs): http://www.stat.rice.edu/%7Emathbio/astrobiology/index.html
题名[中]: 休斯顿太空生物学协会
题名[英]: Houston Astrobiology Consortium
关键词[中]: 休斯顿/太空生物学/
关键词[英]: Houston/Astrobiology/
创建者[英文名]: Houston Astrobiology Consortium
国别: 美国



The Houston Astrobiology Consortium (HAC) is a group of scientists and public collaborators in the Texas Gulf Coast area with research interests that contribute to the study of Astrobiology. Specialties include research areas such as chemical evolution, planetary biology, space science and medicine, and the origin and evolution of life. Beyond the scientific research interest of it's members, HAC is interested in promoting a vigorous outreach program for local Houstonians. This site offers related information, including members, events and useful links etc.


Members, Home, Events, Links

资源类型: K.学会与组织

资源语种: eng

分类: 生物演化与发展 Biological Evolution and Development


资源网址(URLs): http://kerouac.pharm.uky.edu/ASRG/CURRENT/J94/argus.htm
题名[中]: 肯塔基州大学分析光谱学研究组太空生物学网页
题名[英]: Astrobiology in the ASRG at the University of Kentucky
关键词[中]: 对外星智能的探索/太空生物学/对外星智能的探索软件设计资源
关键词[英]: SETI/extraterrestrial intelligence/astrobiology/source software projects for SETI
创建者[英文名]: Analytical Spectroscopy Research Group in the University of Kentucky
创建者电子邮件: asrg2@hotmail.com
国别: 美国



This is the website of Astrobiology in the Analytical Spectroscopy Research Group(ASRG) University of Kentucky. This web site is divided into five areas: Near-Infrared SETI、Microwave SETI、Open Source Software Projects for SETI、Data File Servers and discussion Groups、Archives and FAQ. It also provides information to student who are ready to participate in the search for signals from intelligent extra-terrestrial life.


Near-Infrared SETI/Microwave SETI/Open Source Software Projects for SETI/Data File Servers and Discussion Groups/Archives and FAQ/Information for Students

资源类型: H.讨论组/论坛

资源语种: eng

分类: 生物演化与发展 Biological Evolution and Development


资源网址(URLs): http://www.tufts.edu/as/wright_center/cosmic_evolution/
题名[中]: 宇宙进化
题名[英]: Cosmic Evolution
关键词[中]: 宇宙进化/微粒的/化学的/生物的/文化的/
关键词[英]: Cosmic Evolution/Particulate/chemical/biological/cultural/
创建者[英文名]: Wright Center at Tufts University
国别: 美国
其他责任者[英]: Eric J. Chaisson



This is an educational site based on a textbook that follows the evolution of the Universe "from big bang to humankind." Cosmic evolution is the study of many varied changes in the assembly and composition of energy, matter and life in the thinning and cooling Universe. Following the arrow of time, from origin to the present and beyond, this site depicts the major astrophysical, biochemical and cultural events during 8 major epochs.


Site Summary, Go to Epoch, Movies, Glossary, Search, Credits, Wright Center Home

资源类型: R4.科谱网站

资源语种: eng

分类: 生物演化与发展 Biological Evolution and Development


资源网址(URLs): http://seti.astrobio.net/
题名[中]: SETI版太空生物学杂志
题名[英]: Astrobiology Magazine: SETI Edition
关键词[中]: 数据库/档案库/陆地起源/极地生物/火星/流星和行星/太阳系外/星体演化/土星
关键词[英]: Datebases/Archive/Terrestrial origin/Extreme life/Mars/Planets/Meteors & comets/Extrasolar/Stellar evolution/Saturn
创建者[英文名]: NASA Official
创建者电子邮件: astronaut@astrobio.net
出版者[英文名]: Mobular Technologies, Inc.
出版者电子邮件: david@astrobio.net



This is a website of SETI Astrobiology Magazine. SETI Astrobiology Magazine provides datebases and archive of full texts on many topics on terrestrial origin, extreme life, Mars life, Giant planets, meteors & comets, new planets, extrasolar life, stellar evolution, saturn. The website offers image galleries, find-it, publications, multimedia, Related links.


Home, Science & research, Datasets & miages, Publications, Multimedia, Credits, Feedback, Related links, Sitemap.

资源类型: C.期刊

资源语种: eng

分类: 生物演化与发展 Biological Evolution and Development


资源网址(URLs): http://www.astrobio.net/news/
题名[中]: 太空生物学杂志
题名[英]: Astrobiology Magazine
关键词[中]: 生命/太阳系外/极地/巨大行星/火星/流星/彗星/小行星/发射/星体演化/陆地/气候/起源
关键词[英]: Life/Extrasolar/Extreme/Giant planets/Mars/Meteors/Comets/Asteroids/Missions/Stellar evolution/Terrestrial/Climate/Origins
创建者[英文名]: Mobular Technologies
国别: 美国
出版者[英文名]: Mobular Technologies



This is a website of Astrobiology Magazine. The magzine offers full articles on hot topics, inculding extrasolar life, extreme life, life and giant planets, Mars life, meteors, comets and asteroids, missions, new planets, stellar evolution, terrestrial climate history, terrestrial origins. The website provides datasets & images, publications, multimedia, credits, feedback, related links, sitemap.


Home, Science & research, Datasets & images, Publications, Multimedia, Credits, Feedback, Related links, Sitemap.

资源类型: C.期刊

资源语种: eng

分类: 生物演化与发展 Biological Evolution and Development


资源网址(URLs): http://arjournals.annualreviews.org/loi/ecolsys?cookieSet=1
题名[中]: 生态学、进化与系统学年评
题名[英]: Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics
关键词[中]: 生态学/系统学/进化
关键词[英]: Ecology/Systematics/Evolution
创建者[英文名]: Annual Reviews
创建者地址[英]: Annual Reviews, 4139 El Camino Way, P.O. Box 10139, Palo Alto, CA 94303-0139 USA
版权[英]: Annual Reviews
国别: 美国
出版者[英文名]: Annual Reviews
出版者地址[英]: Annual Reviews, 4139 El Camino Way, P.O. Box 10139, Palo Alto, CA 94303-0139 USA



This is the webpage for Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics. The journal provides systematic examinations of scholarly advances in ecology through critical authoritative reviews.


Home, Order, Browse, Search, Profile, Help, Contact Us

资源类型: C.期刊

资源语种: eng

分类: 生物演化与发展 Biological Evolution and Development
环境生物学与生物生态学 Environmental Biology and Ecology
水生生物生态学 Aquatic Ecology
寄生虫生态学 Parasite Ecology

收费: 部分收费


资源网址(URLs): http://www.kluweronline.com/issn/0022-0930/contents
题名[中]: 进化生物化学与生理学杂志
题名[英]: Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology
关键词[中]: 生理学/生物化学/形态学/药理学/病理生理学/生态生理学
关键词[英]: Physiology/ Biochemistry/Morphology/ Pharmacology/Pathophysiology/Ecological Physiology
创建者[英文名]: Kluwer Academic Publishers
创建者地址[英]: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, Ms. Siiri Lelumees, 233 Spring Street, New York 10013-1578 U.S.A.
版权[英]: Kluwer
国别: 荷兰
出版者[英文名]: Kluwer Academic Publishers
出版者地址[英]: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, Ms. Siiri Lelumees, 233 Spring Street, New York 10013-1578 U.S.A.



This is the homepage for Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology (Zhurnal evolyutsionnoi biokhimii i fiziologii). The jouranl accepts for publication experimental and theoretical papers, reviews and information about the problems concerning evolution of the main forms of metabolism in connection with life origin, about comparative and ontogenetic physiology and biochemistry, biochemical evolution of animal world, as well as papers connected with the problem of evolution of functions, and on morphology, pharmacology, pathophysiology and ecological physiology.The journal was founded in 1965.


About This Journal, Journal Contents, Subscribe, Editorial Board, Aims And Scope, Indexing And Abstracting

资源类型: C.期刊

资源语种: eng

分类: 生物演化与发展 Biological Evolution and Development

收费: 部分收费


资源网址(URLs): http://depts.washington.edu/astrobio/
题名[中]: 太空生物学计划
题名[英]: Astrobiology Program
关键词[中]: 起源/演化/生命/地球/太空生物学/星系/成分/行星/有机物质
关键词[英]: Origin/Evolution/Life/Earth/Astrobiology/Galaxy/Composition/Planets/Organic matter
创建者[英文名]: University of Washington
创建者电子邮件: astrobio@u.washington.edu
创建者地址[英]: Astrobiology Program Box 357242 University of Washington Seattle, WA 98195-7242
版权[英]: Astrobiology
国别: 美国
出版者[英文名]: University of Washington



This is the website of the Astrobiology Program. The Astrobiology Program at the University of Washington is a new community of scholars, investigators, and educators. Astrobiology at the University of Washington builds on the strengths of traditional academic structure to transcend the limits of specialization through the synergy of multidisciplinary cooperation in both research and education. The central research theme is the study of the extreme forms of microbial life on Earth (now and in the past) so as to inform the search for fossils or extant life at extraterrestrial sites. The website provides about us, graduate certificate, research, people, education & public outreach.


About us, Graduate certificate, Research, People, Education & public outreach, Support astrobiology

资源类型: K.学会与组织

资源语种: eng

分类: 生物演化与发展 Biological Evolution and Development
微生物学 Microbiology
医学微生物学 Medical Microbiology


资源网址(URLs): http://www.seti.org/
题名[中]: SETI 学院
题名[英]: SETI Institute
关键词[中]: 生命/外太空/文明/宇宙/本质/起源/研究/教育
关键词[英]: Life/Extraterrestrial/Civilizations/Universe/Nature/Origin/Research/Education
创建者[英文名]: SETI Institute
创建者地址[英]: SETI Institute 515 N. Whisman Road Mountain View, CA 94043
版权[英]: SETI Institute
国别: 美国
出版者[英文名]: SETI Institute
出版者电子邮件: webmaster@seti.org



This is the website of the SETI Institute. The SETI Institute is a private, nonprofit organization, founded in 1984. The purpose of the Institute is to conduct scientific research relevant to the origin, nature, prevalence, and distribution of life in the universe. This work includes two primary research areas: SETI and life in the universe. Concurrent with its research focus, the Institute strives to contribute to both formal and informal science education related to these fields of interest. The website offers publications,supports and shop so on.


Home, About us, Center for SETI research, Center for the study of life of the universe, Education & public outreach, Publications, Supports, Shop

资源类型: L.研究院/所

资源语种: eng

分类: 生物演化与发展 Biological Evolution and Development


资源网址(URLs): http://evolve.zoo.ox.ac.uk/
题名[中]: 牛津大学动物学系进化生物学研究组
题名[英]: Evolutionary Biology Group of Department of Zoology,University of Oxford
关键词[中]: 进化生物学/分子进化/流行病学/动物学/病毒/病原体/病毒性传染病
关键词[英]: Evolutionary Biology/Molecular Evolution/ Epidemiology/Zoology/Virus/Pathogen/Viral Infectious Disease
创建者[英文名]: Department of Zoology,University of Oxford
创建者地址[英]: Department of Zoology,University of Oxford,South Parks Road,Oxford OX1 3PS, U.K.
版权[英]: University of Oxford
国别: 英国
出版者[英文名]: Department of Zoology,University of Oxford
出版者地址[英]: Department of Zoology,University of Oxford,South Parks Road,Oxford OX1 3PS, U.K.



This is the website for the Evolutionary Biology Group of Department of Zoology, University of Oxford. The group is primarily dedicated to research about the evolution of viral infections and emerging diseases. Information about researcher, publications, software and links etc. is offered on the website.


Home, People, Research, Publications, Software, Data, Links

资源类型: M.大学院系

资源语种: eng

分类: 生物演化与发展 Biological Evolution and Development


资源网址(URLs): http://www.ifa.hawaii.edu/UHNAI/
题名[中]: 夏威夷大学太空生物学研究领导组
题名[英]: University of Hawaii Astrobiology Lead Team
关键词[中]: 水/形成/太阳系/陆地星球/作用/生命/星际物质
关键词[英]: Water/Formation/Solar system/Terrestrial planets/Role/Life/Interstellar medium
创建者[英文名]: University of Hawaii
版权[英]: University of Hawaii
国别: 美国
出版者[英文名]: University of Hawaii
出版者电子邮件: meech@ifa.hawaii.edu
出版者地址[英]: Institute for Astronomy 2680 Woodlawn Drive Honolulu, HI 96822



This is the website of University of Hawaii Astrobiology Lead Team. University of Hawaii Astrobiology Lead Team's theme is to trace the history of water from its formation in the ISM to incorporation in the solar system, how it reaches the terrestrial planets, and its role in life. The website offers UH team, UH collatorators, new postdocs, astrobio research discoveries, and links to NAI website and IfA homepage.


In the news, UH team, UH collatorators, New postdocs, Astrobio research discoveries, NAI website, IfA homepage.

资源类型: L1.实验室/工作组

资源语种: eng

分类: 生物演化与发展 Biological Evolution and Development


资源网址(URLs): http://www.laplace.arizona.edu/
题名[中]: 生命和行星太空生物学中心
题名[英]: Life and Planets Astrobiology Center
交替题名[英]: LAPLACE
关键词[中]: 教育/太空生物学/研究/起源/地球/行星/生命/宇宙
关键词[英]: Educational/Astrobiology/Research/Origin/Earth/Planets/Life/Universe
创建者[英文名]: LAPLACE Center, College of Science, the University of Arizona
创建者电子邮件: duplessi@as.arizona.edu
版权[英]: Arizona Board of Regents
国别: 美国



This is the website of the Life and Planets Astrobiology Center. The Life and Planets Astrobiology Center dedicates to educational programs and astrobiological research. The center researches on the origin of the earth and the known planets,origin of life on earth and in universe. The website offers calendar, news, the proposal, pictures, organization chart, publications/presentations, public interest, organizational links.


Home, Calendar, News, Program overview, The proposal, Pictures, Organization chart, Publications/presentations, Speaker request, Contact us, Public interest, organizational links

资源类型: L.研究院/所

资源语种: eng

分类: 生物演化与发展 Biological Evolution and Development


资源网址(URLs): http://www.biomedcentral.com/bmcevolbiol/about/
题名[中]: BMC进化生物学
题名[英]: BMC Evolutionary Biology
关键词[中]: 进化生物学/分子进化/生命体/系统学/古生物学
关键词[英]: Evolutionary Biology/Molecular Evolution/Organisms/Phylogenetics/Palaeontology. 
创建者[英文名]: BioMed Central
创建者地址[英]: BioMed Central Ltd, Current Science Group, Middlesex House, 34-42 Cleveland Street, London W1T 4LB, United Kingdom
版权[英]: BioMed Central Ltd
国别: 英国
出版者[英文名]: BioMed Central
出版者地址[英]: BioMed Central Ltd, Current Science Group, Middlesex House, 34-42 Cleveland Street, London W1T 4LB, United Kingdom



This is the website for BMC Evolutionary Biology. The journal publishes original research articles in all aspects of molecular and non-molecular evolution of all organisms, as well as phylogenetics and palaeontology. As an online journal, BMC Evolutionary Biology does not have issue numbers. Each volume corresponds to a calendar year.

资源类型: C.期刊

资源语种: eng

分类: 生物演化与发展 Biological Evolution and Development

收费: 免费


资源网址(URLs): http://irsps.sci.unich.it/
题名[中]: 行星科学国际研究学院
题名[英]: The International Research School of Planetary Sciences
交替题名[英]: IRSPS
关键词[中]: 行星/地质演化/火星/金星/人造卫星/地球/微生物群落/极地环境
关键词[英]: Planets/Geological evolution/Mars/Venus/Satellites/Earth/Microbial communities/Extreme enviroments
创建者[英文名]: IRSPS Universita' d'Annunzio
创建者电子邮件: seg.irsps@irsps.unich.it
创建者地址[英]: IRSPS Universita' d'Annunzio Viale Pindaro, 42 65127 Pescara Italia
国别: 意大利
出版者[英文名]: IRSPS Universita' d'Annunzio
出版者电子邮件: webmaster@sci.unich.it



This is the website of the International Research School of Planetary Sciences. The International Research School of Planetary Sciences is a non-profit, visiting organization devoted to research and post-graduate education, set up in 1998. The International Research School of Planetary Sciences researches on planets mainly dealing with the sub-disciplines of the geological evolution of Mars, Venus and Icy Satellites, various parts of the Earth, and microbial communities of extreme enviroments so on. The website offers news and events, graduate programme, course and workshop, our motto, planetary links.


About us, News and events, Research activities, Graduate programme, Course and workshop, Our motto, Planetary links, Intranet

资源类型: L.研究院/所

资源语种: eng

分类: 生物演化与发展 Biological Evolution and Development


资源网址(URLs): http://astrobiology.asu.edu/
题名[中]: ASU太空生物学项目
题名[英]: Astrobiology Program at ASU
交替题名[英]: Astrobiology Program at Arizona State University
关键词[中]: 生命/起源/演化/分布/太阳系/化石/化学
关键词[英]: Life/Origin/Evolution/Distribution/Solar system/Fossil/Chemistry
创建者[英文名]: Arizona State University
创建者地址[英]: Arizona State University Department of Geological Sciences, Astrobiology Program PO Box 871404 Tempe, AZ 85287-1404 480-965-0833 (F) 480-727-7196
版权[英]: Arizona Board of Regents
国别: 美国
出版者[英文名]: Arizona State University



This is the website of Astrobiology Program at ASU. Beginning in the fall of 1998,ASU's Astrobiology Program is an interdisciplinary program of study and research. ASU's contribution to the Astrobiology is the origin, evolution and distribution of life in the solar system. The primary areas of research are broken down into three major categories: prebiotic chemistry and the origin of living systems, evolution and the fossil record, exploring for life in the solar system. The website offers focus groups, astrobiology press, outreach, calender, contact us.


Program overview, Research & result, Focus groups, Astrobiology press, Outreach, Calender, Contact us

资源类型: G.项目/计划

资源语种: eng

分类: 生物演化与发展 Biological Evolution and Development


资源网址(URLs): http://www.astrobiologia.pl/
题名[中]: 太空生物学及相关主题的高级研究中心
题名[英]: Centre for Advanced Studies in Astrobiology and Related Topics
交替题名[英]: CASA
关键词[中]: 生命/宇宙/起源/分布/演化/行星/结构/极地条件/分子/离子辐射
关键词[英]: Life/Universe/Origin/Distribution/Evolution/Planets/Structure/Extreme conditions/Molecules/Ionizing radiation
创建者[英文名]: CASA
版权[英]: CASA
国别: 波兰
出版者[英文名]: CASA
出版者电子邮件: szusz@univ.szczecin.pl



This is the website of the Centre for Advanced Studies in Astrobiology and Related Topics. The Centre for Advanced Studies in Astrobiology and Related Topics is the first organization in Poland devoted to astrobiology. CASA concerns with origin, distribution and evolution of life in the Universe, such as search for extrasolar planets, origin, structure, and evolution of planetary systems, search for life under extreme conditions, and effects of ionizing radiation on organic and inorganic molecules so on. The website offers research teams, organizational structure, links, news.


Home, Research teams, Projects, Organizational structure, Links, News, Members area.

资源类型: L.研究院/所

资源语种: eng

分类: 生物演化与发展 Biological Evolution and Development


资源网址(URLs): http://www.uark.edu/misc/csaps/
题名[中]: 阿肯色州-俄克拉荷马州空间和行星科学中心
题名[英]: Arkansas-Oklahoma Center for Space and Planetary Sciences
关键词[中]: 空间/行星/地质/火星/天文物体/太阳系/起源/生命
关键词[英]: Space/Planet/Gology/Mars/Astronomical object/Solar system/Origins/Life
创建者[英文名]: Arkansas-Oklahoma Center for Space and Planetary Sciences
创建者电子邮件: csaps@uark.edu
创建者地址[英]: Arkansas-Oklahoma Center for Space and Planetary Sciences niversity of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701, USA
国别: 美国
出版者[英文名]: Arkansas-Oklahoma Center for Space and Planetary Sciences
出版者电子邮件: csaps@uark.edu



This is the website of Arkansas-Oklahoma Center for Space and Planetary Sciences. Arkansas-Oklahoma Center for Space and Planetary Sciences, at the University of Arkansas and Oklahoma State University, contributes to education and research in space and planetary sciences. The center researches on geological processes on planetary surfaces, the nature and abundance of other astronomical objects and their relationship to Mars,other planets in the solar system and the origins of life, instruments and engineering for possible use on Mars, biological investigations of life on Mars. The website offers news, campaign for space, facilities, people, seminars and lectures, meetings and workshops, contact information.


Home, The center in the news, Campaign for space, Research, Facilities, People, For students, For educators, Seminars and lectures, Meetings and workshops, Contact information

资源类型: L.研究院/所

资源语种: eng

分类: 生物演化与发展 Biological Evolution and Development


资源网址(URLs): link.springer-ny.com/link/service/journals/00427/
题名[中]: 发育基因和进化
题名[英]: Development Genes and Evolution
关键词[中]: 发育多样性/进化/原基分布图/神经系统发育
关键词[英]: Developmental Diversity/Evolution/Fate Maps/Neural Development
创建者[英文名]: Springer-Verlag Heidelberg
创建者地址[英]: Springer-Verlag Heidelberg, Tiergartenstr. 17, D-69121 Heidelberg, Germany
版权[英]: Springer-Verlag Heidelberg
国别: 德国
出版者[英文名]: Springer-Verlag Heidelberg
出版者地址[英]: Springer-Verlag Heidelberg, Tiergartenstr. 17, D-69121 Heidelberg, Germany

这是《发育基因和进化》杂志的首页。该刊前身是Wilhelm Roux于1890年建立的《Roux发育生物学文档》,它最初主要是为了促进实验胚胎学的发育而创立。其刊载内容包括动植物领域在系统、细胞和分子水平上实验工作,涉及到发育多样性和进化;无脊椎动物、脊椎动物和植物中的基因模式;轴模式、胚胎感应和原基分布图;神经系统发育和细胞族;形态遗传运动和细胞表面等。


This is the homepage for Development Genes and Evolution. The journal is a continuation of "Roux's Archives of Development Biology" and, as such, it follows the tradition initiated by Wilhelm Roux, who founded the journal in 1890 as a forum for the exchange of ideas to promote experimental embryology. The change of name to Development Genes and Evolution manifests the journal's new, broader scope. The journal reports on experimental work at the systemic, cellular and molecular levels in the field of animal and plant systems,covering aspects of the following topics: Developmental diversity and evolution; Genes and pattern formation in invertebrates, vertebrates and plants ; Axial patterning, embryonic induction and fate maps; Neural development and cell lineages; Morphogenetic movements and the cell surface, etc.

资源类型: C.期刊

资源语种: eng

分类: 生物演化与发展 Biological Evolution and Development
发育生物学(普通胚胎学) Developmental Biology (General Embryology)

收费: 部分收费


资源网址(URLs): http://www.seti.org/litu/
题名[中]: 宇宙生命研究中心
题名[英]: The Center for the Study of Life in the Universe
关键词[中]: 生命/宇宙/起源/演化/分布/空间/地球
关键词[英]: Life/Universe/Origin/Evolution/Distribution/Space/Earth
创建者[英文名]: SETI Institute
创建者地址[中]: SETI Institute 515 N. Whisman Road Mountain View, CA 94043
版权[英]: SETI Institute
国别: 美国
出版者[英文名]: SETI Institute
出版者地址[英]: SETI Institute 515 N. Whisman Road Mountain View, CA 94043



This is the website of the Center for the Study of Life in the Universe. The Center for the Study of Life in the Universe at SETI institute, focuses on a wide set of disciplines ranging from origin, evolution and distribution of life in the depths of outer space to studies of Earth. The website offers projects, the principal investigators.


Overview, Projects, Meet our principal investigators

资源类型: L.研究院/所

资源语种: eng

分类: 生物演化与发展 Biological Evolution and Development


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